of Polyelectrolytes and Their Applications
by Hari Singh Nalwa Formerly of Hitachi Research
Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., JAPAN |
2002 ca. 1200 pages, Hardcover ISBN: 1-58883-002-0
US$998.000 |
Professor Alan G. MacDiarmid, Nobel
Prize Laureate in Chemistry |
"This Handbook contains 36 state-of-the-art chapters,
contributed by more than 60 leading scientists active in the field
and provides a comprehensive resource for researchers both in
academic and corporate laboratories. These volumes should prove to
be an exceptionally valuable reference for graduate students and
researchers who want to be familiarize themselves with the field
of polyelectrolytes, as well as to the experts."
Professor Alan G.
MacDiarmid, Nobel Prize Laureate |
of Polyelectrolytes and Their Applications is the first
major reference source to provide complete coverage of
polyelectrolytes, which is a rapidly growing multidisciplinary field
of research. To date there is no single reference source in the area
of polyelectrolytes, this handbook aims to fill this existing gap.
This three-volume set, is the first comprehensive handbook ever
published bringing under a single cover all aspects of
polyelectrolytes, their chemical synthesis, spectroscopic
characterization, fabrication, processing into multilayers,
self-assemblies, thin films and nanostructures, physical properties,
solution behavior, theoretical models and industrial applications of
polyelectrolytes currently studied in academic and industrial
research. This handbook contains more than 6,000 bibliographic
citations and thousands of illustrations, figures, tables and
equations. Three-volume set contains 36 state-of-the-art review
chapters written by over 60 internationally renowned experts from 12
countries. This handbook has been divided into three thematic
volumes: |
1: Polyelectrolyte-Based Multilayers, Self-Assemblies and
Nanostrutures |
- Chapter 1. Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte-Based Thin
Films for Electronic
and Photonic Applications
- Chapter 2. Polyelectrolytes at Solid Surfaces:
Multilayers and Brushes
- Chapter 3. Polyelectrolyte Layer-by-Layer
Self-Assembled Multilayers Containing
Azobenzene Dyes
- Chapter 4. Nanostructured Hybrid Ultrathin Films of
Polyelectrolytes, Lipids, and Enzymes Prepared by Alternate
Layer-by-Layer Adsorption
- Chapter 5. Layered Nanohybrids of Polyelectrolytes
and Inorganic Materials Prepared by Alternate Layer-by-Layer
- Chapter 6. PolyelectrolyteAmphiphile Complexes:
Their Nanostructured Assemblies and Molecular Films
- Chapter 7. Supramolecular Assemblies of Natural and
Synthetic Polyelectrolytes
- Chapter 8. Smart Materials Using Signal-Responsive
- Chapter 9. Polyelectrolyte Brushes
- Chapter 10. Stepwise Polymeric Stereocomplex Assembly
on Surfaces
- Chapter 11. Novel Nanosheet Crystallites and Their
Layer-by-Layer Assemblies
- Chapter 12. Structures of Self-Assembled Thin Films
and Polyelectrolyte Composites Studied by Surface-Sensitive
Scattering Techniques
- Chapter 13. ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy at Polyelectrolyte
Multilayer Systems
- Chapter 14. Internal Structure of Polyelectrolyte
2: Polyelectrolytes, Their Characterization and Polyelectrolyte
Solutions |
- Chapter 1. Amphiphilic Polyelectrolytes
- Chapter 2. Formation and Electronic Properties of
Polyaniline-Based Polyelectrolytes
- Chapter 3. Determination of Molar Masses of
- Chapter 4. Characterization of Polyelectrolytes by
Dynamic Laser Light Scattering
- Chapter 5. Study of Polyion Counterion Interaction by
Electrochemical Methods
- Chapter 6. Determination of Effective Size and Charge
of Polyelectrolytes
by Diffusion and Electophorosis Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance (NMR
- Chapter 7. Controllable Association of Ion-Containing
Polymers in Dilute Solution
- Chapter 8. PolyelectrolyteSurfactant
- Chapter 9. Structure and Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte
- Chapter 10. Depletion Interactions Produced by
Nonadsorbing Polyelectrolytes
- Chapter 11. Multiporphyrin Self-Assembled Arrays in
Solutions and Films: Thermodynamics, Spectroscopy, and
3: Applications of Polyelectrolytes and Theoretical Models |
- Chapter 1. Application of Polyelectrolytes in Ionic
Polymeric Sensors and Artificial Muscles
- Chapter 2. Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes
and Polyelectrolyte Block-Copolymers
for Biomedical
- Chapter 3. Ion Exchange Resins and Other
Polyelectrolytes for Controlled Drug Delivery
- Chapter 4. Composite Polyelectrolyte Self-Assembled
Films for Sensor Applications
- Chapter 5. Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Systems in
Membrane Applications
- Chapter 6. Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Membranes for
Materials Separation
- Chapter 7. Nanostructures of PolyelectrolyteSurfactant
Complexes and Their Applications
- Chapter 8. Characterization of Proteinic Coacervate
Formation: From Primeval Cell Model
to Bifunctionality
- Chapter 9. Phase Separation in Microion Systems
- Chapter 10. Polyelectrolyte Models in Theory and
- Chapter 11. Computer Simulations of Polyelectrolyte
- Most up-to-date reference work summarizing
two decades of pioneering research in polyelectrolytes.
- A unique source of in-depth knowledge of all
aspects of the chemistry, materials science, polymer science,
physics of polyelectrolytes.
- Inspire chemists and material scientists to
design and build polyelectrolyte-based multilayers,
self-assembled films and nanostructures.
- Contains 36 state-of-the-art review chapters
written by over 60 internationally renowned experts from 12
- Over 6,000 bibliographic citations and
thousands of illustrations, figures, tables and equations.
- Fully cross-referenced, this book has a wide
appeal as an essential reference source long due for the
scientific community.
- A perfect multidisciplinary reference
source for scientists, researchers, upper-level undergraduate
and graduate students, college and university professors, and
practitioners working in the field of polyelectrolytes, polymer
science, materials science, chemistry, physics, biopolymers,
surface science, colloidal science, computational engineering,
nanoscience and nanotechnology, membrane science, drug delivery,
sensors, and other applications. The 3-volume set is very useful
reference source for the libraries in universities and
industrial institutions, governments and independent institutes,
individual research groups and scientists working in the field
of polyelectrolytes.
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