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2, Number 4 (December 2013) pp.245-331 |
ARTICLES Navistor-Passive
Circuit Design R. Uthayakumar, A.
Nalayini Devi, and G. Rengarajan J. Adv. Phys.
2, 245-253 (2013) [Abstract]
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Elemental Analysis of Some Rock
Samples from Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India S.
Mullainathan and S. Nithiyanantham J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 254-259 (2013) [Abstract]
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Thin Films Produced by Thermal Evaporation for Solar
Cell Applications H. Izadneshan and V. F.
Gremenok J. Adv. Phys. 2, 260-264 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Ag Incorporation on
the Correlation Between Pre-Exponential Factor and
Activation Energy of Thermally Activated High
Field Conduction in Ge20Se80
Alloy A. Srivastava, V. S. Kushwaha, and
N. Mehta J. Adv. Phys. 2, 265-269 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical Studies of
Poly(ethylene oxide)-Sodium Perchlorate Composite for
Battery Application H. Kunteppa, H. G.
Harish Kumar, Ameena Parveen, Koppalkar. R. Anilkumar,
and Aashis. S. Roy J. Adv. Phys. 2, 270-275
(2013) [Abstract]
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X-Ray Study of Strained
Aluminium Powders E. Purushotham J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 276-278 (2013) [Abstract]
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X-Ray Determination of Mean
Square Amplitudes of Vibration and Associated Debye
Temperatures of Rare Earth Hexagonal Close Packed
Elements of Nd, Gd and Tb E. Purushotham J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 279-281 (2013) [Abstract]
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Growth, Dislocations and
Microhardness Studies on Glycine Hydrofluoride
Nonlinear Optical Single Crystal Ch.
Sateesh Chandra, D. Nagaraju, T. Thirumal Rao, P. V.
Raja Shekar, and N. Gopi Krishna J. Adv. Phys.
2, 282-284 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Approach for Analytical
Modeling of Modification of Porosity of Materials
Heterostructure Under Influence Mechanical Stress
E. A. Bulaeva and E. L. Pankratov J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 285-291 (2013) [Abstract]
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Manufacturing of Planar
Field-Effect Heterotransistors with Decreasing Their
Dimensions and Simplification of Their
Constructions E. L. Pankratov and E. A.
Bulaeva J. Adv. Phys. 2, 292-295 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Oscillatory Open Circuit
Potential: Experimental Evidence for Phase-Separating
of LiFePO4 Hua Ju, Jun Wu,
and Yanhui Xu J. Adv. Phys. 2, 296-298 (2013) [Abstract]
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Calculation of
Gravitoelectromagnetism Force for the Static
Spherically Symmetric Spacetime Morteza
Yavari J. Adv. Phys. 2, 299-301 (2013) [Abstract]
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Runge-Lenz-Pauli Operator in
Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics Morteza
Yavari J. Adv. Phys. 2, 302-305 (2013) [Abstract]
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Microhardness and Debye
Temperatures of Some HCP Metals E.
Purushotham J. Adv. Phys. 2, 306-307 (2013) [Abstract]
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Manganese Doping Effects in
Layered Na1.85Li0.10K0.05Ti3O7
Ceramic: A.C. Conductivity and
Dielectric-spectroscopic Studies Rakesh
Singh and Shripal J. Adv. Phys. 2, 308-314
(2013) [Abstract]
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Effects of Low Iron Doping on
Dielectric and A.C. Conductivity in Layered Sodium
Tri-Titanate Shripal, Shailja Dwivedi,
and Rakesh Singh J. Adv. Phys. 2, 315-320
(2013) [Abstract]
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Relative Velocity of Material Change into a 3D Quantum
Vacuum (Journal of Advanced Physics 2012, Vol. 1,
No. 1, pp. 110) Amrit Sorli J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 321 (2013) [Abstract]
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Table of Contents to Volume 2,
Numbers 1-4, 2013 J. Adv. Phys. 2, 323-325
(2013) [Abstract]
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Author Index to Volume 2,
Numbers 1-4, 2013 J. Adv. Phys. 2, 326-328
(2013) [Abstract]
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Subject Index to Volume 2,
Numbers 1-4, 2013 J. Adv. Phys. 2, 329-331
(2013) [Abstract]
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2, Number 3 (September 2013) pp.163-244 |
ARTICLES Kinematical
Studies of Thermal Crystallization in Glassy Se78
- xTe20Sn2Bix
(0 < x < 6) Alloys
H. Kumar and N. Mehta J. Adv. Phys. 2,
163-169 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optical Properties of Indium
Arsenide (InAs) J. O. Akinlami J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 170-174 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical and Dielectric
Studies of Poly(Ethylene Oxide)/Mg(ClO3)2
Composites D. Rajendra, Aashis S. Roy, and
Ameena Parveen J. Adv. Phys. 2, 175-180 (2013) [Abstract]
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Photoemission Study of the
Electronic Structure of Zinc-Blende Manganese
Telluride (ZB-MnTe) Johnson O. Akinlami
and Ayo M. Awobode J. Adv. Phys. 2, 181-184
(2013) [Abstract]
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Estimation of Sound Velocity in
the Ternary Liquid System at 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15
K V. Vanathi, S. Nithiyanantham, and S.
Mullainathan J. Adv. Phys. 2, 185-189 (2013) [Abstract]
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Study of (n, 2n) Reaction Cross
Sections, Systematic and Pre-Equilibrium Effects
Prajapati Palaria, S. K. Singhal, and H. M.
Agrawal J. Adv. Phys. 2, 190-195 (2013) [Abstract]
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Polymorphism and Polytypism in
Elements-II (M.D. Simulation) Sohail
Ahmad, M. Ajmal Khan, and M. A. Wahab J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 196-199 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Possible Fundamental Theory of
Cooper Pair Formation in Unconventional
Superconductivity Godfrey E. Akpojotor
and Alexander E. Animalu J. Adv. Phys. 2,
200-207 (2013) [Abstract]
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Growth of Large Size 100
Sulphamic Acid Single Crystal by Unidirectional Growth
Setup D. Nagaraju, P. V. Raja Shekar, T.
Bhaskar Rao, and K. Kishan Rao J. Adv. Phys.
2, 208-212 (2013) [Abstract]
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Modeling the Non-Single
Exponential Photoluminescence Decay Using the Boubaker
Polynomial Expansion Scheme Moses
E. Emetere J. Adv. Phys. 2, 213-215 (2013) [Abstract]
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Classical Motion of a Test
Particle in the Bianchi Type I Spacetime Morteza
Yavari J. Adv. Phys. 2, 216-219 (2013) [Abstract]
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The First Integral Method for
Time-Space Fractional Differential Equations
Muhammad Younis J. Adv. Phys. 2, 220-223
(2013) [Abstract]
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Molecular Interaction Studies in
the System of Glucose + -Amylase
at 298.15 K S. Nithiyanantham J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 224-228 (2013) [Abstract]
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Calculating the Temperature of
Cyclic Cylindrical Universe by Using Phononic Theory
Alireza Sepehri and Somayyeh Shoorvazi J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 229-234 (2013) [Abstract]
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Polymorphism and Polytypism in
Elements-I Sohail Ahmad, M. Ajmal Khan,
and M. A. Wahab J. Adv. Phys. 2, 235-240
(2013) [Abstract]
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Structural Study of Molybdate
Glass-Nanocomposites Sanjib Bhattacharya,
Arun Kr. Bar, and Debasish Roy J. Adv. Phys.
2, 241-244 (2013) [Abstract]
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2, Number 2 (June 2013) pp.85-162 |
of Thermal Processing on Transparent Conducting Oxides
TCO Used in Optoelectronic Devices Zakia
Fekkai J. Adv. Phys. 2, 85-89 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Cross Sectional
Geometry on Band Gap of Silicon Nanowires
Sana Kausar and S. Joshi J. Adv. Phys. 2,
90-95 (2013) [Abstract]
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Thermal Expansion of Alkali
Halides by Gamma-Ray Attenuation A. S.
Madhusudhan Rao, K. Narender, K. Gopal Kishan Rao, and
N. Gopi Krishna J. Adv. Phys. 2, 96-103 (2013) [Abstract]
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Surface Characterizations Using
Optical Microscope and Atomic Microscope of WSe2
Crystals P. R. Patel, K. D. Patel, and V.
M. Pathak J. Adv. Phys. 2, 104-110 (2013) [Abstract]
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Elastic and Acoustic Properties
of Hexagonal MnB2, TcB2 and
ReB2 Compounds Pramod Kumar
Yadawa J. Adv. Phys. 2, 111-115 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization
of Silver Doped Cadmium Oxide Nanoparticles
Abdul Majid, Zeba Afzal, Shahzad Murtaza, Ghulam
Nabi, and Naeem Ahmad J. Adv. Phys. 2, 116-118
(2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation of SnO2
Tetragonous-Nanoprism-Clusters and Their Application
in Lithium Storage Xiao-Min Meng,
Nai-Qiang Zhang, and Guang-Sheng Wang J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 119-123 (2013) [Abstract]
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Inelastic Electron Scattering
Form Factors for 13C with
Core-Polarization Effects Nadia M. Adeeb J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 124-129 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Photoemission from Quantum
Wires of Heavily Doped Nonparabolic Materials
S. M. Adhikari and K. P. Ghatak J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 130-142 (2013) [Abstract]
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Etching and Microhardness
Studies on Glycine Lithium Sulphate-A Nonlinear
Optical Crystal D. Nagaraju, P. V. Raja
Shekar, Ch. Sateesh Chandra, K. Kishan Rao, and N.
Gopi Krishna J. Adv. Phys. 2, 143-146 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Drain of Dopant on
Distribution of Dopant in Diffusion-Heterojunction
Rectifiers E. L. Pankratov and E. A.
Bulaeva J. Adv. Phys. 2, 147-150 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analytical Approach to Model
Distributions of Concentrations of Charge Carriers in
a Diffusive-Junction Rectifiers with Optimized
Distributions of Dopants E. L. Pankratov
and E. A. Bulaeva J. Adv. Phys. 2, 151-162
(2013) [Abstract]
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2, Number 1 (March 2013) pp.1-84 |
the Electrochemistry of Olivine-Type LiFePO4
Synthesized Using FePO4 as the Raw
Material Yanhui Xu, Qun Wu, Lijuan Han,
and Fengxia Sun J. Adv. Phys. 2, 1-6 (2013) [Abstract]
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Carbon or Barium Titanate
Reinforced Epoxy Resin Nanocomposites: Dielectric,
Thermomechanical and Functional Behaviour
A. C. Patsidis, K. Kalaitzidou, and G. C. Psarras J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 7-12 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrical-Induced Wrinkling and
Bulging Phenomena in Flexible Electroactive Polymer
Composites Hang Zhao, Jun Zhao, Jun-Wei
Zha, Zhong-Feng Zhang, Dong-Rui Wang, and Zhi-Min Dang J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 13-19 (2013) [Abstract]
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Possible Evidence of
Piezonuclear Alpha Emission F. Cardone,
V. Calbucci, and G. Albertini J. Adv. Phys. 2,
20-24 (2013) [Abstract]
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Thermal and Mechanical
Characterization of Epoxy Resin Nanocomposites
Athanasios Kanapitsas, Christos Tsonos, Haralampos
Zois, Constantinos G. Delides, and Georgios C. Psarras J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 25-28 (2013) [Abstract]
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Order-Disorder Phase Transition
and Lattice Parameter of Ni-Pt Alloys M.
Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Wahid Sadik, S. S. Sikder, and M.
A. Hakim J. Adv. Phys. 2, 29-35 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electron Mobility in n-GaN
at Ohmic Fields Shyamasree Gupta
Chatterjee, Souradeep Chakrabarti, and Somenath
Chatterjee J. Adv. Phys. 2, 36-39 (2013) [Abstract]
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Ultrasonic Damages in Iron
Filippo Ridolfi, Fabio Cardone, and Gianni
Albertini J. Adv. Phys. 2, 40-44 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electronic Structure of Ti-Al
from First-Principles G. Sharma, V.
Sharma, and B. K. Sharma J. Adv. Phys. 2,
45-47 (2013) [Abstract]
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Physico-Chemical and Structural
Studies on -Amylase
in Aqueous Media at 298.15 K S.
Nithiyanantham and L. Palaniappan J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 48-52 (2013) [Abstract]
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Study of Optical Properties of
Quasi Type II CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanostructures for
Photovoltaic Application Rhituraj
Saikia, P. K. Kalita, and P. Datta J. Adv.
Phys. 2, 53-57 (2013) [Abstract]
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Longitudinal Electron Scattering
Form Factors for 50,52,54 Cr A.
D. Salman, N. M. Adeeb, and M. H. Oleiwi J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 58-62 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electronic Structure of WSe2
Band Structure Calculations and Photoelectron
Spectroscopy P. R. Patel and V. M. Pathak J.
Adv. Phys. 2, 63-69 (2013) [Abstract]
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Piezoresistive Behavior of
Electrically Conductive Carbon Fillers/Thermoplastic
Elastomer Nanocomposites Khurram Shehzad,
Jun-Wei Zha, Zhong-Feng Zhang, Jin-Kai Yuan, and
Zhi-Min Dang J. Adv. Phys. 2, 70-74 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Radiation
Processing of Material During Infusion of Dopant on
Charge Carriers Mobility in a Diffusion-Junction
Rectifiers E. L. Pankratov and E. A.
Bulaeva J. Adv. Phys. 2, 75-84 (2013) [Abstract]
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