2, Number 4 (December 2014) pp.241-344 |
of Segment Internal Forces of Shield Tunnel Crossing
Underneath High Speed Railway Kewei Ding and
Yaguang Wang J. Mechatron. 2, 241-245 (2014) [Abstract]
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Fatigue Testing Machine for
Developing Fatigue Tests Under Different Modes, Including:
Rotating Bending, Torsion, and Its Combinations
Jorge L. Ávila Ambriz, Gonzalo M. Domínguez
Almaraz, Erasmo Correa Gómez, and Renato Gonzalez
Bernal J. Mechatron. 2, 246-250 (2014) [Abstract]
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Fracture Behavior of Carbon
Nanotubes Containing Crack: Theoretical and Molecular
Dynamics Analysis Wu-Gui Jiang, Qiu-Wei Fu,
Chuan Peng, Zheng Chang, and Hong-Ping Zhao J.
Mechatron. 2, 251-255 (2014) [Abstract]
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ECG Signal Compression Based on
Chirplet Pursuit Signal Decomposition Method Yousef
Zanjireh and Hadi Niknam J. Mechatron. 2, 256-260
(2014) [Abstract]
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Minimum-Energy Optimal Control in a
Neuron Motif Xu Y. Lou J. Mechatron.
2, 261-264 (2014) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Identification of
Metal Oxide Nanoparticles by Heat Reflux Synthesis
Yen-Chun Liu, Ming-Fong Tai, and Yi-Fong Chou J.
Mechatron. 2, 265-269 (2014) [Abstract]
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Multi-Lane Unsteady-State Traffic
Flow Models M. N. Smirnova, A. I. Bogdanova,
N. N. Smirnov, A. B. Kiselev, V. F. Nikitin, and A. S.
Manenkova J. Mechatron. 2, 270-274 (2014) [Abstract]
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Modeling the Adjustment of Receptor
Cells via Adaptive ?-Stabilizing Control C.
Behn J. Mechatron. 2, 275-290 (2014) [Abstract]
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Optimization of Technological
Process to Increase Integration Rate of Field-Effect
Heterotransistors in Thin Films Structures
E. L. Pankratov and E. A. Bulaeva J.
Mechatron. 2, 291-300 (2014) [Abstract]
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Vibrations Induced by
Electro-Actuated Dry Clutch in the Eek Frequency:
Excitation in Gear-Shifting Operations A.
Senatore J. Mechatron. 2, 301-311 (2014) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of
Corrosion Resistant Ti Based Biomedical Implant for
Orthopedic Applications Subir Paul J.
Mechatron. 2, 312-319 (2014) [Abstract]
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New Phase-Field Models for Phase
Transitions in Elastic Solids Driven by Configurational
Forces Peicheng Zhu J. Mechatron. 2,
320-328 (2014) [Abstract]
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Physical Distribution Routing Using
Computational Modeling and Simulation A.
Formigoni, E. F. Rodrigues, J. R. Maiellaro, L. T.
Kawamoto Junior, M. A. Cipriano, and R. S. Lira J.
Mechatron. 2, 329-333 (2014) [Abstract]
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Table of Contents to Volume 2,
Numbers 1-4, 2014 J. Mechatron. 2, 335-337 (2014) [Abstract]
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Author Index to Volume 2, Numbers
1-4, 2014 J. Mechatron. 2, 338-341 (2014) [Abstract]
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Subject Index to Volume 2, Numbers
1-4, 2014 J. Mechatron. 2, 342-344 (2014) [Abstract]
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Article] |
2, Number 3 (September 2014) pp.169-240 |
Optimization Control of Large Deep-Water Floating Wind
Turbines Shengshan Li and Feng Yang J.
Mechatron. 2, 169-175 (2014) [Abstract]
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Detecting High Frequency Faults of
Ball Bearing with Wireless Accelerometer Sensor
Izadyar Tamadon and Mirsaeed Safizadeh J.
Mechatron. 2, 176-183 (2014) [Abstract]
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Real-Time Adaptive Cutting Tool
Flank Wear Prediction Gun Lee and John K.
Schueller J. Mechatron. 2, 184-189 (2014) [Abstract]
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New Faraday Rotation Element TeO2-PbO-B2O3-SiO2
for Magneto-Optical Current Sensor Qiuling
Chen, Hui Wang, and Qiuping Chen J. Mechatron. 2,
190-196 (2014) [Abstract]
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Corrosion Behavior of Superplastic
Titanium Alloy Coated with Hydroxyapatite-Comparison
Between Experimental and ANN Simulation K.
V. Sudhakar and M. E. Haque J. Mechatron. 2,
197-200 (2014) [Abstract]
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Tailor Welded Blank Shape
Optimization in Rectangular Cup Deep Drawing Ali
Jabbari and Sajjad Salimi J. Mechatron. 2, 201-206
(2014) [Abstract]
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In-Situ Fabrication of Fe-Al
Intermetallic Coating by Laser Remelting Kun
Sun, Jian Cheng, Xudong Liu, Liang Fang, and Lifeng Ma J.
Mechatron. 2, 207-211 (2014) [Abstract]
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Die Design Optimization in Deep
Drawing Process of a Semispherical Part Ali
Jabbari, Sajjad Kiani, and Mahdi Rasafchi J.
Mechatron. 2, 212-214 (2014) [Abstract]
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Convex Optimization Design in
Formation Control Trajectory of Multi UAV Wang
Jian-Hong, Xu Ying, Xiong Zhao-Hua, and Xu Bo J.
Mechatron. 2, 215-222 (2014) [Abstract]
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Aluminum Deposition on Polymer
Substrate by DC Sputtering and Evaporation Methods
M. G. Faraj, K. Ibrahim, M. H. Eisa, F. Azhari, and M.
A. Alrajhi J. Mechatron. 2, 223-225 (2014) [Abstract]
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Active Vibration Control of Engine
Mount System of Transport Aircraft Using PZT Stack
Actuators M. P. Vijayakumar, U. Ashwin, and
S. Raja J. Mechatron. 2, 226-231 (2014) [Abstract]
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The Effect of Layer Thickness on
Shrinkage Stress in Thin Cured Layers of Dental Composites
W. L. Gambin J. Mechatron. 2, 232-237 (2014) [Abstract]
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Study of Interface Resistance of
n-ZnO on p-Si Substrate with ZnO Interlayer by
Spray Pyrolysis Method W. H. Lan, C. C. Yu,
Y. T. Hsu, M. Y. Chuang, Y. C. Chou, Y. D. Wu, K. F.
Huang, S. Y. Lee, J. C. Lin, W. J. Lin, M. C. Shih,
Y. K. Su, and L. C. Chen J. Mechatron. 2, 238-240
(2014) [Abstract]
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Article] |
2, Number 2 (June 2014) pp.89-167 |
and Formation Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Yuan
Jian and Zhang Wenxia J. Mechatron. 2, 89-99
(2014) [Abstract]
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Reliability Performance of Lead-Free
SAC Solder Joints on Electroless Ni/Immersion Au and
Electroless Ni/Electroless Pd/Immersion Au Subject to
Long-Term Isothermal Aging Zhou Hai, Jiawei
Zhang, Chaobo Shen, E. K. Snipes, M. J. Bozack, J. L.
Evans, and J. C. Suhling J. Mechatron. 2, 100-108
(2014) [Abstract]
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Study and Analysis of a New
Automated and High Speed Mechanical System for Computer
Mouse Assembly Jeremy (Zheng) Li J.
Mechatron. 2, 109-112 (2014) [Abstract]
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Experimental Measurement and
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Distribution and
Thermal History During Friction Stir Welding of Pure
Copper Joints Ali Ebrahimpour, Amir
Mostafapour, Hamed Bouzary, and Salar Salahi J.
Mechatron. 2, 113-118 (2014) [Abstract]
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Investigation of Annealing Heat
Treatment Effect on the Microstructure and Mechanical
Properties of Friction Stir Welded C70600 Copper
Nickel Alloy Joints Hasan Biglari, Salar
Salahi, Sina Narimani Gharajeh, and Mehrdad Ganbari Azar J.
Mechatron. 2, 119-123 (2014) [Abstract]
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Annealing and Cold-Drawing in the
Manufacture of the Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Ultra-Thin
Wire Xu Lei, Wang Rui, and Liu Yong J.
Mechatron. 2, 124-130 (2014) [Abstract]
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A Mechatronic Approach to the Design
of Balanced Slider-Crank Mechanisms V.
Arakelian and S. Briot J. Mechatron. 2, 131-135
(2014) [Abstract]
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On Approach to Increase Homogeneity
of Properties of Films by Optimization of Grown
E. L. Pankratov and E. A. Bulaeva J.
Mechatron. 2, 136-142 (2014) [Abstract]
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Modelling with Neural Networks
Dragoljub R. Drndarevic and Milovan Milivojevic J.
Mechatron. 2, 143-146 (2014) [Abstract]
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The Research Analysis of Particle
Sieving for Mineral Processing Wang Mingjia J.
Mechatron. 2, 147-151 (2014) [Abstract]
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On Possibility of Optimization of
Vertical Integration of Field-Effect Heterotransistors
E. L. Pankratov and E. A. Bulaeva J.
Mechatron. 2, 152-167 (2014) [Abstract]
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Article] |
2, Number 1 (March 2014) pp.1-87 |
REVIEW Polymer
Ceramic Composite Materials for Orthopedic
Applications-Relevance and Need for Mechanical Match
and Bone Regeneration Sunita Prem Victor and
Jayabalan Muthu J. Mechatron. 2, 1-10 (2014) [Abstract]
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Analysis and Experimental Study on Controllable Intake
Swirl Diesel System Guixin Wang, Gongmin Liu,
Xiaobo Li, and Xiaoli Yang J. Mechatron. 2, 11-16
(2014) [Abstract]
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Computer Aided Design and
Development of a New Solar Panel Tracking System
Jeremy (Zheng) Li PhD J. Mechatron. 2, 17-21
(2014) [Abstract]
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Design Optimization and Fabrication
of an Iron Core Linear BLDC Motor Ali Jabbari J.
Mechatron. 2, 22-26 (2014) [Abstract]
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Arbitrary Waveform Generator Design
Based on the Direct Digital Synthesis and the Field Programmable-Gate-Array
DengRong Zhou and Gang Wu J.
Mechatron. 2, 27-32 (2014) [Abstract]
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Modelling of High Speed Cutting
Using a Coupled Finite Element (FE)-Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) Single-Grain Model Ruidong
Shen, Xiumei Wang, and Chunhui Yang J. Mechatron.
2, 33-38 (2014) [Abstract]
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Die Cone Angle Optimization in
Forward Extrusion Process Ali Jabbari and
Armaghan Akbari Farahani J. Mechatron. 2, 39-43
(2014) [Abstract]
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The Reliabity of Flywheel Used in
Electric Vehicles to Improve the Life of Accumulator
Battery Tang Shuangqing, Bai Qiongqiong, and
Jiang Zhou J. Mechatron. 2, 44-46 (2014) [Abstract]
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Theoretical and Experimental
Estimation of Lamb Wave Velocity in Plates Using
Distributed Lead Zirconate Titanate Sensors
C. N. Sathyanarayana, S. Raja, and U. Ashwin J.
Mechatron. 2, 47-54 (2014) [Abstract]
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Nonlinear Control Based on Offshore
High Temperature Superconductor Generator for Wind
Turbines Shengshan Li, Feng Yang, and Lei
Wang J. Mechatron. 2, 55-60 (2014) [Abstract]
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Application of the Processing
Techniques for Metallic Ores by Mineral Processing
Wang Mingjia J. Mechatron. 2, 61-63 (2014) [Abstract]
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Stochastic Stability for Markovian
Jumping Neural Systems with Wiener Process Qian
Ye J. Mechatron. 2, 64-68 (2014) [Abstract]
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Optimization of Annealing of Dopants
and Radiation Defects During Manufacturing a Heterobipolar
Transistors E. L. Pankratov and E. A. Bulaeva J.
Mechatron. 2, 69-76 (2014) [Abstract]
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Signal Control with the
Consideration of Both Pedestrians and Vehicles at Isolated
Intersection via Ant Colony Algorithm Fuyang
Chen, Changyun Wen, and Feng Jiang J. Mechatron.
2, 77-83 (2014) [Abstract]
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Distinct Advantages and New
Applications of MEMS Ying Jian Chen J.
Mechatron. 2, 84-87 (2014) [Abstract]
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Article] |
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