Sensor Letters
ISSN: 1546-198X (Print): EISSN: 1546-1971 (Online)
Copyright © 2000-2025 American Scientific Publishers. All Rights Reserved.

Review and Publication Policy of Papers Authored by Editors

SENSOR LETTERS Policy for Review and Publication of Manuscripts Authored by Editors

Sensor Letters encourages submissions from all qualified authors, including members of the Editorial Board, Senior Editors, and Editor-in-Chief. To avoid situations of real or perceived conflicts of interest, it is the goal of the journal to conduct the review of papers authored by editors using the same high ethical standards that are used for the review of all SENSOR LETTERS manuscript submissions. Since it is beneficial for SENSOR LETTERS readers and authors to understand the journal's policy on reviewing and publishing the paragraphs below describe the review policy of SENSOR LETTERS '.

Non-Editors & Editorial Board Members
Manuscripts submitted to SENSOR LETTERS with no Senior Editors as authors are sent first to the Editor-in-Chief, Regional or Associate Editor. That individual assigns them to a Principal Editor who has technical expertise in the subject matter of the research topic. The Principal Editor is responsible for finding competent reviewers, assuring that the reviews are comprehensive and fair, and deciding whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised or rejected. The final decision however is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. The identity of the Principal Editors and manuscript Reviewers is kept confidential from everyone not directly involved in the review process.

Senior Editors - Regional and Associate
Any manuscript authored or co-authored by a SENSOR LETTERS Senior Editor will be sent first to the Editor-in-Chief. He will either act as Principal Editor or assign the manuscript to another qualified Principal Editor. The same review process as that for non-editors will be used, but the Editor-in-Chief will closely monitor the process to ensure a thorough, unbiased, confidential review. As with all SENSOR LETTERS submissions, Principal Editor and reviewers' identities will remain confidential. If accepted, the manuscript will not receive preferential treatment in publication order.

Submissions of papers for which the Editor-in-Chief is primary or co-author will be handled using a review process in which the Editor-in-Chief has no editorial contact or influence. Editorial responsibility will be delegated to a Senior Editor who has technical expertise in the subject matter of the research topic. The Senior Editor handling the review will ensure that the manuscript receives a thorough, unbiased, and confidential review. If accepted, the article will not receive preferential treatment in publication order.

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