of Autonomic and Trusted Computing (JoATC) American
Scientific Publishers (ASP)
Laurence T. Yang,
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Jianhua Ma,
Hosei University, Japan |
systems including hardware, software, communication and networks
are growing with ever increasing scale and heterogeneity, and
becoming overly complex for even skilled engineering
administrators to optimally and efficiently manage under highly
dynamic and uncertain runtime situations. Concurrently, pervasive
devices and systems are getting more ubiquitous and are being
embedded in everyday objects and ambient environments, where the
system working conditions are often worst and there is usually no
skilled people specifically to manage them. To cope with the
growing and ubiquitous complexity in system management, autonomic
computing focuses on self-managed computing and communication
systems that perform self-awareness, self-configuration,
self-optimization, self-healing, self-protection and other
self-ware operations with high-level supervision by humans. It is
a grand challenge and a long term goal to realize the ultimate
autonomic computing and communications vision of fully
context-aware self-managing and self-organizing systems.
autonomic system must be trustworthy to avoid the risk of losing
control and retain confidence that the system will not fail.
Trusted computing targets computing and communication systems as
well as services that are predictable, traceable, controllable,
assessable, sustainable, dependable, privacy protect-able, etc.
The emerging ubiquitous communication/network infrastructures, in
conjunction with the Internet, enable heterogeneous
computers/services, and even their components to be universally
connected towards global computing. Trust and/or distrust
relationships in such global computing exist ubiquitously in the
course of dynamic interaction and cooperation of user-to-system,
system-to-system, component-to-component, and user-to-user who are
using the systems. It is another grand challenge to make truly
trustworthy computing and communication systems that are massively
distributed, loosely coupled, greatly heterogeneous, highly
dynamic, etc.
Autonomic and trusted computing and
communications need joint research efforts covering many
disciplines, ranging from computer science and engineering, to the
natural sciences to the social sciences. It requires scientific
and technological advances in a wide variety of fields, as well as
new software, system architectures and communication systems that
support the effective integration of the constituent technologies.
JoATC addresses the most innovative research and development in
this multidisciplinary area and includes all technical aspects
related to autonomic and trusted computing and communications,
with emphasis on methodologies, models, semantics, awareness,
architectures, middleware, networks, tools, interfaces, designs,
implementations, experiments, and evaluations. In addition JoATC
addresses non-technical but crucial factors in the practical
applications of autonomic and trusted computing and communications
related to economics, society, culture, ethics and so on. |
The objective of the
JoATC journal is to provide an outstanding channel for academics,
industrial professionals, educators and policy makers working in
the different disciplines to contribute and to disseminate
innovative and important new work in the grand challenging fields
of autonomic and trusted computing and communications. |
Scientists, engineers, researchers,
educators, graduate students, managers, and industrial
professionals. |
JoATC is a refereed international
journal, initially published quarterly, providing an international
forum to report, discuss and exchange experimental or theoretical
results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case
studies, and trend-setting ideas. Papers should be of a quality
that represents the state-of-the-art and the latest advances in
autonomic and trusted computing and communications in terms of
methodologies, models, semantics, awareness, architectures,
middleware, networks, tools, designs, implementations,
experiments, evaluations, applications, non-technical factors and
stimulating future trends. |
The JoATC journal covers all
research and application aspects of the autonomic and trusted
computing and communications. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to: |
1. |
Autonomic Computing Theory
and Models: |
behavior, management complexity, optimal control theory,
predictive methods, context awareness, knowledge
representation, learning, reasoning, evolution, soft modeling,
biology model, negotiation model, multi-agent approach, fuzzy
logic, psychology modeling, human nervous/organic system
modeling, etc. |
2. |
Autonomic Computing
Architectures and Systems: |
elements, structure, relationship, architecture, framework,
middleware, autonomic systems and prototypes with
self-awareness, self-configuration, self-optimization,
self-healing, self-protection, self-monitoring, self-recovery,
self-adaptation, self-discovery, etc. |
3. |
Autonomic Computing
Components and Modules: |
component taxonomy, relations between components, memory
management, storage, database, device, embedded computer,
server, proxy, OS, autonomic software module, case studies,
etc. |
4. |
Autonomic Communication and
Services: |
communication and networks, ad hoc networking, sensor net,
autonomic pervasive computing environment, autonomic grid,
adaptive services, intelligent web services, P2P services,
open services standards, service semantics, ontology, service
agreements and transactions, etc. |
5. |
Autonomic System Tools and
Interfaces: |
Tools for
autonomic system development and monitoring, autonomic system
measures and assessment, test and validation, autonomic system
interfaces and guidance, proactive environments, language and
runtime support, etc. |
6. |
Trust Models and
Specifications: |
Implications of
trust, distrust and mistrust, trust model, quantitative
measure and specification of trust, transaction model, risk
analysis, trust negotiation and establishment, and trust
management, etc. |
7. |
Trust-related Security and
Privacy: |
secure architecture and framework, access control, policy and
mechanism, privacy and identity management, security and
privacy awareness, privacy intrusion automatic detection,
protocols of security and privacy, etc. |
8. |
Trusted Reliable and
Dependable Systems: |
Design of
reliable and dependable systems, fault-tolerant systems,
hardware redundancy, robustness, survivable systems, failure
recovery, quality of service (QoS), dependable networks,
dependable pervasive systems, evaluation and testing of system
reliability and dependability, etc. |
9. |
Trustworthy Services and
Applications: |
Trustworthy web
services and grid, digital rights management, media
distribution, e-commerce and e-business, reputation measures
and management, mobile trusted service, P2P applications,
trustworthy ubiquitous applications, etc. |
10. |
Trust Standards and
Non-Technical Issues: |
Trust standards
and interoperation technology, impact of trusted computing,
policy and legal issues of cyber trust, personal factors, and
roles of non-technical issues related to ethics, sociology,
culture, psychology, economy, etc. |
11. |
Trusted Autonomic Computing
and Communications: |
The above trust
topics 6, 7, and 8 applied to autonomic computing and
communications, for example, fault tolerant autonomic
communication systems. |