Science, Engineering and Medicine
7, Number 12 (December 2015) pp.1007-1139 |
Special Issue on How Can We Learn from Biology to Create
New Functional Materials? Guest Editors: Jinglin
Fu (Lead), Bryce Sadtler, Ian Wheeldon, and Zhuangqun Huang Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1007-1008 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Acid Based Nanoreactors-Toward the Study of Multienzymatic
Pathways Palash K. Dutta, Travis A. Meyer, and
Yonggang Ke Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1009-1018 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
DNA-Directed Assembly of Conductive
Nanomaterials Ting Zhang, John Collins, Georgia
A. Arbuckle-Keil, and Jinglin Fu Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 1019-1032 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Bio-Inspired, Biomimetic Polymeric
Cancer Nanotherapeutics Madelyn Bielecki and
Mathumai Kanapathipillai Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
1033-1043 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Antibacterial Properties of
Nanoparticles: A Comparative Review of Chemically Synthesized
and Laser-Generated Particles J. J. Naddeo,
Matthew Ratti, Sean M. O'Malley, Julianne C. Griepenburg,
Daniel M. Bubb, and Eric A. Klein Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 1044-1057 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy for
Single Cell Imaging and Analysis Namuna Panday and
Jin He Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1058-1065 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Molecular Mechanisms for the Biological
Storage of Renewable Energy Buz Barstow Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1066-1081 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Plasmon-Induced Hot Electron Transfer:
100-Year-Old Photoelectric Effect for Contemporary Solar
Energy Conversion Kaifeng Wu, Guijie Liang,
and Chantelle Anfuso Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1082-1092
(2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electron Transfer: Basic Theory,
Experiments and Computational Methods Xing Yin
and David H. Waldeck Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1093-1111
(2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 7, Numbers
1-12, 2015 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1113-1120 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 7, Numbers 1-12,
2015 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1121-1133 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 7, Numbers 1-12,
2015 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1134-1139 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
7, Number 11 (November 2015) pp.925-1006 |
Response of a Hematite Coating: Ellipsometry Data versus
Fourier-Based Computations E. Couka, F. Willot,
P. Callet, and D. Jeulin Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
925-931 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nanocomposite Films and Lead Zirconate
Titanate Almuatasim Alomari, Ashok K. Batra, K.
J. Arun, and M. D. Aggarwal Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
932-937 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Adenia Hondala Mediated
Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Antiproliferative
Effect on Cancer Cell Line Pradeepa
Varadharajaperumal and Amutha Santhanam Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 938-943 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development, Characterization and In
Vivo Performance of Saquinavir Loaded Lipid Microspheres
K. Ranga Reddy, D. Narendar Reddy, Shirisha Botla, and P.
Goverdhan Reddy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 944-951 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Observation of Pronounced Electric
Polarization and Strong Magnetization in Mn Doped BiFeO3
Nanocrystals Dabbugalla Mahesh, M. L. Nanda
Goswami, and Swapan K. Mandal Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
952-957 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
On the Dynamics of Complex Valued
Nonlinear Autoregressive Time Series Models and Stochastic
Limit Cycles A. Elhassanein, M. A. Ghazal, and A.
Sh. Al-Henawy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 958-967 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Induced Magnetic Field Effect on
Stagnation-Point Flow of Magneto-Nanofluids Towards a
Stretching Sheet J. V. Ramana Reddy, V.
Sugunamma, N. Sandeep, C. S. K. Raju, and M. Jayachandra Babu Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 968-974 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Redshift of Plasmon Resonance of
Anisotropic Noble Metal Nanoparticles: Correlation Between
Shape Parameter of the Effective Medium Type Theory and
Aspect Ratio Jayanta K. Majhi, Ardhendu S.
Patra, Atis C. Mandal, and Probodh K. Kuiri Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 975-979 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Characterization of
Chemical Cross-Linked Oral Controlled Release of Atorvastatin
Calcium Loaded Ethyl Cellulose Microsphere Poovi
Ganesan, Jeyapragash Ramadass, Arul Jasmine Deepa Johnson,
Lakshmi Sabapathy, and Arun Duraikannu Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 980-989 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Deposition and Characterization of
Cuprous Oxide Thin Films by Direct Current Magnetron
Sputtering V. Vignesh, R. Niveditha, R. Nirmala,
R. T. Rajendrakumar, and R. Navamathavan Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 990-994 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Antibacterial Activity Evaluation of
Sol-Gel Prepared Zn-Doped Biphasic Calcium Phosphate
Nanopowders Zahra Nazemi, Mehdi
Mehdikhani-Nahrkhalaji, Masoumeh Haghbin Nazarpak, and Hamid
Staji Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 995-1002 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Web-Based Enterprise Management-Address
Resolution Protocol: An Efficient Scheme for Preventing Address
Resolution Protocol Spoofing Jui-Pin Yang Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 1003-1006 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
7, Number 10 (October 2015) pp.815-924 |
Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Therapeutic Applications, and
Toxicity D. V. Gowda, Atul Srivastava, M. Prerana,
Riyaz Ali M. Osmani, Afrasim Moin, Anjali, Praveen Kumar,
Chetan G. Shinde, and Meenakshi Iyer Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 815-835 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Role of Nanotechnology in Veterinary
Medicine Diego Faria Cola and Leonardo Fernandes
Fraceto Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 836-843 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ARTICLES Thermo-Mechanical
Properties of Palm Fiber Plastic (PFP) Composites S.
Karuppuchamy, Y. Andou, A. S. Baharuddin, A. Sulaiman, M. A.
Hassan, H. Nishida, and Y. Shirai Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 844-848 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Studies on Rheological Behavior of
Composite Propellant Slurry on Sequential Incorporation of
Ingredients to Predict Qualitative Mixing Pattern
Mukesh Jain, Darshana Singh, Mehilal, K. Balasubramanian,
Praveen Prakash Singh, and P. K. Khanna Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 849-854 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Study of ZnO Thin Films Deposited at
Different Argon Flow Rates Using RF Sputtering Shashikant
Sharma and C. Periasamy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 855-858
(2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Peer-Reviewed Articles from the 3rd International Conference
on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public
Health 2015 (BioMedPub 2015) Guest Editors: Ford
Lumban Gaol and Sasan Adibi Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
859-863 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Wolbachia Introduction and Predatory in Dengue
Disease Transmission N. Anggriani and A. K.
Supriatna Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 864-868 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Voltage Value of 2-Electrode 4D Brain
ECVT of Human Brain During Stress and Relaxed Conditions
Siska Ayu Nirmala, Rizki Edmi Edison, Rizki Nurfauzi, Luh
Putu Suta Haryanthi, Muhammad F. Ihsan, Rizky Maharani, and
Warsito P. Taruno Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 869-871
(2015) [Abstract]
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An Accurate Setting for Remapping
Process of Foot Plantar Pressure O. Hussein, W.
Z. Wan Hasan, A. Che Soh, and H. Jafaar Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 872-876 (2015) [Abstract]
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Establishment of EEG Index Related to
Calmness Siti Armiza Mohd Aris, Norizam Sulaiman,
and Mohd Nasir Taib Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 877-881
(2015) [Abstract]
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Investigation of the Music's Effect on
Human Brain Activity Using Electrical Capacitance Volume
Tomography Brain Scanner and Electroencephalo-Graphy Nita
Handayani, Siti Nurul Khotimah, Freddy Haryanto, Idam Arif, N.
Siska Ayu, H. S. Syarif, Yudiansyah Akbar, Rizki Edmi
Edison, and Warsito P. Taruno Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
882-887 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Investigation Monte Carlo Simulation for
3 Compartment Model as Biology System in Urinary Adita
Sutresno, Freddy Haryanto, Sparisoma Viridi, and Idam Arif Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 888-891 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Automated Estimation of Patient's Size
from 3D Image of Patient for Size Specific Dose Estimates
(SSDE) Choirul Anam, Freddy Haryanto, Rena
Widita, and Idam Arif Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 892-896
(2015) [Abstract]
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Brain Electrical Capacitance Volume
Tomography Signals Analysis with Moving Maximum Lyapunov
Exponents Hiroki Okada, Ken Umeno, Dwi Handoko,
Muhammad Fathul Ihsan, Rizky Maharani, Panji Nursetia, Habib
Rosyad, and Warsito Purwo Taruno Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 897-899 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Circuit and Signal Processing for
Capacitance Measurement of Breast Tissue Arba'i
Yusuf, S. Harry Sudibyo, Dodi Sudiana, Imamul Muttakin, Marlin
R. Baidillah, Dilla Nelvo Dasril, Wahyu Widada, and
Warsito P. Taruno Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 900-905
(2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development of Amperometric Creatinine
Biosensor for Medical Analysis Pratondo Busono,
Maruli Panjaitan, Fuad Ughi, and Arief Barkah Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 906-910 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Alternative Therapy for Human
Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Patients Using Pineapple Juice M.
Pandjaitan, M. Tjandra, T. Aswani, F. Ughi, T. Permana, and M.
Pura Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 911-914 (2015) [Abstract]
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Determination the Optimal Position from
T1 and T2 Weighted MR Imaging of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Rifki Kosasih, Sarifuddin Madenda, Cut Maisyarah Karyati,
and Lussiana ETP Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 915-919 (2015) [Abstract]
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A Segmentation Algorithm for Breast
Lesion Based on Active Contour Model and Morphological
Operations Dewi Putrie Lestari, Sarifuddin
Madenda, and Joan Massich Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
920-924 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
7, Number 9 (September 2015) pp.729-813 |
Review on Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Aspergillus
species Swarup Roy and Tapan Kumar Das Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 729-738 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Pharmaceutical Nano Drug Delivery Route
Administration for Cancer Therapy R. S. Surenya,
ShantiKumar V. Nair, and Vinoth-Kumar Lakshmanan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 739-745 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ARTICLES Radiation
and MHD Effects on the Motion of Aerosol Particles Over
Inclined Plates with Heat Source/Sink C. S. K.
Raju, N. Sandeep, V. Sugunamma, and M. Jayachandra Babu Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 746-752 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
MHD Forced Convection Nanofluid Flow
Over a Stretching Surface with Suction or Injection Effects
J. V. Ramana Reddy, V. Sugunamma, N. Sandeep, and P. Mohan
Krishna Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 753-760 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Photo-Electrochemical Properties of
Anodised Titania Nanotube Arrays Annealed in Nitrogen
Atmosphere S. Wadhwa, A. Mathur, J. W. J.
Hamilton, P. S. M. Dunlop, and J. A. Byrne Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 761-770 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surfactant Free Hydrothermal Synthesis
of CdO Nanostructure and Its Characterization K.
J. Arun, K. Shijith Kumar, A. K. Batra, M. D. Aggarwal, and P.
J. Joseph Francis Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 771-775
(2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dielectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene
fluoride)/PMN-PT Composite Films for Embedded Capacitors A.
K. Batra, Almuatasim Alomari, Mary McDaniel, Kyana Mckay, and
Marylyn Creer Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 776-781 (2015) [Abstract]
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Facile Synthesis of Gold Nanocatalyst
for Redox Reaction Between Potassium Ferricyanide and Sodium
Thiosulphate-An Electron Relay Effect Shailja
Kumar, Henam P. Singh, and Rakesh Kumar Sharma Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 782-789 (2015) [Abstract]
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Magnetically Inducible Nanocomposite
Scaffolds for Improved Bone Regenerations Tao
Yang, Jianhua Ge, Ramazan Asmatulu, and Shang-You Yang Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 790-796 (2015) [Abstract]
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Silver Nanoparticles in Sulfolobus
islandicus Biomass for Technological Applications
Tamaz Levan Kalabegishvili, Ivane Giorgi Murusidze, David
Alexander Prangishvili, Leila Irodion Kvachadze, Elena
Ivane Kirkesali, Alexander Nikoloz Rcheulishvili, Eteri
Nikoloz Ginturi, Medea Benedicte Janjalia, George Ilia
Tsertsvadze, Vakhtang Michael Gabunia, Marina Vladimirovna
Frontasyeva, Inga Zinicovscaia, and Sergey Sergeevich
Pavlov Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 797-804 (2015) [Abstract]
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Delivery Nanoparticle Platform of
Liposomes-Incorporated Dendrimers: Physicochemical,
Morphological and Thermotropic Characterization Natassa
Pippa, Stergios Pispas, and Costas Demetzos Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 805-810 (2015) [Abstract]
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Weak Quantum Confinement and Associated
Energy Levels of CuO Nanoparticles Pijus Kanti
Samanta Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 811-813 (2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 8 (August 2015) pp.629-727 |
Overview of Advancements in Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Malik
Nasibullah, Firoj Hassan, Naseem Ahmad, Abdul Rahman Khan, and
Masihur Rahman Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 629-644 (2015) [Abstract]
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ARTICLES Development
of Tri Block Copolymer Micelles to Enhance Solubility of
Poorly Water Soluble Drug: By Response Surface
Methodology Hemant K. S. Yadav, Abhay Raizaday,
Pavan Kumar Reddy, and Abdul Karim Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 645-654 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Towards Design and Development of
Next-Generation Nanomedicine Filters: Analysis of Low Velocity
Impact of Nano-Germs on Graphene Sheets M.
Shokravi, N. Jalili, and A. GhorbanpourArani Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 655-666 (2015) [Abstract]
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Photobiocatalytic Hydrogen Production by
Using Cyanobacteria Coupled with Nanoparticles of CdS and
CdS/ZnS K. Dhanabalan and K. Gurunathan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 667-671 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Comparative Study of Combustion Methods,
Opto-Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Spinel CoAl2O4
Nano- and Microstructures S. Jayasree,
Ayyar Manikandan, A. M. Uduman Mohideen, C. Barathiraja, and
Susaimanickam Arul Antony Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
672-682 (2015) [Abstract]
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Green and Blue Emission from ZnO
Nanorods Prepared by Using Polyvinylpyrrolidone Molecules N.
Karak, R. Labar, P. Barik, and T. K. Kundu Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 683-689 (2015) [Abstract]
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Studies on Prediction of Rheological
Behaviour of Composite Propellant Formulations Based on Rheological
Models Mukesh Jain, Darshana Singh, Mehilal, K.
Balasubramanian, Praveen Prakash Singh, Bikash Bhattacharya,
and Haridwar Singh Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
690-696 (2015) [Abstract]
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Design, Development and Characterization
of 5-Fluorouracil Encapsulated Porous Chitosan Nanoparticles:
A Comparative Study Devegowda Vishakante
Gowda, Atul Srivastava, Siddaramaiah, and Rudra Vaghela Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 697-703 (2015) [Abstract]
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Optical Properties of Gold/Polyaniline
Core/Shell Nanocomposites A. Abouelsayed and Wael
H. Eisa Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 704-709 (2015) [Abstract]
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Zingiber officinale Extracted Green
Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles: Structural, Morphological
and Antibacterial Studies K. Chitra, Ayyar
Manikandan, S. Moortheswaran, K. Reena, and Susaimanickam Arul
Antony Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 710-716 (2015) [Abstract]
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Photocatalytic and Surface-Enhanced
Raman Scattering (SERS) Activity of Biosynthesized Anisotropic
Gold Nanoparticles Balaprasad Ankamwar,
Mrunali Gharge, and Ujjal Kumar Sur Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 717-721 (2015) [Abstract]
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One-Pot Microwave Irradiation Synthesis
and Characterization Studies of Nanocrystalline CdS
Photocatalysts D. K. Manimegalai, Ayyar
Manikandan, S. Moortheswaran, and Susaimanickam Arul Antony Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 722-727 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
7, Number 7 (July 2015) pp.521-628 |
Peer-Reviewed Articles from The 2015 International Conferences
on Socio-Cultural Relationship and Education Pedagogy
Learning Sciences (SOCIO-CULTURAL 2015), Bali, Indonesia,
31 January-1 February, 2015 Guest Editor:
Ford Lumban Gaol Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 521-523 (2015) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Implementation of a Virtual Learning Environment for the Part
Time Non-Traditional Learners Mohd Shahril Nizam
Bin Shaharom Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 524-532 (2015) [Abstract]
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Impact of Visual Representation on the
Conceptual Understanding of Abstract Physics Concept-Electric
Flux S. Shubha and B. N. Meera Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 533-537 (2015) [Abstract]
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Training System for Professional
Development (TaSPoD): A System Based on Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia Higher Learning Institution Rafiza
Abdul Razak and Aizal Yusrina Idris Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 538-542 (2015) [Abstract]
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Engineering Education in Non-Native
Language-Malaysia/Japan Twinning Program Keizo
Miyahara Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 543-549 (2015) [Abstract]
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Analysis of an Online Community of an
International Cultural Project Masami Yoshida and
Thapanee Thammetar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 550-556
(2015) [Abstract]
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Transition of Learners from Lower to
Higher Qualitative Outcome of Learning Through the Use of
Different Learning Tools Tamali
Bhattacharyya and Bani Bhattacharya Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 557-563 (2015) [Abstract]
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"Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!":
Using Children's Books to Teach Culturally Diverse Students
Majid Ghorbani Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 564-568
(2015) [Abstract]
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Application of Design Thinking in
Identifying Social Trends and Problems in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Qian Sheng Goh and Fang Ming Lim Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 569-572 (2015) [Abstract]
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School Survival for Novice Teacher in
Malaysia Maisarah A. Malik, Abd Razak Zakaria,
Mohd Faisal Mohamed, and Abdul Muhsein Sulaiman Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 573-579 (2015) [Abstract]
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Effectiveness of Dramatic Play in
Vocabulary Learning Among ESL Preschoolers: Preliminary Study
Lai Li Yan, Fonny Hutagalung, and Zuwati Hasim Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 580-585 (2015) [Abstract]
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A Comparative Study of Cognitive
Abilities Among Public and Private Preschool in the State of
Selangor, Malaysia Wan Norfadillah Wan Nawi,
Fonny Hutagalung, and Abd Razak Zakaria Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 586-591 (2015) [Abstract]
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The Design of Flipped Teacher
Professional Development (FitPD) Rafiza Abdul
Razak, Dalwin Dhillon, and Siti Hajar Halili Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 592-596 (2015) [Abstract]
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Academic English: Different from
Speaking and More Professional Donna M. Velliaris
and Deb Coleman-George Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 597-602
(2015) [Abstract]
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A Pathway to Australian Higher
Education: Fresh Air, Kind People and Active Classes
Donna M. Velliaris and Deb Coleman-George Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 603-608 (2015) [Abstract]
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Level of Parental Involvement in PERMATA
Negara Child Centre in Urban-Rural Area Munira
Mohd Lazim, Fonny Hutagalung, and Ida Hartina Tharbe Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 609-612 (2015) [Abstract]
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Model Validity of Personality in Unity
Among Undergraduate University in Malaysia Samsul
Aripin, Shahrir Jamaluddin, and Ghazali Darusalam Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 613-615 (2015) [Abstract]
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The Armed Conflict and Tsunami: Sources
of Trauma in Social-Cultural Acehness Lau Poh Li,
Fonny Hutagalung, and Kusmawati Hatta Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 616-619 (2015) [Abstract]
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Multiple Modalities: Using Graphic Novel
to Stage a Shakespearean Play in a TESL Classroom
Roselina Johari Bt Md Khir Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
620-623 (2015) [Abstract]
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Teaching Style and Learning Style Model:
An Overview of Grasha Revatde Nadarajan, Zahra
Naimie, Rana Ahmed Abuzaid, Davina Foo Yan Thing, and Ghada
ElHadad Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 624-628 (2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 6 (June 2015) pp.435-519 |
Experimental Study of the Effect of Microwave on MWCNTs and
Preparation of Nanofluid with MWCNTs A. K. M.
Mahmudul Haque, Geum Seok Oh, Taeoh Kim, Junhyo Kim, Jungpil
Noh, Sunchul Huh, Hanshik Chung, and Hyomin Jeong Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 435-443 (2015) [Abstract]
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Fabrication and Electrochemical
Properties of Sheet-Shape Si Structure from Chamfering Process
of Silicon Wafer Jian-Tao Wang, Yao Wang, Jin Li,
Bin Liu, Yong-Wei Li, and Shigang Lu Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 444-447 (2015) [Abstract]
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Effect of Annealing Temperature on the
Photocatalytic Performance of SnO2 Nanoflowers
Towards Degradation of Rhodamine B Ritu
Malik, Vijay K. Tomer, Surender Duhan, S. P. Nehra, and Pawan
S. Rana Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 448-456 (2015) [Abstract]
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Structural and Mechanical Properties of
MgO-Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanocomposite Film Gunasekaran
Venugopal, Rosilin George, Nivea Raghavan, T. Srinivas, Arun
Dakshinamurthy, Anu Jacob Paul, and Anant Babu Marahatta
Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 457-464 (2015) [Abstract]
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Green Synthesized 3 Hexyne Conjugated
Core-Shell Silver Nanoparticles Interferes Peptidoglycan in
Inhibiting Multidrug Resistant Pathogens A.
Roy, S. L. Shrivastava, S. M. Mandal, S. K. Roy, and S. K.
Srivastava Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 465-472 (2015) [Abstract]
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One-Pot Synthesis of Cost Effective
Carbon Dots from Bio-Degradable Waste P. S.
Karthik, A. L. Himaja, and Surya Prakash Singh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 473-479 (2015) [Abstract]
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Photocatalytic Activity of Biologically
Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Using Flower Extract
Balaprasad Ankamwar, Mrunali Gharge, and Ujjal Kumar Sur Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 480-484 (2015) [Abstract]
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Preparation of a Novel Nanocurcumin
Loaded Drug Releasing Medicated Patch with Enhanced
Bioactivity Against Microbes Meeta Gera,
Ramesh Kumar, V. K. Jain, and Suman Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 485-491 (2015) [Abstract]
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A Cost-Effective Method to Prepare
Cellulose Nanofiber from Coir Bipinbal P. Kanoth,
Teena Thomas, Joseph Makkolil Joseph, Narayanan Kuthirummal,
and Sunil K. Narayanankutty Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
492-497 (2015) [Abstract]
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Tungstate for Potential Applications in Light Emitting Diodes
and Gate Dielectrics A. Sreedevi, K. P. Priyanka,
S. Rintu Mary, E. M. Mohammed, and Thomas Varghese Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 498-505 (2015) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Micro-Structural and FT-IR
Studies of Ball Milled-Annealed Nanocrystalline
Rutheno-Cuprate, RuSr2EuCu2O8
P. Parthiban and S. Balamurugan Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 506-509 (2015) [Abstract]
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Design and Evaluation of Nanostructured
Lipid Carrier System Using Novel Bead Milling Technique for
Poorly Water Soluble Drugs Sankeerth Kumar,
Hemant K. S. Yadav, Abhay Raizaday, S. Hemanth Kumar, C. K.
Tashi, and M. Navya Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 510-519
(2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 5 (May 2015) pp.351-434 |
ARTICLES Mechanical,
Barrier and Antimicrobial Properties of Biodegradable Poly( -caprolactone)
Nanocomposites Edwin Makhado and Suprakas Sinha
Ray Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 351-360 (2015) [Abstract]
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Lipid Based Nanocarrier of Lercanidipine
for the Management of Hypertension Md Sabir, Yub
Raj Neupane, Manish Srivastava, Saima Amin, and Kanchan Kohli Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 361-369 (2015) [Abstract]
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Design of N-Bit Code Converter
Using Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Firdous
Ahmad, Gh Mohiud Din Bhat, Peer Zahoor Ahmad, Hilal Ahmad
Khan, and Refath Farooq Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 370-377
(2015) [Abstract]
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Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of
Nanofluids Containing Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Kamalesh
Verma, Sajjan Kumar, Anupama Upadhyay, and Ramvir Singh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 378-384 (2015) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Efavirenz Freeze Dried
Nanocrystals: Formulation, Physicochemical Characterization,
In Vitro and Ex Vivo Evaluation Venkatanaidu
Karri, Arun Butreddy, and Narendar Dudhipala Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 385-392 (2015) [Abstract]
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Hydrogel Bacterial Cellulose Behavior
with Stem Cells Gabriel Molina de Olyveira, Ligia
Maria Manzine Costa, Pierre Basmaji, Gildásio de
Cerqueira Daltro, and Antonio Carlos Guastaldi Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 393-397 (2015) [Abstract]
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Removal of Lead from Water Using Low
Density Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Nivedita
Shukla, Amit Saxena, Vatsana Gupta, A. S. Rawat, Vivek Kumar,
P. K. Rai, and Sarita Shrivastava Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 398-405 (2015) [Abstract]
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Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Behaviour of
Glossy Carbon Films Obtained from Karanja Seeds Oil
Dattatray E. Kshirsagar, Harish K. Dubey, V. S. Jadhav,
and Maheshwar Sharon Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 406-408
(2015) [Abstract]
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Bacterial Cellulose Biocomposites for
Periodontology Treatment Gabriel Molina de
Olyveira, Márcio Luiz dos Santos, Carla dos Santos
Riccardi, Ligia Maria Manzine Costa, Paula Braga Daltro,
Pierre Basmaji, Gildásio de Cerqueira Daltro, and Antônio
Carlos Guastaldi Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 409-414
(2015) [Abstract]
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Cost of Quality Based Modeling Approach
for Product Manufacturing Across the Globe Misbah
Ullah and Chang W. Kang Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 415-422
(2015) [Abstract]
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Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Metal
Using MCM-41 Films Supported by Silver Nanoparticles and Distyrylpyrazine
Photopolymer Mohamed B. Zakaria, Mohamed A.
Elmorsi, and El-Zeiny M. Ebeid Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
423-428 (2015) [Abstract]
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Preparation, Characterization, and
Properties of Resole Type Phenolic Resin/Exfoliated Graphite
Composite Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cell Rajeev
K. Gautam and Kamal K. Kar Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
429-434 (2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 4 (April 2015) pp.251-349 |
Special Issue on Development of Materials Science in
Research and Education Guest Editors: Zdenek Koíek,
Karel Nitsch, Marián Koman, and Mária Behúlová Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 251-252 (2015) [Abstract]
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of the Laser Power Parameters for Welding of Titanium and
Aluminium Alloy Using Numerical Simulation E.
Babalová, M. Nagy, and M. Behúlová Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 253-257 (2015) [Abstract]
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Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Investigation of Ce3+, Er3+, Nd3+
Impurity Centers in Y0.7Lu0.3AlO3
Single Crystals M. Buryi, V. Laguta, J. Rosa, and
M. Nikl Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 258-264 (2015) [Abstract]
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The Combined Technological Methods for
Deposition of Si:H Thin Films and Structures with Embedded NPs
J. Stuchlík, T. H. Stuchlíková, Z.
Reme, A. Purkrt, R. Fajgar, M. Kotejn, J. Kup?ík,
K. Zhuravlev, L. Sveshnikova, K. N. Galkin, and N. G.
Galkin Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 265-269 (2015) [Abstract]
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Methods Applied for the Characterisation
of Si:H Thin Films with Embedded Nanoparticles T.
H. Stuchlíková, Z. Reme, A. Purkrt, J.
Stuchlík, and K. Král Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 270-274 (2015) [Abstract]
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DFT Calculations of Vibrational Spectra
of Oxidized (111) Diamond Surface V. Jirásek,
H. Kozak, and Z. Reme Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
275-278 (2015) [Abstract]
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Modelling of Ternary Alloy Systems Using
Liquidus, Solidus, Solvus and Isopleth Plots M.
Madaj, J. Vrbický, and Z. Morávková Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 279-282 (2015) [Abstract]
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Analysis of Surface Local Plastic
Deformation of the Machined Bulk Carbon Steel CK45
M. Martinkovi?, M. Necpal, and P. Pokorný Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 283-286 (2015) [Abstract]
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Multicomponent (Lu,Y,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12
Garnets-A New Kind of High Light Yield Scintillating Material
J. A. Mares, M. Nikl, P. Prusa, A. Beitlerova, K. Kamada,
A. Yoshikawa, K. Blazek, and A. Krasnikov Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 287-290 (2015) [Abstract]
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Thermodynamic and Experimental Study of
Tin-Zinc-Aluminum Ternary System J. Drápala,
G. Kostiuková, B. Smetana, M. Madaj, and A. Kroupa Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 291-295 (2015) [Abstract]
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Whiskers Growth on Lead-Free Solders
Under the Dynamic Stress O. Marcinka, M. Placek,
Z. Konecná, and P. ák Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 296-299 (2015) [Abstract]
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The Growth of Whiskers on Thick Layers
of Lead-Free Solders M. Placek, O. Marcinka, P. ák,
and Z. Konecná Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 300-303
(2015) [Abstract]
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Influence of Non-Ferrous Metals and
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Steels J. Drápala, Vu The Ha, S. Broová,
G. Kostiuková, P. Machovcák, and P. Jonta Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 304-309 (2015) [Abstract]
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Modelling of Deformed Grains in
Polycrystals with Regular Polyhedra M. Martinkovic
and S. Minárik Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 310-312
(2015) [Abstract]
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Statistics of Heterogeneous Nucleation A.
Sveshnikov, P. Demo, and Z. Koíek Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 313-315 (2015) [Abstract]
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Limits of the Applicability of the
Classical Nucleation Theory Z. Koíek,
P. Demo, and A. Sveshnikov Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
316-320 (2015) [Abstract]
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Carbon Coatings Prepared by Magnetron
Sputtering and Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Measured by the Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy Z.
Remes, Tuan T. Pham, M. Varga, A. Kromka, and H. B. Mao Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 321-324 (2015) [Abstract]
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Anomalous Temperature Dependence of
Excitation Transfer Between Quantum Dots K. Král
and M. Meník Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
325-330 (2015) [Abstract]
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Structure and Properties of GeO2
Modified Borophosphate Glasses M. Vorokhta, P. Moner,
and L. Koudelka Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 331-335 (2015) [Abstract]
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Comparison of Different Methods of
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Havrlík, Alexey Sveshnikov, and Pavla Ryparová Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 336-338 (2015) [Abstract]
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Homogeneous Nucleation of Ni Liquid Near
Critical Supercooling Z. Koíek,
P. Demo, A. Sveshnikov, and J. Kulveit Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 339-342 (2015) [Abstract]
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Thin Film Limit Correction Method to the
Surface Defective Layer in Low Absorption Spectroscopy Z.
Remes, J. Holovsky, A. Purkrt, and J. Stuchlik Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 343-346 (2015) [Abstract]
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Photoluminescence of Hybrid Quantum Dot
Systems K. Král and M. Meník Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 347-349 (2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 3 (March 2015) pp.171-250 |
ARTICLES Nano-Patterning
Throughput of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Thin Films and Its
Dependence Upon of Solvent, Annealing Temperature and
Weight Percentage M. S. Ravi Sankar, K. Pramod,
and R. B. Gangineni Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 171-175
(2015) [Abstract]
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Swift Heavy Ion-Irradiation Effects on
Structural, Optical and Magnetic Properties of CeO2
Thin Films Mayora Varshney, Aditya Sharma, and
Hyun-Joon Shin Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 176-182 (2015) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Nanocrystalline BaFe12O19
Materials by Co-Precipitation Method Using KOH and K2CO3
as Precipitating Agent S. Balamurugan and
S. P. Resmi Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 183-189 (2015) [Abstract]
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Controlled Growth of PbSe Nanorods to
Flower-Like Structures and Their Optical Properties
Ritwik Panigrahi, Poulomi Roy, and Suneel Kumar Srivastava Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 190-194 (2015) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Evaluation of Al:ZnO
Nanoparticles as Electron Transporter Layer in Hybrid Solar
Cells Masood Mehrabian and Sonya Aslyousefzadeh Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 195-199 (2015) [Abstract]
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Design and Fabrication of Transportable
Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy System Kyle D. Rose
Sr, M. D. Aggarwal, A. K. Batra, and Dennis Wingo Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 200-204 (2015) [Abstract]
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Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study of
Pb(II) and Zn(II) Ions Adsorption on Activated Carbon Prepared
from Waste of Savannah Bamboo Tamirat Dula,
Khalid Siraj, and Shimeles Addisu Kitte Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 205-212 (2015) [Abstract]
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Study of Magnetic and Electrical
Properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co1 - xFe0.6NixO3
(0.05 < x < 0.2) Suman
Kumar Burnwal, S. Bharadwaj, and P. Kistaiah Adv. Sci.
Eng. Med. 7, 213-215 (2015) [Abstract]
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Effect of Aluminum-Doping on the
Photoluminescence of ZnO Nanorods B. Sukluan, P.
Nakarungsee, G. S. Chen, W. Samanjit, V. Krongtong, I. M.
Tang, and S. Thongmee Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 216-222
(2015) [Abstract]
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Injection Molded Polycarbonate Carbon
Fiber Composite for Mobile Device Kyung-Soo Jeon,
R. Nirmala, Jin-Kuk Kim, Man-Woo Ko, Seong-Hwa Hong, and R.
Navamathavan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 223-226 (2015) [Abstract]
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Experimental Analysis of Compacted
Satellite Image Quality Using Different Compression Methods
S. Sanjith, R. Ganesan, and R. S. Rimal Isaac Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 227-233 (2015) [Abstract]
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Numerical Solution for Mixed Convection
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Under Convective Boundary Condition Using Spectral
Quasi-Linearization Method Ch. RamReddy, T.
Pradeepa, and D. Srinivasacharya Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 234-245 (2015) [Abstract]
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of Infrared Measurement Systems for Temperatures to 1273 K and
Pressures to 2 MPA C. Seibel and T. M. Fieback Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 246-250 (2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 2 (February 2015) pp.91-170 |
Developments in Oxazolidinones as Potent Antibacterials Malik
Nasibullah, Firoj Hassan, Naseem Ahmad, Abdul Rahman Khan, and
Masihur Rahman Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 91-111 (2015) [Abstract]
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ARTICLES Influence
of Size on Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Brendan
J. Casey and Benita J. Dair Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
112-119 (2015) [Abstract]
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Superheated Steam Treated Oil Palm Frond
Fibers and Their Application in Plastic Composites
S. Karuppuchamy, Y. Andou, H. Nishida, N. I. A. A. Nordin,
H. Ariffin, M. A. Hassan, and Y. Shirai Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 120-125 (2015) [Abstract]
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Novel Combustion Synthesis,
Photo-Catalytic, and Antibacterial Studies of Nanocrystalline
TaSr2EuCu2O8 Materials
P. Parthiban and S. Balamurugan Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 126-133 (2015) [Abstract]
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Eucalyptus Oil Emulsion Loaded
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Culex Tritaeniorhynchus Saranya
Sugumar, Devichand Chandrakar, G. Kanimozhi, A. Mukherjee, and
N. Chandrasekaran Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 134-139
(2015) [Abstract]
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Ab Initio Calculations of the
Interaction Energies of Imidazole Analogues Anti-Cancer Drug
with DNA Base Pairs Namita Misra and Vijay Kumar Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 140-144 (2015) [Abstract]
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Polyaniline/para-Toluene Sulfonic
Acid-Fe2O3 Nanocomposites: Electrical,
Structural and Magnetic Properties M. Nagaraja,
H. M. Mahesh, M. Z. Kurian, J. Manjanna, and K. Rajanna Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 145-149 (2015) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Chitosan Grafted Reduced
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Variable pH Messai A. Mamo and Ajay K. Mishra Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 150-157 (2015) [Abstract]
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Evaluation of Nanoscale Copper Oxide in
Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene Based Composite Propellant
Formulations D. R. Kshirsagar, Sudhir, V.
H. Khire, Mehilal, P. P. Singh, and B. Bhattacharya Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 158-164 (2015) [Abstract]
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Optimization of the Anodic Layer
Morphology on Aluminum in a Mixed Phosphoric/Sulfuric Acids
Bath Using Taguchi Method B. D. Polat, O.
Keles, and M. Urgen Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 165-170
(2015) [Abstract]
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7, Number 1 (January 2015) pp.1-90 |
Role of Nanoparticles, Catalytic Additives and
Alternative/Advanced Techniques on Magnesium Hydride T.
Sadhasivam and K. Gurunathan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7,
1-17 (2015) [Abstract]
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Biosynthesis of Titanium Dioxide and
Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles from Natural Sources: A Review
M. Thamima and S. Karuppuchamy Adv. Sci. Eng. Med.
7, 18-25 (2015) [Abstract]
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Percolation Threshold and Dielectric of Multi-Walled Carbon
Nanotube Reinforced Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate: The Role of
Fillers Based Capacitor Applications Kaushik Pal
and Jin Kuk Kim Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 26-32 (2015) [Abstract]
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Magnetically Recyclable Spinel MnxZn1
- xFe2O4(0.0 < x <
0.5) Nano-Photocatalysts A. Manikandan, M. Durka,
and S. Arul Antony Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 33-46 (2015) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of Y-Junction
and Helical Carbon Nanotubes on Metal Impregnated Magnesium
Oxide R. Atchudan, S. Perumal, and A.
Pandurangan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 47-52 (2015) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Nanoparticles Directed Delivery
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S. Sreeja and C. K. Krishnan Nair Adv. Sci. Eng.
Med. 7, 53-61 (2015) [Abstract]
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Physical Analogies in Biology: From
Photons, Phonons, Bloch Waves to Non Linear Oscillators J.
E. Lugo, R. Doti, R. Agarwal, K. Ray, and J. Faubert Adv.
Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 62-75 (2015) [Abstract]
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Ecological Sensitivity Analysis of
Lijiang River Based on GIS and RS Gen Li and
Wenjun Duan Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 76-81 (2015) [Abstract]
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Overwhelming Antibacterial Activity by
Terminalia arjuna Aided Herbal Ag/CS-PVC:
Nanocomposite for Overcoming Biomaterials Associated
Infections Poushpi Dwivedi, Shahid S. Narvi, and
Ravi P. Tewari Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 7, 82-90 (2015) [Abstract]
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