Chaplygin gas motions associated with nonlocal conservation laws
N. H. Ibragimov, E. N. Karimova, and L. R. Galiakberova
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 63–68 (2017)
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Numerical analysis of casson nanofluid flows over a nonlinearly stretching/shrinking sheet
Poulomi De
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 69–74 (2017)
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Wave propagation in two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity
with harmonic wave analysis under
thermal shock problem
Kh. Lotfy, R. S. Tantawi, and N. Anwar
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 75–85 (2017)
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Construction, sensitivity index, and synchronization speed of
optimal networks
Jeremie Fish and Jie Sun
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 86–94 (2017)
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A posteriori error estimators for the Frank-Oseen model of
liquid crystals
D. B. Emerson
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 95–110 (2017)
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Computational modeling of stress development in metatarsals—
On the importance of plantar aponeurosis
C. Petershagen, C. Soyarslan, B. Gülçimen Çakan, and S. Bargmann
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 111–118 (2017)
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An adaptive Magnus expansion method for solving the chemical
master equation with time-dependent propensities
Khanh N. Dinh and Roger B. Sidje
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 119–131 (2017)
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Asymptotic analysis of Coulomb explosion imaging
David Babalola and C. Sean Bohun
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 132–136 (2017)
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Modelling the movement of superparamagnetic beads engulfed in endothelial cells
Daniel J. Pasut and C. Sean Bohun
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 137–142 (2017)
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Dynamics of a prey-predator model using sparse identification: A data driven approach
Letetia Mary Addison
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 143–150 (2017)
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MOLT based fast high-order three dimensional A-stable scheme for wave propagation
M. Thavappiragasam, A. Viswanathan, and A. Christlieb
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 151–163 (2017)
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Magnetograms: Digitization and error correction
Mark Weygang, Aaron Springford, and Wesley S. Burr
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 164–167 (2017)
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Effect of boundary conditions on magnetohydrodynamics duct flow
Canan Bozkaya
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 168–176 (2017)
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A mean-field approximation to stock-flow consistent agent-based models with
state-dependent transition rates
Matheus R. Grasselli and Patrick X. Li
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 177–196 (2017)
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Towards the design of an intelligent aerospace pursuit-evasion game
M. El-Arabaty
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 197–203 (2017)
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Parallel numerical method for nonlocal-in-time Schrödinger equation
Dmytro Sytnyk
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 204–211 (2017)
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Non-local optical response of nanowire-film system: Effect of geometric parameters
Anurag Kumar Tiwari and Roderick Melnik
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 212–216 (2017)
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Optimal outfall systems for nearshore effluent discharges on eroded sandy beaches
Anton Purnama, Huda A. Al-Maamari, and E. Balakrishnan
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 217–224 (2017)
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Experimental investigation of ABB effect on unbalanced rotor vibration
Michael Makram, Samer S. Kossa, Mohamed K. Khalil, Ahmed F. Nemnem, and Guirguis Samer
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 225–231 (2017)
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Nonlinear coupled effects in nanomaterials: Focus on thermo-electro-mechanical coupling
Sia Bhowmick
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 232–242 (2017)
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Combined effect of birth and harvest impulses on dynamics of a
single-species marine population
Anna S. J. Frank and Sam Subbey
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 243–249 (2017)
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Table of Contents to Volume 5, Numbers 1–4, 2017
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 251–252 (2017)
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Author Index to Volume 5, Numbers 1–4, 2017
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 253–254 (2017)
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Subject Index to Volume 5, Numbers 1–4, 2017
J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. 5, 255–256 (2017)
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