Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics

Volume 3, Number 2 (June 2015) pp.95-173

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A SPECIAL ISSUE ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
A Special Issue on analysis of coupled/multi-scale biological systems
Guest Editor: Jan Hasenauer
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 95-96 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EDITORIAL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Professor Messoud Efendiev
Jianhong Wu and Hermann J. Eberl
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 97-100 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– REVIEW ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Data-Driven Modelling of Biological Multi-Scale Processes
Jan Hasenauer, Nick Jagiella, Sabrina Hross, and Fabian J. Theis
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 101-121 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RESEARCH ARTICLES –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
A coupled PDE/ODE model of mitochondrial swelling: Large-time behavior of the
homogeneous Dirichlet problem

Messoud Efendiev, Mitsuharu Ôtani, and Hermann J. Eberl
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 122-134 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

A multiscale model for acid-mediated tumor invasion: Therapy approaches
Gülnihal Meral, Christian Stinner, and Christina Surulescu
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 135-142 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

An individual-based simulation framework for dynamic, heterogeneous cell populations
during extrinsic stimulations

Dirke Imig, Nadine Pollak, Timm Strecker, Peter Scheurich, Frank Allgöwer, and Steffen Waldherr
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 143-155 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

Reconstruction of multimodal distributions for hybrid moment-based chemical kinetics
Alexander Andreychenko, Linar Mikeev, and Verena Wolf
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 156-163 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

A case study on the use of scale separation-based analytical propagators for parameter
inference in models of stochastic gene regulation

Justin Feigelman, Nikola Popovic, and Carsten Marr
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 3, 164-173 (2015)
[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]

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