in Nanotechnology Book Series
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Semiconductor
Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vols. 1-5
Handbook of
Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in
Nanobiotechnology, Vols. 1-2

Polymeric Nanostructures and
Their Applications Vols. 1-2
Handbook of Organic-Inorganic
Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Vols. 1-2

Functional Nanomaterials

Molecular Nanoelectronics

Magnetic Nanostructures

Quantum Dots and Nanowires

Functionalization and Surface Treatment of

Nanoclusters and

Cancer Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical
of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
3, Number 4 (December 2009) pp.
321-453 |
Modification with Polysaccharides or Their Derivatives for
Improved Paper Properties Delong Song, Chunxu
Dong, Art Ragauskas, and Yulin Deng J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 3, 321334 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Production from Vegetable Oils: A Comparative Optimization
Study M. Satyanarayana and C. Muraleedharan J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 335341 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Water on the
Pre-Esterification of Jatropha curcas L. Oil for
Biodiesel Production Yingying Liu, Houfang Lu,
and Bin Liang J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 342347
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Penicillium expansum YT01: A
Lignocellulose-Degrading Fungal Strain Isolated from China
Gaoligong Mountain Humus Soil Tao Yang,
Junwen Liu, Qinlu Lin, and Xiaoqing Jiang J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 3, 348353 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Identification and Characterization of
Lipophilic Extractives in Four Species of Bamboo Culms Pai
Peng, Fang-Xia Yang, Feng Xu, Jian-Min Fang, Run-Cang Sun, and
Gwynn Lloyd Jones J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 354362
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Hot-Water Extraction of
Woodchips on the Kraft Pulping of Eucalyptus Woodchips
Shijie Liu, Gangesh Mishra, Thomas E. Amidon, and Kathryn
Gratien J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 363372
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biological Treatment of Soy Straw:
Physicochemical Characterization Ranjan Pradhan,
Larry Erickson, Manjusri Misra, and Amar Mohanty J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 373379 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Pre-Extraction and Its Impact on the
Alkaline Pulping of Bagasse M. Sarwar Jahan,
Abrar Saeed, Yonghao Ni, and Zhibin He J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 3, 380385 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Study on Strain Adaptation of
Recombinant E. coli FBR5 Challenged by Concentrated
Wood Hemicellulosic Hydrolysate Tingjun
Liu, Lu Lin, Ruofei Hu, and Shijie Liu J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 3, 386392 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Characteristics and Hardness of
Medium Density Fiberboard Containing Pine Cone Nadir
Ayrilmis, Erkan Avci, and Umit Buyuksari J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 3, 393400 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Liquefaction of Bagasse and Preparation
of Rigid Polyurethane Foam from Liquefaction Products
Juanjuan Liu, Fangeng Chen, and Minghuang Qiu J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 401407 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biodegradable Plastics from Soy Protein
and Polysaccharide Carboxylates C. H. Schilling,
D. S. Karpovich, and P. Tomasik J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 3, 408417 (2009) [Abstract]
[Full Text - PDF] [Purchase
Coatings on Kraft Paper Koffi L. Dagnon,
Christopher Thellen, Jo Ann Ratto, and Nandika A. DSouza
J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 418428 (2009)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mass Transfer of Moisture in Sheets and
Resins of Two Partially Renewable Polyesters M.
Khurana, M. Rubino, R. Auras, and L. M. Matuana J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 429436 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Properties of Novel
pH-Sensitive Soy Protein/Poly(sodium acrylate) Interpenetrating
Polymer Network Hydrogels Yong Liu, Yingde Cui,
Guoqiang Yin, and Lizhu Luo J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 3, 437442 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 3, Number 14,
2009 J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 443445
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 3, Number 14,
2009 J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 446450
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 3, Number 14,
2009 J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 3, 451453
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
3, Number 3 (September 2009) pp.
213-319 |
Special Issue on Innovative Natural Fibre Composites for
Industrial Applications Guest Editors: Alexander
Bismarck and Claudio Scarponi J. Biobased Materials
and Bioenergy 3, 213214 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of Structural Composites from Biobased Thermoset Resins and
Natural Fibres by Compression Moulding Dan Åkesson,
Mikael Skrifvars, Bengt Hagström, Pernilla Walkenström,
and Jukka Seppälä J. Biobased Materials and
Bioenergy 3, 215225 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Utilizing Unbleached Cellulosic Fibres
in Polypropylene Matrix Composites for Injection Moulding
Applications C. Burgstaller, W. Rüf, W.
Stadlbauer, G. Pilz, and R. W. Lang J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 226231 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Creep Behaviour of Natural Fibre
Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites H.
N. Dhakal, Z. Y. Zhang, and M. O. W. Richardson J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 232237 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Static and Dynamic Properties of
Thermoplastic Matrix/Natural Fiber Composites Luca
Di Landro and Williams Lorenzi J. Biobased Materials
and Bioenergy 3, 238244 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Flax
Fibre for the Reinforcement of Composites N. P.
J. Dissanayake, J. Summerscales, S. M. Grove, and M. M. Singh
J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 245248
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Man-Made Cellulose Fibres as
Reinforcement for Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) Composites
Nina Graupner and Jörg Müssig J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 249261 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Current Developments for Efficient Raw
Material Supply Procedures Enforcing Cost-Effective Bast
Fibre Production in Europe Hans-Jörg
Gusovius and Jürgen Paulitz J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 262264 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mathematical Model of the Binder
Application for the Production of Fibre Boards Ljubomir
Radosavljevic, Thomas Hoffmann, Ralf Pecenka, and Christian Fürll
J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 265268
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biocomposites on the Base of
Thermoplastic Starch Filled by Wood and Kenaf Fiber
Stanislaw Kuciel and Aneta Liber-Knec J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 269274 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Comparative Properties of Agrofiber
Based Particle Boards Using Newly Developed Bonding Materials
Z. Osman, A. Pizzi, and I. H. Alamin J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 275281 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optimal Plant Lay-Out for Profitable
Bast Fibre Production in Europe with a Novel Processing
Technology Ralf Pecenka, Christian Fürll,
Hans-Jörg Gusovius, and Thomas Hoffmann J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 282285 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ladys Finger Fibres for Possible
Use as a Reinforcement in Composite Materials Md.
Moniruzzaman, Mohd. Maniruzzaman, M. A. Gafur, and C. Santulli
J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 286290
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Fibre Architecture on the
Falling Weight Impact Properties of Hemp/Epoxy Composites
C. Santulli and A. P. Caruso J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 291297 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Impact Load Behaviour of Resin Transfer
Moulding (RTM) Hemp Fibre Composite Laminates C.
Scarponi, C. S. Pizzinelli, S. Sánchez-Sáez, and
E. Barbero J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 298310
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Wool Keratin-Based Nanofibres for Active
Filtration of Air and Water Annalisa Aluigi,
Claudia Vineis, Claudio Tonin, Cinzia Tonetti, Alessio
Varesano, and Giorgio Mazzuchetti J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 311319 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
3, Number 2 (June 2009) pp.
113-212 |
Synthesis and Protein Regulations in Ralstonia eutropha on
Levulinic Acid and Its Derivatives from Biomass Refining
Jian Yu, Lilian X. L. Chen, and Shun Sato J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 113-122 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Separation and Dissolving of Cellulose
from Wheat Straw Using Aqueous Solution: A Topochemistry
Investigation Lifeng Yan, Xiaohong Wu, Yuanyuan
Wang, and Wan Li J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
3, 123-129 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Poly(lactic acid)/Multi-Hydroxyl
Magnesium Oxide Nanocomposites Prepared by Melt Compounding
Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, and Kenneth Klabunde J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 130-138 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Starch Nanocomposites with Platelet and
Fibrillar Fillers D. Nordqvist, G. Sico, and M.
S. Hedenqvist J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3,
139-146 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanocomposite Fibers Electrospun from
Poly(lactic acid)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Chunhui
Xiang, Yong L. Joo, and Margaret W. Frey J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 147-155 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Evalutation of In-Plane and Transverse
Permeability of Flax Fiber Preforms for Biocomposite Materials
Sait Mekic, Chad A. Ulven, Iskander S. Akhatov,
Eric Jerke, and Eric Kerr-Anderson J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 156-164 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development, Mechanical, Thermal and
Electrical Properties of Linseed Husk Powder Filled PVC
Composites Navin Chand, Bhajan Das Jhod, and
Vijai Kumar J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3,
165-171 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effects of Biomass in Polyethylene or
Polylactic Acid Composites C. I. Onwulata, A. E.
Thomas, and P. H. Cooke J. Biobased Materials and
Bioenergy 3, 172-180 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design and Development of an I-Beam from
Natural Composites Justin B. Alms, Peter J.
Yonko, Robert C. McDowell, and Suresh G. Advani J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 181-187 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Improving the Interface Strength in Flax
Fibre Poly(lactic) Acid Composites Miro Duhovic,
Sebastian Horbach, and Debes Bhattacharyya J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 188-198 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Properties of
Cellulose/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Blend Films Based on Dissolution
in a Non-Toxic Solvent System Ruping Zhang,
Quanling Yang, Haisong Qi, Jinping Zhou, and Lina Zhang J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 199-204 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Cationic Wheat Straw and
Its Application on Anionic Dye Removal Lifeng
Yan, Fan Yang, and Lin Jia J. Biobased Materials and
Bioenergy 3, 205-212 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
3, Number 1 (March 2009) |
and Its Application with Polymers M. N. Satheesh
Kumar, A. K. Mohanty, L. Erickson, and M. Misra J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 124 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Corn Stover and Sugar Cane
Bagasse Celluloses by Low Intensity Uniform Ultrasound
Val Yachmenev, Brian Condon, Thomas Klasson, and
Allan Lambert J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3,
2531 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Comparison of Combustion Characteristics
of Crude Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester with Diesel as a CI Engine
Fuel S. Saravanan, G. Nagarajan, and G. Lakshmi
Narayana Rao J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3,
3236 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Poplar Woodchip as a Biorefinery
FeedstockPrehydrolysis with Formic/Acetic Acid/Water
System, Xylitol Production from Hydrolysate and Kraft
Pulping of Residual Woodchips Jing Liu, Lu Lin,
Chunsheng Pang, Junping Zhuang, Xiaolin Luo, Yeming Shi,
Pingkai Ouyang, Jingjiang Li, and Shijie Liu J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 3745 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Analysis of Habitat Suitability and
Charcoal-Yielding Characteristics of Five Exotic Tree Species
Intended for Bioenergy Production in Jamaica Charles
P.-A. Bourque, Wilton Buchanan, and Quazi K. Hassan J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 4656 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Gelatin Plasticized with a Biodiesel
Coproduct Stream Eugene S. Stevens, Richard D.
Ashby, and Daniel K. Y. Solaiman J. Biobased
Materials and Bioenergy 3, 5761 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Effect of Hemicellulosic Derivatives
on the Strength Properties of Old Corrugated Container Pulp
Fibres J. L. Ren, F. Peng, and R. C. Sun J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 6268 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural Changes of Microcrystalline
Cellulose During Interaction with Ionic Liquids Jingqiang
Zhang, Lu Lin, Yong Sun, Hong Peng, Chunsheng Pang, Beihai He,
Shijie Liu, Jingjiang Li, and Pingkai Ouyang J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 6974 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Effect of Decreased Fiber Size in
Wheat Straw/Polyvinyl Alcohol Composites Ayse
Alemdar, Kristiina Oksman, and Mohini Sain J.
Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 7580 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Physico-Chemical Characterization of
Palm from Phoenix DactyliferaL, Preparation of Cellulose
Whiskers and Natural RubberBased Nanocomposites
Abdelkader Bendahou, Youssef Habibi, Hamid Kaddami, and
Alain Dufresne J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3,
8190 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Rheology of Chemically
Modified Canola Oil A. Campanella, M. Fahimian,
R. P. Wool, and J. Raghavan J. Biobased Materials and
Bioenergy 3, 9199 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Physico-Mechanical and Morphological
Study of Starch/Polyvinylalcohol Based Biocomposite Films
Reinforced with Microcrystalline Cellulose Kunal
Das, N. R. Bandyopadhyay, Dipa Ray, Debarati Mitra, Suparna
Sengupta, S. P. Sengupta, Amar K. Mohanty, and Manjusri
Misra J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3, 100107
(2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
NMR Analysis of Partially Substituted Biodiesel Glycerols
Máté Nagy, Teresa L. Alleman, Thomas Dyer,
and Arthur J. Ragauskas J. Biobased Materials and
Bioenergy 3, 108111 (2009) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
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