in Nanotechnology Book Series
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Semiconductor
Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vols. 1-5
Handbook of
Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in
Nanobiotechnology, Vols. 1-2

Polymeric Nanostructures and
Their Applications Vols. 1-2
Handbook of Organic-Inorganic
Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Vols. 1-2

Functional Nanomaterials

Molecular Nanoelectronics

Magnetic Nanostructures

Quantum Dots and Nanowires

Functionalization and Surface Treatment of

Nanoclusters and


Cancer Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical
1, Number 4 (December 2001) |
pp.357-374 Atomic Wires on Furrowed Transition Metal
Surfaces I. N. Yakovkin [Abstract]
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pp.375-379 Flexible Carbon Nanotubes Membrane Sensory
System - A Generic Platform Hou Tee Ng, Aiping
Fang, Jun Li, and Sam Fong Yau Li [Abstract]
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Article] pp.381-383 Morphological
Control of Laser-Synthesized Silicon Nanoparticles
Makoto Hirasawa, Takafumi Seto, and Nobuhiro Aya
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Article] pp.385-388 Aqueous Chemical
Growth of aFe2O3
Nanocomposite Thin Films Lionel Vayssieres,
Jinghua Guo, and Joseph Nordgren [Abstract]
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Article] pp.389-392 Application of
Selective Implantation in Al0.5Ga0.5As/In0.25Ga0.75As/GaAs
Pseudomorphic Single Quantum Wire Structures X.
Q. Liu, W. Lu, S. C. Shen, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, and J. Zou
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Article] pp.393-396 Overstoichiometric
Low-Energy Nitrogen Implantations into Silicon
Formation of Gas Nanobubbles vs Silicon Nanowhiskers
Andreas Markwitz [Abstract]
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pp.397-405 Nanofilms and Nanoclusters: Energy Sources
Driving Fluorophores of Biochip Bound Labels Norbert
Stich, Arminder Gandhum, Viacheslav Matushin, Christian Mayer,
Georg Bauer, and Thomas Schalkhammer [Abstract]
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Article] pp.407-415 Functional
Characterization of Heme Proteins Encapsulated in Wet
Nanoporous Silica Gels Stefania Abbruzzetti,
Cristiano Viappiani, Stefano Bruno, Stefano Bettai, Maria
Bonaccio, and Andrea Mozzarelli [Abstract]
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Article] pp.417-424 Synthesis and
Characterization of Nanocrystalline Silver Coating of Fly Ash
Cenosphere Particles by Electroless Process S.
Shukla, S. Seal, S. Schwarz, and D. Zhou [Abstract]
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Article] pp.425-432 Phase Evolution,
Characterization and Impedance Spectroscopic Analysis of
Nanocrystalline SrBi2Nb2O9
in Glassy Li2B4O7 Matrix
N. Syam Prasad and K. B. R. Varma [Abstract]
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Article] pp.433-439 Dielectric
Properties of KDP Filled Porous Alumina Nanocomposite
Thin Films O. Boni and S. Berger [Abstract]
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Article] pp.441-449 Electrochemical
Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Magnetic Mixed Oxides of Sr-Fe
and Sr-Co-Fe José Asenjo, Roger Amigó,
Elena Krotenko, Francisco Torres, and Javier Tejada,
Enric Brillas, and Georges Sardin [Abstract]
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Article] pp.451-455 CdTe Nanocrystals:
Synthesis, Optical Characterization and Pseudopotential
Calculation of the Band Gap T. Stirner, N. T.
Kirkman, L. May, C. Ellis, J. E. Nicholls, S. M. Kelly, M.
O'Neill, and J. H. C. Hogg [Abstract]
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Article] pp.457-460 Time-Resolved
Luminescence in Conducting Polymer/Antidot Nanocomposites
L. Bakueva, S. Musikhin, and E. H. Sargent [Abstract]
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Article] |
1, Number 3 (September 2001) |
pp.243-262 Magnetism in
Nanoclusters and Cluster-Assembled Thin Films Chris
Binns [Abstract]
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pp.263-265 Probing Single
Quantum Dots by Micro-Photoluminescence B. P.
Zhang, L. H. Manh, and Y. Segawa [Abstract]
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Article] pp.267-270 Mesoscopic Assembly
of Magnetic Pd-Ni Nanocrystals into Ordered Arrays by using
Alkane Thiols P. John Thomas, G. U. Kulkarni,
and C. N. R. Rao [Abstract]
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Article] pp.271-273 Structural Effects
if Ti Underlayer on CoCrPt Magnetic Films C. J.
Sun, G. M. Chow, E. W. Soo, J. P. Wang, Y. K. Hwu, T. S. Cho,
J. H. Je, H. H. Lee, J. W. Kim, and D. Y. Noh
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Article] pp.275-279 The substituent
effect on non-linear I/V characteristics in a two-terminal
molecular electronic device N. Matsunaga and
Sohlberg [Abstract]
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Article] pp.281-285 Assembly of CdS
Nanoparticles in Patterned Structures by a Novel
Ion-Entrapment Process in Thermally Evaporated Fatty Acid
Films Saikat Mandal, Chinmay Damle, S. R.
Sainkar, and Murali Sastry [Abstract]
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Article] pp. 287-290 Thermal Stability
of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films Grown by Biased Enhanced
Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition T.
Sharda, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, and M.Umeno [Abstract]
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Article] pp.291-294 Superparamagnetic
Properties of Carbon Encapsulated Ni Nanoparticle
Assemblies Xiang-Cheng Sun, Xinglong Dong, and
J. A. Toledo [Abstract]
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pp.295-301 Temperature
Dependence of Up-Conversion Luminescence and Photoluminescence
of Mn2+ in ZnS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles
Alan G. Joly, Wei Chen, Joel Roark, and Jin Z. Zhang
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Article] pp.303-308 Single Crystal GaN
Nanowires F. Leonard Deepak, A. Govindaraj, and
C. N. R. Rao [Abstract]
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Article] pp.309-315 Nanofabrication of
Helical Peptide-Shelled Dendrimers Nobuyuki
Higashi, Tomoyuki Koga, and Masazo Niwa [Abstract]
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Article] pp.317-321 Morphology and
Current-Voltage Characteristics of Nanostructured Pentacene
Thin Films Probed by Atomic Force Microscopy Serkan
Zorba, Quoc Toan Le, Neil J. Watkins, Li Yan, and Yongli Gao
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Article] pp.323-329 Electrochemical
Synthesis of Antimony Nanowires and Analysis of
Diffusion Layers E. Roy, P. Fricoteaux, and K.
Yu-Zhang [Abstract]
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Article] pp.331-336 Hydrophobicity of
Templated Silica Xerogels for Molecular Sieving
Applications Sabine Giessler. Joao C. Diniz da
Costa, and G. Q. Lu [Abstract]
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Article] pp.337-342 Photo-induced
Superhydrophilic Properties of Ti-B Binary Oxide Thin Films
and Their Photocatalytic Reactivity for the Decomposition of
NO Satoru Dohshi, Masato Takeuchi, and Masakazu
Anpo [Abstract]
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Article] pp.343-348 Crystallite-size
Distribution and Dislocation Structure in Nanocrystalline
HfNi5 Determined by X-ray Diffraction Profile Analysis
J. Gubicza, G. Ribarik, I. Bakonyi, and T. Ungar
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Article] pp.349-356 The Effect of
Casting Solvent Quality on the Structure of Polymeric
Langmuir-Blodgett Films K. Beltsios, E.
Soterakou, G. Tsangaris, and N. Kanellopoulos [Abstract]
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Article] |
1, Number 2 (June 2001) |
pp.125-128 Structural
Characterization of Nanotube Fibers by X-Ray Scattering
P. Launois, A. Marucci, B. Vigolo, P. Bernier, A. Derre,
and P. Poulin [Abstract]
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Article] pp.129-132 Synthesis of
Mesoporous Silica Monoliths with Embedded Nanoparticles
Deepa Khushalani, Steffen Hesenzahl, and Stephen Mann
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Article] pp.133-136 Electric Field
Directed Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Highly Fluorescent CdTe
Nanoparticles Junqi Sun, Mingyuan Gao, and Jochen
Feldmann [Abstract]
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Article] pp.137-141 Rapid Fabrication of
3D Porous Films with Biomimetic Patterns by Natural
Evaporation of Amphiphilic Polyacetylene Solutions under
Ambient Conditions Fouad Salhi, Kevin K. L.
Cheuk, Qunhui Sun, Jacky W. Y. Lam, John A. K. Cha, Gao Li,
Bingshi Li, Jingdong Luo, Junwu Chen, and Ben Zhong Tang
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ARTICLES pp.143-147
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Under High Pressures to 62
GPa Studied Using Designer Diamond Anvils J. R.
Patterson, Y. K. Vohra, S. T. Weir, and J. Akella [Abstract]
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Article] pp.149-152 Magnetic and
Structural Properties of Electrochemically Self-assembled
Fe1-xCox Nanowires L.
Menon, S. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Liu, H. Zeng, and D. J. Sellmyer
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Article] pp.153-158 Synthesis,
Characterization and Magnetic Properties of Carbon and Boron
oxide Encapsulated Iron Nanocapsules Z. D. Zhang,
J. G. Zheng, I. Skorvanek, J. Kovac, J. L. Yu, X. L. Dong, Z.
J. Li, S. R. Jin, X. G. Zhao, and W. Liu [Abstract]
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Article] pp.159-168 Structural and
Optical Properties of PECVD Grown Silicon Nanocrystals
G. Vijaya Prakash, N. Daldosso , E. Degoli, F. Iacona,
M.Cazzanelli, Z. Gaburro, G. Puker, P. Dalba, F. Rocca, E.
Ceretta, Moreira, G. Franzò, D. Pacifici, F. Priolo, C.
Arcangeli, A. B.Filonov, S. Ossicini, and L. Pavesi
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Article] pp.169-176 Nanosize Ni/SiO2
Catalyst Prepared by Homogeneous Precipitation in Wet Silica
Gel Ryoji Takahashi, Satoshi Sato, Toshiaki
Sodesawa, Norifumi Nakamura, Satoshi Tomiyama,Takatoshi
Kosugi, and Satoshi Yoshida [Abstract]
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Article] pp.177-184 Molecular
Recognition of Malto-oligosaccharides by Tetrakis
(4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrins in basic Aqueous Solutions
S. Hamai [Abstract]
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Article] pp.185-190 Nanocrystallization
of the Fd3m Ti2Ni-type Phase in
Hf-based Metallic Glasses D.V. Louzguine,
M.S. Ko, S. Ranganathan, and A. Inoue [Abstract]
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Article] pp.191-200 Formation of
Nanocrystalline Phases During Thermal Decomposition of
Amorphous Ni-P Alloys by Isothermal Annealing Á.
Révész, J. Lendvai, A. Cziraki, J. W.
Liebermann, and I. Bakonyi [Abstract]
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Article] pp.201-206 A First Step in
Prediction of Nanoscale Structure of Porous Silicon from
Processing Parameters E. Haimi, V.K. Lindroos,
and R. Nowak [Abstract]
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Article] pp.207-213 Nanofabrication of
Organic/Inorganic Hybrids of TiO2 with Substitted
Phthalocyanines or Polythiophene Hanming Ding,
Manoj Kumar Ram and Claudio Nicolini [Abstract]
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Article] pp.215-220 Dislocation Dipoles
in Nanocrystalline Films A. I. Ovid'ko and
A.G.Sheinerman [Abstract]
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Article] pp.221-225 Formation and in-situ
Sizing of c-Fe2O3
Nanoparticles in a Microwave Flow Reactor C.
Janzen, H. Wiggers, J. Knipping, and P. Roth [Abstract]
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Article] pp.227-235 Anderson Transition
in a Multiply-Twisted Helix R. Ugajin [Abstract]
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Article] pp.237-242 Microstructure and
Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Pure Titanium Processed by
Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Cold Deformation
Vladimir V. Stolyarov, Yuntuan T. Zhu, Terry C. Low, and
Ruslin Z. Valiev [Abstract]
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Article] |
1, Number 1 (March 2001) |
to the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
H. S. Nalwa [Abstract]
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pp.3-6 Poly(p-hydroxystyrene)
Grafted Polystyrene Nanospheres: Excellent hosts for Silver
and Ruthenium Nanoparticles Marcia T. Greci,
Srikant Pathak, Karine Mercado, G. K. Surya Prakash, Mark E.
Thompson, and George A. Olah [Abstract]
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pp.7-30 Recent Advances in the
Preparation and Utilization of Carbon Nanotubes for Hydrogen
Storage R. G. Ding, G. Q. Lu, Z. F. Yan, and M.
A. Wilson [Abstract]
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pp.31-34 Low Temperature Growth
of Nanostructured Diamond Films P. A. Baker, S.
A. Catledge, and Y. K. Vohra [Abstract]
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Article] pp.35-38 Carbon
Nanotube-Magnesium Oxide Cube Networks B. Q. Wei,
R. Vajtai, Z. Zhang, G. Ramanath, and P. M. Ajayan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.39-42 Anisotropic Thermal
Conductivity of Ge Quantum Dot and Symmetrically Strained
Si/Ge Superlattices W. L. Liu, T. Borca-Tasciuc,
G. Chen, J. L. Liu, and K.L.Wang [Abstract]
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pp.43-48 Three-Dimensional
Micropatterns of Well-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Produced by
Photolithography Q. Chen and L. Dai [Abstract]
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Article] pp.49-54 Nanotubes of Boron
Nitride Filled with Molybdenum Clusters Dmitri
Golberg, Yoshio Bando, Keiji Kurashima, and Tadao Sato
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Article] pp.55-58 Boron Carbonitride
Nanofibers: Synthesis, Characterization and Photoluminescence
Properties X. D. Bai, C. Y. Zhi, and E. G. Wang
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Article] pp.59-64 Layer-by-Layer Growth
of CdSe Based Nanocrystal Light-Emitting Diodes Jeunghoon
Lee, Mathew Mathai, Faquir Jain, and Fotios
Papadimitrakopoulos [Abstract]
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Article] pp.65-74 Nano-structure and
Giant Magneto-Resistive Properties of Granular Systems
B. J. Kooi, T. Vystavel, and J. Th. M. De Hosson
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Article] pp.75-82 Endo-fullerene and
Doped Diamond Nanocrystallite Based Models of Qubits for
Solid-State Quantum Computers Seongjun Park Deepak
Srivastava and Kyeongjae Cho [Abstract]
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Article] pp.83-94 A Novel Method for
Enzyme Immobilization: Direct Encapsulation of Acid
Phosphatase in Nanoporous Silica Host Materials Yen
Wei, Jigeng Xu, Qiuwei Feng, Muduo Lin, Hua Dong, Wan-Jin
Zhang, and Ce Wang [Abstract]
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Article] pp.95-100 Photodegradation of
SiO2-Coated CdS Nanoparticles Within Silica Gels
Miguel A. Correa-Duarte, Yoshio Kobayashi, Rachel A.
Caruso, and Luis M. Liz-Marzán [Abstract]
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Article] pp.101-106 Nanoscale Magnetic
Regions Formed in GaN Implanted with Mn N.
Theodoropolou, K. P. Lee, M. E. Overberg, S. N. G. Chu, A.
F.Hebard, C. R. Abernathy, S. J. Pearton, and R. G. Wilson
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Article] pp.107-124 Ion Induced
Manipulation of Photochemical Pathways in Crown Ether
Compounds Based on Fluorinated Oligophenylenevinylenes: The
Border Between Ultrafast Photoswitches and Photoproduced
Nanomaterials Bernd Strehmel, Kevin B. Henbest,
Ananda M. Sarker, John H. Malpert, D. Y. Chen, Michael A. J.
Rodgers, and Douglas C. Neckers [Abstract]
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