of Low Power Electronics ISSN: 1546-1998 (Print): EISSN: 1546-2005 (Online) Copyright
© 2000-
American Scientific Publishers. All Rights Reserved.
8, Number 5 ( December 2012) pp.535-760 |
Low Power Task Scheduling and Mapping for
Applications with Conditional Branches on Heterogeneous Multi-Processor
System Yang Ge, Yukan Zhang, Parth Malani, Qing
Wu, and Qinru Qiu J. Low Power Electron. 8, 535-551
(2012) [Abstract]
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A Way Cache Locking Scheme Supported by
Knowledge Based Smart Preload Effective for Low-Power Multicore
Electronics Abu Asaduzzaman and Govipalagodage
H. Gunasekara J. Low Power Electron. 8, 552-564 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
On-Line Predictive Thermal Management
Under Peak Temperature Constraints for Practical Multi-Core
Platforms Guanglei Liu, Ming Fan, Gang
Quan, and Meikang Qiu J. Low Power Electron. 8,
565-578 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A New Recursive Multibit Recoding
Algorithm for High-Speed and Low-Power Multiplier Abdelkrim
K. Oudjida, Nicolas Chaillet, Ahmed Liacha, and Mohamed L.
Berrandjia J. Low Power Electron. 8, 579-594 (2012) [Abstract]
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Leakage-Aware Speculative Branch Target
Buffer Saman Khoshbakht and Amirali Baniasadi J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 595-603 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Branch Target Buffer Energy Reduction
Through Efficient Multiway Branch Translation Techniques
Sumanta Pyne and Ajit Pal J. Low Power Electron.
8, 604-623 (2012) [Abstract]
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Heterogeneous Interconnect for Low-Power
Snoop-Based Chip Multiprocessors Narges Shahidi,
Ali Shafiee, and Amirali Baniasadi J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 624-635 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Serial Data Driven Cyclic Redundancy
Check Generator for Low Power RFID Applications Vyasa
Sai, Ajay Ogirala, and Marlin H. Mickle J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 636-641 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Cuk Step-Down Converter Design for
Optimum Transient Performance and Minimum Ripple Benjamin
V. P. Chong and Li Zhang J. Low Power Electron. 8,
642-653 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Low Power Digital Alternative to Analog
Control of Step-Down Converter Bo Li, Xuefang
Lin-Shi, and Bruno Allard J. Low Power Electron. 8,
654-666 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Modeling of Inherent Losses of Fully
Integrated Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters Valter
Sádio, Fabian Rein, Christian Münker, and
Marcelino Santos J. Low Power Electron. 8, 667-673
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
On Reliability Trojan Injection and
Detection Aswin Sreedhar, Sandip Kundu, and Israel
Koren J. Low Power Electron. 8, 674-683 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Thermal-Safe Dynamic Test Scheduling
Method Using On-Chip Temperature Sensors for 3D MPSoCs Rama
Kumar Pasumarthi, V. R. Devanathan, V. Visvanathan, Seetal
Potluri, and V. Kamakoti J. Low Power Electron. 8,
684-695 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Articles from the VARI 2012 Workshop Guest
Editors: Nadine Azemard and Gilles Jacquemod J. Low
Power Electron. 8, 696 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Hierarchical Reliability Simulation
Methodology for AMS Integrated Circuits and Systems Hao
Cai, Hervé Petit, and Jean-François Naviner J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 697-705 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ultra-Low-Power Audio Communication
System for Cochlear Implant Application Yannick
Vaiarello, William Tatinian, Yves Leduc, Nicolas Veau, and
Gilles Jacquemod J. Low Power Electron. 8, 706-716
(2012) [Abstract]
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Effects of Lightly Doped Drain and
Channel Doping Variations on Flash Memory Performances and
Reliability Guillaume Just, Vincenzo Della
Marca, Arnaud Régnier, Jean-Luc Ogier, Jérémy
Postel-Pellerin, Jean-Michel Portal, and Pascal Masson
J. Low Power Electron. 8, 717-724 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Selected Articles from the CDNLive EMEA 2012
Conference Guest Editors: Luciano Lavagno and
Patrick Haspel J. Low Power Electron. 8, 725 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Power Estimation at Different Abstraction Levels for
Wireless Baseband Processors Martin Palkovic,
Peter Debacker, Prabhat Avasare, Steven Dupont, and Tom Vander
Aa J. Low Power Electron. 8, 726-738 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Automation of Switch Insertion and Power
Network Generation in 28 nm Power-Switched Designs
Shane Stelmach, Kaijian Shi, and Anthony Hill J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 739-745 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 8, Numbers
1-5, 2012 J. Low Power Electron. 8, 747-750 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 8, Numbers 1-5,
2012 J. Low Power Electron. 8, 751-756 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 8, Numbers 1-5,
2012 J. Low Power Electron. 8, 757-760 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
8, Number 4 ( August 2012) pp.353-534 |
Power Management Methods: From Specification
and Modeling, to Techniques and Verification Vinod
Viswanath, Rajeev Muralidhar, Harinarayanan Seshadri, and
Ananth S. Narayan J. Low Power Electron. 8, 353-377
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Leakage Aware Scheduling on Maximum
Temperature Minimization for Periodic Hard Real-Time Systems
Huang Huang, Vivek Chaturvedi, Guanglei Liu, and
Gang Quan J. Low Power Electron. 8, 378-393 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
MemExplorer: From C Code to Memory
Allocation Johann Laurent, André Rossi,
and Marc Sevaux J. Low Power Electron. 8, 394-402
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Exploring a Low-Cost and Power-Efficient
Hybridization Technique for 3D NoC-Bus Hybrid Architecture
Using LastZ-Based Routing Algorithms Amir-Mohammad
Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, and Hannu Tenhunen J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 403-414 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Bus Switch Coding System with Minimal
Hardware Demand Giuseppe Visalli J. Low
Power Electron. 8, 415-423 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Automatic and Correct Register Transfer
Level Annotations for Low Power Microprocessor Design
Vinod Viswanath and Jacob A. Abraham J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 424-439 (2012) [Abstract]
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A Low-Power Parallel Architecture for
Finite Galois Field GF(2m) Arithmetic Operations
for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Esmaeil
Amini, Zahra Jeddi, Ahmed Khattab, and Magdy Bayoumi J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 440-451 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Approach for Low Power Design of
Power Gated Finite State Machines Considering Partitioning and
State Encoding Together Priyanka Choudhury
and Sambhu Nath Pradhan J. Low Power Electron. 8,
452-463 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Probability-Based Optimal Sizing of
Power-Gating Transistors in Full Adders for Reduced Leakage
and High Performance P. S. Nair, S. Eratne,
and E. B. John J. Low Power Electron. 8, 464-471
(2012) [Abstract]
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A 45 nm 10T Dual-Port SRAM with Shared
Bit-Line Scheme for Low Power Operation Dao-Ping
Wang and Wei Hwang J. Low Power Electron. 8, 472-484
(2012) [Abstract]
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A 140 mV Self-Starting 10 mW DC/DC
Converter for Powering Low-Power Electronic Devices from
Low-Voltage Microbial Fuel Cells Nicolas
Degrenne, Bruno Allard, François Buret, Salah-Eddine
Adami, Denis Labrousse, Christian Vollaire, and Florent
Morel J. Low Power Electron. 8, 485-497 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design of a High Efficiency, Wide Input
Range 500 kHz 25 W LLC Resonant Converter Gang
Yang, Patrick Dubus, and Daniel Sadarnac J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 498-508 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Implementation of an Asynchronous
Low-Power Small-Area Passive Radio Frequency Identification
Design Using Synchronous Tools for Automation
Applications Vyasa Sai, Ajay Ogirala, and Marlin
H. Mickle J. Low Power Electron. 8, 509-515 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Interconnect Aware Test Power Reduction
Seetal Potluri, Nitin Chandrachoodan, and V.
Kamakoti J. Low Power Electron. 8, 516-525 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ultra Low Power Asynchronous Charge
Sharing Logic Jiaoyan Chen, Dilip Vasudevan,
Michel Schellekens, and Emanuel Popovici J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 526-534 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
8, Number 3 ( June 2012) pp.259-352 |
A Special Issue on Power, Parasitics,
and Process-Variation (P3) Awareness in Mixed-Signal Design
Guest Editor: Saraju P. Mohanty J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 259260 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Architecture Using Lighter-Than-Air
Platforms for Retail Power Beaming and Communications
Narayanan M. Komerath, Rajkumar Pant, and Aravinda Kar J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 261269 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Statistical Blockade Approaches
for Fast Robustness Estimation and Compensation of Nano-CMOS
Circuits Luo Sun, Jimson Mathew, Dhiraj K.
Pradhan, and Saraju P. Mohanty J. Low Power Electron.
8, 270282 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Implementation of Smart Battery Charger
with Low Power Photo-Voltaic Energy System Using Synchronous
Buck Converter B. Chitti Babu, S. R.
Samantaray, and M. V. Ashwin Kumar J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 283292 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
POWER-SIM: An SOC Simulator for
Estimating Power Profiles of Mobile Workloads Priyankar
Ghosh, Aritra Hazra, Rahul Gonnabhaktula, Niraj Bhilegaonkar,
Pallab Dasgupta, Chittaranjan Mandal, and Krishna Paul J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 293303 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
CMOS Phase-Locked Loop Circuits and Hot
Carrier Effects Yang Liu and Ashok Srivastava J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 304316 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Accurate Polynomial Metamodeling-Based
Ultra-Fast Bee Colony Optimization of a Nano-CMOS Phase-Locked
Loop Oleg Garitselov, Saraju P. Mohanty, and
Elias Kougianos J. Low Power Electron. 8, 317328
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
2.4-/5.2-GHz Concurrent Dual-Band
Wireless Local Area Network Transmitter Vivek
Sharma, Zubair Akhter, and Nagendra P. Pathak J. Low
Power Electron. 8, 329335 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Programmable Oversampling CMOS
Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter for Low-Power
Interface Electronics Rajiv Soundararajan and
Ashok Srivastava J. Low Power Electron. 8, 336345
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Low-Power Instrumentation System for
Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Sensors for Environmental and Healthcare
Applications Sandeep Goud Surya, Sudip Nag,
Nikhil M. Duragkar, Dilip Agarwal, Gaurav Chatterjee, Sahir
Gandhi, Sheetal Patil, D. K. Sharma, and V. Ramgopal Rao
J. Low Power Electron. 8, 346352 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
8, Number 2 ( April 2012) pp.133-258 |
Low-Power Circuit Techniques for Epileptic
Seizures Detection and Subsequent Neurostimulation
Muhammad T. Salam, Fayçal Mounaïm, Dang K.
Nguyen, and Mohamad Sawan J. Low Power Electron. 8,
133-145 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Energy Consumption Optimized Scheduling
Algorithm for Clustered VLIW Architectures Yang
Xu, He Hu, and Tang Zhizhong J. Low Power Electron. 8,
146-157 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design and Implementation of Field
Programmable Gate Array based Digital Pulse Width Modulator
for Synchronous Buck Converter Subhash
Chander, Pramod Agarwal, and Indra Gupta J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 158-169 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Inter-Plane Communication Methods for
3-D ICs Somayyeh Rahimian, Vasilis F. Pavlidis,
and Giovanni De Micheli J. Low Power Electron. 8,
170-181 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Digital Adaptive Calibration of
Multi-Step Analog to Digital Converters Amir
Zjajo, Manuel J. Barragan, and Jose Pineda de Gyvez J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 182-196 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design of an Ultra-Low-Power Multi-Stage
AC/DC Voltage Rectifier and Multiplier Using a Fully-Automated
and Portable Design Methodology Pierre-Antoine
Haddad, Geoffroy Gosset, and Denis Flandre J. Low
Power Electron. 8, 197-206 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design and Implementation of an Area and
Power Efficient Switched-Capacitor Based Embedded DC-DC
Converter Biswajit Maity, Soumya Gangula, and
Pradip Mandal J. Low Power Electron. 8, 207-222 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Improvement of Performance of
Dynamically Reconfigurable Switched Capacitor Based
Non-Overlap Rotational Time Interleaved Embedded DC-DC
Converter Kaushik Bhattacharyya and Pradip Mandal J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 223-234 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ensuring Power-Safe Application of Test
Patterns Using an Effective Gating Approach Considering
Current Limits Wei Zhao, Mohammad Tehranipoor, and
Sreejit Chakravarty J. Low Power Electron. 8, 235-247
(2012) [Abstract]
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Layout-Aware Pattern Evaluation and
Analysis for Power-Safe Application of Transition Delay Fault
Patterns Hassan Salmani, Wei Zhao, Mohammad
Tehranipoor, Sreejit Chakravarty, Patrick Girard, and Xiaoqing
Wen J. Low Power Electron. 8, 248-258 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
8, Number 1 ( February 2012) pp.1-132 |
Non-Volatile Flip-Flop Based on Unipolar
ReRAM for Power-Down Applications Jean-Michel
Portal, Marc Bocquet, Damien Deleruyelle, and Christophe
Muller J. Low Power Electron. 8, 1-10 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Adaptive Input-Output Selection Based
On-Chip Router Architecture M. Daneshtalab, M.
Kamali, M. Ebrahimi, S. Mohammadi, A. Afzali-Kusha, and J.
Plosila J. Low Power Electron. 8, 11-29 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optimization of On-Chip Interconnect
Signaling for Low Energy and High Performance Ge
Chen and Saeid Nooshabadi J. Low Power Electron. 8,
30-38 (2012) [Abstract]
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Sub-Threshold Delay and Power Analysis
of Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Buffer Driven Interconnect
Load for Ultra Low Power Applications Rohit Dhiman
and Rajeevan Chandel J. Low Power Electron. 8, 39-46
(2012) [Abstract]
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A 1.3-µW, 0.6-µm CMOS
Current-Frequency Analog-Digital Converter for Implantable
Blood-Glucose Monitors Gabriel A. Rincón-Mora,
Andres A. Blanco, and Justin P. Vogt J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 47-57 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Low-Power Data Driven Symbol Decoder for
a UHF Passive RFID Tag Vyasa Sai, Ajay Ogirala,
and Marlin H. Mickle J. Low Power Electron. 8, 58-62
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A 0.4 V 520 nW 990 µm2
Fully Integrated Frequency-Domain Smart Temperature Sensor in
65 nm CMOS Ming-Hung Chang, Shang-Yuan Lin, and
Wei Hwang J. Low Power Electron. 8, 63-72 (2012) [Abstract]
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Test Pattern Generation Based on
Multi-TRC Scan Architecture for Reducing Test Cost
Bin Zhou, Liyi Xiao, Yizheng Ye, Xinchun Wu, and Bei Cao J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 73-81 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Articles from the VARI 2011 Workshop Guest Editors:
Nadine Azemard and Marc Belleville J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 82 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Impact of Power Consumption and Temperature on
Processor Lifetime Reliability Tushar Gupta,
Clement Bertolini, Olivier Heron, Nicolas Ventroux, Thomas
Zimmer, and Francois Marc J. Low Power Electron. 8,
83-94 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Pushing Adaptive Voltage Scaling Fully
on Chip Julien De Vos, Denis Flandre, and David
Bol J. Low Power Electron. 8, 95-105 (2012) [Abstract]
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Circuit-Level Modeling of SRAM Minimum
Operating Voltage Vddmin in the C40 Node Lorenzo
Ciampolini, Siddharth Gupta, Olivier Callen, Amit Chhabra,
Dibya Dipti, Sebastien Haendler, Shishir Kumar, Daniel
Noblet, Pierre Malinge, Nicolas Planes, David Turgis,
Christophe Lecocq, and Shamsi Azmi J. Low Power
Electron. 8, 106-112 (2012) [Abstract]
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Statistical Estimation of Dominant
Physical Parameters for Leakage Variability in 32 Nanometer
CMOS, Under Supply Voltage Variations Smriti
Joshi, Anne Lombardot, Philippe Flatresse, Carmelo D'Agostino,
Andre Juge, Edith Beigne, and Stéphane Girard J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 113-124 (2012) [Abstract]
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Ultra-Thin Body and Buried Oxide (UTBB)
FDSOI Technology with Low Variability and Power Management
Capability for 22 nm Node and Below J.
Mazurier, O. Weber, F. Andrieu, A. Toffoli, O. Thomas, F.
Allain, J.-P. Noel, M. Belleville, O. Faynot, and T. Poiroux J.
Low Power Electron. 8, 125-132 (2012) [Abstract]
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