Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology
ISSN: 1550-7033 (Print): EISSN: 1550-7041 (Online)
Copyright © 2000-2025 American Scientific Publishers. All Rights Reserved.

Aims and Scope
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (JBN) is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal focused on the applications of nanotechnology in biomedical sciences including the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, biotechnology, diagnosis and prevention of diseases, biomedical devices, bioinformatics, and all other related fields of biomedical and life sciences. The journal invites original communications, research papers and review articles covering all aspects of biomedical technology dealing with;
  • Biomaterials and Biodevices
  • Nanomedicines
  • Nucleic Acids, Proteins, Antibodies
  • Disease Biomarkers
  • Cancer Diagnosis and Therapeutics
  • Biological Pathways for Cancer and
    Other Diseases
  • Immunology and Infectious diseases
  • Diagnosis and Prevention of Diseases
  • Drug and Gene Delivery Systems
  • Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
  • Tumor Micro-environments
  • Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
  • Lab-on-a-Chip/Organ
  • Biosensors, Bio-MEMS/NEMS
  • Bioimaging, Medical Imaging
  • Stem Cell Technology and Therapy
  • Therapeutic Vascularization
  • Toxicity, Biointerfaces, Biointeractions
  • Cell-Cell and Cell-Material Interactions
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  • Personalized Medicine
  • Bio-fabrication and Medical Technologies
  • Biomimetics, Biomedical Implantation
  • Artificial cells, Tissues and Organs
  • Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
RESEARCH TOPICS COVERED (but not limited to): 
Broadly speaking, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology covers applications of nanotechnology in biotechnology, medicine, biosciences, and all other related fields of life sciences. The coverage includes applications of nanotechnology in all fields of life sciences, all kinds of nanoscale biomaterials, biomimetics of biological materials and machines, nanoprobes, biocompatible surfaces, functional bioengineered materials, polypeptides, bioceramics, biopolymers, organic-inorganic hybrid biomaterials, nanocomposites, biological macromolecules, proteins, enzymes, kinases, phosphatases, DNA-based nanostructures, molecular assemblies, biomolecules, cells, and glycans, biochips, microarrays, biocompatibility aspects of materials, interactions between biomaterials, protein-surface, cells, tissue and organs, cellular matrix interaction,, artificial muscles and organs, biomembranes, bioseparation process, drug delivery, biopolymers for orthopedic and cardiovascular applications, dentistry, bone, bioanalysis, biosensors, molecular sensors, clinical diagnostic techniques, nanoparticles for drug delivery, dendrimers for medicine, biomedical implantation, biomechanics, bioinstrumentation, nanoscale physiology and pathology, bioinformatics, nanoscale genetics and genome research, gene expression, immunoassays, proteomics and protein-based nanostructures, sequencing of nucleic acid, DNA and RNA, biomarkers, biocomputing, instrumentation techniques for nanobioscience, nanoscale cellular and tissue engineering, nanodevices, biomedical nanoelectronics, biomedical microsystems, biochemistry and biophysics aspects, BioMEMS, nanofabrication, nanotubes, lab-on-a-chip, biological motors, biomembranes, nanofilters, biosensors, nanotechnologies for cell and tissues, nanofluidics, pharmaceutical nanotechnology, drug and gene delivery, therapeutic proteins, disease control, cancer therapeutics, diagnostic techniques, nanoscale imaging, nanoanalysis, spectroscopic studies using X-ray, STM, AFM, SNOM, systems biology, computational biology, etc., and much more. . .

Scientists, engineers, biologists, and medical experts working in biological aspects of nanotechnology having connections with biotechnology, medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical science, biochemistry, biophysics, biomaterials, microsystems engineering, genome science, bionformatics, biocomputing, bionanoelectronics, biomechanical engineering, bio-optical science, bioceramic and biochemical engineering, surface science, polymer science, spectroscopy, agricultural science, veterinary science, food science, and all other related areas of life sciences.
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