Handbook of
Photochemistry and Photobiology
and Fluctuations Control in Electronic Devices
by Alexander
A. Balandin University of California at Riverside,
California, USA |
2002 411 pages, Hardcover ISBN: 1-58883-005-5
US$399.00 |
and Fluctuations Control in Electronic Devices is the
first single reference source to bring together the latest aspects
of noise research for a wide range of multidisciplinary audiences.
The goal of this book is to give an update of state-of-the-art in
this interdisciplinary field, while focusing on new trends in
electronic device noise research. Such new trends include
investigation of noise in electronic devices based on novel
materials, effects of the downscaling on the device noise
performance, fluctuations and noise control in nanodevices,
effective methods of noise control and suppression, etc. In
addition, the book presents a historic overview of the development
of the kinetic theory of fluctuation, essential for understanding of
the present state-of-the art. This book contains 18 state-of-the-art
review chapters written by 33 internationally renowned experts from
15 countries. This book has about 1,500 bibliographical citations
and hundreds of illustrations, figures, tables and equations. This
book is a definite reference source for students, scientists,
engineers, and specialists both in academia and industry working in
such different fields as electronic and optoelectronic devices,
electrical and electronic engineering, solid-state physics,
nanotechnology, wireless communication, telecommunication, and
semiconductor device technology. |
- An Overview of the Development
the Kinetic Theory of Fluctuations, Ramunas Katilius,
- Generation Recombination Noise in
Semiconductors, V. Mitin, USA; L. Reggiani, Italy;
L. Varani, France
- Transport and Noise in Mesoscopic
Conductors: A Conservative View, Frederick Green
Mukunda P. Das, Australia
- Low-Frequency Noise in GaN-Based
Field-Effect Transistors, M. E. Levinshtein, Russia;
A. A. Balandin, USA; S. L. Rumyantsev, USA; and S. M. Shur, USA
- Material Processing and Low Frequency
Excess Noise in GaN Thin Films and Devices, C. Surya,
W. K. Fong and B. H. Leung, Hong Kong, China
- 1/f Noise in Polycrystalline Thin Film
Transistors, A. Mercha, France; R. Carin, France;
A. Dimitriadis, Greece; G. Fortunato,Italy; and J. Brini, France
- Noise Issues in Cold Cathodes for Vacuum
Microelectronic Applications, Marc Cahay,
Jensen, and Paul von Allmen, USA
- Low-Frequency Noise Performance of
Scaled Deep Submicron Metal-Oxide
Semiconductor Devices,
E. Simon and C. Claeys, Belgium
- Low-Frequency Noise in Advanced Si-Based
Bipolar Junction Transistors and Circuits,
Sanden, Sweden and M. Jamal Deen, Canada
- Random Telegraph Signals in Deep
Submicron Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
Transistors, Zeynep Celik-Butler and Nuditha Vibhavie
Amarasinghe, USA
- Hot-Electron Noise in III-V
Semiconductor Structures for Ultrafast Devices, Arvydas
and Ilona Matulioniene, Lithuania
- Sub-Poissonian Recombination Noise in
Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Semiconductor Junctions,
J. Edwards, Australia
- Noise Modeling and Measurement
Techniques in Deep Submicron Silicon on Insulator Devices,
Francois Danneville and Gilles Dambrine, France
- Impedance Field Noise Simulations of
Silicon Devices Operating Under DC and AC Steady State
Conditions, Derek O. Martin, Fan-Chi Hou, Juan E. Sanchez
and Gijs Bosman, USA
- Monte Carlo Calculations of Shot-Noise
in Mesoscopic Structures, Tomas Gonzalez, Spain
- Sources of Lorentzian Components in the
Low-Frequency Noise Spectra of Submicron MOSFETs,
B. Lukyanchikova, Ukraine
- Low Frequency Noise in Nanomaterials and
Nanostructures, Mihai N. Mihaila, Romania
- Noise in Nanodevices, S.
Bandhyopadhyay, A. Svizhenko and M. Cahay, USA
- First and only reference source to cover latest and emerging
research aspects of noise in electronic devices.
- Covers noise issues on electronic devices based on novel
materials such as GaN, silicon-on insulator, polycrystalline
thin films, carbon nanotubes, etc.
- Addresses the effect of electronic device downscaling on
noise performance from many different angles.
- Provides comprehensive coverage of the hottest topics related
to noise and fluctuations in electronic devices.
- Presents methods of noise control and suppression in deep
submicron and nanoscale devices.
- 18 state-of-the-art review chapters written by world-renowned
experts from academia and industry.
- A valuable reference source for students, researchers,
engineers, specialists, and college and university professors
working in the field of electronics, optoelectronics, wireless
and telecommunications, electrical and electronic engineering,
solid-state physics, device engineering, materials science,
nanotechnology, thin films and semiconductor technology, etc.