by Hari Singh Nalwa, USA Formerly of Hitachi
Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., JAPAN |
2002 ca. 300 pages, Hardcover ISBN: 1-58883-000-4
US$395.00 |
Nanostructures is the first and only reference source
ever published to bring together all aspects of magnetic
nanostructures for a wide range of readers. A dramatic increase in
research activities on nanostructured magnetic materials and their
based industrial applications has created a great demand for a
reference source in this area. This book covers highly useful
overview of specific topics related to nanostructured magnetic
materials, their preparative methods, processing into nanoscale
multilayers, thin films, particles, wires and dots, spectroscopic
characterization, micro/nanostructures, physical properties and
potential industrial-oriented applications such as magnetic data
storage, magnetic sensors, magnetic tunnel junctions, random access
memories, spintronic devices, etc. The contributing authors are from
the top-notch academic and industrial institutions worldwide. This
book has about 3,000 bibliographic citations and hundreds of
illustrations, figures, tables and equations. Drawing on all current
research advances and emerging technologies, this book is a definite
reference source for beginners, general readers and specialists
working on magnetic nanostructures and their based devices,
magnetism and magnetic materials, materials science, solid-state
physics, nanotechnology, electronic and optical engineering,
magnetic data storage and information technology. This book will be
an essential reference to a variety of individuals, research groups,
libraries in universities and research institutions around the
world. |
- Magnetic
Semiconductor Nanostructures, W. Heimbrodt and P. J. Klar,
- Magnetic
Nanostructures for Future Magnetic Data Storage, Axel Carl
and Eberhard F. Wassermann, Germany
- Structure and
Magnetic Properties of Chemically Ordered Magnetic Binary Alloys
in Thin
Film Form, Alfonso Cebollada, Spain;
R. F. C. Farrow and M. F. Toney, USA
- Macroscopic
Magnetic Properties of Nanostructures and Nanocomposite Systems,
M. Solzi,
M. Ghidini and G. Asti, Italy
- Theory of
Brillouin Cross Section from Magnetic Nanostructured
Multilayers, R. Zivieri,
L. Giovannini, and P.
Vavassori, Italy
- Dynamics of
Nanostructured Magnets, Robert Stamps, Australia
- Off-axis Electron
Holography of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials, Rafal
and Martha R. McCartney, UK
- Microstructures
and Properties of Nanocrystalline and Nanogranular Magnetic
Materials, K. Hono
and M. Ohnuma, Japan
- Hybrid
Organic-Inorganic Nanostructured Magnets, Mihai A. Gîrtu,
- Preparation,
Structure and Properties of Magnetic Nanocomposite Films, H.
and S. P. Wong, Hong Kong, China
- Micromagnetics of
Nanoparticles and Nanoshaped Magnetic Elements,
L. Whittenburg, USA
- Magnetic and
Magneto-transport Properties of Nanostructured Wires and Dots,
Teruya Shinjo, Japan
- First and only reference source ever
published on all latest and emerging research aspects of
magnetic nanostructures.
- Provides comprehensive coverage of the
hottest topics related to nanostructured magnetic materials,
their preparative methods, processing into nanoscale
multilayers, thin films, particles, wires and dots,
spectroscopic characterization, microstructures, physical
properties and potential industrial applications in magnetic
data storage, magnetic sensors, spintronic devices, etc.
- Twelve state-of-the-art review chapters
written by world-renowned experts from both industry and
- About 3,000 bibliographic citations and
hundreds of illustrations, figures, tables and equations.
- Each chapter is fully cross-referenced
introducing some of the most important nanotechnologies under
development today.
- A perfect multidisciplinary reference
source for scientists, researchers, upper-level undergraduate
and graduate students, college and university professors, and
practitioners working in the field of magnetism and magnetic
materials, nanotechnology, materials science, solid-state
physics, electrical and electronics engineering, optical
engineering, surface science, magnetic data storage and
information technology. This book is very useful reference
source for the libraries in universities and industrial
institutions, governments and independent institutes, individual
research groups and scientists working in the field of magnetism
and magnetic materials.