in Nanotechnology Book Series
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Semiconductor
Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vols. 1-5
Handbook of
Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in
Nanobiotechnology, Vols. 1-2

Polymeric Nanostructures and
Their Applications Vols. 1-2
Handbook of Organic-Inorganic
Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Vols. 1-2

Functional Nanomaterials

Molecular Nanoelectronics

Magnetic Nanostructures

Quantum Dots and Nanowires

Functionalization and Surface Treatment of

Nanoclusters and


Cancer Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical
4, Number 8 (November 2004) |
919-947 Optical Properties and Potential Applications of
Doped Semiconductor Nanoparticles Wei Chen, Jin
Z. Zhang, and Alan G. Joly [Abstract]
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pp. 948-963
Nanofabrication with Atomic Force Microscopy
Qian Tang, San-Qiang Shi, and Limin Zhou [Abstract]
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pp. 964-967 Improvement of Thermal Contact
Resistance by Carbon nanotubes and Nanofibers Helen
F. Chuang, Sarah M. Cooper, M. Meyyappan, and Brett A. Cruden
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 968-971 Fabrication of Vertical
ZnO Nanowires on Silicon (100) with Epitaxial ZnO Buffer Layer
Seu Yi Li, Pang Lin, Chia Ying Lee, Mon Shu Ho, and
Tseung Yuen Tseng [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 972-975 Synthesis of
DNA-Polypyrrole Nanocapsule S. K. Mandal and P.
Dutta [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 976-981 Stabilization of
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in Fully Sulfonated Polyaniline
Marc in het Panhuis, Leon A. P. Kane-Maguire, Simon
E. Moulton, Peter C. Innis, and Gordon G. Wallace [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 982-985 Ordered Nano-Islands on
(La,Ba)MnO3 Thin Film Surface by Self-Organization
Run-Wei Li, Teruo Kanki, Hide-Aki Tohyarna, Jun Zhang,
Hidekazu Tanaka, and Tomoji Kawai [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 986-989 Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Adhesion and Spreading on Nanostructured Biomaterials
Shane A. Catledge, Yogesh K. Vohra, Susan L. Bellis, and
Amber A. Sawyer [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 990-994 Cationic Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)
Nanoparticles as Efficient in vivo Gene Transfection Agents
M. N. V. Ravi Kumar, S. S. Mohapatra, X. Kong, P. K. Jena,
U. Bakowsky, and C.-M. Lehr [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 995-1004 Extinction Coefficients
and Purity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes B.
Zhao, M. E. Itkis, S. Niyogi, H. Hu, D. E. Perea, and R. C.
Haddon [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1005-1013 Synthesis of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (C-SWNTs) with a Plasma Torch:
A Parametric Study Olivier Smiljanic, Frédéric
Larouche, Xueliang Sun, Jean-Pol Dodelet, and Barry L.
Stansfield [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1014-1018 Highly Ordered Carbon
Nanotubes Based on Porous Aluminum Oxide H. Pan,
H. Gao, S. H. Lim, Y. P. Feng, and J. Lin [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1019-1024 Biodistribution of
Carbon Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in Mice Haifang
Wang, Jing Wang, Xiaoyong Deng, Hongfang Sun, Zujin Shi,
Zhennan Gu, Yuanfang Liu, and Yuliang Zhao [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1025-1031 Visible Upconversion
Emission of Pr3+ Doped Gadolinium Gallium Garnet
Nanocrystals R. Naccache, F. Vetrone, J. C.
Boyer, J. A. Capobianco, A. Speghini, and M. Bettinelli
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1032-1038 Cadmium Sulfide and
Cadmium Selenide/Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Stabilized in
Water with Poly(cysteine acrylamide) Robert L.
Sherman, Jr., Yiyan Chen, and Warren T. Ford [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1039-1044 Synthesis of High
Purity Silicon Nanoparticles in a Low Pressure Microwave
Reactor Jörg Knipping, Hartmut Wiggers,
Bernd Rellinghaus, Paul Roth, Denan Konjhodzic, and Cedrik
Meier [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1045-1051 Synthesis and
Characterization of Nanostructural Hydrogel and Template for
CdS Nanofibers Chunyan Bao, Ran Lu, Ming Jin,
Pengchong Xue, Changhui Tan, Yingying Zhao, and Guofa Liu
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1052-1055 Synthesis and
Characterization of Nanoporous Silica Using Dendrimer
Molecules Atanu Mitra, Asim Bhaumik, and Toyoko
Imae [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1056-1061 GMR Effect in CuCo
Annealed Melt-Spun Ribbons N. Murillo, H. Grande,
I. Etxeberria, J. J. Del Val, J. González, S. Arana,
and F. J. Gracia [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1062-1066 Synthesis of Titanate
Nanofibers and Nanotubes Baomei Wen, Chunyan Liu,
Yun Liu, and Zhiying Zhang [Abstract]
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pp. 1067-1070 Temperature-Dependent
Phase Stability of Nanocrystalline SiO2
Sampa Dhabal and T. B. Ghosh [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1071-1075 MgO Nanowire Growth
from Mg Metal and SiO2 Long Hu, Y.
X. Li, J. P. Qu, Z. X. Huang, X. T. Huang, X. X. Ding, C.
Tang, and S. R. Qi [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1076-1080 Synthesis and Unusual
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Metastable
Nanoclusters of ZnO Semiconductor Crystallites S.
Ram and T. K. Kundu [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1081-1084 Electronic
Characteristics of Au-Mercaptohexadecanoic Acid-Au Junction in
a Capillary Hui-Juan Yan, Ling-Ling Ren, Xiao-Lin
Fan, Han-Pu Liang, and Jin-Song Hu [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1085-1094 Influence of Magnetic
Field on Electromagnetic Instabilities in Semiconductor
Superlattices R. H. Tarkhanyan and A. G.
Nassiopoulou [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1095-1101 Theoretical Studies of
Amidation Reaction at Carbon Nanotube Tips by Means of the
ONIOM Technique: Expanding the Higher Level Vladimir
A. Basiuk [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 1102-1110 Author Index for
Volume 4, 2004
pp. 1111-1115 Subject Index for
Volume 4, 2004
pp. 1116-1123 Table of Contents,
Volume 4, Numbers 1-8, 2004 |
4, Number 7 (September 2004) |
pp.647-690 Scanning Probe Microscopy in Catalysis
King Lun Yeung and Nan Yao [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Article] pp.691-703 Employing Raman
Spectroscopy to Qualitatively Evaluate the Purity of Carbon
Single-Wall Nanotube Materials A. C. Dillon, M.
Yudasaka, and M. S. Dresselhaus [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.704-707 FePt-Ag Nanocomposite Thin Films with
Longitudinal Magnetic Anisotropy Y. Z. Zhou, J.
S. Chen, G. M. Chow, and J. P. Wang [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.708-711 Formation of
Water-Soluble Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Derived from Iron
Storage Protein Masato Tominaga, Li Han, Lingyan
Wang, Mathew M. Maye, Jin Luo, Nancy Kariuki, and Chuan-Jian
Zhong [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.712-715 Carbon Nanotubes Grafted
on Silicon Oxide Nanowires Guowen Meng, Anyuan
Cao, Ju-Yin Cheng, and Pulickel M. Ajayan [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.716-718 Carbon Nanotubes and
Other Fullerene Nanocrystals in Domestic Propane and Natural
Gas Combustion Streams J. J. Bang, P. A.
Guerrero, D. A. Lopez, L. E. Murr, and E. V. Esquivel
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.719-721 Synthesis of
Bamboo-Shaped Carbon-Nitrogen Nanotubes Using
Acetonitrile-Ferrocene Precursor Ram Manohar
Yadav, Anchal Srivastava, and O. N. Srivastava [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.722-725 Magnetism and
Magnetotransport in Sonochemically-Prepared Amorphous
Co100-xPtx Nanoalloys Manju Lata Rao, S. Sundar
Manoharan, D. Elefant, and C. M. Schneider [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
RESEARCH ARTICLES pp.726-732 Novel
Methods of Forming Self-Assembled Nanostructured Materials: Ni
Nanodots in Al2O3 and TiN Matrices
J. Narayan and A. Tiwari [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.733-737 A Titania Nanotube-Array
Room-Temperature Sensor for Selective Detection of Hydrogen at
Low Concentrations Oomman K. Varghese, Gopal K.
Mor, Craig A. Grimes, Maggie Paulose, and Niloy Mukherjee
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.738-743 Synthesis and
Characterization of Extremely Uniform Fe-Co-Ni Ternary Alloy
Nanowire Arrays Gaurav Sharma, Gopal K. Mor,
Ooman K. Varghese, Maggie Paulose, and Craig A. Grimes
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.744-748 Temperature Effects on
Resistance of Aligned Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Films
Nikhil Koratkar, Ashish Modi, Eric Lass, and Pulickel
Ajayan [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.749-761 Analysing One Isolated
Single Walled Carbon Nanotube in the Near-Field Domain with
Selective Nanovolume Raman Spectroscopy Han
Atalay and Serge Lefrant [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.762-773 A Parametric Study of
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Growth by Laser Ablation
Sivaram Arepalli, William A. Holmes, Pavel Nikolaev,
Victor G. Hadjiev, and Carl D. Scott [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.774-778 A Simple and Novel Method
to Synthesize Doped and Undoped SnO2 Nanocrystals
at Room Temperature Edson R. Leite, Eduardo J.
H. Lee, Tania R. Giraldi, Fenelon M. Pontes, and Elson Longo
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.779-787 Hydrocarbon Decomposition
in Alumina Membrane: An Effective Way to Produce Carbon
Nanotubes Bundles P. Ciambelli, D. Sannino, M.
Sarno, A. Fonseca, and J. B. Nagy [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.788-793 Synthesis of Palladium
Nanoparticles Using a Continuous Flow Polymeric Micro Reactor
Yujun Song, Challa S. S. R. Kumar, and Josef Hormes
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.794-802 Graphitic Carbon
Nanofiber (GCNF)/Polymer Materials. I. GCNF/Epoxy Monoliths
Using Hexanediamine Linker Molecules Wei-Hong
Zhong, Jiang Li, Luoyu r. Xu, Jason A. Michel, Lisa M.
Sullivan, and Charles M. Lukehart [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.803-808 Carbothermal
Transformation of a Graphitic Carbon Nanofiber/Silica Aerogel
Composite to a SiC/Silica Nanocomposite Weijie
Lu, Eve S. Steigerwalt, Joshua T. Moore, Lisa M. Sullivan, W.
Eugene Collins, and C. M. Lukehart [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.809-816 Preparation of
Pt-Re/Vulcan Carbon Nanocomposites Using a Single-Source
Molecular Precursor and Relative Performance as a Direct
Methanol Fuel Cell Electrooxidation Catalyst Angela
D. Anderson, Gregg A. Deluga, Joshua T. Moore, Matthew J.
Vergne, David M. Hercules, Edward A. Kenik, and C. M. Lukehart
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.817-823 New Hetero Silicon-Carbon
Nanostructure Formation Mechanism S. P. Song, M.
A. Crimp, V. M. Ayres, C. J. Collard, J. P. Holloway, and M.
L. Brake [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.824-828 A Simple Route Towards
CuO Nanowires and Nanorods Minhua Cao, Yonghui
Wang, Caixin Guo, Yanjuan Qi, Changwen Hu, and Enbo Wang
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.829-832 Shape and Size Control of
ZnO Nanostructures via a Simple Solution Route Minhua
Cao, Caixin Guo, Yanjuan Qi, Changwen Hu, and Enbo Wang
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.833-837 Surfactant-Assisted
Synthesis of Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates Nanorods
Yu Yang, Minhua Cao, Changwen Hu, Yihang Guo, and Enbo
Wang [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.838-843 Role of Interfacial
Effects in Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Nanocomposite Behavior
G. Pécastaings, P. Delhaès, A. Derré,
H. Saadaoui, F. Carmona, and S. Cui [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.844-848 Synthesis of Size-Tunable
Gold Nanoparticles by Poly(vinylphenol) and Electrostatic
Multilayer Deposition of the Gold-Poly(vinylphenol)
Nanocomposites Rama Ranjan Bhattacharjee, Mukut
Chakraborty, and Tarun K. Mandal [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.849-854 Electrical Properties of
Gel Nanocomposites B. Ghosh, S. Banerjee, and D.
Chakravorty [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.855-860 Photoinduced Phenomena in
Layer-by-Layer Films of Poly(Allylamine Hydrochloride) and
Brilliant Yellow Azodye Valtencir Zucolotto,
Newton M. Barbosa Neto, José J. Rodrigues Jr., Carlos
J. L. Constantino, Sérgio C. Zílio, Cléber
R. Mendonça, Ricardo F. Aroca, and Osvaldo N. Oliveira
Jr. [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.861-866 In-Situ Fabrication of
Nanostructured Cobalt Oxide Powders by Spray Pyrolysis
Technique Z. W. Zhao, K. Konstantinov, L. Yuan,
H. K. Liu, and S. X. Dou [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.867-975 High-Resolution and
Analytical TEM Investigation of Metastable-Tetragonal Phase
Stabilization in Undoped Nanocrystalline Zirconia
Vladimir P. Oleshko, James M. Howe, Satyajit Shukla, and
Sudipta Seal [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.876-881 Cationic Silica
Nanoparticles as Gene Carriers: Synthesis, Characterization
and Transfection Efficiency In vitro and In vivo
M. N. V. Ravi Kumar, M. Sameti, S. S. Mohapatra, X. Kong,
R. F. Lockey, U. Bakowsky, G. Lindenblatt, H. Schmidt, and
C.-M. Lehr [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Full
Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.882-885 Electrochemical Assay of
Nonlabeled DNA Chip and SNOM Imaging by Using
Streptavidin-Biotin Interaction HeaYeon Lee,
JongWan Park, HoSup Jung, JongMin Kim, and Tomoji Kawai
[Full Text - PDF] [Full
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pp.886-890 Hydrogen-bonded Nanotubes
as a Model for DNA Transcription Vjekoslav
Sajfert, Rajka Dajisic´and Bratislov Tosic
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.891-895 Influence of the
Nanoscale Support on Carbon Deposition and Carbon Elimination
Over Ni/-Al2O3 Catalyst for CH4
Conversion Yonglai Yang, Hengyong Xu, and
Wenzhao Li [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.896-898 Room Temperature
Synthesis of Titanium Nitride Hollow Spheres Luyang
Chen, Yunle Gu, Liang Shi, Jianhua Ma, Zeheng Yang, and Yitai
Qian [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.899-906 Thermodynamics and Phase
Equilibria Involving Nano Phases in the Cu-Ag System
J. P. Hajra and S. Acharya [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.907-917 Clustering Effects on
Discontinuous Gold Film NanoCells Jorge M.
Seminario, Yuefei Ma, Luis A. Agapito, Liuming Yan, Roy A.
Araujo, Sridhar Bingi, Nagendra, S. Vadlamani, Krishna
Chagarlamudi, Tangali S. Sudarshan, Michael L. Myrick, Paula
E. Colavita, Paul D. Franzon, David P. Nackashi, Long Cheng,
Yuxing Yao, and James M. Tour [Abstract]
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Article] |
4, Number 6 (July 2004) |
Special Issue on Bioanalysis,
Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Guest
Editors: Weihong Tan and Kemin Wang [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.561-564 Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Imaging of Self-Assembed Monolayer of Double-Stranded DNA on
Au(111) Guang-Zheng Yang, Lian-Sheng Ling,
Li-Jun Wan, Xiao-Hong Fang, and Chun-Li Bai [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.565-568 Photocatalytic Activity
of Gold Nanocrystals and Its Role in Determining the Stability
of Surface Thiol Monolayers J. Jack Li and
Xiaogang Peng [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.569-574 A New Class of Far-Red and Near-Infrared
Biological Labels Based on Alloyed Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Robert E. Bailey, Joseph B. Strausburg, and Shuming
Nie [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.575-579 Integration of an
Immunoassay System into a Microchip for High-Throughput Assay
Kiichi Sato and Takehiko Kitamori [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.580-584 Covalent Immobilization
of DNA onto Functionalized Mica for Atomic Force Microscopy
Meiju Ji, Peng Hou, Zuhong Lu, and Nongyue He
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.585-589 A Novel Fluorescent Label
Based on Organic Dye-Doped Silica Nanoparticles for HepG Liver
Cancer Cell Recognition Xiaoxiao He, Jinghua
Duan, Kemin Wang, Weihong Tan, Xia Lin, and Chunmei He
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.590-599 Luminescent Nanoparticle
Probes for Bioimaging Swadeshmukul Santra,
Jinsheng Xu, Kemin Wang, and Weihong Tan [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.600-604 Protein Immobilization on
Carbon Nanotubes Through a Molecular Adapter*
Jeffrey S. Lenihan, Vasillis G. Gavalas, Jianquan Wang, Rodney
Andrews, and Leonidas G. Bachas [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.605-610 Template Synthesis of
Gold Nanotubes in an Anodic Alumina Membrane Punit
Kohli, John E. Wharton, Otonye Braide, and Charles R. Martin
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.611-615 Study of the Effect of
Metal Ion on the Specific Interaction between Protein and
Aptamer by Atomic Force Microscopy Yaxin Jiang,
Jun Wang, Xiaohong Fang, and Chunli Bai [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.616-621 Single-Molecule Imaging
of the Dynamic Interactions between Macromolecules
Hiroaki Yokota, Kuniyoshi Kaseda, Hideyuki Matsuura,
Yushiyuki Arai, Atsuko Iwane, Yoshiharu Ishii, Takao Kodama,
and Toshio Yanagida [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.622-627 Plasmon Absorption of
Gold Nanoparticles in Linear Polymer Solutions Chih-Ching
Huang, Yu-Fen Huang, and Huan-Tsung Chang [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.628-634 Polyelectrolyte-Mediated
Assembly of Copper-Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate Multilayers
and the Subsequent Production of Nanoparticulate Copper Oxide
Thin Films Zarui Sara Chickneyan, Alejandro L.
Briseno, Xiangyang Shi, Shubo Han, Jiaxing Huang, and Feimeng
Zhou [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.635-640 Assembly of Sillca
Nanoparticles for Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials Monde
Qhobosheane, Peng Zhang, and Weihong Tan [Abstract]
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pp.641-645 Methods for Labeling
Quantum Dots to Biomolecules Zhangbi Lin,
Xingguang Su, Ying Mu, and Qinhan Jin [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Article] |
4, Number 5 (May 2004) |
Special Issue on
Applications of Nanotechnology
Guest Editors: Christiane Ziegler and Andreas
Jordan [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Article] REVIEWS
pp.471-483 Drug Delivery to the Brain Realization by
Novel Drug Carriers Rainer H. Müller and
Cornelia M. Keck [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Influence of the Surface Properties on
Nanoparticle-Medicated Transport of Drugs to the Brain
Jörg Kreuter [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.489-495 Nanoscale
Analysis of Biofunctional Molecules and Components
W. Metzger, M. Oberringer, J. Hu, M. Q. Li, and U.
Hartmann [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.496-503 Considerations on
Surface and Structural Biocompatibility as Prerequisite for
Long-Term Stability of Neural Prostheses Thomas
Stieglitz [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.504-511 Controlled Surface Functionalization of
Silica Nanospheres by Covalent Conjugation Reactions and
Preparation of High Density Streptavidin Nanoparticles
Thomas Schiestel, Herwig Brunner, and Günter E. M.
Tovar [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.512-520 Polyplexes of
Polyethylenimine and per-N-methylated PolyethylenimineCytotoxicity
and Transfection Efficiency Miriam Breunig, Uta
Lungwitz, Juergen Klar, Armin Kurtz, Torsten Blunk, and Achim
Goepferich [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.521-531 Toxicological Hazards of
Inhaled Nanoparticles Potential Implications for Drug
Delivery Paul J. A. Borm, and Wolfgang Kreyling
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.532-538 Initial Salivary Pellicle
Formation on Solid Substrates Studied by AFM M.
Hannig, A. Döbert, R. Stigler, U Müller, and S. A.
Prokhorova [Abstract]
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ARTICLES pp.539-547
Synthesis and Properties of Plasma-Polymerized
Polypyrrole/Au Composite Nanofibers Jie Zhou and
Ellen R. Fisher [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.548-552 Dynamic Scale Theory for
Characterizing Surface Morphology of Layer-by-Layer Films of
Poly(o-methoxyaniline) Nara C. de Souza, Josmary
R. Silva, Marcelo A. Pereira-da Silva, Maria Raposo, Roberto
M. Faria, José A. Giacometti, and Osvaldo N. Oliveira
Jr. [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.553-557 Fabrication of Multi-Wall
Carbon Nanotube Film on Glassy Carbon Electrode Surface and
the Determination of Tyrosine Shenghui Zhang,
Wanyun Qu, Wensheng Huang, and Yongyao Wu [Abstract]
[Full Text -
PDF] [Full
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Article] |
4, Number 4 (April 2004)
Special Issue on
Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) Growth Mechanisms
Guest Editors: Carl D. Scott and Sivaram Arepalli [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Gas-Phase Production of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Carbon Monoxide: A
Review of the HiPco Process Pavel Nikolaev
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Laser Ablation Process for
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Production Sivaram
Arepalli [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
On the Growth Mechanism of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Catalytic Carbon Vapor
Deposition on Supported Metal Catalysts
J. B. Nagy, G. Bister, A.
Fonseca, D. Méhn, Z. Kónya, I. Kiricsi, Z. E.
Horváth, and L. P. Biró [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Nucleation and Growth of
Single-Walled Nanotubes: The Role of Metallic Catalysts
J. Gavillet, J. Thibault, O. Stéphan, H. Amara, A.
Loiseau, Ch. Bichara, J.-P. Gaspard, and F. Ducastelle
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
Generation of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes from Alcohol and Generation Mechanism by Molecular
Dynamics Simulations Sigeo Maruyama, Yoichi
Murakami, Yasushi Shibuta, Yuhei Miyauchi, and Shohei Chiashi
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Chemical Models for Simulating
Single-Walled Nanotube Production in Arc Vaporization and
Laser Ablation Processes Carl D. Scott
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Arc Process Parameters for
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Growth and Production:
Experiments and Modeling Samir Farhat, Ivaylo
Hinkov, and Carl D. Scott
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Endofullerenes with metal Atoms
Inside as Precursors of Nuclei of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes A. V. Krestinin, M. B. Kislov, and A.
G. Ryabenko [Abstract]
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Decomposition of Carbon-Containing
Compounds on Solid Catalysts for Singe-Walled Nanotube
Production Daniel E. Resasco, José E.
Herrera, and Leandro Balzano
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Self-Organization of Carbide
Superlattice and Nucleation of Carbon Nanotubes T.
Tsui and P. A. Ryan [Abstract]
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Multiscale Simulations of Carbon
Nanotube Nucleation and Growth: Electronics Structure
Calculations J. C. Wells, D. W. Noid, B. G.
Sumpter, R. F. Wood, and Q. Zhang
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Voltammetric Determination of
Tryptophan at a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified
Electrode Wensheng Huang, Guo Mai, Yingxuan Liu,
Chunhai Yang, and Wanyun Qu
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Fe-Sapphire and C-Fe-Sapphire
Interactions and Their Effect on the Growth of Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition M.
Yudasaka, Y. Kasuya, F. Jing, M. Zhang, and S. Iijima
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Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube
Diameter Oliver Jost, Andre Gorbunov, Xianjie
Liu, Wolfgang Pompe, and Jörg Fink
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Computational Fluid Dynamics
Simulation of Laser-Ablated Carbon Plume Propagation in
Varying Background Gases for Single-Walled Nanotube Synthesis
Robert B. Greendyke, JoAnna Swain, and Carl D. Scott
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In-situ Optical
Analysis of the Gas Phase during the Formation of Carbon
Nanotubes N. Dorval, A. Foutel-Richard, M. Cau,
A. Loiseau, B. Attal-Trétout, J. L. Cochon, D. Pigache,
P. Bouchardy, V. Krüger, and K. P. Geigle
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Multiscale Simulations of Carbon
Nanotube Nucleation and Growth: Mesoscopic Continum
Calculations S. Pannala and R. F. Wood
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Article] |
4, Number 3 (March 2004) |
Special Issue on NANOPARTICLES
Guest Editors:
Wolfgang Sigmund and
Claudia Milz
pp. 221-225 Dip-Pen
Nanolithography with Poly(diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride)
Bumsu Kim, Georgios Pyrgiotakis, and Wolfgang M. Sigmund
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pp. 226-232 Nanostructured Titania
Powders by Hydrothermal Processing and Spray Drying
Jinsoo Kim, Oliver Wilhelm, and Sortiris E.
Pratsinisa [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 233-238 Low Temperature Direct
Synthesis of CeO2ZrO2 Solid
Solution Nanoparticles by Hydrothermal Method Anwar
Ahniyaz, Takeshi Fujiwara, Takahiro Fujino, and Masahiro
Yoshimura [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 239-244 A Ligand-Gated
Ion-Channel Mimetic Nanopore Membrane with an On-board
Transmembrane Microbattery Lacramioaa Trofin,
Sang Bok Lee, David T. Mitchell, and Charles R. Martin
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 245-249 Efficacy of Lytic
Peptide Bound Magnetite Nanoparticles in Destroying Breast
Cancer Cells Challa S. S. R. Kumar, Carola
Leuschner, E. E. Doomes, Larry Henry, Martha Juban, and
Josef Hormes [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 250-253 Novel Fluoropolymer
Functionalized Silsequioxanes for a Nanoscale Architecture of
Hybrid Composites S. Suresh, Wensheng Zhous,
Bryan Spraul, Richard M. Laine, John Ballato, and Dennis
W. Smith Jr. [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 254-259 Morphology Effects on
the Optical Properties of Silver Nanoparticles Sihai
Chen, Scott Webster, Richard Czerw, Jianfeng Xu, and David L.
Carroll [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 260-264 Optical Properties of
Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes S. Weber, R. Czerw, R.
Nesper, J. DiMaio, J. F. Xu, J. Ballato, and D.L. Carroll
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 265-269 Permeation of Binary Gas
Mixtures in Ultramicroporous Membranes J. C.
Diniz da Costa, G. Q. Lu, and V. Rudolph [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 270-274 A Two-Step Sol Gel
Method for Synthesis of Nanoporous TiO2
I. Kartini, P. Meredith, X. S. Zhao, J. C. Diniz da Costa,
and G. Q. Lu [Abstract]
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pp. 275-278 ZnO Nanocrystals
Synthesized by Physical Vapor Desposition Hansoo
Kim and Walfgang Sigmund [Abstract]
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pp. 279-282 Towards Pick-and-Place
Assembly of Nanostructures Kristian Mølhave,
Torben Mikael Hansen, Dorte Nørgaard Madsen, and Peter
Bøggild [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 283-290 Dispersion Properties of
an Alumina Nanopowder Using Molecular, Polyelectrolyte, and
Steric Stabilization Nelson S. Bell and Mark A.
Rodriguez [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp. 291-298 Formation and Optical
Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in the Presence
of Double-Hydrophilic Block Copolymers Shu-Hong
Yu, Helmut Cölfen, and Yitzhak Mastai [Abstract]
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pp. 299-303 Synthesis and
Characterization of Titania-coated Silver Nanoparticles
Amar Kumbhar and George Chumanov [Abstract]
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Article] |
Volume 4, Number 1/2
(January/February 2004) |
pp.1-22 Supported Membrane
Nanodevices Dorothea Anrather, Michaela Smetazko,
Miriam Saba, Yilmax Alguel, and Thomas Schalkhammer
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pp.23-34 Template-Assisted
Nano-patterning: From Submicro-Scale to
Submolecular-Level Katsuhiko Ariga [Abstract]
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pp.35-51 Boron Carbonitride
Nanotubes C. Y. Zhi, X. D. Bai, and E. G. Wang
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pp.52-65 Recent Advances in
Polymer Nanofibers Krishnan Jayaraman, M.
Kataki, Yanzhong Zhang, Xiumei Mo, and S. Ramakrishna
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.66-68 Enhanced Third-Order
Optical Nonlinearity of Silver Nanoparticles with a Tunable
Surface Plasmon Resonance Aine M. Whelan,
Margaret E. Brennan, Werner J. Blau, and John M. Kellya
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.69-71 Mobility of Carbon
Nanotubes in High Electric Fields N. Koratkar,
A. Modi, J. Kim, B.Q. Wei, R. Vajtai, S. Talapatra, and P.M.
Ajayan [Abstract]
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Text - RealPage] [Purchase
pp.72-76 Synthesis and
Characterization of Silica-Embedded Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fei Yan, Hao Xu,
Jeff Anker, Raoul Kopelman, Brian Ross, Alnawaz Rehemtulla,
and Ram Reddy [Abstract]
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pp.77-81 Interaction of Thermally
Pretreated Carbon Nanomaterials with Water Vapor
Taras Yu. Gromovoy, Boris B. Palyanytsya, Valeriy A.
Pokrovskiy, Elena V. Basiuk Golovataya-Dzhymbeeva), and
Vladimir A. Basiuk [Abstract]
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pp.82-85 Modification of SiO2
Nanowires with Metallic Nanocrystals from Supercritical
CO2 Xiang-Rong Ye, Hai-Feng Zhang,
Yuehe Lin, Lai-Sheng Wang, and Chien M. Wai [Abstract]
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pp.86-90 Original Magnetic Alignment
of a Nematic Phase Containing Sin gle-Walled Nanotubes
C. Da Cruz, P. Launois, and M. Veber [Abstract]
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pp.91-93 Wave Packet Transmission in
a ZnO Nanorod under the Influence of Repulsive/Attractive
Scattering Center Y. Fu, Q.-H. Hu, and M.
Willander [Abstract]
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pp.94-97 Preparation of
Nanocrystalline alpha-Al2O3 Using
Plant Fiber R.N. Das and P. Pramanik [Abstract]
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pp.98-105 Tuning the Setup of
Sputter-Coated Multilayers in Nanocluster-Based
Signal-Enhancing Biochips for Optimal Performance in Protein
and DNA Assays Viatcheslav Matyushin, Arminder
Gandhum, Norbert Stich, Thomas Schalkhammer, Wilfred R. Hagen,
and Christian Mayera [Abstract]
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pp.106-114 Novel Transducers for
Nano-optical Biosensor Chips Based on Biological and Synthetic
Polymers with Analyte-Dependent Swelling/Shinking Behavior
M. Lepek and F. Pittner [Abstract]
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pp.115-120 Formation of Nanoparticle
Arrays on S-Layer Protein Lattices Erika Györvary,
Andrea Schroedter, Dimitri V. Talapin, Horst Weller, Dietmar
Pum, and Uwe B. Sleytr [Abstract]
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pp.121-124 Optical Visualization of
Polymer-Polymer Interacts H. Walter and G. Bauer
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pp.125-131 Mesoporous SnO2
Synthesized with Non-ionic Surfactants as an Anode Material
for Lithium Batteries V. Subramanian, J.C.
Jiang, Patricia H. Smith, and B. Rambabu [Abstract]
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pp.132-135 A Possible Route to
Large-Scale Production of SWNTs through a Combination of the
Substrate and Floating Catalyst Methods M. Endo,
T. Hayashi, Y.A. Kim, H. Muramatu, M. Ezaka, P.C.P. Watts, K.
Nishimura, and T. Tsukada [Abstract]
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pp.136-140 A Solvothermal Route to
ZnO and Mn-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Using the Cupferron Complex
as the Precursor Moumita Ghosh, Ram Seshadri,
and C.N.R. Rao [Abstract]
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pp.141-145 Room Temperature Hydrogen
Gas Sensitivity of Nanocrystalline Pure Tin Oxide
S. Shukla and S. Seal [Abstract]
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pp.146-150 Zinc Sulfide Nanocoating
of Silica Submicron Spheres Using a Single-source Method
Olinda C. Monteiro, Marcia C. Neves, and Tito Trindade
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pp.151-156 Bucky-Wires and the
Instability of Diamond (111) Surfaces in One-Dimension
A.S. Barnard, S.P. Russo, and I.K. Snook [Abstract]
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pp.157-161 Synthesis of Germanium
Oxide Nanoparticles in Low-Pressure Premixed Flames
Vasily Simanzhenkov, Pascal Ifeacho, Hartmut Wiggers, Jvrg
Knipping, and Paul Roth [Abstract]
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pp.162-166 Characterization of
Nanoparticles of LiMn2O4 Synthesized
by a One-Step IntermediateTemperature Solid-State Reaction
Z.P. Guo, J.H. Ahn, H.K. Liu, and S.X. Dou
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pp.167-175 The Phenomenon of
Changing Coiling-Chirality in Carbon Nanocoils Obtained by
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Acetylene with Various Catalysts
Shaoming Yang, Xiuqin Chen, Seiji Motojima, and Hiroshi
Iwanaga [Abstract]
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pp.176-182 Ultrasound-Assisted
Fabrication of Nanoporous CdS Films R. S. Singh,
S. Sanagapalli, V. Jayaraman, and V. P. Singh [Abstract]
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pp.183-188 Catalytic Growth of
Carbon Nanoballs with Co Encapsulation from CH4
Decomposition: MoOx-Promoted Shrinking of the
Carbon Nanoball Size Ziyi Zhong, Fengxi Chen,
Xiongtao Xiong, Hawchong Soon, Jianyi Lin, and Kuan Lee Tan
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pp.189-191 Formation of Pile
Networks by Long Carbon Nanotubes from Decomposition of CO on
Co-Mo Film Y.T. Zhu, G.W. Egeland, Y. Li; Q.X.
Jia, J. Gallegos, A. Serquis, X.Z. Liao, D.E. Peterson,
R.C. Dye, B.J. Roop, and M.A. Hoffbauer [Abstract]
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pp.192-196 Nanocomposite
Magneto-Rheological Fluids with Uniformly Dispersed Fe
Nanoparticles P. Poddar, J.L. Wilson; H.
Srikanth, J.-H. Yoo; N.M. Wereley, S. Kotha, L. Barghouty,
and R. Radhakrishnan [Abstract]
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pp.197-202 Microemulsion Processing
of Silica-Polymer Nanocomposites P.Y. Chow and
L.M. Gan [Abstract]
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pp.203-208 Precipitation Phase
Transformation in Nanocrystalline Fe-Mo Alloys Subhajit
Sarkar and Chandrahaas Bansal [Abstract]
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pp.209-213 Synthesis of Aligned Zinc
Sulfide Nanostructures and the Influence of Experimental
Conditions on Their Morphologies and Phase Hua
Zhang, Shuyuan Zhang, Dengyu Pan, Gongpu Li, Shuan Pan, and
Jianguo Hou [Abstract]
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pp.214-220 Lanthanopolyoxotungstoborates:
Synthesis, Characterization, and Layer-by-Layer Assembly of
Europium Photoluminescent Nanostructured Films Filipa
L. Sousa, Anabela C.A.S. Ferreira, Rute A. Sa Ferreira, Ana
M.V. Cavaleiro, Lums D. Carlos, Helena I.S. Nogueira,
Joco Rocha, and Tito Trindade [Abstract]
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Article] |
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