in Nanotechnology Book Series
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Semiconductor
Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vols. 1-5
Handbook of
Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in
Nanobiotechnology, Vols. 1-2

Polymeric Nanostructures and
Their Applications Vols. 1-2
Handbook of Organic-Inorganic
Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Vols. 1-2

Functional Nanomaterials

Molecular Nanoelectronics

Magnetic Nanostructures

Quantum Dots and Nanowires

Functionalization and Surface Treatment of

Nanoclusters and

Cancer Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical
of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
4, Number 4 (December 2010) pp.
289-462 |
REVIEWS Hydrogels
Based-on Hemicellulose and Lignin from Lignocellulose
Biorefinery: A Mini-Review Xinming Li and Xuejun
Pan J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 289-297 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Thermoplastics from Soy Protein: A
Review on Processing, Blends and Composites Murali
Reddy, Amar K. Mohanty, and Manjusri Misra J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 298-316 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of Bio-Oil Against Wood Destroying Organisms Ali
Temiz, M. Haki Alma, Nasko Terziev, Sabrina Palanti, and
Elisabetta Feci J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
317-323 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Storage of Sweet Sorghum Fresh Juice
with Ethyl-p-Hydroxybenzoate and the Ethanol Fermentation with
the Preserved Juice Fei Shen and Ronghou Liu J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 324-329 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spunlaced Flax/Polypropylene Nonwoven as
Auto Interior Material: Acoustical and Fogging Performance Jonathan
Y. Chen, Dieter H. Müller, Christian König, Katrin
Nießen, and Jörg Müssig J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 330-337 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of
Sisal Fiber-Reinforced Green Composites with Soy
Protein/Gelatin Resins Jun Tae Kim and Anil N.
Netravali J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 338-345
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Polyurethane-Based
Hydrogels from Liquefied Bagasse Zhiyuan Peng and
Fangeng Chen J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 346-352
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Studies on Biocomposites Based on Pine
Needles and Isocyanate Adhesives M. Gupta, Monika
Chauhan, Naseeba Khatoon, and B. Singh J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 353-362 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
Analysis for the Determination of Moisture Content in Biomass
R. Kullenberg, M. Hultnäs, V. Fernandez, M. Nylinder,
S. Toft, and F. Danielsson J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 363-366 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structure and Properties of Silk Fibers
Produced by Antheraea polyphemus Narendra
Reddy and Yiqi Yang J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
367-371 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Fines from High-Yield Pulp on
Filler Retention and Paper Formation in Fine Paper Production
Hongjie Zhang, Huiren Hu, Qingxi Hou, and Yonghao Ni J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 372-377 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a
Screening Tool for Sugar Release and Chemical Composition of
Wheat Straw J. Lindedam, S. Bruun, J. DeMartini,
H. Jørgensen, C. Felby, B. Yang, C. E. Wyman, and J.
Magid J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 378-383 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biodegradable Composites Based on Poly(
and Bacterial Cellulose as a Reinforcing Agent Saharman
Gea, Christopher T. Reynolds, Nima Roohpur, Nattakan
Soykeabkaew, Basuki Wirjosentono, Emiliano Bilotti, and
Ton Peijs J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 384-390
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Particle Size of Corn Stalk
Fast Pyrolysis on Physicochemical Properties of Bio-Oil
Ronghou Liu, Chenjie Shen, and Jiawen Wang J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 391-396 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Jute Sandwich Composite Panels for
Building Applications B. Singh, M. Gupta, and
Hina Tarannum J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 397-407
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural Characterization of
Alkali-Extractable Lignin Fractions from Bamboo Jia-Long
Wen, Zhaojun Sun, Yong-Chang Sun, Shao-Ni Sun, Feng Xu, and
Run-Cang Sun J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 408-425
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
on Electrical Resistivity of Rice Straw Charcoal Gang
Xiao, Rui Xiao, Baosheng Jin, Wu Zuo, Jichi Liu, and John R.
Grace J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 426-429 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The New Methods of Corn Disinfection
Used in Bioethanol Production Magdalena Broda,
Katarzyna Leja, Katarzyna Czaczyk, and W?odzimierz Grajek J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 430-435 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Rapid Determination of Oil Content in
Seed of Jatropha Curcas by NMR Jun Wu, Yiran Guo,
Yuan Liu, and Fang Chen J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy
4, 436-439 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Charging Cellulose Spheres: Synthesis of
2,3-Disulfonated Cellulose in Bead Form Rajalaxmi
Dash and Arthur J. Ragauskas J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 440-445 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Isolation and Characterization of
Hemicelluloses from Cottonseed Coat Waste Yingqing
Hu, Huali Nie, Christopher B. White, Zheng Zhao, and Limin Zhu J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 446-451 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 4, Number
1-4, 2010 J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 453-455
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 4, Number 1-4,
2010 J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 456-459 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 4, Number 1-4,
2010 J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 460-462 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
4, Number 3 (September 2010) pp.
185-287 |
A Special Issue on Biofuels and Land
Use Change Guest Editor:Mairi J. Black and Jeremy
Woods J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 185-186 (2010)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
REVIEW Reviewing
the Opportunities and Impacts of Biofuel Policies from
National Case Studies and the Potential for Crop Land
Expansion to Fulfil Biofuel Requirements Mairi J.
Black and Jeremy Woods J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
187-197 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
in the UK: A Case Study of Current and Emerging Feedstocks
Calliope Panoutsou and Raphael Slade J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 198-210 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biofuels in Brazil and Land Use Change
Giulio Volpi J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
211-220 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biofuels Production Development and
Prospects in China Erik Chavez, Dehua Liu, and
Xuebing Zhao J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 221-242
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biofuel Options for India-Perspectives
on Land Availability, Land Management and Land-Use Change Subhashree
Das, Joerg A. Priess, and Christian Schweitzer J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 243-255 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biofuels Possibilities in the Southern
Africa Context R. Diaz-Chavez and C. Jamieson J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 256-266 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Assessment of the Potential for
Producing Liquid Biofuels from Alternative Feedstocks Grown on
Degraded Land and Saline Soils Joana
Chiavari J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 267-287
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
4, Number 2 (June 2010) pp.
95-184 |
A Special Issue on Natural Fibres 09
Materials for a Low Carbon Future Guest Editor:Brett
C. Suddell J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 9597
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Production and Extraction of Flax-Fibre
for Textile Fibres M. R. L. Horne, D. Waldron, J.
L. Harwood, and R. J. Harwood J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 98105 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mechanical Behavior of Natural Sisal
Fibers Flávio de Andrade Silva, Nikhilesh
Chawla, and Romildo Dias Toledo Filho J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 106113 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Study of Banana Fiber as Reinforcement
of Polyethylene Samples Made by Compression and Injection
Molding Zaida Ortega, Antonio N. Benítez,
Mario D. Monzón, Pedro M. Hernández, Inés
Angulo, and María D. Marrero J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 114120 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Animal Fibres Reinforcement on
Stabilized Earth Mechanical Properties C. Galán-Marín,
C. Rivera-Gómez, and J. Petric-Gray J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 121128 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
All-Cellulose Composites by Partial
Dissolution of Cotton Fibres Raquel Arévalo,
Olivier T. Picot, Rory M. Wilson, Nattakan Soykeabkaew, and
Ton Peijs J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 129138
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Natural Fibre Composites with 3D Woven
Reinforcement for New Application Areas Julie A.
Soden and Graeme F. J. Stewart J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 139147 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Natural Fibre Reinforced Composites
Opportunities and Challenges Callum Hill and
Mark Hughes J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 148158
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Mechanical Properties of Treated and
Untreated Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite
M. A. Abu Bakar, S. Ahmad, and W. Kuntjoro J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 159163 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multi-Scale Structures of Natural Fibres
and Their Applications in Making Automobile Parts
Y. Li, Y. Luo, and S. Han J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 164171 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Wheat Straw and Wheat Flour
Biocomposites Prepared by Extrusion Process Wendy
Xia, Jim Song, Karnik Tarverdi, and Yong Gang Kang J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 172180 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Light Weight! No Matter What the Costs?
Plant Fibres for Light Weight Automotive Applications
Juergen Steger J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
181184 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
4, Number 1 (March 2010) pp.
1-94 |
A Special Issue on The Biorefinery: Converting
Plant Biomass to Chemicals, Materials, and Energy
Guest Editors: Shijie Liu and Gary M. Scott J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 1-2 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
REVIEW Bioethanol
Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass, A Review
Joanne Gamage, Howard Lam, and Zisheng Zhang J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 3-11 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Analysis of a Fraction of Polysaccharides from Usnea
montis-fuji Feng Peng, Jun-Li Ren, Feng Xu,
Yin-Quan Su, and Run-Cang Sun J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 12-15 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fingerprint Analysis of a Traditional
Chinese Medicine Ru-Kuai-Xiao by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Peiyong Qin, Liyun Wang, Xicheng Jiang, Yan Hu, and
Tianwei Tan J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 16-22
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Improving Enzymatic Saccharification of
Hybrid Poplar by Electron Beam Irradiation Pretreatment Soo-Jeong
Shin and Yong Joo Sung J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy
4, 23-26 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Clean Conversion to Fermentable Glucose
from Wheat Straw Yong Sun, Beixiao Zhang, Lu
Lin, and Shijie Liu J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
27-34 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Investigation of Cellulose Hydrolysis
Under Extremely Low Acids X. S. Zhuang, W. Qi,
Z. H. Yuan, Q. Wang, and X. S. Tan J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 35-39 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fractionation of Wood Polymers by
Carboxymethylation-Influence of Reaction Conditions
Shang-Ning Chien, Hao Ren, Mitsuru Aoyagi, Thomas Amidon,
and Yuan-Zong Lai J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
40-45 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Strength Properties of Kraft Pulp
Produced from Hot-Water Extracted Woodchips Within the
Biorefinery Asif Hasan, Biljana Bujanovic, and
Thomas Amidon J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 46-52
(2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Utilization of Xylose by Oleaginous
Yeast Rhodotorula glutinis Qian Li, Ling
Liang, Feiyan Xue, Xu Zhang, and Tianwei Tan J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 53-57 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biofuel Production in an Integrated
Forest Biorefinery-Technology Identification Under Uncertainty
Eemeli Hytönen and Paul R. Stuart J. Biobased
Mater. Bioenergy 4, 58-67 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effects of Medium Composition on the
Growth of Chlorella vulgaris During Photobioreactor Batch
Cultivations Dorota Debska, Gabriel Potvin,
Christopher Lan, and Zisheng Zhang J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 68-72 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Oleic Acid Esterification in
Solvent-Free Medium by Yarrowia lipolytica Lipase Immobilized
on Fabric Membranes Yong-Hong Meng, Bi-Qiang
Chen, Na Yang, Gui-Li Wang, Ying Li, and Tian-Wei Tan J.
Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4, 73-78 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biorefining Based on Biodiesel
Production: Chemical and Physical Characterisation of
Reactively Extracted Rapeseed Yilong Ren,
Adam Harvey, and Rabitah Zakaria J. Biobased Mater.
Bioenergy 4, 79-86 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biodiesel by Enzymatic
Transesterification of Sunflower Oil with Ethanol
J. M. Encinar, J. F. González, G. Martínez,
and S. Román J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 4,
87-94 (2010) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
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