Science, Engineering and Medicine
4, Number 6 (December 2012) pp.469-580 |
ARTICLES Investigation
of Water Sorption and Blood Compatible Behaviors of
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Plasticized Membranes of
Poly(Vinyl Alcohol-g-Acrylonitrile) Sangeeta Jain
and A. K. Bajpai Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 469-478 (2012) [Abstract]
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Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Red
by BaTiO3 Nanoparticles via a Direct Hole
Oxidation Mechanism W. P. Wang, H. Yang, T. Xian,
R. S. Li, J. Y. Ma, and J. L. Jiang Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 479-483 (2012) [Abstract]
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Phase Change Materials Coupled with
Copper Foam for Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Battery
Guoqing Zhang, Yunyun Zhang, and Zhonghao Rao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 484-487 (2012) [Abstract]
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Effect of Moisture on Fracture
Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Polyamide 66 Le
Hieu Giang and Shyh-Chour Huang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
488-492 (2012) [Abstract]
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Hydrothermal Fabrication and Wet
Chemical Surface Modification of Calcium Borate as Flame
Retardant Yumin Zhang, Jianchu Zhong, and Hongzhi
Wang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 493-498 (2012) [Abstract]
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Halogen Substituted Chalcone as
Potential Antioxidants: An In Vitro Study Rimal
Isaac, M. C. SriBindu, P. Sudhakar Reddy, V. L. Joseph Joly,
R. J. Wu, and Ch. S. S. S. Murthy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
4, 499-505 (2012) [Abstract]
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Preparation of CuO Nanoparticles and
Their Applications in Phase Change Composites Jifen
Wang, Huaqing Xie, and Zhong Xin Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
4, 506-510 (2012) [Abstract]
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Biologically Active Phenolics in Seed
Coat of Three Sweet Tamarindus indica Varieties Grown
in Thailand Mayuree Kanlayavattanakul and Nattaya
Lourith Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 511-516 (2012) [Abstract]
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Successive Approximation Registration of
the Non-Rigid Medical Image Based on Thin-Plate Splines
Yun-Feng Yang and Zhi-Xun Su Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
4, 517-521 (2012) [Abstract]
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Numerical Simulation of Ito Coupled
System by Homotopy Analysis Method Rajan Arora,
Amit Tomar, and V. P. Singh Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
522-529 (2012) [Abstract]
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Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using an
Autoregressive Model and Optical Flow Jingying
Chen, Kun Zhang, Yujiao Gong, and Bernard Tiddeman Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 530-534 (2012) [Abstract]
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Consensus Recovery in Networked
Multi-Agent Time-Delay Systems Against Targeted Attacks
Yilun Shang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 535-539 (2012) [Abstract]
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Finite Element Analysis of Damage in
Tunnel Floor Through Strength Reduction Zeng-Hui
Zhao, Wei-Ming Wang, and Lei Wang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
4, 540-544 (2012) [Abstract]
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A Novel Medical Image Enhancement
Algorithm Based on Multiwavelet Transform Yun-Feng
Yang and Zhi-Xun Su Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 545-549
(2012) [Abstract]
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Path Planning for Uninhabited Combat
Aerial Vehicle Using Hybrid Meta-Heuristic DE/BBO Algorithm
Gaige Wang, Lihong Guo, Hong Duan, Luo Liu, Heqi Wang, and
Mingzhen Shao Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 550-564 (2012) [Abstract]
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Table of Contents to Volume 4, Numbers
1-6, 2012 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 565-569 (2012) [Abstract]
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Author Index to Volume 4, Numbers 1-6,
2012 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 570-576 (2012) [Abstract]
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Subject Index to Volume 4, Numbers 1-6,
2012 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 577-580 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
4, Number 5 (October 2012) pp.381-
467 |
ARTICLES Synthesis
of Silver Nanoparticles Using Sodium Dodecylsulphate Tanur
Sinha, Venkatesh Gude, and Nandiraju V. S. Rao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 381-387 (2012) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Novel Sea-Urchin Cluster
Assembled with Pen Type Nanoneedles of Hetaerolite ZnMn2O4
by Template-Free Hydrothermal Route Qurat-ul-ain
Javed, Fengping Wang, Hasan Mahmood, M. Yasir Rafique, A.
Mohammad Toufiq, M. Zubair Iqbal, and Pengbo Yang Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 388-393 (2012) [Abstract]
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Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Optical
Properties of Colloidal CdS Nanoparticles Embedded in
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Matrix G. Yu. Rudko,
A. O. Kovalchuk, V. I. Fediv, J. Beyer, W. M. Chen, and I. A.
Buyanova Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 394-400 (2012) [Abstract]
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Coherent Quantum Transport in
Ferromagnet-Superconductor-Ferromagnet Graphene-Based
Junctions Alireza Heidari and Mohammadali
Ghorbani Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 401-404 (2012) [Abstract]
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Investigating the Effects of Nanosized
Aluminum Oxide Powder Addition on Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10
Superconductor Using XRD Patterns Alireza
Heidari, Niloofar Heidari, and Mohammadali Ghorbani Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 405-407 (2012) [Abstract]
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The Oxidation Removal of Organic
Templates to Prepare Carbons Nanocage and Catalysts for p-Nitrotoluene
Reduction Reaction Jiang Tao Li, Hui Chun
Wang, Li Jiang, Zhang Bo, Xiao Bing Bian, and Bao Lin Li Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 408-414 (2012) [Abstract]
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Structural Investigation on R6G Dye and
PbI2 Doped KDP Single Crystals by Using Powder
X-ray Diffraction Preeti Singh, Mohd. Hasmuddin,
Rajveer singh, M. A. Wahab, and Mohd. Shkir Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 415-420 (2012) [Abstract]
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Influence of Process Parameters on
Microstructure of Electrospun Polysulfone-Hydroxyapatite
Composite Coating on Ti-6Al-4V Substrate S.
Santhosh, S. Balasivanandha Prabu, and P. Sureshkumar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 421-425 (2012) [Abstract]
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A New Driving Model for Stator of
Piezoelectric Motor Zeng-Hui Zhao, Yu-Ping Wang,
Yi-Kun Yuan, and Xiang-Dong Zhao Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
4, 426-431 (2012) [Abstract]
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Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical Scheme for
Contaminant Removal from Cavity in Horizontal Channel
Nor Azwadi Che Sidik and Mehran Salehi Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 432-437 (2012) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Polyindole Nanoflakes
Through Direct Chemical Oxidative Route Shubhra
Goel Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 438-441 (2012) [Abstract]
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Integral Backstepping Control for a
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Adaptive Recurrent
Neural Network Uncertainty Observer Chih-Hong
Lin and Chih-Peng Lin Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 442-447
(2012) [Abstract]
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Numerical Analysis of Stress of
Surrounding Rock for the Deep Coal Seam Jian Li
and Lixun Kang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 448-452 (2012) [Abstract]
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Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness on
Parallel Batch Processing Machines with Non-Identical Job
Sizes Song Zhang, Hao Shao, Hua-Ping Chen, and
Xiao-Lin Li Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 453-458 (2012) [Abstract]
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Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of
Sawtooth-Like Graphene Nanoribbons Under Strain Burak
Özdamar and Sakir Erkoç Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 459-467 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
4, Number 4 (August 2012) pp.279-379 |
ARTICLES Synthesis
and Antimicrobial Properties of TiO2 and TiO2:Cu
Thin Films Synthesized by a Cost Effective SolGel
Process R. G. S. V. Prasad, J. L. Endrino,
Nishanth Kumar Jain, Goutham Reddy, D. Basavaraju, K. N. Rao,
C. S. Naveen, and A. R. Phani Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 279287 (2012) [Abstract]
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Structure and Environmental Remediation
of Visible and Ultraviolet Light Active Tungsten-Titanium
Oxide Electrospun Nanofibers Chutima
Srisitthiratkul, Voraluck Pongsorrarith, and Varol Intasanta Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 288293 (2012) [Abstract]
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Growth of Carbon Nanofibers on
Ni-Catalysts by Chemical Vapor Deposition Method Faramarz
Sadeghzadeh-Darabi, Mohsen Padervand, Mohammad
Khodadadi-Moghaddam, Hadi Salari, SeyedSaeed Ahmadvand,
and Mohammad Reza Gholami Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 294298
(2012) [Abstract]
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Green Syntheses of Visible Light Active
Ultrafine Photocatalyst Nanofibers by Solution-Based
Electrospinning Chutima Srisitthiratkul,
Voraluck Pongsorrarith, and Varol Intasanta Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 299305 (2012) [Abstract]
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Structural Characterization of ZnO
Nanoparticles Synthesized by Wet Chemical Method M.
K. Debanath, S. Karmakar, and J. P. Borah Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 306311 (2012) [Abstract]
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Adsorption of Fenitrothion and
Methidathion from Aqueous Solution by Tea Industry-Waste X.
Chen, H. Lu, Q. Huang, H. Zhang, Y. Sun, M. Dai, and H. Xia Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 312315 (2012) [Abstract]
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Dielectric and Magnetic Behaviour of
Undoped and Mn-Doped ZnSe Nanoparticles P. Indra
Devi, H. Kamalaveni, and K. Ramachandran Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 316323 (2012) [Abstract]
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ZnO Nanoparticles Induced Synthesis of
Polysaccharides and Phosphatases by Aspergillus Fungi
J. C. Tarafdar, A. Agrawal, R. Raliya, Praveen Kumar, U.
Burman, and R. K. Kaul Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 324328
(2012) [Abstract]
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Electrokinetic Remediation of Chromium
and Cadmium Contaminated Soil Ping Lu, Qiyan
Feng, and Tao Yuan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 329333
(2012) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of Novel
Poly(Amide-Imide-Sulfone)/TiO2 Nanocomposites
via SolGel Route Majid Kolahdoozan
and Nasim Mokhtari Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 334340
(2012) [Abstract]
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Detection Efficiency of Alpha Particles
in CR-39 Nuclear Track Detector: Experimental Study
A. H. Ashry, M. Abou-Leila, and A. M. Abdalla Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 341344 (2012) [Abstract]
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Reynolds Number Dependence of Drag
Reduction and Interfacial Slip Over Superhydrophobic
Surfaces Liangliang Cao, Jiamin Wu, and Di Gao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 345349 (2012) [Abstract]
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Supervisory Recurrent Fuzzy Neural
Network Control for Disturbed Nonlinear System Yi-Jen
Mon Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 350354 (2012) [Abstract]
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Health Care Activity Map Designed by
Fuzzy Neural Network Yi-Jen Mon Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 355359 (2012) [Abstract]
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Minimax Estimation in Burr Type X Model
Under Various Loss Functions Manfeng Liu and
Haiping Ren Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 360364 (2012) [Abstract]
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Modeling and Analyses of Information
Dissemination of Emergency Events in Social Network
Li Liu, Huihui He, Yuanzhuo Wang, and Jingyuan Li Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 365370 (2012) [Abstract]
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Simulation of Lightning Performance for
EHV Cable Junction Steel Platform S. Jen Hsiao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 371375 (2012) [Abstract]
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(Aranae, Araneidae) in Central Mexico: Unique Observations of
a New Spider Species Vladimir A. Basiuk Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 376379 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
4, Number 3 (June 2012) pp.181-277 |
Induced Oxidative Stress and Aging Nuzhat Parveen
and G. G. H. A. Shadab Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 181-189
(2012) [Abstract]
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Magnetron Sputter Deposited Nanocrystalline LiCoO2
Film Cathodes on Flexible Substrates P. Jeevan
Kumar, K. Jayanth Babu, and O. M. Hussain Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 190-199 (2012) [Abstract]
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Microstructure and Forming Process of
Self-Assembly Pattern from Phospholipid Coated Gold
Nanoparticles Yuzhi Hao, Ray Yang, and Jie Chen
Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 200-204 (2012) [Abstract]
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The Effect of Cluster Size on the
Breakdown of C60 Water Suspensions Into Toxic
Compounds Rodica Gelca, Todd A. Anderson, and
Stephen B. Cox Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 205-210 (2012) [Abstract]
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Einstein's Photoemission from Quantum
Wires of Optoelectronic Materials in the Presence of Intense
Electric Field D. De, S. Bhattacharaya, S. Ghosh,
and K. P. Ghatak Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 211-221 (2012) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Optical Characterization
of ZnO Quantum Dots and Nanorods J. Pramod Reddy,
Sandeep Kashyap, and A. K. Paul Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
222-224 (2012) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4
Nanoparticles by Solution Combustion Method Mohammadkazem
Faraz, K. Venkateswara Rao, and Y. Aparna Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 225-229 (2012) [Abstract]
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Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Thermal
Evaporation Technique Under Different Vacuum Conditions
Parveen Jain, Sukhvir Singh, Azher Majid Siddqui, and
Avanish Kumar Srivastava Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
230-236 (2012) [Abstract]
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Structural and Magnetic Properties of
ZnO:(Mn, Co) Nanoparticles R. Vidya Sagar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 237-240 (2012) [Abstract]
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Effect of Annealing on the
Characteristics of TiO2 Thin Film Deposited by Low
Temperature Arc Vapor Deposition Process Kumar
Shubham and P. Chakrabarti Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
241-245 (2012) [Abstract]
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Quick and Low-Temperature Microwave
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Yttrium Oxide Kamil K. Reza, V. N. Singh,
Sukhvir Singh, and T. D. Senguttuvan Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 246-249 (2012) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Natural Rubber as a
Function of Strain Rate and Temperature Z. X.
Huang, X. D. Zu, X. Jia, and Q. Q. Xiao Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 250-255 (2012) [Abstract]
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Enhanced Dyeability on Modified Organic
Cotton Using Nanochitosan Derived from Crab Shells
Joghee Suresh, Raja Gopal Rajiv Gandhi, Samayanan Selvam,
Sundaram Gowri, and Mahalingam Sundrarajan Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 256-260 (2012) [Abstract]
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Ameliorating Action of Nigella Sativa
Seed Extract Against the Genotoxic Effect of Chlorambucil in
Human Lymphocyte Cultures Nuzhat Parveen and
G. G. H. A. Shadab Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 261-266
(2012) [Abstract]
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Lipid Polymorphism and Associated
Changes in Elastic Properties of Organized Phospholipid
Assembly Suman Bhandary, Ruma Basu, Sukhen Das,
and Papiya Nandy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 267-270 (2012) [Abstract]
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of Radiation on Polymeric Nanoparticles and in Labeling
Process with 99mTc Beatriz Ferreira de Carvalho
Patricio, Augusto Bordim, Marta de Souza Albernaz, Tiago
Teixeira Guimarães, and Ralph Santos-Oliveira Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 271-272 (2012) [Abstract]
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REPORT Maximizing
Benefits and Minimizing Risks of Nanotechnology-A Look at the
Public Policy Issues Surya Singh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 273-277 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
4, Number 2 (April 2012) pp.89-179 |
Synthesis, Structural and Optical Properties of Phase-Pure Cu3BiS3
Nano-Powders Exhibiting Near-IR Photodetection Banavoth
Murali, Reddyvari Venugopal, Kamalapuram Greeshma Chandan, and
S. B. Krupanidhi Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 89-95 (2012) [Abstract]
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Fowler-Nordheim Field Emission from
Quantum Confined Superlattices N. Paitya, S.
Bhattacharya, D. De, and K. P. Ghatak Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 96-115 (2012) [Abstract]
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Effects of Incidence Angle, Acceleration
Energy, and Substrate Temperature on Sputtering of Cu Target
Investigated Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Cheng-Da Wu, Shiang-Jiun Lin, Te-Hua Fang, and Guan-Hung
Chen Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 116-122 (2012) [Abstract]
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Comparative Study on Thermophysical
Properties of Se-Zn-In and Se-Zn-Te-In Chalcogenide Glasses
Abhay Kumar Singh Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 123-127
(2012) [Abstract]
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Spectroscopic Estimation of Chloroauric
Acid During Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Citrate Reduction
Method Anirban Chakraborty, Sampa Chakraborty,
Basab Chaudhuri, and Sekhar Bhattacharjee Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 4, 128-131 (2012) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Arginine Functionalized
Iron Oxide Nanorods N. Ahmad, M. Ahmad, M. Aslam,
S. N. Singh, and S. S. Talwar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
132-136 (2012) [Abstract]
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Optimal Design of Meshing Pair for
Single Screw Compressor Based on Contact Wavelet Finite Element
Analysis Bin Zhao Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
137-141 (2012) [Abstract]
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Active Backstepping-Based Combination
Synchronization of Three Different Chaotic Systems
Luo Runzi and Wang Yinglan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
142-147 (2012) [Abstract]
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Contact Stress Study on the Meshing Pair
of Single Screw Compressor Based on Space Contact Wavelet
Finite Element Method Bin Zhao, Ke Wang,
Juwei Zhang, and Xuefeng Yang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
148-152 (2012) [Abstract]
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Detection of Cerebral Vessels Based on
Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform Tran Anh
Tuan, Pham The Bao, Jin Yong Kim, and Seungho Choi Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 153-158 (2012) [Abstract]
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Estimation of Leakage Components and
Static Noise Margin for 7T Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM)
Cell Shyam Akashe, Gunakesh Sharma, Vinod Rajak,
and Sanjay Sharma Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 159-163
(2012) [Abstract]
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Modeling Space-Time-Varying System for
Analyzing Solitons Bharat Bhosale, Ahmet
Yildirim, and Anjan Biswas Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
164-170 (2012) [Abstract]
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Solving a Tri-Diagonal System of Size
N Equations by Stair-Diagonal Approach Anwar
Ja'afar Mohamed Jawad, Ahmet Yildirim, and Anjan Biswas Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 171-175 (2012) [Abstract]
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First Photoluminescence Studies of Bulk
Crystalline Antimony Selenide (Sb2Se3)
and Possible Connection with Previously Reported
Erroneous Results of Energy Band Gaps Willinton
Farfán Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 176-179 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
4, Number 1 (February 2012) pp.1-88 |
of ZnS Nanowire Bundles and their Photocatalytic Activity for
Dye Degradation Rohini D. Bolade, Sonali D. Naik,
Sanjay K. Apte, Jalindar D. Ambekar, Sudhir S. Arbuj, Milind
V. Kulkarni, Uttam P. Mulik, and Bharat B. Kale Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 1-9 (2012) [Abstract]
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Viscoelastic Properties of
Graphene-Polymer Composites Iti Srivastava,
Zhong-Zhen Yu, and Nikhil A. Koratkar Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 10-14 (2012) [Abstract]
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Wetting Behavior of Graphene-Chitosan
Nanocomposites for 3D Scaffold Structures Alexander
Bush, Abhay V. Thomas, Zhong-Zhen Yu, and Nikhil A. Koratkar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 15-18 (2012) [Abstract]
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Effects of Annealing on
Bulk-heterojunction Organic Solar Cells Xiaohan
Yang, Ashraf Uddin, and Matthew Wright Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 4, 19-25 (2012) [Abstract]
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Design and Simulation of Fluorescence
Resonance Energy Transfer Between Modified Quantum Dot
(Core/Defect/Shell) Heteronanocrystal and Dye-Molecule H.
Absalan, A. SalmanOgli, R. Rostami, and S. A. Maleki Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 26-32 (2012) [Abstract]
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An Optical Limiter Based on
Silver-Silica Nanocomposites P. B. Anand, C. S.
Suchand Sandeep, Kishore Sridharan, T. N. Narayanan, Senoy
Thomas, Reji Philip, and M. R. Anantharaman Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 33-38 (2012) [Abstract]
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Assessment of Carbon Monoxide Oxidation
on Ni, Cu, and Ni-Cu/ZSM-5 Catalysts by Adsorption
Calorimetry Liliana Giraldo and Juan Carlos
Moreno-Piraján Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 39-48
(2012) [Abstract]
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Development of Nanostructured Silver
Hydrogel Composites for Effective Treatment of Wounds
Harshalkumar Jadhav, Amita Joshi, Manju Misra, and
Aliasgar Shahiwala Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 49-54 (2012) [Abstract]
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Antibacterial Effect of Nyctanthes
arbor-tristis Extract and Biosynthesized TiO2
Nanoparticles Coated on Cotton Fabric S. Gowri,
M. Sundrarajan, S. Selvam, R. Rajiv Gandhi, and J. Suresh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 55-61 (2012) [Abstract]
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Ecofriendly Biosynthesis of Gold
Nanoparticles Using Medicianally Important Ocimum
basilicum Leaf Extract Garima Singhal, Riju
Bhavesh, Ashish Ranjan Sharma, and Rajendra Pal Singh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 62-66 (2012) [Abstract]
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A Blueprint for Introducing Water
Characteristic into Early-Stage Cement Hydration Zhen
Liu, Xiong (Bill) Yu, and Ye Sun Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
4, 67-70 (2012) [Abstract]
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Interaction of Cu+1 Salt and
Polyaniline: Study of Optical Properties D. S.
Gill, G. B. V. S. Lakshmi, Vazid Ali, Gita Rani, Jai Prakash,
and M. Zulfequar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 71-76 (2012) [Abstract]
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Potentiality of Thiobacillus in
Agricultural System Mohd. Sayeed Akhtar, Swati
Babel, B. K. Yadav, R. S. Yadav, and J. Panwar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 77-80 (2012) [Abstract]
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Volumetric and Compressibility Studies
of Salt Induced Hydrophobic Interactions in Pre-Micellar
Region of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate S. Chauhan,
Seema, D. S. Rana, Rajni, M. S. Chauhan, and Ahmad Umar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 81-84 (2012) [Abstract]
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Biosynthesis of Bimetallic Ag/Cu2O
Nanocomposites Using Tridax procumbens Leaf Extract
M. Hari Prasad, C. Ramesh, N. Jayakumar, V.
Ragunathan, and D. Kalpana Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4,
85-88 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
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