Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Edited by
R. S. Chaughule, India; R. V. Ramanujan,
Singapore |
2010 420 pages, Hardcover IISBN: 1-58883-180-9 US$399.00 |
constitute a crucial and technology intensive area of research and
development in the burgeoning field of nanotechnology. The
attraction of nanoparticles lies in the myriad attractive
characteristics which can be achieved by reducing suitable materials
from the bulk to the nanometer size, these characteristics ranging
from increased surface/volume ratio to novel quantum confinement
effects. Examples of property enhancements include magnetic,
optical, biosensing, thermoelectric, semiconducting, catalytic,
energy storage and thermal properties. Industries that are
interested in novel nanoparticles include data storage, plasmonic,
photonic, microelectronic, energy, pharmaceutical, biomedical, and
cosmetics. An interesting aspect of nanoparticles is the wide range
of materials classes in which nanoparticles are useful including
semiconductor, dielectric, metallic, ceramic, composite and polymer
nanoparticles. The unconventional and highly interesting topic
dealing with nanoparticles in cosmetics such as whitening agents,
moisturizers and antiaging products, toxicology issues is also
discussed. The book is organized according to the type of material
including magnetic nanoparticles, followed by nanoparticles for
biomedicine, oxide nanoparticles, and particles for actuation,
sensing and cosmetics. The book is written by leading experts in the
field. |
Nanostructures Obtained by Laser Ablation in Liquids: From
Basics to Applications |
One-Dimensional Metal-Oxide Nanostructures: Synthesis,
Characterization, and Applications |
Surface Plasmon of Metal Nanoparticles: Theory and Sensing
Applications |
Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles |
Magnetic Clusters and Nanoparticles |
Electromechanical Actuation of Nanofluids |
Nanoparticle Applications for Environmental Control and
Remediation |
Mesoporous Oxide Layers Applied to Advanced Energy
Conversion Methods |
Bi2(Te, Se)3 Nanowire Array Composites as Thermal Energy
Harvesters |
Carbon Nanotubes: Prospects for Tissue Engineering,
Therapeutics, and Medical Diagnostics |
Polymeric Nanofiber Constructs in Drug Delivery and Tissue
Engineering |
Polymeric Nanoparticles for Targeted Release of
Conventional and Macromolecular Drugs (Preparation and
Characterization Aspects) |
Applications of Nanoparticles for Molecular Targeting and
Selective Destruction of Breast Cancer Cells |
Dendrimers as Drug Carriers |
Nanotechnology in Drug Administration and Food |
Applications of Nanosystems in Cosmetics |
And much more
.. |
valuable reference source for students, researchers, college and
university professors, and specialists working in the fields of
nanoparticle technology, surface science, chemistry, nanotechnology,
solid-state physics, materials science, polymer science, colloid
science, environmental science, pharmacy, biotechnology, drug
delivery, etc.
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