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Journal of Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration
4, Number 2 ( December 2012) pp.87 - 195 |
Cell Therapies for Neural Degeneration Appears to be Promising
Editor-in-Chief: Hari S. Sharma Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 87-89 (2012) [Abstract]
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REVIEWS Aquaporin-4
in Cerebral Edema Following Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury:
Exploration of Novel Therapeutic Strategies Pallab
Bhattacharya, Anand Kr. Pandey, Sudip Paul, and Ranjana Patnaik Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 90-116 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Review of Repair of Spinal Cord Injury by
Using Tissue Engineering Method Huang Sihua, He
Xijing, Li Haopeng, Wang Dong, Muhammad Bilal Younus, Qi Peng, and
Leng Zikuan Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 117-129
(2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Application of Laser Technology inthe
Spinal Cord Injury Research Liang Chen, Dong Jun,
Muhammad Bilal Younus, and He Xijing Am. J. Neuroprotec.
Neuroregen. 4, 130-135 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Comparative Review of Decade's Research on
Cholinesterase Inhibition Riyasat Ali, Ishfaq Ahmed
Sheikh, Nasimudeen R. Jabir, and Mohammad A. Kamal Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 136-144 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ARTICLES Construction of BMPRR1b-Overexpressing
Neural Stem Cells and BMPR1b-Dominant Negative Mutation NSCs
Cheng Zhijian, He Xijing, Wang GuoYu, Wu Fei, Li Jin,
and Muhammad Bilal Younus Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen.
4, 145-153 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathies:
Clinical and Ultrasonographic Characteristics in Arteritic Versus
Nonarteritic Forms Dragos Catalin Jianu,
Silviana Nina Jianu, Ligia Petrica, Dafin Fior Muresanu, Bogdan
Ovidiu Popescu, and Mircea Adrian Focsa Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 154-162 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effects of Xingnao Jieyu
(Consciousness-Restoring and Depression-Resolving) Capsule on
Expression of Hippocampal 5-HT1A and 5-HT2AR
mRNA in Rats with Post Stroke Depression Yan
Yongmei, Lliu Li, Xu Duosi, Fan Wentao, Zhang Hui, Zhou Haizhe,
Yuan Puwei, He Xijing, and Muhammad Bilal Younus Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 163-166 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biological Effects of Trace Elements on
Lateralized Exploratory Activity, Defensive Behaviour, and Epigenetic
DNA Molecular Changes in Maturing Rats Silvia G.
Ratti, Nora M. Vizioli, Eliana Gaglio, and Edgardo O. Alvarez Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 167-175 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Establishment and Validation of
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Lower Cervical Spine
Guo Lei, Cai Xuan, Qin Jie, Muhammad Bilal Younus, and He
Xijing Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 176-178 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Hip and Knee Joint Trajectories in Sagittal
Plan Following Robotic-Assisted Gait Training in Patients with
Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: Preliminary Results
F. Ghiasi, M. R. Hadian, H. Bagheri, M. S. Yekaninejad, H.
Saberi, and S. H. Emami Razavi Am. J. Neuroprotec.
Neuroregen. 4, 179-184 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Monitoring of Spinal Cord Injury with
Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials, an Experimental Study Qi
Peng, He Xijing, Qin Jie, Huang Sihua, and Dong Jun Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 185-188 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 4, Numbers 1-2,
2012 Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 189-190 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 4, Numbers 1-2, 2012 Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 191-193 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 4, Numbers 1-2, 2012 Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 194-195 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
4, Number 1 ( October 2012) pp.1 - 85 |
Therapeutic Strategies for Neural Degeneration Following Traumatic
Injuries or Age Related Disorders Are the Need of the Hour
Editor-in-Chief:Hari S. Sharma Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 1-3 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
REVIEWS Mechanisms
of Hypothermia, Delayed Hyperthermia and Fever Following CNS
Injury Christopher J. Gordon, Laurence Katz, and Lisa
R. Leon Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 4-19 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Status of Research on Mechanism of
Action of Methylprednisolone (MP) in the Treatment of Spinal Cord
Injury Xu Junkui, Dong Jun, Wang Dong, and He Xijing Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 20-30 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ARTICLES Spectrum from Obesity to Neurodegenerative
Disorder Diwan. A, Khan Shahida Aziz, Patel Rishi,
Krishna Kavita, C. K. Firoz, and Mohammad A. Kamal Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 31-39 (2012) [Abstract]
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The Morphological Study on Naotaitong
Granule Treating Ischemic Stroke Zhou Haizhe, Yuan
Puwei, Chen Mengyuan, Li Jun, Zhao Huan, Cao Yongsheng, and He
Xijing Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 40-44 (2012) [Abstract]
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A New Complete Transected Spinal Cord Injury
Model in Rabbits Liang Chen, Dong Jun, Muhammad
Bilal Younus, and He Xijing Am. J. Neuroprotec.
Neuroregen. 4, 45-52 (2012) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Change of Spasticity Following
Robotic-Assisted Gait Training in Patients with Chronic Incomplete
Spinal Cord Injury: Preliminary Results F.
Ghiasi, M. R. Hadian, H. Bagheri, M. S. Yekaninejad, H. Saberi,
and A. Noroozi Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 53-57
(2012) [Abstract]
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Experimental Models of Neurodegenerative
Diseases: A Simple Method to Check Both Viability of Neural Tissue
and Cannulae Location After Stereotaxic Surgeries S.
García, F. Nanfaro, S. Casas, R. Cabrera, and R. Yunes Am.
J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 58-62 (2012) [Abstract]
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Circulating Bone Marrow Progenitors as a
Marker of Endogenous Regenerative Response and Outcome Predictor
in Traumatic Brain Injury E. R. Chernykh, N. V.
Pronkina, E. Ya. Shevela, V. A. Chernykh, V. V. Stupak, V. V.
Phonin, O. A. Shevtsova, N. V. Krystova, N. I. Shevchuk, O.
V. Parluk, S. S. Rabinovich, and A. A. Ostanin Am. J.
Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 63-72 (2012) [Abstract]
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Glycolytic and Proteolytic Metabolism in
Erythrocytes from Elderly and Demented Patients Yury
Kaminsky, Armenuhi Poghosyan, Lyudmila Tikhonova, Hector H.
Palacios, Mohammad A. Kamal, Elena Kosenko, and Gjumrakch
Aliev Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 73-77 (2012) [Abstract]
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REPORT Analysis of Therapeutic Efficacy of
Citicoline in Patients with Vertigo of Central Origin and Vascular
Aetiology D. Petrova, D. Maslarov, I. Angelov, and D.
Zekin Am. J. Neuroprotec. Neuroregen. 4, 78-85 (2012) [Abstract]
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Article] |
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