Science, Engineering and Medicine
5, Number 12 (December 2013) pp.1239-1389 |
ARTICLES Compatibility
Score Generation for Kidney Transplant Among Donor-Recipient
Pair Using Fuzzy Logic Sampath Kumar Yellanki,
Devinder Kaur, and Michael A. Rees Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1239-1252 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Magnetic Field on Temperature
Distribution in Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Under Non-Newtonian
Blood Flow Condition M. S. Karimi and S. Maleki
Jebeli Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1253-1266 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Cu Doping on Structural,
Optical and Photoluminescence Properties of CdS Nanoparticles
Jumi Kakati and Pranayee Datta Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1267-1278 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Cobalt Oxide Doping on the
Corrosion Behavior of Iron-Alumina Metal Matrix Nanocomposites Pallav
Gupta, Devendra Kumar, M. A. Quraishi, and Om Parkash Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1279-1291 (2013) [Abstract]
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Allelopathic Effects of Schizonepeta
tenuifolia Briq. Aqueous Extracts on Seed Germination and
Seedling Growth of Rapeseed and Mung Bean Yong
He, Han Yan, Hongmin Wei, Zhiyang Li, and Zhihong Tian Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1292-1296 (2013) [Abstract]
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Eprosartan Mesylate Nanosuspension with
HPMC E3 for Improving Solubility and Bioavailability
Shaivee Borker and Atmaram Pawar Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 1297-1304 (2013) [Abstract]
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Structural and Chemical Investigation of
Ultrafine Nanoweb of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) for Tissue Engineering
Applications Subramanian Uma Maheshwari, Samuel
Vasanth Kumar, and Naveen Nagiah Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1305-1311 (2013) [Abstract]
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Kinetics of Ascorbic Acid Degradation in
Avocado Fruit (Persea americana) Under Different Storage Temperatures
by Cyclic Voltammetry Anwar Anbessie, Khalid
Siraj, and Shimeles Addisu Kitte Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1312-1315 (2013) [Abstract]
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Flame Retardant Polymethacrylimide Foam
Materials Wang Jinyan, Chen Xiaoqiang, and Lei Yi Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1316-1321 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analytical Modeling for Spring Constant
of Non-Uniform Serpentine Radio Frequency-Micro Electro Mechanical
System Switch Ashish Kumar Sharma and Navneet
Gupta Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1322-1325 (2013) [Abstract]
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Microwave Assisted Preparation and
Synthesis of Bi2Se3 Nanosheets a Solid
State Reaction Approach Suraj Karan Jat, N.
Vijayan, Mohd. Shkir, Brajendra Singh Gour, and G.
Bhagavannarayana Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1326-1330
(2013) [Abstract]
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Properties of Fluctuating Network and
Self-Organization Ravins and R. K. Brojen Singh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1331-1334 (2013) [[Abstract]
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Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk
Factors via Serum Lipid Profiles in Rural Region of Tamil
Nadu: A Population Based Study K. Vasanth,
T. M. Vijayakumar, K. R. John, K. Ilango, A. Agrawal, and G.
P. Dubey Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1335-1339 (2013) [Abstract]
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Engineered Multifunctional Nanoparticles
for DLA Cancer Cells Targeting, Sorting, MR Imaging and Drug
Delivery Gunasekaran Amsaveni, Abubacker Sulaiman
Farook, Viswanathan Haribabu, Ramachandran Murugesan, and
Agnishwar Girigoswami Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
1340-1348 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Characterization of Gold
Nanorods for Biological Applications Shakked O.
Halperin, Matthew J. Cozad, and Sheila A. Grant Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1349-1354 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Characterization of Gold
Nanorods for Biological Applications Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 1355-1364 (2013) [Abstract]
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Author Index to Volume 5, Numbers 1-12,
2013 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1365-1381 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 5, Numbers 1-12,
2013 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1382-1389 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
5, Number 11 (November 2013) pp.1113-1237 |
Derived Nanoporous Cerium Oxide-Titanium Oxide Platform for
Glucose Sensor Anees A. Ansari, Pratibha Pandey,
and B. D. Malhotra Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1113-1119
(2013) [Abstract]
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In Vitro and In Vivo
Characterization of Enteric Microspheres of
Manu Sharma, Vinay Sharma, and Dipak K. Majumdar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1120-1131 (2013) [Abstract]
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Development of Activated Carbon-Ceria
Nanocomposite Materials for Prostate Cancer Therapy
K. S. Snima, K. V. Sreelakshmi, G. Renu, Shantikumar V.
Nair, K. R. V. Subramanian, and Vinoth-Kumar Lakshmanan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1132-1136 (2013) [Abstract]
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Run-Length Textural Descriptors and
Artificial Neural Networks for Steatosis Liver Disease
Detection Dorin Bibicu and Luminita Moraru Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1137-1143 (2013) [Abstract]
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Breast Images Despeckling Using Entropy
Filter and Tissue Phantoms Simulation Simona
Moldovanu, Mirela Stratulat, and Luminita Moraru Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1144-1149 (2013) [Abstract]
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Silver Nanoparticles Embedded Fungal
Metabolites Against Culex quinquefasciatus
Namita Soni and Soam Prakash Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1150-1156 (2013) [Abstract]
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Biosynthesis of Metal Nanoparticles from
the Peel of Asparagus Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. asparagine)
Leming Sun, Lijin Xia, Sijia Yi, Scott C. Lenaghan,
Yongzhong Wang, and Mingjun Zhang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1157-1165 (2013) [Abstract]
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Fabrication and Tailoring of Eugenol
Loaded Polycaprolactone Nanoparticles Using Response Surface
Methodology K. Pramod, Shahid H. Ansari, and
Javed Ali Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1166-1175 (2013) [Abstract]
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Nanocrystalline Zn1 - xCoxO
(0.05 <x <0.2) Powders Produced by Novel
Auto-Combustion Method and Their Characterization
V. Rajendar, K. Venkateswara Rao, Mohsen Ahmadipour, and
K. Shoban Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1176-1180 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic and Electrocatalytic Properties
of Nano-Pd and -Pt-Carbon Nano-Onion Composite El
Said A. Nouh, Manas Roy, Goutam Nandi, and Sabyasachi Sarkar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1181-1187 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of
Europium-Doped Zinc Sulphide (ZnS:Eu) Nano Particles: Nano Red
Phosphor I. Ahemen and Dilip K. De, O. C. Melludu Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1188-1194 (2013) [Abstract]
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Removal of Iron Ions from Wastewaters
Using Turkish Natural Zeolite Nalan Erdöl
Aydin and Gülhayat Nasün Saygili Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 1195-1198 (2013) [[Abstract]
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Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm
for Multi-Hop Green Wireless Sensor Network Using Gateway Node Anindita
Ray and Debashis De Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1199-1204
(2013) [Abstract]
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Comparison Between Auricular Acupressure
and Tramadol in Relieving Emergence Agitation After
Sevoflurane Anesthesia Yanxia Luo, Wuhua Ma, Si
Chen, Kejia Wang, and Junyi Zheng Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1205-1208 (2013) [Abstract]
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Quantum Superdense Coding for Three and
Four-Qubit Entangled States Ahmet Gün and
Azmi Gençten Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1209-1215
(2013) [Abstract]
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NMR/MRI Blood Flow Magnetization
Equation in the Rotating Frame of Reference-Part I Dilip
K. De Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1216-1224 (2013) [Abstract]
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Theoretical Extraction of Wide-Fraction
Plates from Tar Distillation Xiaoting Wang, Wenfu
Yan, and Mingdong Zheng Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
1225-1229 (2013) [Abstract]
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Medicine: Biomarkers, Diagnostic Tools and Integration in
Healthcare Kirti Janghu Tomar Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 1230-1237 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 10 (October 2013) pp.1011-1111 |
ARTICLES Formation
and Collapse of Fluorescent Gels by Gold Nanoparticles Radha
Perumal Ramasamy and Shihabudheen M. Maliyekkal Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1011-1019 (2013) [Abstract]
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Nanobioconjugates for the Removal of Phenols and Dyes from
Aqueous Solutions Razi Ahmad, Abhijeet Mishra,
and Meryam Sardar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1020-1025
(2013) [Abstract]
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Dependence of Electrochemical Current on
Depth of Micro-Flow Channel for Uric Acid Determination
Hiroaki Sakamoto, Ranko Hatsuda, Kazuhiro Miyamura, Haruki
Shiraishi, and Susumu Sugiyama Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
1026-1029 (2013) [Abstract]
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Inquisitive Microbiological Analysis of
Pharmaceutical Effluents and Screening for a Potential Strain
Capable of Utilizing Acetaminophen and Ethylacetoacetate
as Sole Carbon and Energy Source Mohammad Asrar
Izhari, A. B. Bhatt, Shailja Pant, and Deepak Pant Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1030-1034 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analysis of Deep Levels in AlGaN/GaN
High Electron Mobility Transistor on Si Substrate Using
Capacitance Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
M. Charfeddine, M. A. Zaidi, and H. Maaref Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1035-1038 (2013) [Abstract]
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Formation Nano Size Ag-TiO2
Composite by Sol-Gel Method and Investigation of Band Gap
Decline Mozhgan Hatami, K. Venkateswara Rao,
Mohsen Ahmadipour, and V. Rajendar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 1039-1043 (2013) [Abstract]
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One-Pot Synthesis of Nanoscale ZnO:
Optical, Photocatalytic and Antimicrobial Properties
Yuvaraj Haldorai, S. Chitra, and Jae-Jin Shim Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1044-1050 (2013) [Abstract]
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Performance Comparison of Linear
Discriminant Analysis and Principal Component Analysis for
Classification of Gases/Odors with Neural Classifier
Using Thick Film Gas Sensor Array Responses Sunny,
Vishwambhar N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, and Rukmini R. Das Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1051-1057 (2013) [Abstract]
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Frequency and Composition Dependent
Dielectric Properties and A.C. Conductivity of Poly Methyl
Methaacrylate/Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites
Shilpa Vijay, J. K. Vijayavargiya, Anshu Sharma, and Y. K.
Vijay Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1058-1061 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Environment Friendly Highly Sensitive
Ethanol Vapor Sensor Based on Polymethylethacrylate:
Functionalized- Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Composite
Amandeep Kaur, Inderpreet Singh, Jitender Kumar, Devinder
Madhwal, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, C. A. Bernardo, and
M. C. Paiva Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1062-1066 (2013) [Abstract]
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MnO2 Nanoparticles as
Efficient Catalyst in Fuel Cells Jatin Khera,
Arvinder Singh, Satish K. Mandal, and Amreesh Chandra Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1067-1072 (2013) [Abstract]
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Biosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using
Rhizoctonia Bataticola TFR-6 Ramesh Raliya and J.
C. Tarafdar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1073-1076 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Characterization of Tin
Sulphide Thin Films Grown by Screen-Printing Method Vipin
Kumar, Aditya Sharma, and D. K. Dwivedi Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 1077-1080 (2013) [Abstract]
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Fracture Toughness of Carbon
Nanotube-Alumina Composite M. Zinzuwadia, Kuntal
Maiti, J. Nemade, and Hemanth Aiyer Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 1081-1084 (2013) [Abstract]
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Study on Descriptions of Vernacular
Sentences of Individual Interpretations of Cognitions of Image
Storyboarding Shyh-Bao Chiang and Chun-Wang Sun Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1085-1089 (2013) [Abstract]
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Quality Prediction Model Based on
Mechanical Product Gene Libo Sun, Shunsheng Guo,
Yibing Li, and Maw Maw Htay Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
1090-1096 (2013) [Abstract]
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Fermi Surface of Metallic Nanostructures
in Non-Planar Geometry P. K. Karmakar and D.
Mohanta Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1097-1104 (2013) [Abstract]
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Solution of the Coupled
Drinfeld's-Sokolov-Wilson (DSW) System by Homotopy Analysis
Method Rajan Arora and Anoop Kumar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1105-1111 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 9 (September 2013) pp.895-1010 |
ARTICLES Prefoldin
A New Bio-Nanorobots Component M. Askarian, M.
Moavenian, and R. Hasanzadeh Ghasemi Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 895-904 (2013) [Abstract]
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Nd:YAG Laser Assisted Drilling and
Spallation of Rocks Ambar Choubey, R. K. Jain, S.
C. Vishwakarma, B. N. Upadhyaya, and S. M. Oak Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 905-911 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation of Al-Ni Alloy Coating in
NaCl-KCl-AlCl3 Molten Salt Lipeng
Zhang, Jie Wang, Zengdian Zhao, Xianjin Yu, Ming Huang, and
Enze Chen Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 912-917 (2013) [Abstract]
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Carrier Induced Gain Simulation of
InGaAlAs/InP Nano-Heterostructure Pyare Lal,
Rashmi Yadav, F. Rahman, and P. A. Alvi Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 918-925 (2013) [Abstract]
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Padina tetrastomatica: A
Potential Source for the Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and
Its Antibacterial Efficiency P. J. Shiny,
Sindhu Priya Dhas, Amitava Mukherjee, and Natarajan
Chandrasekaran Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 926-931 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Temperature on Palladium-Doped
Tin Oxide (SnO2) Thick Film Gas Sensor
Meenakshi Choudhary, V. N. Mishra, and R. Dwivedi Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 932-936 (2013) [Abstract]
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Control of Vapor Pressure and Flow-Rate
on the Growth of Carbon Nanotubes in Co Based Catalyst and
Ethanol Decomposition Process Ghuzanfar
Saeed Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 937-942 (2013) [Abstract]
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Green Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticle
Using Aspergillus tubingensis Ayon
Tarafdar, Ramesh Raliya, Wei-Ning Wang, Pratim Biswas, and J.
C. Tarafdar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 943-949 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Formulation Variables and
Process Parameters on the Release Performance of Cefpodoxime
Proxetil from Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and
Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose-Alginate Based Matrices
Ali Mujtaba, Mushir Ali, and Kanchan Kohli Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 950-956 (2013) [Abstract]
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A New Kind of Multi-Functional Hybrid
Active Power Filter of Microgrid Shengqing Li,
Yongan Li, Lilin Zeng, and Zhengping He Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 957-961 (2013) [Abstract]
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Intelligent Stock Price Prediction
System Based on Cloud Computing: Design and Implementation
Chi-Hua Chen, Chun-Yun Su, and Chi-Chun Lo Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 962-964 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Environments on Optical
Properties of Chemically Prepared Si Nanoparticles
Abdullah Aldwayyan, Amani Ali, Anees A. Ansari, M. S.
Alsalhi, and M. H. Nayfeh Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
965-970 (2013) [Abstract]
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Lipophilic Synthetic Antioxidants
(BHA/BHT) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) in Alcohol-Water
Mixtures: A Thermodynamic Study Varun
Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, S. Chauhan, and M. S. Chauhan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 971-978 (2013) [Abstract]
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Ferroelectric and Magnetic Properties of
Agglomerated Bismuth Ferrite Nanoparticles Nabanita
Dutta, S. K. Bandyopadhyay, A. K. Himanshu, P. Sen, S.
Banerjee, and P. K. Chakraborty Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
979-983 (2013) [Abstract]
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Hydrothermal Synthesis of
Thiol-Functionalized Hollow Porous Silica Nanospheres Yong-Ju
He, Hui Xu, Song-Shan Ma, Peng-Hua Zhang, Wei-Rong Huang, and
Mo-Qi Kong Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 984-987 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of
Bismuth Oxide Quantum Dots K. R. Nemade and S. A.
Waghuley Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 988-990 (2013) [Abstract]
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Acoustical and Volumetric Studies of
Proline in Ethanolic Solutions of Lecithin at Different
Temperatures S. Chauhan, Kuldeep Kumar, M. S.
Chauhan, D. S. Rana, and Ahmad Umar Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 991-997 (2013) [Abstract]
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Characterization and Synthesis Mechanism
of Magnesium Borate Whisker Zhiliang Jin, Donghai
Zhu, Jing Xu, Xueying Nai, Hong Yuan, and Wu Li Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 998-1005 (2013) [Abstract]
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Mastophora Species (Araneae, Araneidae) in Central
Mexico: New Observations Vladimir A. Basiuk and
Mark K. Stowe Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1006-1010 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 8 (August 2013) pp.763-893 |
Overview of Facile Green Biogenic Synthetic Routes and
Applications of Platinum Nanoparticles Rimal
Isaac, Suyamprakasam Gobalakrishnan, Gopika Rajan, Ren-Jang
Wu, Sudhakar Reddy Pamanji, Mukkanti Khagga, Vaseeharan
Baskaralingam, and Murthy Chavali Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 763-770 (2013) [Abstract]
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ARTICLES Formulation
and Characterization of Zolpidem Tartrate Oral Fast Dissolving
Films B. Pamula Reddy, M. Mohan Varma, D. Basava
Raju, Sudheer Betha, J. Vijaya Ratna, and G. Venugopalarao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 771-776 (2013) [Abstract]
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Cloning of Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Gene from Rapeseeds and Correlation with Waterlogging
Tolerance Index Benbo Xu, Yong Cheng,
Xiling Zou, Guangyuan Lu, Puying Zheng, and Xuekun Zhang Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 777-782 (2013) [Abstract]
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Biocapped Nanoparticles are More
Bioactive to HeLa Cells than its Chemical Counterpart
Utpal Ghosh, Manickkam Nagalakshmi, Ratan Sadhukhan, and
Agnishwar Girigoswami Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 783-788
(2013) [Abstract]
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Electromagnetic Behavior of Lead Free
Ferroelectrics at Microwave Frequencies S. N.
Mathad, R. N. Jadhav, R. P. Pawar, and Vijaya Puri Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 789-795 (2013) [Abstract]
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Hydrogen Sorption Characteristics of
Zr-Mn-Ni-Fe Alloys D. Pukazhselvan, Vinod Kumar,
Heena Dhanopiya, and S. K. Singh Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 796-800 (2013) [Abstract]
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Dynamic Modeling and Sensitivity
Analysis of Atomic Force Microscope Pushing Force in
Nanoparticle Manipulation on a Rough Substrate
Hesam Babahosseini, Seyed Hanif Mahboobi, and Ali Meghdari Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 801-810 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Temperature on the Performance
of Nanostructured Photoelectrochemical Fuel Cells
Kai Ren and Yong X. Gan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
811-814 (2013) [Abstract]
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New Semifluorinated Aromatic
Copoly(etheramide)s Containing Heterocyclic Moiety and a
Comparative Study of Gas Transport Properties with the
Homopolymers Debaditya Bera, Parthasarathi
Bandyopadhyay, and Susanta Banerjee Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 815-826 (2013) [Abstract]
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Corrosion Inhibition Effect of Mild
Steel in 1 M HCl by N' -(2-hydroxybenzylidene)
Benzohydrazide with Iodide Ions P. Mohan
and G. Paruthimal Kalaignan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
827-834 (2013) [Abstract]
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Epoxy/Glass-Fabric/Silica Hybrid
Composites: Mechanical Properties and Wear Behavior
B. Shivamurthy, S. Anandhan, and K. Udaya Bhat Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 835-840 (2013) [Abstract]
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Eco-Friendly Preparation of Zinc Oxide
Nanoparticles with Jackfruit Seed Flour Template and Microwave
Assisted Heating T. Umasangari, S.
Anandhavelu, and S. Thambidurai Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
841-845 (2013) [Abstract]
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Photoluminescence and Magnetism of Zn1
- xCoxO Nanoparticles Prepared
by Combustion Method Mast Ram, Kuldeep Chand
Verma, and N. S. Negi Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 846-851
(2013) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Cadmium Sulphide
Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Precipitation Method
Nida Qutub and Suhail Sabir Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
852-857 (2013) [Abstract]
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Cynodon dactylon Leaf Extract
Assisted Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their
Anti-Microbial Activity R. K. Sharma, S.
Tahiliani, N. Jain, R. Priyadarshi, S. Chhangani, S. D.
Purohit, and Prachi Joshi Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
858-863 (2013) [Abstract]
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Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
Using Manihot esculenta Leaf Extract C.
Ramesh, M. Hari Prasad, and V. Ragunathan Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 864-868 (2013) [Abstract]
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Structural and Optical Characterization
of Pr2O3 and Yb Doped and Co-Doped
Silicon Nanorings J. R. Rani, G. Anoop, Meera
Gopal, V. Ganesan, and V. P. Mahadevan Pillai Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 869-876 (2013) [Abstract]
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Morphological Control of Ca(OH)2
Nanostructure via Sol-Gel Method Using Ethanol and N,N-Dimethylformamide
as Reaction Media Farah Diana Mohd Daud,
Srimala Sreekantan, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, and Chin Wei Lai Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 877-884 (2013) [Abstract]
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Factors Influencing Drug Abuse and
Relapsing Shunfang Wang, Xueren Wang, Xulin Pan,
Weibo Liu, Ming Cui, and Huasheng Li Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 885-889 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Reduced
and Stabilized by Cashew Tree Gum Felipe Bastos
Araruna, Patrick Veras Quelemes, Bruna Ester Ferreira de
Faria, Selma Aparecida Souza Kuckelhaus, Valéria
Spolon Marangoni, Valtencir Zucolotto, Durcilene Alves da
Silva, José Ribeiro Santos Júnior, José
Roberto S. A. Leite, and Carla Eiras Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 890-893 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 7 (July 2013) pp.633-761 |
Sensitive Conductive Polymer Nanofibers for Applications in
Cardiac Biomarker Detection Md. Rajib Anwar,
Krishna Vattipalli, Erik Myrah, Ramazan Asmatulu, and Shalini
Prasad Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 633-640 (2013) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Pathological
Deposits on Indwelling Double J Ureteral Stents Nikolaos
Bouropoulos Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 641-644 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical Studies of Carbon
Nanotube Obtained from Coconut Oil as Non Enzymatic Glucose
Biosensor Mitali Saha and Soma Das Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 645-648 (2013) [Abstract]
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Modifying of Targeted Nanoparticles for
Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen-1 Expressing U937 Cell
Line Using cIBR Peptide Rungsinee
Phongpradist, Chadarat Ampasavate, and Songyot Anuchapreeda Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 649-655 (2013) [Abstract]
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Trace Level Detection of Nickel Ions in
Chocolate Samples Using Noval N4 Macrocycle Based
Potentiometric Sensor Nidhi Rani Gupta, Susheel
K. Mittal, and Sumit Kumar Sonkar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 656-661 (2013) [Abstract]
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Biodistribution and Low Field Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance for the Study of Vitamin E Nanoparticles
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Maria Inês Bruno Tavares, and Ralph Santos-Oliveira Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 662-664 (2013) [Abstract]
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Green-Chemical Synthesis of Monodisperse
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Dora J. Borbón-González, Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina,
and Alvaro Posada-Amarillas Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 665-672 (2013) [Abstract]
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Wireless Sensor Networks Microcontroller
for Light-Emitting Diode Toggling Yi-Jen Mon Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 673-676 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optical Characterization of ZnO Thin
Films Grown by Thermal Oxidation of Metallic Zinc
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 677-682 (2013) [Abstract]
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Assessment of Micronuclei and
Chromosomal Aberrations in Channa punctatus Exposed to Lead
Nitrate Nuzhat Parveen, Fakiha Firdaus, and G. G.
H. A. Shadab Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 683-687 (2013) [Abstract]
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Novel Ag@Zn2TiO4
Nanocomposite and Its Enhanced Antibacterial Activity
Latesh Nikam, Rajendra Patil, Rajendra Panmand, Sunil
Kadam, K. Sivanandan, and Bharat Kale Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 688-692 (2013) [Abstract]
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Photocurrent Enhancement of CdS
Nanocrystals by Cu Doping Jumi Kakati and
Pranayee Datta Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 693-697 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Dye Adsorbtion on Carrier
Dynamics in TiO2 for Efficient Water Pollution
Control Systems S. Sharma, S. K. Sundaray,
Arpit Garg, and Sunil Kumar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
698-704 (2013) [Abstract]
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Simulation of Field Emission from
Randomly Tilted Carbon Nanotubes in a Bundle Mamta
Khaneja, B. Bandyopadhyay, Lohit Bisen, S. Ghosh, P. K.
Chaudhury, and Vikram Kumar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
705-708 (2013) [Abstract]
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Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
and Their Activity Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Priti
Agarwal, Archana Mehta, Sumita Kachhwaha, and S. L. Kothari Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 709-714 (2013) [Abstract]
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Material Selection for Piezoelectric
Devices Aditya Chauhan and Rahul Vaish Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 715-719 (2013) [Abstract]
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Density, Sound Velocity, Viscosity,
Surface Tension and Spectroscopic Studies of Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate
(SDBS) in Aqueous Solution of Histidine S.
Chauhan, Kundan Sharma, M. S. Chauhan, and Ahmad Umar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 720-725 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon
Nano/Microspheres from Starch by Low-Temperature Hydrothermal
Procedure G. Krishnamurthy and R. Namitha Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 726-730 (2013) [Abstract]
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Multi-Objective Decision Concordance
Evolutionary Algorithm for Reactive Power Optimization Shengqing
Li, Lilin Zeng, Xiaodong Luo, Yongan Li, and Zhengping He Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 731-735 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effects of MHD and Porosity on the Flow
of Third Grade Fluid in a Pipe by Means of Reynolds' and
Vogel's Models Rahmat Ellahi, Shafiq ur Rehman,
Ambreen Afsar Khan, and Muhammad Mushtaq Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 736-743 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analytical Solution for Non-Newtonian
Nanofluid with Heat Transfer and Nonlinear Partial Slip
Boundary Conditions by Means of Optimal Homotopic
Asymptotic Method Rahmat Ellahi, Mohsan Hassan,
Ambreen Afsar Khan, and Khadija Maqbool Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 744-751 (2013) [Abstract]
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H-Infinity Fuzzy Sliding Parallel
Distributed Compensation Control Design for Pendulum System Yi-Jen
Mon Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 752-755 (2013) [Abstract]
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Field Ionization Discharge of Micro-Gap
Silicon Nanowires Electrode Yun Chen, Zhiliang
Wang, Xuejiao Chen, and Jian Zhang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 756-761 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 6 (June 2013) pp.507-631 |
Special Issue on Preparation and Characterization of
Solids Jirí Lunácek, Karel Nitsch,
and Zdenek Koíek Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 507-508 (2013) [Abstract]
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Films Deposited by Oxygen-Enhanced Linear Plasma Chemistry A.
Kromka, O. Babchenko, T. Izak, M. Varga, M. Davydova, M.
Kratka, and B. Rezek Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 509-514
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Photoluminescence and Infrared
Absorption Spectra of Aminated Nanocrystalline Diamond Surface
Z. Remes, H. Kozak, O. Babchenko, E. Ukraintsev,
and A. Kromka Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 515-518 (2013) [Abstract]
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Diamond Structures Grown from Polymer
Composite Nanofibers . Potocký, A.
Kromka, O. Babchenko, B. Rezek, L. Martinová, and P.
Pokorný Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 519-521 (2013) [Abstract]
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Modeling of Thermal Stress Induced
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Transistors V. Jirásek, T. Iak,
O. Babchenko, A. Kromka, and G. Vanko Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 522-526 (2013) [Abstract]
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Solderability of Ceramic Materials
R. Kolenák and M. Martinkovic Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 527-532 (2013) [Abstract]
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Growth of Sapphire Single-Crystal Fibres
and Their Applications M. Klejch, M. Nemec, J.
Kubát, and J. Polák Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 533-537 (2013) [Abstract]
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Affect of Carbon Black Modification on
Electrical Properties of Carbon Black-Polymer Composites
J. Lipták, I. Pilarcíková, O. Hejna,
and M. Mach Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 538-542 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Humidity on Voids Formation
Inside the Solder Joint Karel Duek, Jan
Vlach, Michal Brejcha, Lenka Hájková, Pavel ák,
and Ladislav Pospíil Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 543-547 (2013) [Abstract]
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New Approach to Crystal Nucleation from
Solution on Active Centers Z. Koíek,
P. Demo, and A. Sveshnikov Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
548-552 (2013) [Abstract]
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Growth of Profiled Sapphire Single
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Polák, J. Mikula, and J. Houvicka Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 553-556 (2013) [Abstract]
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Transparent Yb:YAG Ceramics, Layered {In
Situ} Composites J. Hostaa Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 557-560 (2013) [Abstract]
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Formation of Structured Nanophases in
Halide Crystals J. Kulveit, P. Demo, K. Polák,
A. Sveshnikov, and Z. Koíek Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 561-564 (2013) [Abstract]
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Resonant and Non-Resonant Components of
the Rate of a Population Transfer in Hybrid Donor-Acceptor
Systems M. Meník and K. Král Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 565-568 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preliminary Study of Polyvinyl Alcohol
Nanotextile Produced by Electrospinning A.
Sveshnikov, I. Klicmanová, P. Demo, and Z. Koíek Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 569-572 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of
Lu2SiO5 and Y2SiO5
Scintillators Doped by Cerium M. S. Buryi, V. V.
Laguta, D. V. Savchenko, and M. Nikl Adv. Sci. Eng.
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Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Using
Spectral Interference J. Lunácek, P.
Hlubina, M. Lesnák, D. Ciprian, and M. Lunácková Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 577-580 (2013) [Abstract]
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Current Loading of Adhesive Joints Aged
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and D. Buek Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 581-584
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Estimation of Grain Deformation of
Polycrystalline Materials M. Martinkovic and .
Václav Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 585-588 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Study of Silver Nanoparticles Behavior
in Liquid Media for Ecotoxicity Tests Jakub
Oprsal, Zdenek Bures, Miroslav Vlcek, Petr Knotek, Miloslav
Pouzar, and Ludvik Benes Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
589-592 (2013) [Abstract]
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LiNbO3 Precursor for PLD
Targets Prepared by Sol-Gel V. Jake, K. Rubeová,
M. Chvalová, J. Erben, and M. Jelínek Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 593-597 (2013) [Abstract]
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Ligand Ronicol, Which Brings Together
and Divides M. Koman and G. Ondrejovic Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 598-602 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optimization of the Bond and Etch-Back
Silicon-on-Insulator Manufacturing Processes Petr
Kostelník and Jan ik Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 603-607 (2013) [Abstract]
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Power-Law Photoluminescence Decay in
Quantum Dots K. Král and M. Meník Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 608-610 (2013) [Abstract]
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Scintillating Properties of Rare Earth
Aluminum Garnets J. A. Mares, M. Nikl, A.
Beitlerova, M. Kucera, K. Nitsch, P. Maly, and K. Blazek Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 611-613 (2013) [Abstract]
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Structure and Properties of TeO2
Containing Calcium Borophosphate Glasses P. Moner,
M. Vorokhta, and L. Koudelka Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
614-619 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of -Irradiation on Pore-Space of
Hardened Cement Paste F. Vodák, V. Vydra,
and O. Kapicková Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 620-622
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Methods of Accelerated Growth of Tin
Whiskers P. ák, I. Kudlácek,
and J. Urbánek Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 623-627
(2013) [Abstract]
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Regional Materials Science and
Technology Centre in Ostrava J. Drápala and
M. Kursa Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 628-631 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 5 (May 2013) pp.385-505 |
REVIEW Advances
in Microfluidics: Lab-on-a-Chip to Point of Care Diagnostic
Devices Shubi Jamal and Y. K. Agrawal Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 385-394 (2013) [Abstract]
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ARTICLES Microwave
Synthesized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Supported Pt-Sn
Nanoparticles for Methanol Fuel Cell Application A.
Muneendra Prasad, C. Santhosh, K. Priya, and A. Nirmala Grace Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 395-403 (2013) [Abstract]
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Evaluation of Anodic Alumina Membrane
Synthesized at Different Voltages M.
Ahmadidaryakenari, M. Samimi, A. Ahmadidaryakenari, and H.
Omidvar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 404-408 (2013) [Abstract]
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Gold Nanoparticles Based Ultrasensitive
Colorimetric Sensor for Cd2+ Ions Vinayak
A. Dhumale, Rajesh K. Gangwar, Suwarna S. Datar, and Rishi B.
Sharma Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 409-413 (2013) [Abstract]
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Replication of Submicrometric Organized
Structures of Block Copolymer from Coordination-Polymer Templates
R. H. Longaresi, B. A. N. Travençolo, L.
C. DaSilva, M. A. Pereira-da-Silva, A. J. F. Carvalho, L. F.
Costa, and R. M. Faria Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
414-419 (2013) [Abstract]
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Enhanced Antimicrobial Activity of
Polyaniline Grafted Chitosan Premvanan
Karunanithy, R. G. S. V. Prasad, Venkata Srinivas Jakka, R. S.
L. Aparna, A. R. Phani, G. S. Prabhakara, and Syed Azar
Ahmed Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 420-426 (2013) [Abstract]
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Isolation of Mononuclear Stem Cells from
Human Umbilical Cord Blood and Their Scaffold Interactions
Biswadeep Chaudhuri and K. Paramanik Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 427-430 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optimized Reversible Logic Based Add and
Shift Multiplier Using Linear Transformation Amita
Nandal, T. Vigneswaran, and Ashwani Rana Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 431-435 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Processing Conditions on
Nanostructured Bi2Te3 Thin Films for
Their Structural, Electrical, and Thermoelectric
Properties Sandeep K. Pundir, Sukhvir Singh, A.
K. Srivastava, M. K. Dalai, and Rajesh Kumar Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 436-442 (2013) [Abstract]
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Nanosized Cubic LaMnO3 by
Heating Salt Precursors and Hydrothermal Activation
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Eng. Med. 5, 443-448 (2013) [Abstract]
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Novel Adaptive Optics Deformable Mirrors
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Ganesan, V. M. Murukeshan, V. Q. Nguyen, and R. V. Ramanujan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 449-454 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Application of SiO2/1-Methylpiperidinium
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Synthesis of 1,5-Diaryl-3-(arylamino)-1H-Pyrrol-2(5H)-ones
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Najme Yaghooti, and Majid Ghashang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 455-462 (2013) [Abstract]
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Homotopy Analysis Method for the Coupled
System of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
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Eng. Med. 5, 463-467 (2013) [Abstract]
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Surface Modification and Antibacterial
Activity of Biosynthesized Magnesium Oxide Coated Cotton Fabric
by Rambutan Peel Extract J. Suresh, R. Rajiv
Gandhi, S. Gowri, S. Selvam, and M. Sundrarajan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 468-473 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effects of Solvents on Chemical
Composition and Nanostructures of CuxS Prepared by
Decomposition of Xanthate Kai-Jun Xu,
Qiao-Feng Han, and Fen Wu Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
474-478 (2013) [Abstract]
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Ab-Initio Study for the Optical
Properties of the Most Stable ZnmSen (m
+ n = 2 to 5) Nanoclusters Dheeraj Kumar
Pandey and Phool Singh Yadav Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
479-484 (2013) [Abstract]
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Hierarchical Fuzzy-Sliding PDC Control
Design for Nonlinear Systems Yi-Jen Mon Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 485-488 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effective Heartbeat Case Determination
on ECG Signals Using the Euclidean Distance Measurement Method Yun-Chi
Yeh, Ko-Jung Chen, and Yu-Ching Yeh Adv. Sci. Eng.
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Synthesis and Optical Characterization
of Lead Zirconate Titanate (52/48) Powders by Sol-Gel Method M.
Prabu, I. B. Shameem Banu, S. Gobalakrishnan, Murthy Chavali,
and S. Umapathy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 496-499 (2013) [Abstract]
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Parallel Programming Environment
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Yang, Deyuan Guo, Hu He, Ruiqiang Ding, Wenting Ren, Siye
Wang, Yanjun Zhang, and Dake Liu Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 500-505 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 4 (April 2013) pp.291-383 |
ARTICLES Biomimetically
Prepared Antibacterial, Free Radical Scavenging Poly(ethylene
glycol) Supported Silver Nanoparticles as Aedes
albopictus Larvicide Shaswat Barua,
Rocktotpal Konwarh, Manabendra Mandal, Reji Gopalakrishnan,
Dharmendra Kumar, and Niranjan Karak Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 291-298 (2013) [Abstract]
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Nanovesicular Transfersomes for Enhanced
Systemic Delivery of Telmisartan Saima Amin,
Ahmad Sarfenejad, Javed Ahmad, Kanchan Kohli, and Showkat R.
Mir Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 299-308 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Properties of Silver
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Size Franciszek Scigalski, Halina Kaczmarek, and
Magdalena Wolnicka Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 309-313
(2013) [Abstract]
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Platinum Based Nanobiosensor Monitoring
Carboplatin-DNA Interaction In-Vitro Amitkumar N.
Lad and Y. K. Agrawal Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 314-318
(2013) [Abstract]
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Rapid Green Synthesis and Biological
Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Using Adhatoda vasica Leaf
Extract Ranade Suvidya, Likhankar Pravin,
Borse Shubhangi, and Joshi Satyawati Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 319-324 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Thioridazine Hydrochloride
on the Phase Profile of Phosphatidylcholine Liposome
Suman Bhandary, Sukhen Das, and Sujata Ghosh Dastidar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 325-329 (2013) [Abstract]
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Uncovering the Economic Coherence Among
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Azad and Arvind Gupta Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 330-334
(2013) [Abstract]
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Histological Interactions of Paecilomyces
lilacinus with Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne
incognita and Their Effect on the Growth of Tomato
Tanweer Azam, Mohd. Sayeed Akhtar, and
Hisamuddin Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 335-341 (2013) [Abstract]
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XPS Characterization and Bactericidal
Properties of a Biomass Derived Silica-Copper Nanocomposite
G. Sivasubramanian, C. Shanmugam, Parthasarathi Bera, and
V. R. Parameswaran Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 342-348
(2013) [Abstract]
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Formulation and Evaluation of Sublingual
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Ali Mujtaba, Kanchan Kohli, Javed Ali, and Sanjula Baboota Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 349-354 (2013) [Abstract]
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Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
and Their Antibacterial Activity Against Multi-Drug Resistant
Human Pathogens Nikesh Gupta, Aanchal
Panwar, Ravindra Kumar, Surinder Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Kumar
Sharma, and Veena Agrawal Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
355-361 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of L-Lysine Coated Magnetite
Nanoparticles N. Ahmad, M. Ahmad, S. N. Singh,
and S. S. Talwar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 362-365 (2013) [Abstract]
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Corrosion Behavior of Al2O3
Reinforced Fe Metal Matrix Nanocomposites Produced by Powder
Metallurgy Technique Pallav Gupta, Devendra
Kumar, M. A. Quraishi, and Om Parkash Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 366-370 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Support Nature on
Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Film O.
Linnik, N. Smirnova, M. Zhukovskiy, T. Orekhovskaya, A.
Asharif, V. Borisenko, and N. Gaponenko Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 371-376 (2013) [Abstract]
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in Cactaceae Family: The Effect of Temperature Vladimir
A. Basiuk Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 377-383 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
5, Number 3 (March 2013) pp.187-290 |
ARTICLES Electromagnetic
Wave Reflection Properties of Lossy Anisotropic Materials
Realized by Multi-Layered Film Structures with a Metallic
Substrate L. Zhao and J. Dai Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 187-192 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of CuO
Nanosheets in Polyvinylpyrrolidone by Quick Precipitation
Method Mahdi Shahmiri, Nor Azowa Ibrahim, Wan Md
Zin Wan Yunus, Kamyar Shameli, Norhazlin Zainuddin, and Hossein
Jahangirian Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 193-197 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Fe Doping on Structural,
Optical and Magnetic Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles Derived
by Surfactant Assisted Combustion Synthesis Y.
T. Prabhu, V. Sesha Sai Kumar, and K. Venkateswara Rao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 198-205 (2013) [Abstract]
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Self-Assembled Ag@AgI Core-Shell
Nanoparticles in Iodized Ag/PVA Thin Films: Transmission
Electron Microscopy, Optical Absorption and
Photoluminescence Studies M. Gnanavel and C. S.
Sunandana Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 206-216 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Monodispersed Silica
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K. Gangwar, Vinayak A. Dhumale, Tejashree M. Bhave, Ashwin
Kale, Suresh W. Gosavi, and Rishi B. Sharma Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 5, 217-222 (2013) [Abstract]
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Green Synthesis of Gold and Silver
Nanoparticles Using Achyranthes aspera L. Leaf Extract
Venkatesh Gude, Kalpana Upadhyaya, M. N. V.
Prasad, and Nandiraju V. S. Rao Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
223-228 (2013) [Abstract]
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Porous Titania Films Prepared by the
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Cells Tung-Li Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao
Huang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 229-233 (2013) [Abstract]
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Enhancing Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
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Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao Huang Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 5, 234-238 (2013) [Abstract]
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Bending Behavior of Nanochannels in the
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Khan Kasi, Ajab Khan Kasi, Nitin Afzulpurkar, Erik Bohez, and
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The Effective Electron Mass in Quantum
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Materials P. K. Bose, S. Bhattacharya, D. De, N.
Paitya, and K. P. Ghatak Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5,
245-257 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optical and Magnetic Studies on Co Doped
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T. Rajendrakumar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 258-261 (2013) [Abstract]
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Allometric Pressure versus Volume
Behavior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Under High Pressure
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Navarro-Contreras, and M. A. Vidal Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
5, 262-265 (2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Silver Doping on
Hydroxyapatite Properties O. Ivashchenko, L.
Protsenko, O. Budylina, N. Ulianchich, I. Uvarova, and T.
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