Volume 3
3, No.4 (December 2015)
3, No.3 (September 2015) Volume
3, No.2 (June 2015) Volume
3, No.1 (March 2015)
Volume 2 Volume
2, No.4 (December 2014) Volume
2, No.3 (September 2014) Volume
2, No.2 (June 2014) Volume
2, No.1 (March 2014)
Volume 1 Volume
1, No.2 (December 2013) Volume
1, No.1 (June 2013)
2326-2885 (Print); EISSN: 2326-2893 (Online) Copyright
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American Scientific Publishers. All Rights Reserved.
is a interdisciplinary peer-reviewed international journal that
reports emerging research at the interfaces of mechanical
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intelligence and integration, control engineering, aerospace
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Journal Discontinued
3, Number 4 (December 2015) pp.263-351 |
RESEARCH ARTICLES Three Point Mass Model of Biped Locomotion and Influence of Parameters of Model and Controller on Stability
of Different Stance and Swing Phases
Hasan Moradi, Mohammad RezaNamjoo, and Farid Hasani J. Mechatron. 3, 263–268 (2015) [Abstract]
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Reliability Study and Failure Analysis for Surface Finishes on Sn–Ag–Cu Solder Joints During Thermal Cycling Chaobo Shen, Zhou Hai, Cong Zhao, Jiawei Zhang, John L. Evans, M. J. Bozack, and J. C. Suhling J. Mechatron. 3, 269–275 (2015) [Abstract]
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Effect of Submerged Arc Welding Process Parameters on Weld Bead Geometry and Hardness of ASME SA516 Grade 70 Steel Weld Metal Jignesh M. Hathiwala, Sanket N. Bhavsar, and Anand Y. Joshi J. Mechatron. 3, 276–281 (2015) [Abstract]
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Numerical Simulation of Frictional Resistance of Foul Release and Antifouling Coatings S. S. Kianejad, M. S. Seif, and N. Ansarifard J. Mechatron. 3, 282–288 (2015) [Abstract]
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Size-Dependent Free Vibration of Thermally Postbuckled Piezoelectric Timoshenko Nanobeams Subject to Thermoelectric Loading Based on the Nonlocal Elasticity Theory M. Faraji, M. Bazdid-Vahdati, R. Gholami, and R. Ansari J. Mechatron. 3, 289–300 (2015) [Abstract]
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Scratch-Induced Wear Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Under Dry and Wet Conditions
N. W. Khun J. Mechatron. 3, 301–306 (2015) [Abstract]
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Features of Early Stages of Carbonization of Polyimide Films Containing Carbon Nanoparticles I. V. Gofman, K. Balik, M. Cerny, M. Zaloudkova, and V. E. Yudin J. Mechatron. 3, 307–315 (2015) [Abstract]
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Adaptive Radar Techniques for Human Breathing Detection O. V. Sytnik J. Mechatron. 3, 316–321 (2015) [Abstract]
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Current Controlled Negative Resistance with Memory in Some Binary Thallium Chalcogenide Semiconductor Compound A. T. Nagat, S. A. Hussien, A. A. Ebnalwaled, S. R. Alharbi, S. E. AlGarni, and L. A. Alkahtani J. Mechatron. 3, 322–330 (2015) [Abstract]
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Optimum Damping of Inter-Area Oscillations Using a Wavelet Neural PI Network Controlled Static Synchronous Series Compensator E. Tehrani, A. R. Zare Bidaki, M. Farahani, and H. Nasrolahi J. Mechatron. 3, 331–336 (2015) [Abstract]
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Switching Control Algorithm for the Power System Stabilizer Sai Shankar and Yathisha L. J. Mechatron. 3, 337–342 (2015) [Abstract]
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Table of Contents to Volume 3, Numbers 1–4, 2015 J. Mechatron. 3, 343–345 (2015) [Abstract]
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Author Index to Volume 3, Numbers 1–4, 2015 J. Mechatron. 3, 346–348 (2015) [Abstract]
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Subject Index to Volume 3, Numbers 1–4, 2015 J. Mechatron. 3, 349–351 (2015) [Abstract]
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Article] |
3, Number 3 (September 2015) pp.179-261 |
the Optical Amplification Characteristics of a STIN SCH Al0.15In0.22Ga0.63As/GaAs
Nano-Scale Heterostructure Swati Jha, Meha
Sharma, H. K. Nirmal, Rashmi Yadav, Pyare Lal, and P. A. Alvi J.
Mechatron. 3, 179-184 (2015) [Abstract]
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Project-Based Programmable Logic Controller
Application Mustafa Engin and Dilsad Engin J.
Mechatron. 3, 185-192 (2015) [Abstract]
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Temperature Dependence of Ferroelectric
Properties of Li2CO3 Doped PZT-PZN-PMnN
Ceramics Le Dai Vuong and Nguyen Dinh Tung Luan J.
Mechatron. 3, 193-196 (2015) [Abstract]
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Highly Dispersed ZnO Nanorods on the
Graphene and Application in Supercapacitors Yin-Tao
Li, Tao Meng, Qian-Qian Xu, Zhi-Hong Wang, Yan Sun, Chun-Sheng Li,
and Tiezhen Ren J. Mechatron. 3, 197-206 (2015) [Abstract]
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Electron Microscopic Analysis of Electrical
Steels Zackary Stewart and K. V. Sudhakar J.
Mechatron. 3, 207-209 (2015) [Abstract]
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The Agricultural Product Innovative Design
of Convenient Finger-Stall Scrub Sponge Rui-Lin Lin J.
Mechatron. 3, 210-214 (2015) [Abstract]
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Theoretical Prediction of the Formation of
Electroless Plating Multicomponent Amorphous Alloys Zhang
Bangwei, Liao Shuzhi, Shu Xiaolin, and Xie Haowen J.
Mechatron. 3, 215-224 (2015) [Abstract]
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Efficient Batch Anneal for Non-Grain
Oriented Electrical Steels Zackary Stewart and K. V.
Sudhakar J. Mechatron. 3, 225-228 (2015) [Abstract]
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Pure Rutile Nano Crystalline Phase
(Synthesis and Physical Properties) I. Kashif, H.
Farouk, A. Ratep, and M. Al Mahalawy J. Mechatron. 3,
229-232 (2015) [Abstract]
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Experimental Research of Variable Structure
Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor's Direct Torque
Hanpei Wei, Haifeng Wei, and Yi Zhang J. Mechatron. 3,
233-236 (2015) [Abstract]
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A Combined Method of Hidden Markov Model and
K-Means Clustering to Temporary Datasets Grouping
Domino Uderino, Sergio Floriani, Fernando Caferini, and Klara
Rodrigerz J. Mechatron. 3, 237-246 (2015) [Abstract]
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Stator Flux Linkage Set for Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor Direct Torque Control Miao Weina,
Zhang Yi, and Wei Haifeng J. Mechatron. 3, 247-252 (2015) [Abstract]
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DC Motor Velocity Neural Network Sliding
Mode Controller for the Combined Pumping Load-DC Motor-Buck Converter
System Mohammed Chakib Sosse Alaoui and Hamid Magrez J.
Mechatron. 3, 253-257 (2015) [Abstract]
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Mechanism for Efficient Launching a Small
Boat James F. Wilson J. Mechatron. 3, 258-261
(2015) [Abstract]
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Article] |
3, Number 2 (June 2015) pp.79-178 |
Inverse Kinematic of the Protein Nanostructure Using Genetic
Algorithm A. Ghaffari, R. Hasanzadeh, and A. Arab J.
Mechatron. 3, 79-84 (2015) [Abstract]
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Adaptive Chattering-Free Sliding Mode
Control Design for Robot Manipulators Based on Online Estimation
of Uncertainties and Its Experimental Verification
Meysar Zeinali J. Mechatron. 3, 85-97 (2015) [Abstract]
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A Finite-Element-Based Process Model for
Linear Friction Welding of Steels M. Grujicic, S.
Ramaswami, and J. S. Snipes J. Mechatron. 3, 98-107 (2015) [Abstract]
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Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and
Fracture Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Copper Plates at Various
Rotation Speeds M. Ajabshiri, H. Rezaei, M. R.
Akbarpour, and E. Nazari J. Mechatron. 3, 108-113 (2015) [Abstract]
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Passivity Effects of Biomedical Titanium
Alloy with Chemical Etching K. V. Sudhakar and M. E.
Haque J. Mechatron. 3, 114-116 (2015) [Abstract]
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The Effect of High-Temperature Treatment on
the Properties of PET Filaments for Reinforcement of Stitchbonded
Nonwovens R. A. Angelova and M. Neznakomova J.
Mechatron. 3, 117-120 (2015) [Abstract]
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A Survey on Assistive Technologies for
Elderly and Disabled People Wei (Vivien) Shi J.
Mechatron. 3, 121-125 (2015) [Abstract]
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Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis for Control of
Electromechanical Systems with Coupled Oscillators Nikolaos
I. Xiros J. Mechatron. 3, 126-141 (2015) [Abstract]
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Multidirectional Image Fusion Analysis by
Curvelet Transforms and Probabilistic Approach I. J.
Lee J. Mechatron. 3, 142-146 (2015) [Abstract]
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Exact Solutions of the Discrete Heat
Conduction Equations F. Wu and W. X. Zhong J.
Mechatron. 3, 147-152 (2015) [Abstract]
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Application and Comparison of Optimum Linear
Quadratic Regulator Controllers for the Improvement of Static
Synchronous Compensator Performance Sai Shankar, K.
T. Veeramanju, and L. Yathisha J. Mechatron. 3, 153-156
(2015) [Abstract]
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Using Buffer Porous Layers to Decrease
Mismatch-Induced Stress in Heterobipolar Transistor E.
L. Pankratov and E. A. Bulaeva J. Mechatron. 3, 157-173
(2015) [Abstract]
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Simulation and Implementation of Incremental
Conductance Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for
Photovoltaic System Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J.
El-Khozondar, and Khalid H. Matter J. Mechatron. 3,
174-178 (2015) [Abstract]
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Article] |
3, Number 1 (March 2015) pp.1-78 |
Feedback Controller for Resonance Compensation of PZT
Micro-Actuator Used in Dual-Stage Hard Disk Drive Servo
System: A "Mixed'' Passivity, Negative-Imaginary and
Small-Gain Approach Md. Arifur Rahman, Abdullah Al
Mamun, and Kui Yao J. Mechatron. 3, 1-8 (2015) [Abstract]
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Waypoint Navigation with Limit Cycle
Avoidance for Mobile Robot in Unknown Static Indoor Environments
Yu-Lun Ting, Jing-Sin Liu, and You-Shin Chou J.
Mechatron. 3, 9-20 (2015) [Abstract]
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Research on MW-Class Wind Power Converter
Module Parallel Circulation Control Kai Gu and
Haifeng Wei J. Mechatron. 3, 21-27 (2015) [Abstract]
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Die Design Optimization in Explosive Deep
Drawing Process Peyman Karampour and Ali Jabbari J.
Mechatron. 3, 28-32 (2015) [Abstract]
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Mitigation of Barreling Defect in Open Die
Forging Process Ali Jabbari, Seyed Sajjad Kiani, and
Mahdi Rasafchi J. Mechatron. 3, 33-36 (2015) [Abstract]
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Data Mining Methods: Strategies and
Algorithms on Different Applications Samuel Crashin,
Richard Usoni, and Alfred Chandler J. Mechatron. 3, 37-48
(2015) [Abstract]
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Die Design Optimization in Forward Extrusion
of an Aluminum Rod Peyman Karampour and Ali Jabbari J.
Mechatron. 3, 49-52 (2015) [Abstract]
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3-D Profile Measurement Technique Based on
Defocusing Digital Fringe Projection Wei Haifeng, Yan
Xin, and Zhang Yi J. Mechatron. 3, 53-57 (2015) [Abstract]
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Relation Between Two Standard Switching
Algorithms and Optimum LQR Switching Approach for the
Improvement of STATCOM Performance L. Yathisha and
Shashidhar S. Gokhale J. Mechatron. 3, 58-61 (2015) [Abstract]
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About Increasing Integration Rate of Drift
Heterobipolar Transistors E. L. Pankratov and E. A.
Bulaeva J. Mechatron. 3, 62-78 (2015) [Abstract]
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Article] |
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