The Human Breast |
Supervised Classification of Mammograms Using Association
Rules |
An Applied Comparative Study on Active Contour Models in
Mammographic Image Segmentatio |
Classification and Segmentation of Mammogram Images |
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Lesions on Sonograms:
Automatic Boundary Delineation and Nearly Setting-Independent
Morphological Features |
Clinical Assessment of Breast Lesions Using Skin Surface
Electropotentials: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Clinical
Trial of the Biofield Diagnostic System |
PART 2: Performance Evaluation of Breast
Cancer Diagnosis |
Mammogrphic, Sonography Features on Breast Cancer:
Performance Evaluation |
Performance Evaluation of Doppler Sonography in Breast
Cancer Diagnosis |
Image Quality Assessment and Dose Optimization-Performance
Evaluation Strategies for Mammography |
Performance Evaluation of Thermal Imager as a Potential
Compliment Breast Cancer Detection Tool |
Quantitation of Mammographic Density |
PART 3: Breast Cancer
Diagnosis Using Thermal Data |
Wavelet-Based Thermal Image Classification for Breast
Screening and Other Medical Applications |
Thermal Infrared Imaging in the Diagnosis of the Breast
Cancer: Facts and Fictions |
Study of Boundary Element Methodology With Bioheat Equation
for Breast Lump Application |
Performance Evaluation of Data Mining Techniques for Breast
Cancer Detection With Statistical Features and Actual
Temperature Data as Inputs: A Comparative Study |
Dicom Standard for Breast Thermal Imaging |
Minimally Invasive Thermal Ablation of Breast Cancer, And
Imaging Assessment for Tumour Response After Ablation |
PART 4: Simulation and Data
Handling Applications |
Robot Assisted Breast Cancer Surgery |
FEM of Bioheat Transfer for Cryosurgery of Tumor |
Transmission of Breast Images With Patient Information: A
Comparative Study |
Computational Simulation of Breast Tumour Detection Using
Biopotential Analogy |
Techniques and Assessment of Breast Cancer Imaging in Small
Animals |