by Mark A. Reed and Takhee Lee Department of
Electrical Engineering, Yale University, USA |
2003 411 pages, Hardcover ISBN: 1-58883-006-3
US$395.00 |
Nanoelectronics is the first and sole reference source
ever published to have overviews of nanoelectronics based on the
nanometer scale building blocks such as organic molecules,
nanoparticles, nanocrystals, nanotubes and nanowires. This book
covers topics on transport theory through nanostructures,
processing, self-assembly, device fabrication, and architecture for
the nanoelectronic device applications. The state-of-the-art
chapters are written by leading experts from academia and
industries. It contains about 2,000 bibliographic citations and
hundreds of illustrations, figures, tables, chemical structures and
equations. Each review chapter is fully cross-referenced introducing
some of the most important breakthroughs in molecular nanoelectronic
technologies under development today. By introducing all latest
research progresses in the molecular nanoelectronics, this book will
be a valuable reference to the researchers in solid-state physics,
materials science, electrical and electronic engineering, chemistry,
and individuals who are interested in the newly emerging field of
nanoelectronics. It could be used for a one-semester graduate course
in molecular nanoelectronics. |
- Molecular Wire Conductance: Some Theoretical
and Computational Aspects, A. Troisi
and M. A. Ratner,
- Unimolecular Electrical Rectifiers, R. M.
Metzger, USA
- Molecular Electronic Devices, J. Chen, T.
Lee, J. Su, W. Wang, M. A. Reed, A. M. Rawlett, M. Kozaki, Y.
Yao, R. C. Jagessar, S. M. Dirk, D. W. Price, J. M. Tour, D. S.
Grubisha, and D. W. Bennett, USA
- Nanoscale Device Modeling, P. S. Damle,
A. W. Ghosh, and S. Datta, USA
- Gated Molecular Devices Using Self-Assembled
Monolayers, D. Abusch-Magder, Z. Bao, A. Erbe, H. Meng, and
N. Zhitenev, USA
- Controlling and Measuring Molecular-Scale
Properties for Molecular Nanoelectronics,
R. K. Smith
and P. S. Weiss, USA
- Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Devices and
Integrated Systems, X. Liu, C. Lee, S. Han, C. Li,
C. Zhou, USA
- Nanowire Nanoelectronics Assembled from the
Bottom-Up, X. Duan, Y. Huan, Y. Cui,
and C. M. Lieber,
- Nanoparticles: Building Blocks for Functional
Nanostructures, C. Radloff, C. E. Moran,
J. B.
Jackson, and N. J. Halas, USA
- Molecular- and Nanocrystal-Based
Photovoltaics, L. Swafford and S. J. Rosenthal, USA
- Organic Thin Film Transistors, H. Klauk
and T. N. Jackson, USA
- Organic and Polymeric Light Emitting Devices,
M. DIorio and Y. Tao, Canada
- Molecules, Gates, Circuits, and Computers,
S. C. Goldstein and M. Budiu, USA