in Nanotechnology Book Series
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Semiconductor
Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vols. 1-5
Handbook of
Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in
Nanobiotechnology, Vols. 1-2

Polymeric Nanostructures and
Their Applications Vols. 1-2
Handbook of Organic-Inorganic
Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Vols. 1-2

Functional Nanomaterials

Molecular Nanoelectronics

Magnetic Nanostructures

Quantum Dots and Nanowires

Functionalization and Surface Treatment of

Nanoclusters and

Cancer Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
7, Number 12 (December 2007) pp.
4221-4767 |
REVIEW Buckling
of Carbon Nanotubes: A Literature Survey C.Y.
Wang, Y. Y. Zhang, C. M. Wang, and V. B. C. Tan J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42214247 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
and Simulation of Biological Self-Assembly Structures from
Nanoscale Entities Ramana M. Pidaparti, David
Primeaux, and Brandon Saunders J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 42484253 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Detecting Genomic Aberrations by
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization with Quantum Dots-Labeled
Probes Zhengran Jiang, Ruiyun Li, Nevins W. Todd,
Sanford A. Stass, and Feng Jiang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 42544259 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mapping Bacterial Surface Layers
Affinity to Polyelectrolytes Through the Building of Hybrid
Macromolecular Structures Mihaela Delcea, Rumen
Krastev, Thomas Gutlebert, Dietmar Pum, Uwe B. Sleytr, and José
L. Toca-Herrera J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42604266
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Placing and Imaging Individual Carbon
Nanotubes on Cu(111) Clean Surface Using In Situ
Pulsed-Jet Deposition-STM Technique Nobuyuki
Fukui, Atsushi Taninaka, Toshiki Sugai, Hiromichi Yoshida,
Seiji Heike, Masaaki Fujimori, Yasuhiko Terada, Tomihiro
Hashizume, and Hisanori Shinohara J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 42674271 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrochemically Grown Pd Nanoparticles
Used for Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube by Microwave Plasma
Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Rakesh K.
Joshi, Masamishi Yoshimura, Yusuke Matsuura, Kazuyuki Ueda,
and Kei Tanaka J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42724277
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural, Magnetic, and
Magneto-Optical Properties of Nanocrystalline Face Centered
Cubic Co70Cr30/Pt Multilayers
with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy E. Th.
Papaioannou, M. Angelakeris, P. Poulopoulos, I. Tsiaoussis, C.
Rüdt, P. Fumagalli, and N. K. Flevaris J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42784284 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spatial Control of Quantum Sized
Nanocrystal Arrays onto Silicon Wafers Seong Jae
Choi, Dong Kee Yi, Jae-Young Choi, Jong-Bong Park, In-Yong
Song, Eunjoo Jang, Joo In Lee, Minshi An, Jong-Dal Hong,
Seon-Mi Yoon, and Hyeon-Jin Shin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 42854293 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Low Temperature Synthesis of Magnetite
and Maghemite Nanoparticles Shrikant Bhagwat,
Hema Singh, Anjali Athawale, Beatrice Hannoyer, Samuel Jouen,
Benoit Lefez, Darshan Kundaliya, Renu Pasricha, Shailaja
Kulkarni, and Satishchandra Ogale J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 42944302 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Immobilization of Fully Sulfonated
Polyaniline on Nanostructured Calcium Silicate Thomas
Borrmann, Anton Dominis, Andrew J. McFarlane, James H.
Johnston, Michael J. Richardson, Leon A. P. Kane-Maguire,
and Gordon G. Wallace J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
43034310 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Emission from Single Component
Organic CoreShell Nanoparticles Koushik
Dhara, Krishanu Sarkar, Partha Roy, Asim Bhaumik, and Pradyot
Banerjee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43114317
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Carrier Transport and Luminescence
Properties of Nanocomposites of Poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl
hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene] and Dehydrated Nanotubes
Titanic Acid Ting Zhang, Zheng Xu, Ran Liu, Feng
Teng, Yongsheng Wang, and Xurong Xu J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 43184321 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
AC Electric Field-Induced Alignment and
Long-Range Assembly of Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Inside
Aqueous Media Zhihui Guo, Jeffery A. Wood,
Krista L. Huszarik, Xiaohu Yan, and Aristides Docoslis J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43224332 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Solvent Refractive Index on
the Surface Plasmon Resonance Nanoparticle Optical Absorption
Gulay Ertas and Sefik Suzer J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 43334338 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
EDTA-Directed Synthesis of Highly Active
Porous Titania with Bicrystalline Framework Yun
Liu, Chun-yan Liu, and Zhi-ying Zhang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 43394345 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of In2S3
Nanoplates and Their Self-Assembly into Superlattices
Haizheng Zhong, Mingfu Ye, Yi Zhou, Chunhe Yang,
and Yongfang Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43464352
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Gold Adsorption on the
Conductive Properties of Cyclo-octasulfur
Microcrystals E. Vaganova, G. Leitus, E.
Wachtel, I. Popov, N. Shimoni, D. Olea, J. Gomez-Herrero, and
S. Yitzchaik J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43594364
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Chainlike In2Ge2O7/Amorphous
GeO2 Core/Shell Nanocables and Their Luminescence
Yong Su, Xia Meng, Sen Li, Yiqing Chen, Liang Xu, Qingtao
Zhou, Song Yin, Bo Peng, Xuemei Liang, and Yi Feng J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43654368 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Bacterial Enzyme Mediated Biosynthesis
of Gold Nanoparticles Atul Bharde, Aarohi
Kulkarni, Mala Rao, Asmita Prabhune, and Murali Sastry J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43694377 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanoscale Mechanical Properties of
In-Situ Tribofilms Generated from ZDDP and F-ZDDP with and
without Antioxidants Anuradha Somayaji,
Ramoun Mourhatch, and Pranesh B. Aswath J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 43784390 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development of Nanostructured Catalytic
Membranes for Partial Benzene Hydrogenation to Cyclohexene
J. Carretero González, J. M. Benito López,
M. A. Rodríguez Barbero, I. Rodríguez Ramos, and
A. Guerrero Ruiz J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 43914401
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
SolGel Synthesized SnO2
Nanoparticles and Their Properties Soumen Das,
Soumen Basu, Gautam Majumdar, Dipankar Chakravorty, and S.
Chaudhuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44024411
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Swift Morphosynthesis of Hierarchical
Nanostructures of CdS via Microwave-Induced Semisolvothermal
Route Dinesh P. Amalnerkar, Hye-Young Lee, Young
Kyu Hwang, Dong-pyo Kim, and Jong-San Chang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44124420 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Low-Temperature Growth of Flower-Shaped
UV-Emitting ZnO Nanostructures on Steel Alloy by Thermal
Evaporation Ahmad Umar, S. H. Kim, J. H. Kim, Y.
K. Park, and Y. B. Hahn J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
44214427 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanogold-Assisted Multi-Round Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) Jiakui Pan, Haikuo Li,
Xueyan Cao, Jiehuan Huang, Xiaodong Zhang, Chunhai Fan, and
Jun Hu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44284433
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sn-Catalyzed Growth of MgO Nanowires
Hyoun Woo Kim, Seung Hyun Shim, and Jong Woo Lee
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44344438 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabricating ZnO Nanorods Sensor for
Chemical Gas Detection at Room Temperature Chuanwei
Cheng, Guoyue Xu, Haiqian Zhang, and Yan Luo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44394442 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Wavelength Shift of InP-Based InAs
Quantum Dot Lasers Above Room Temperature Jin
Soo Kim, Cheul-Ro Lee, Kyeong Won Seol, and Dae Kon Oh J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44434446 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Silica Encapsulated Ni Nanoparticles:
Variation of Optical and Magnetic Properties with Particle
Size Soumen Das, Subhendu K. Panda, Prithiwish
Nandi, Subhadra Chaudhuri, Abhishek Pandey, and R. Ranganathan
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44474455 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Thermoplastic Olefin/Clay
Nanocomposites. Effect of Matrix Composition, and Organoclay
and Compatibilizer Structure on Morphology/Properties
Relationships S. M. L. Silva, M. A. López-Manchado,
and M. Arroyo J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44564464
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Analysis of Nanoindentation Response of
Diatom Frustules S. Yao, G. Subhash, and S.
Maiti J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44654472
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Machining Carbon Nanotubes into Uniform
Slices Changhong Liu, Hua Huang, Pengcheng Song,
and Shoushan Fan J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44734477
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mechanical Behaviors of Carbon Nanotubes
with Randomly Located Vacancy Defects Wenyi Hou
and Shaoping Xiao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44784485
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Plasmon Resonance in
Nanocrystalline GoldCopper Alloy Films S.
Hussain, Subhadeep Datta, R. K. Roy, and A. K. Pal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44864493 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Characterization of
Silica-Coated ZnSe Nanowires with Thermal Stability and
Photoluminescence Shenglin Xiong, Baojuan Xi,
Weizhi Wang, Hongyang Zhou, Shuyuan Zhang, and Yitai Qian J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 44944500 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Selected Synthesis of CuS Nanotubes and
Hollow Nanospheres at Room Temperature Xiaoyan
Liu, Guangcheng Xi, Yankuan Liu, Shenglin Xiong, Lanlan Chai,
and Yitai Qian J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45014507
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis, Characterization of
Bimetallic V-Fe-SBA-15 and Its Catalytic Performance in the
Hydroxylation of Phenol Fei Gao, Yanhua
Zhang, Chunling Wang, Cheng Wu, Yan Kong, Bin Zhao, Lin Dong,
and Yi Chen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45084514
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Ultra-Fine Conducting
Polyaniline Micro/Nanotubes Using Fiber Template and Their
NH3 Gas Sensitivity Bo Xue, Shaoyan
Qi, Jian Gong, Yu Gao, Shuang Yao, Rong Yin, and Lunyu Qu J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45154521 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Two-Step Growth of Hexagonal-Shaped ZnO
Nanowires and Nanorods and Their Properties Ahmad
Umar, S. H. Kim, J. H. Kim, and Y. B. Hahn J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45224528 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ordered ZnO Nanorods Synthesized by
Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition Ying Liu
and Meilin Liu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45294533
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrical Bistability in Zinc Oxide
Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites Basudev Pradhan,
Swarup K. Majee, Sudip K. Batabyal, and Amlan J. Pal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45344539 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of SnS2 Flower Like
Nanoflake Assemblies Through Thermal Evaporation
Subhajit Biswas, Soumitra Kar, Tandra Ghoshal, and
Subhadra Chaudhuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45404545
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Layer Spacing of Montmorillonites
Modified with Rigid Rods Lorena Solar, Rodrigo
Navarro, Clara Gómez, and Helmut Reinecke J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45464551 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Simple Route to Synthesis of SrCO3
with Olive-Like and Flower-Like Morphologies
Ming-Guo Ma and Ying-Jie Zhu J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 45524556 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Green Synthesis of Size
Controllable Prussian Blue Nanoparticles Stabilized by Soluble
Starch Qian Zhang, Ling Zhang, and Jinghong Li
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45574561 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
One-Step Wet Chemical Method to Cu(OH)2
Nanowires Jinhe Sun, Yongzhong Jia, Yan Jing,
Ying Yao, and Wu Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45624566
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Growth of Tin Dioxide Nanobelts Via
Au-Catalytic VLS Process Zhen Fang, Kaibin Tang,
Jianmin Shen, Shuijin Lei, Xinzheng Liu, and Qing Yang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45674570 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Novel Preparation of Nanocapsules from Alginate-Oligochitosan
Ting Wang, Zhangqi Feng, Nongyue He, Zhifei
Wang, Song Li, Yafei Guo, and Lijian Xu J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 45714574 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Peer-Reviewed Articles from NanoMed 20065th
International Workshop on Biomedical Applications of
Nanotechnology, February 1617, 2006, Berlin, Germany
Guest Editor: Andreas Jordan J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, iii (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Generation Adoptive ImmunotherapyHuman T Cells as
Carriers of Therapeutic Nanoparticles M. W.
Mortensen, L. Kahns, T. Hansen, P. G. Sørensen, O. Björkdahl,
M. R. Jensen, H. J. G. Gundersen, and T. Bjørnholm J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45754580 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanocrystalline DiamondAn
Excellent Platform for Life Science Applications
Frank R. Kloss, Muhammed Najam-Ul-Haq, Matthias Rainer,
Robert Gassner, Günter Lepperdinger, Christian W. Huck,
Günther Bonn, Frederik Klauser, Xianjie Liu, Norbert
Memmel, Erminald Bertel, Jose A. Garrido, and Doris Steinmüller-Nethl
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45814587 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanoembossed Polymer Substrates for
Biomedical Surface Interaction Studies Christopher
A. Mills, Elena Martinez, Abdelhamid Errachid, Elisabeth
Engel, Miriam Funes, Christian Moormann, Thorsten
Wahlbrink, Gabriel Gomila, Josep Planell, and Josep Samitier
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 45884594 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanofibrous Scaffold Engineering Using
Electrospinning R. Murugan, Z. M. Huang, F.
Yang, and S. Ramakrishna J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
45954603 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Intracranial
Thermotherapy Andreas Jordan and Klaus
Maier-Hauff J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46044606
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Janus Faces of Nanoparticles
Ken Donaldson and Anthony Seaton J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46074611 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Lipid Nanocapsules for Intracellular
Drug Delivery of Anticancer Drugs Franck
Lacoeuille, Emmanuel Garcion, Jean-Pierre Benoit, and Alf
Lamprecht J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46124617
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanotechnological Medical Devices and
Nanopharmaceuticals: The European Regulatory Framework
and Research Needs D. G. Rickerby J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46184625 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Modification of g-Fe2O3@SiO2
Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Controlled Interaction with
Biomolecules Randy De Palma, Jesse Trekker,
Sara Peeters, Margriet J. Van Bael, Kristien Bonroy, Roel
Wirix-Speetjens, Gunter Reekmans, Wim Laureyn, Gustaaf
Borghs, and Guido Maes J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
46264641 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Influence of Nanocomposite Surface
Coating on Biofilm Formation In Situ M. Hannig,
L. Kriener, W. Hoth-Hannig, C. Becker-Willinger, and H.
Schmidt J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46424648
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design of Iron Oxide/Silica/Alginate
HYbrid MAgnetic Carriers (HYMAC) Michel Boissière,
Joachim Allouche, Roberta Brayner, Corinne Chanéac,
Jacques Livage, and Thibaud Coradin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 46494654 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Table of Contents to Volume 7, Number 112,
2007 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46554683
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 7, Number 112,
2007 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 46844747
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 7, Number 112,
2007 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 47484767
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
7, Number 11 (November 2007) pp.
3689-4219 |
Selected Peer-Reviewed Papers from 2006
International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
Gwangju, Korea GUEST EDITORS: Chong Soo
Han, Dong Chan Shin, Joon-Seop Kim, Takhee Lee, and Bum Ho
Choi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, (i) (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
I: Nanomaterials and Biomaterials Combination
of Differential Interference Contrast with Prism-Type Total
Internal Fluorescence Microscope for Direct Observation
of Polyamidoamine Dendrimer Nanoparticle as a Gene Delivery in
Living Human Cells Seungah Lee, Joon Sig Choi,
and Seong Ho Kang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36893694
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Chitosan-TPP Nanoparticle as a Release
System of Antisense Oligonucleotide in the Oral Environment
Tran Huu Dung, Seung-Rok Lee, Suhk-Dong Han,
Seon-Jeong Kim, Yeon-Mi Ju, Myong-Soo Kim, and Hoon Yoo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36953699 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Anticancer Drug-Inorganic Nanohybrid and
Its Cellular Interaction Ju Young Kim, Soo-Jin
Choi, Jae-Min Oh, Taeun Park, and Jin-Ho Choy J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37003705 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Evaluation for Protein Binding Affinity
of Maghemite and Magnetite Nanoparticles Se Chan
Kang, Yong Jun Jo, Jong Phil Bak, Ki-Chul Kim, and Young-Sung
Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37063708 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Bactericidal Effect of TiO2
on the Selected Vibrio Parahaemolyticus and Optimization Using
Response Surface Methodology Tae-Young Kim,
Kyung-Hee Park, Seon-Gyun Rho, Seung-Jai Kim, and Sung-Young
Cho J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37093712 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Characterization of Nanoporous Silicon
Layer to Reduce the Optical Losses of Crystalline Silicon
Solar Cells Soohong Lee and Eunjoo Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37133716 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
PhotocurrentVoltage of a
Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Solar Cells Influenced by
N719 Dye Adsorption Properties Jae-Wook Lee,
Kyung-Jun Hwang, Dong-Won Park, Kyung-Hee Park, Wang-Geun
Shim, and Sang-Chai Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
37173721 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Hydrochloric Acid Treatment of TiO2
Electrode for Quasi-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Dong-Won Park, Kyung-Hee Park, Jae-Wook Lee,
Kyung-Jun Hwang, and Yong-Kook Choi J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 37223726 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Evaluation of Individual Dispersion
of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Absorption and Fluorescence
Spectroscopic Techniques Dokyung Yoon, Sun-Jung
Kang, Jae-Boong Choi, Young-Jin Kim, and Seunghyun Baik J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37273730 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Catalyst Thickness and Plasma
Pretreatment on the Growth of Carbon Nanotubes and Their
Field Emission Properties Hyung Soo Uh, Sang Sik
Park, and Byung Whan Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
37313735 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Bulk Piezoresistive Characteristics
of Carbon Nanotube Composites for Strain Sensing of Structures
Inpil Kang, Kwan Young Joung, Gyeong-Rak Choi,
Mark J. Schulz, Yeon-Sun Choi, Sung-Ho Hwang, and Han Seo Ko
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37363739 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Novel Nanocomposite Actuator Based on
Sulfonated Poly(styrene-b-ethylene-co-butylene-b-styrene)
Polymer Jin-Young Jung and Il-Kwon Oh J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37403743 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Production of Nanosized Carbon Black
from Hydrocarbon by a Thermal Plasma Hye-Min
Yang, Won-Ki Nam, and Dong-Wha Park J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 37443749 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Aqueous-Phase Synthesis of Ultra-Stable
Small CdSe Nanoparticles Yeon-Su Park, Andriy
Dmytruk, Igor Dmitruk, Noda Yasuto, Atsuo Kasuya, Motohiro
Takeda, and Noriaki Ohuchi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 37503753 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Highly Stable
Oligo(ethylene glycol) Derivatives-Functionalized Gold
Nanoparticles and Their Application in LSPR-Based
Detection of PSA/ACT Complex Cuong Cao and Sang
Jun Sim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37543757
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of
Metal Oxide Thin Films on Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers
Formed by Microcontact Printing Byoung H.
Lee and Myung M. Sung J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
37583764 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Unique Mechanical Properties of
Nanostructured Metals Nobuhiro Tsuji J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37653770 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Influence of Catalyst Pretreatments on
the Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene Over Nanostructured Platinum
Based Spent Catalyst Wang-Geun Shim, Jae-Wook
Lee, and Sang-Chai Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
37713775 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrothermal Properties of Porous
Ceramic Fiber Media Containing Carbon Materials Sung
Park, Young Pil Kwon, Hyuck Chon Kwon, Ju-Hyeon Lee, Hae-Weon
Lee, and Jae Chun Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
37763779 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Low Temperature Synthesis of Colloidal
CdSe Quantum Dots Seongmi Hwang, Youngmin Choi,
and Beyong-Hwan Ryu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37803783
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Neutron Scintillators of Transparent
Silica Xerogel Monolith via a Sealed Container System and
Hee-Jung Im, Byunghwan Lee, Suree S. Brown, and Sheng Dai
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37843787 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Silicon Subiodide Clusters
Andriy Dmytruk, Yeon-Su Park, Atsuo Kasuya, Hideki
Kikuchi, Masae Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, and Akira
Watanabe J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37883791
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Significantly Improved Adhesion of
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilms to Amino-Silane
Monolayer Pre-Patterned SiO2 Surfaces
Ilsun Pang, Sungsoo Kim, and Jaegab Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37923794 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Catalytic Performance of Nanosized PtAu
Alloy Catalyst in Oxidation of Methanol and Toluene
Ki-Joong Kim, Yong-Hwa Kim, and Ho-Geun Ahn J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 37953799 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Positional Isomerization of Butene-2
over Nanoporous MCM-48 Catalysts Nansuk You,
Jin-Heong Yim, Seong Jun Lee, Jae Ho Lee, Young-Kwon Park, and
Jong-Ki Jeon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38003804
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Silver Nanoparticles
Having Low Melting Temperature Through a New Synthetic
Process without Solvent Nam Hee Kim, Ju-Young
Kim, and Kyo Jin Ihn J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38053809
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Characterization of Highly
Twisted and Bulky Tetraoctyloxybiphenyl-Containing Polyfluorene
Copolymers: Toward Efficient Blue Polymer Light Emitting
Diodes In-Nam Kang, Sung-Hwan Lim, Jong-Wook
Park, Kyoung-Soo Kim, Min-Chul Chung, and Ji-Hoon Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38103814 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effects of Oxygen Content on Bioactivity
of Titanium Oxide Films Fabricated on Titanium by Electron
Beam Evaporation Sang-Hun Jeong, Yeong-Joon
Park, Bong-Soo Kim, and Ho-Jun Song J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 38153818 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Mixed Micelle-Template Route to
Mesoporous Silica You-Hwan Son, Man Park, Sang
Tae Kim, and Jin-Ho Choy J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
38193822 (2007) [Abstract]
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Observation on Growth Process of Gold Y-
and f-shaped Nanoparticles in Solutions Sung Koo
Kang, Inhee Choi, Jeongjin Lee, Younghun Kim, and Jongheop Yi
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38233826 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Measurement of Dispersion Stability of
Surface-Modified Nanosized Carbon Black in Various Liquids
Heang Sin Jang, Dong-Wha Park, and Sang Eun Shim
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38273829 (2007)
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The Functional TiO2-Biodegradable
Plastic Composite Material Produced by HVOF Spraying Process
Hee-Seon Bang, Han-Sur Bang, and Yoon-Ki Lee
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38303833 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrospinning of Aligned Biodegradable
Polymer Fibers and Composite Fibers for Tissue
Engineering Applications Ho-Wang Tong and Min
Wang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38343840
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Material and Sensing Properties of
Pd-Deposited WO3 Thin Films Gwangpyo
Choi, Guanghu Jin, Si-Hyun Park, Woonyoung Lee, and Jinseong
Park J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38413846
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrical and Rheological Properties of
Double Percolated Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Multiwalled Carbon
Nanotube Nanocomposites Sung-Hun Jin and Dai-Soo
Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38473851 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Properties of
Collagen/Modified Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel for Biomedical
Application Jae-Kyung Kim, Jung-Soo Lee,
Hyo-Jung Jung, Jin-Hui Cho, Jee-In Heo, and Yoon-Ho Chang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38523856 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Soft-Chemical Synthesis and
Electrochemical Characterization of Multicomponent Mn1-x-yCoxNiyO2
Nanostructures Tae Woo Kim, Sun Hee Lee,
Seong-Ju Hwang, Sang Hoon Hyun, and Jin-Ho Choy J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38573861 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Role of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric
Acid as a Cosurfactant on the Morphology Control of Mesoporous
Silica Microspheres Jong-Yun Kim, Suk Bon Yoon,
Myung-Ho Lee, Yong Joon Park, Won-Ho Kim, and Kwang Yong Jee
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38623866 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Time-Dependent X-ray Absorption
Spectroscopic (XAS) Study on the Transformation of Zinc Basic
Salt into Bis(N-oxopyridine-2-thionato) Zinc (II)
Seung-Min Paek, Won-Young Jo, Man Park, and Jin-Ho Choy
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38673871 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Annealing Characteristics of
Nanostructured Cu-Fe-P Alloy Processed by Accumulative
Roll-Bonding Seong-Hee Lee, Chung-Hyo Lee,
Suk-Ja Yoon, Seung-Zeon Han, and Cha-Yong Lim J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38723875 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Application of the Bimodal
Meso/Macroporous Composite Synthesized from MCM-41 Sol
Chang-Kyo Shin, Rahul B. Kawthekar, and Geon-Joong Kim
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38763879 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Encapsulation of Pd Complex in Ionic
Liquid on Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silica MCM-41
M. S. Sarkar, Huili Qiu, and Myung-Jong Jin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38803883 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ferromagnetic Signal in Nanosized Ag
Particles Younghun Jo, Myung-Hwa Jung,
Myung-Chul Kyum, and Sung-Ik Lee J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 38843887 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Silver Nanoparticles Incorporated
Electrospun Silk Fibers Minsung Kang, Rira Jung,
Hun-Sik Kim, Ji Ho Youk, and Hyoung-Joon Jin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38883891 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Solvent-Induced Transition of Hollow
Sphere to Giant-Tube from Amphiphilic Rod-Coil-Rod Triblock
Copolymers of 2-Vinylpyridine and n-Hexyl Isocyanate
M. Shahinur Rahman, M. Changez, Shashadhar Samal, and
Jae-Suk Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38923895
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Energy Heterogeneity and
Heterogeneous Adsorption of Benzene on Double-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes Wang-Geun Shim, Min-Joo Lee,
Hyun-Chul Kang, Chan Kim, Jae-Wook Lee, Sang-Chai Kim, and Hee
Moon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 38963901
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Metal Powder Packing on the
Conductivity of Nanometal Ink Nam-Soo Kim,
Anthony K. Amert, Stephen M. Woessner, Shawn Decker, Sun-mee
Kang, and Kenneth N. Han J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
39023905 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanocrystalline Particle Coatings on
-Alumina Powders
by a Carbonate Precipitation and Thermal-Assisted
Combustion Route Sang Woo Kim and Young Mi Jung
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39063909 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Electrical Property of
Indium Tin Oxide Nanofibers Using Electrospinning Method
Young-In Lee, Kun-Jae Lee, Ki Do Kim, Hee Taik Kim,
Young-Wook Chang, Shin-Choon Kang, and Yong-Ho Choa J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39103913 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Mesoporous Tin Oxide and
Its Application as a LNG Sensor Nam-Hyon Kim and
Geon-Joong Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39143916
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrical Properties of Silver Paste
Prepared from Nanoparticles and Lead-Free Frit Sung
Hyun Park, Dong Seok Seo, and Jong Kook Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39173919 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Aggregation Behavior of Na-Neutralized
Styrene-Ran-Methacrylic Acid Copolymers in Aqueous Solution
Yu-Ri Park, Jeong-A Yu, and Joon-Seop Kim J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39203925 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Catalytic SiSi/SiO
Dehydrocoupling of 1,1-Dihydrotetraphenylsilole to
Optoelectronic Polysiloles with Colloidal Silver
Nanoparticles Bo-Hye Kim, Myong-Shik Cho,
So-Yeun Kim, You-Jeong Kim, Hee-Gweon Woo, Do-Heyoung Kim, and
Honglae Sohn J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39263931
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Characterization of Nanoporous
Structures of Polyphenylene Oxide Derived Carbon
Membranes by Means of 129Xe NMR Young
Ju Lee, Ki-Deok Park, Shing-Jong Huang, Shang-Bin Liu, and
Hong-Joo Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39323937
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Microbial Synthesis of Magnetite and
Mn-Substituted Magnetite Nanoparticles: Influence of Bacteria
and Incubation Temperature Yul Roh, Hee-Dong
Jang, and Yongjae Suh J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
39383943 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Liposomes Containing
Oleanolic Acid via Micelle-to-Vesicle Transition
Hyung Seok Kang, Ji-Eun Park, Young-Jin Lee, Ih-Seop
Chang, Yong-Il Chung, and Giyoong Tae J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 39443948 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A New Synthesis Route to Nanocrystalline
Olivine Phosphates and Their Electrochemical Properties
D. H. Kim, J. S. Im, J. W. Kang, E. J. Kim, H. Y.
Ahn, and J. Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39493953
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Polyol-Mediated Synthesis of
Titania-Based Nanoparticles and Their Electrochemical
Properties D. H. Kim, J. W. Kang, T. R. Kim, E.
J. Kim, J. S. Im, and J. Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 39543958 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Catalytic Decomposition of
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Using Pt-Loaded Nanoporous Zeolite MFI
Catalyst Sung June Cho, Young-Kwon Park,
Jong-Ki Jeon, Young Soo Ko, Jin-Heong Yim, and Kyung-Seun Yoo
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39593963 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dry SolGel Polycondensation of
Hydrosilanes to Organosilicas Catalyzed by Colloidal Nickel
Nanoparticles Bo-Hye Kim, Myong-Shik Cho,
So-Yeun Kim, You-Jeong Kim, Hee-Gweon Woo, Do-Heyoung Kim,
Honglae Sohn, and Hong Li J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 39643968 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of the On/Off Cyclic Modulation
Time Ratio of C2H2/H2 Flow on the Low Temperature Deposition
of Carbon Nanofilaments Kwang-Duk Kim,
Sung-Hoon Kim, Nam Seok Kim, and Dong-Uk Kim J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39693973 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Hysteresis in a Carbon Nanotube Based
Electroactive Polymer Microfiber Actuator: Numerical Modeling
Kiwon Sohn, Su Ryon Shin, Sang Jun Park, Seon
Jeong Kim, Byung-Ju Yi, Seog Young Han, and Sun I. Kim J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39743979 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanosized LiFePO4 Cathode
Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries Hal-Bon Gu,
Dae-Kyoo Jun, Gye-Choon Park, Bo Jin, and En Mei Jin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39803984 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanostructured Bulk Copper Fabricated by
Accumulative Roll Bonding Naoki Takata,
Seong-Hee Lee, Cha-Yong Lim, Sang-Shik Kim, and Nobuhiro Tsuji
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39853989 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Properties of Polypropylene
Nanocomposites Containing Silver Nanoparticles Myung
Wook Jang, Ju-Young Kim, and Kyo Jin Ihn J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 39903994 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Modification for Polystyrene
Colloidal Particles with Controlled Charge Densities
Jongman Lee, Oh-Sun Kwon, Kwanwoo Shin, Ju-Myung
Song, Joon-Seop Kim, Young-Soo Seo, Giyoong Tae, and
Sangyong Jon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 39953999
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Use of Polymer Nanoparticles as
Functional Nano-Absorbents for Low-Molecular Weight
Hydrophobic Pollutants Ju-Young Kim, James
Wainaina, Jung-Hun Kim, and Jin-Kie Shim J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40004004 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor Based on
Peroxidase Activity of Hemoglobin in Polymeric Film
A. K. M. Kafi, Dong-Yun Lee, Sang-Hyun Park, and Young-Soo
Kwon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40054008
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Autothermal Reforming of Propane over
Hydrotalcite-Like Catalysts Containing Promotor
You-Soon Lim, Dong-Ju Moon, Nam-Cook Park, Jae-Soon Shin,
Jong-Ho Kim, and Young-Chul Kim J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40094012 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Autothermal Reforming of Propane Over Ni
Catalysts Supported on a Variety of Perovskites
SeungSoo Lim, DongJu Moon, JongHo Kim, YoungChul Kim,
NamCook Park, and JaeSoon Shin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40134016 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Cellular Toxicity of Inorganic Hydroxide
Nanoparticles Soo-Jin Choi, Jae-Min Oh, Taeun
Park, and Jin-Ho Choy J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
40174020 (2007) [Abstract]
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Decrease in Work Function of Boron
Ion-Implanted ZnO Thin Films Gi-Seok Heo,
Sang-Jin Hong, Jong-Woon Park, Bum-Ho Choi, Jong-Ho Lee, and
Dong-Chan Shin J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40214024
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of the Charge on the Morphology
of Sodium Salt Form of the Randomly Sulfonated Polystyrene
Ionomer Cast onto Silicon Wafers Jeong-A Yu,
Sung-Hwa Oh, and Joon-Seop Kim J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40254028 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Copper Doping on the Crystal
Structure and Morphology of 1D Nanostructured Manganese Oxides
Sun Hee Lee, Dae Hoon Park, Seong-Ju Hwang, and
Jin-Ho Choy J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40294032
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
H2 Uptake and Synthesis of the
Li-dispersed Manganese Oxide Nanotubes Jin Bae
Lee, Soon Chang Lee, and Hae Jin Kim J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40334036 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Improved Electrochemical Performance of
LiCoPO4 Nanoparticles for Lithium Ion Batteries
Hal-Bon Gu, Bo Jin, Dae-Kyoo Jun, and Zhenji
Han J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40374040 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Investigation of Potential Alternative
Hydrogen Carrier, Mg Supported Zeolite with Temperature
Programmed Desorption of NH3 Sung
June Cho, Tak Hee Kim, Young Bae Jang, and Jun Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40414044 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Microspherical Poly(methyl
methacrylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites Prepared
via In Situ Dispersion Polymerization Hun-Sik
Kim, Seung Jun Myung, Rira Jung, and Hyoung-Joon Jin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40454048 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multi-Encoded Rugate Porous Silicon as
Nerve Agents Sensors Seunghyun Jang, Jihoon
Kim, Youngdae Koh, Young Chun Ko, Hee-Gweon Woo, and Honglae
Sohn J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40494052
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multi-Wavelength Emitting InGaN/GaN
Quantum Well Grown on V-Shaped GaN(1¯101) Microfacet
Eun-Sil Kang, Jin-Woo Ju, Jin Soo Kim, Haeng-Keun
Ahn, June Key Lee, Jin Hyeok Kim, Dong-Chan Shin, and
In-Hwan Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40534056
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanocrystalline Formation in Immiscible
Cu-Mo System Subjected to Mechanical Alloying Chung-Hyo
Lee and Seong-Hee Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
40574060 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanosized Hydroxyapatite Powder
Synthesized from Eggshell and Phosphoric Acid Sang-Jin
Lee, Young-Soo Yoon, Myung-Hyun Lee, and Nam-Sik Oh J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40614064 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optical Properties of Eu Doped M-Ga2S4
(M: Zn, Ca, Sr) Phosphors for White Light Emitting Diodes
Joo Won Kim and Young Jin Kim J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40654068 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate in
Wastewater Using ZnO Nanopowder Synthesized by Solution
Combustion Method Sung Park, Hee-Joon Kim, Jong
Soo Kim, Kang Yoo, Jae Chun Lee, W. A. Anderson, and Ju-Hyeon
Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40694072 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Nanosized Pt-Au Alloy
Catalyst and Its Activity in Methanol Oxidation
Ki-Joong Kim, Yong-Hwa Kim, Woon-Jo Jeong, Seung-Won
Jeong, Jong-Che Park, and Ho-Geun Ahn J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40734076 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Work Function Increase of Al-Doped ZnO
Thin Films by B+ Ion Implantation Sang-Jin
Hong, Gi-Seok Heo, Jong-Woon Park, In-Hwan Lee, Bum-Ho Choi,
Jong-Ho Lee, Se-Yeon Park, and Dong-Chan Shin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40774080 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Stress Behavior of FCC Metallic Thin
Films During Thermal Evaporation Sang Ryu,
Kyungchun Lee, Seungwhan Ma, and Youngman Kim J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40814083 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanoelectronics Atomistic Simulation of
Boron Diffusion with Charged Defects and Diffusivity in
Strained Si/SiGe Young-Kyu Kim, Kwan-Sun Yoon,
Joong-Sik Kim, and Taeyoung Won J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40844088 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Equivalent Circuit Model of
Semiconductor Nanowire Diode by SPICE SeHan Lee,
YunSeop Yu, SungWoo Hwang, and Doyeol Ahn J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 40894093 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ElectronPhonon Interaction Model
and Prediction of Thermal Energy Transport in SOI Transistor
Jae Sik Jin and Joon Sik Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 40944100 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication and Characterization of
Directly-Assembled ZnO Nanowire Field Effect Transistors with
Polymer Gate Dielectrics Ahnsook Yoon,
Woong-Ki Hong, and Takhee Lee J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 41014105 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of TiO2 Particle Size on the
Performance of Viologen-Anchored TiO2 Electrochromic Device
Yong Joo Kim, Hyun Ki Jeong, Jung Kyu Seo,
Seung Yong Chai, Young Seok Kim, Goo Il Lim, Min Ho Cho, Ik-Mo
Lee, Young S. Choi, and Wan In Lee J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 41064110 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spin-Polarized Current of a Transistor
in Single Mn12 Molecular Magnets Joonho
Park, Heok Yang, K.-S. Park, and Eok-Kyun Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41114115 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Charge-Transfer Interaction in
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Tetrathiafulvalene and
Their Applications Jin-Sun Kim, Kyuseok Choi,
Ju-Jin Kim, Dong-Youn Noh, Sang-Kyu Park, Ha-Jin Lee, and
Haeseong Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41164119
(2007) [Abstract]
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New Adders Using Hybrid Circuit
Consisting of Three-Gate Single-Electron Transistors (TG-SETs)
and MOSFETs YunSeop Yu and JungBum Choi J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41204125 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Extremely Scaled 3-Dimensional
Multiple-Gate Technologies for Terabit Era Yang-Kyu
Choi, Kuk-Hwan Kim, Jin-Woo Han, Seong-Wan Ryu, and Hyunjin
Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41264130 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Contrast of Electrochromic Full
Cell Systems with Nanocrystalline PEDOT-Prussian Blue
Joo-Hee Kang, Seung-Min Paek, Young Bin Choy,
Seong-Ju Hwang, and Jin-Ho Choy J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 41314134 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Quantum Mechanical Device Modeling:
FinFET Having an Isolated n+/p+ Gate Region Strapped with
Poly-Silicon Han-geon Kim, Joong-sik Kim,
Young-kyu Kim, and Taeyoung Won J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 41354138 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Resistance Switching Characteristics of
HfO2 Film with Electrode for Resistance Change
Random Access Memory In-Sung Park, Joo-Ho Lee,
Sunwoo Lee, and Jinho Ahn J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
41394142 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spin Transport in Spin Filtering
Magnetic Tunneling Junctions Yun Li and Eok
Kyun Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41434145
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanofabrication Behavior Characteristics of
Nano-Stage According to Hinge Structure Hyun-Seong
Oh, Sung-Jun Lee, Yong-Woo Kim, and Deug-Woo Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41464149 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of Poly-Silicon Nano-Wire
Transistors on Plastic Substrates ChangMin
Park, SeHan Lee, MinSu Choi, MyungGil Kang, YoungChai Jung,
SungWoo Hwang, Doyeol Ahn, JungHyeon Lee, and ChangRyong
Song J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41504153
(2007) [Abstract]
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Device Optimization of CO2
Gas Sensor Using Planar Technology Woon Young
Lee, Yong Kook Choi, L. Satyanarayana, and Jin Seong Park J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41544157 (2007) [Abstract]
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Novel Synthesis of Nanorod ZnO and
Fe-Doped ZnO by the Hydrolysis of Metal Powders B.
S. Han, Y. R. Uhm, G. M. Kim, and C. K. Rhee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41584160 (2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of 3D Functionalized
Microstructure via Scanning Probe Lithography and
Self-Assembly Methods Inhee Choi, Sung Koo
Kang, Jeongjin Lee, Younghun Kim, and Jongheop Yi J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41614164 (2007) [Abstract]
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Photonic Polymer Replicas from
Distributed Bragg Reflectors Structured Porous Silicon
Jihoon Kim, Youngdae Koh, Seunghyun Jang, Young Chun
Ko, Hee-Gweon Woo, and Honglae Sohn J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 41654168 (2007) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Intrinsic a-Si:H
Films Prepared by Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical
Vapor Deposition for Solar Cell Applications Chaehwan
Jeong, Seongjae Boo, Minsung Jeon, and Koichi Kamisako J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41694173 (2007) [Abstract]
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Carbon Nanotube Patterning with
Capillary Micromolding of Catalyst Jaewon Lee,
Choonghan Ryu, Sungwoo Lee, Donggeun Jung, Hyoungsub Kim, and
Heeyeop Chae J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41744179
(2007) [Abstract]
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Characteristics of Nanocomposite ZrO2/Al2O3
Films Deposited by Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
Sun Jin Yun, Jung Wook Lim, and Hyun-Tak Kim
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41804184 (2007)
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Electrical Properties of Polyaniline and
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Fibers Yu
Jin Kim, Min Kyoon Shin, Seon Jeong Kim, Sung-Kyoung Kim,
Haiwon Lee, Joon-Shik Park, and Sun I. Kim J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41854189 (2007) [Abstract]
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Effect of Pre-existing Oxide Film on the
Electrochemical Fabrication of Nanoporous Alumina Film
Jaemin Ryu, Eunseong Ko, Jinwook Kang, and Yongsug
Tak J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41904193 (2007)
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Electrochemical Fabrication of SrTiO3
Nanowires with Nanoporous Alumina Template Jinwook
Kang, Jaemin Ryu, Eunseong Ko, and Yongsug Tak J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41944197 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of Mesoporous Cerium Dioxide
Films by Cathodic Electrodeposition Young-Soo
Kim, Jin-Kyu Lee, Jae-Hoon Ahn, Eun-Kyung Park, Gil-Pyo Kim,
and Sung-Hyeon Baeck J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 41984201
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrications of Nanofibers as Crossed
Arrays by Electrospinning Bon Kang Gu, Kiwon
Sohn, Seon Jeong Kim, and Sun I. Kim J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 42024205 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Reduction of Interpore Distance of
Anodized Aluminum Oxide Nano Pattern by Mixed H3PO4:H2SO4
Electrolyte Kwang Min Song, Joonmo Park, and
Sang-Wan Ryu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42064209
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Study on Fracture Behavior of Surface
Treated Montmorillonite/Epoxy Nanocomposites Sung-Rok
Ha, Kyong-Yop Rhee, Hee-Cheul Kim, Jeong-Tai Kim, and Soo-Jin
Park J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42104213
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
MEMS/BioMEMS Bio-inspired Cell
Concentration and Deformability Monitoring Chips
Young-Ho Cho, Sechan Youn, and Dong Woo Lee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 42144219 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
7, Number 10 (October 2007) pp.
3359-3688 |
Special SectionSelected Peer-Reviewed Papers from
ChemOnTubes (April 2006, Arcachon, France) Guest
Editors: Cécile Zakri, Matteo Pasquali, and
Philippe Poulin J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, iii
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Based Actuators: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of
the In-Plain Strain Generation Johannes
Riemenschneider, Hubert Temmen, and Hans Peter Monner J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33593364 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of a Gold Nanoparticles
Decorated Carbon Nanotubes Based Novel Modified Electrode for
the Electrochemical Detection of Glucose Kalayil
Manian Manesh, Jun Heon Kim, Padmanabhan Santhosh, Anantha
Iyengar Gopalan, Kwang-Pill Lee, and Hee-Dong Kang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33653372 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Carbon Nanotube Fiber Microelectrodes:
Design, Characterization, and Optimization Lucie
Viry, Alain Derré, Patrick Garrigue, Neso Sojic,
Philippe Poulin, and Alexander Kuhn J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 33733377 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dispersions of Functionalized
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Strong Acids: Solubility and
Rheology Pradeep K. Rai, A. Nicholas G.
Parra-Vasquez, Jayanta Chattopadhyay, Robert A. Pinnick, Feng
Liang, Anil K. Sadana, Robert H. Hauge, W. Edward
Billups, and Matteo Pasquali J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 33783385 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Characterization of
Processable Multi-Walled Carbon NanotubesSulfonated
Polydiphenylamine Graft Copolymers Kwang-Pill
Lee, Anantha Iyengar Gopalan, Kyu Soo Kim, and Padmanabhan
Santhosh J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33863393
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ultra-High Oxidation Resistance of
Suspended Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Bundles Grown by an
All-Laser Process J. H. Yi, B.
Aïssa, and M. A. El Khakani J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 33943399 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Polystyrene
Composites Prepared by in-situ Bulk Sonochemical
Polymerization Hyoung Jin Choi, Ke Zhang, and Jae
Yun Lim J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34003403
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Formation of an Adherent
Polyacrylonitrile/Carbon Nanotubes Composite Film onto a Polyacrylonitrile
Brush Electrografted on Copper L. Vast, O.
Rochez, L. Azoulay, A. Fonseca, J. B. Nagy, G. Deniau, S.
Palacin, J. Delhalle, and Z. Mekhalif J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34043410 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Note on the Dispersion in
Perfluoropolyether Lubricants of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Functionalized with
L. Vast, F. Laffineur, J. Delhalle, A. Fonseca, J. B.
Nagy, and Z. Mekhalif J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
34113416 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dislocations in Carbon Nanotube Walls
Irene Suarez-Martinez, Gianluca Savini, Alberto
Zobelli, and Malcolm Heggie J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 34173420 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Decarboxylation of Oxidized Single-Wall
Carbon Nanotubes H. S. Vieira, D. M. Andrada, R.
Mendonça, A. P. Santos, M. D. Martins, W. A. A. Macedo,
H. F. Gorgulho, L. P. S. Pimenta, R. L. Moreira, A.
Jorio, M. A. Pimenta, and C. A. Furtado J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34213430 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dielectrophoresis-Induced Separation of
Metallic and Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in
a Continuous Flow Microfluidic System Mattias
Mattsson, Andrei Gromov, Staffan Dittmer, Emma Eriksson, Oleg
A. Nerushev, and Eleanor E. B. Campbell J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34313435 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Solubilization of Single-Wall Carbon
Nanotubes in Organic Solvents without Sidewall
Functionalization Robin E. Anderson and Andrew
R. Barron J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34363440
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction
in the Functionalization of Carbon Nanofibers R.
Araújo, F. M. Fernandes, M. F. Proença, C. J. R.
Silva, and M. C. Paiva J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
34413445 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Modeling the Effect of Dispersed Doping
Agents in Carbon Nanotubes C. G. Rocha, A. Wall,
A. R. Rocha, and M. S. Ferreira J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34463449 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Grafting of Polystyrene on
Nitrogen-Doped Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Mariamne
Dehonor, Karine Masenelli-Varlot, Alfonso González-Montiel,
Catherine Gauthier, Jean-Yves Cavaillé, and
Mauricio Terrones J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34503457
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dispersion Study of Long and Aligned
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Water J. Glory,
A. Mierczynska, M. Pinault, M. Mayne-LHermite, and C.
Reynaud J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34583462
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
NEXAFS Study of Multi-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes Functionalization with Sulfonated Poly(ether
ether ketone) Chains M.-R. Babaa, J.-L.
Bantignies, L. Alvarez, P. Parent, F. Le Normand, M. Gulas, J.
Mane Mane, P. Poncharal, and B. P. Doyle J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34633467 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Soluble Functionalized Carbon Nanohorns
Georgia Pagona, Georgios Rotas, Ioannis D.
Petsalakis, Giannoula Theodorakopoulos, Jing Fan, Alan Maigné,
Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, and Nikos Tagmatarchis
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34683472 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
FTIR and Thermogravimetric Analysis of
Biotin-Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Isabel Montesa, Edgar Muñoz, Ana M. Benito,
Wolfgang K. Maser, and M. Teresa Martinez J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34733476 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Purity Evaluation of Carbon Nanotube
Materials by Thermogravimetric, TEM, and SEM Methods
João Paulo C. Trigueiro, Glaura G. Silva, Rodrigo
L. Lavall, Clascídia A. Furtado, Sérgio
Oliveira, Andre S. Ferlauto, Rodrigo G. Lacerda, Luiz O.
Ladeira, Jiang-Wen Liu, Ray L. Frost, and Graeme A. George
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34773486 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrodeposition and Characterisation
of Polypyrroles Containing Sulfonated Carbon Nanotubes
Carol Lynam, Gordon G. Wallace, and David L. Officer J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 34873494 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Novel Catalyst for Synthesis of
Styrene: Carbon Nanofibers Immobilized on Activated Carbon
J. J. Delgado, X.-W. Chen, D. S. Su, Sharifah B.
A. Hamid, and R. Schlögl J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 34953501 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Influence of the Reaction
Temperature on the Morphology of Sodium Titanate 1D
Nanostructures and Their Thermal Stability Polona
Umek, Romana Cerc Koroec, Botjan Jancar, Robert
Dominko, and Denis Arcon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
35023508 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Covalent Functionalization of Carbon
Nanotubes Through Organometallic Reduction and Electrophilic
Attack Olivier Roubeau, Antoine Lucas, Alain Pénicaud,
and Alain Derré J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
35093513 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Functionalization of Carbon Nanofibers
by a Diels-Alder Addition Reaction F. M.
Fernandes, R. Araújo, M. F. Proença, C. J. R.
Silva, and M. C. Paiva J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
35143518 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Microwave-Assisted Functionalization of
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Through Diazonium Jie
Liu, Mireia Rodriguez i Zubiri, Brigitte Vigolo, Manuel
Dossot, Bernard Humbert, Yves Fort, and Edward McRae J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35193523 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spectroscopic Study of Nitrogen Doping
of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes S. Enouz, J. L.
Bantignies, M. R. Babaa, L. Alvarez, P. Parent, F. Le Normand,
O. Stéphan, P. Poncharal, A. Loiseau, and B. P.
Doyle J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35243527
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of Single-Walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Boron Nitride
Cages A. Maguer, R. Arenal, P. Jaffrennou, J. L.
Cochon, L. Bresson, E. Doris, C. Mioskowski, and A. Loiseau
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35283532 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural Study of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotube Films Doped by a Solution Method Taishi
Takenobu, Tetsuo Takahashi, Nima Akima, Masashi Shiraishi,
Hiromichi Kataura, and Yoshihiro Iwasa J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 35333536 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Performance of Carbon Arc-Discharge
Nanotubes to Hydrogen Energy Storage S. Farhat,
B. Weinberger, F. D. Lamari, T. Izouyar, L. Noe, and M.
Monthioux J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35373542
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ARTICLES Nanoscale Surface Morphology and
Monomer Concentration Dependence on Impedance of Electrocoated
2,2-Dimethyl-3,4-Propylene-dioxythiophene on Carbon Fiber
Microelectrode A. Sezai Sarac, Asli Gencturk,
Burkhard Schulz, Hans-Detlev Gilsing, and Marina Serantoni
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35433552 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Role of Powder Treatment and Carbon
Nanotube Dispersion in the Fracture Toughening of Plasma-Sprayed
Aluminum OxideCarbon Nanotube Nanocomposite
Kantesh Balani, Srinivasa Rao Bakshi, Yao Chen, Tapas
Laha, and Arvind Agarwal J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
35533562 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Cross-Linking of C60 Films
with 1,8-Diaminooctane and Further Decoration with Silver
Nanoparticles V. Meza-Laguna, E. V. Basiuk
(Golovataya-Dzhymbeeva), E. Alvarez-Zauco, D. Acosta-Najarro,
and V. A. Basiuk J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35633571
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
DC Conductivity and Interfacial
Polarization in PMMA/Nanotube and PMMA/Soot Composites
LaNetra M. Clayton, Bernard Knudsen, Martin Cinke, M.
Meyyappan, and Julie P. Harmon J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 35723579 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biodegradable Nanocomposites from
Toughened Polyhydroxybutyrate and Titanate-Modified
Montmorillonite Clay Yashodhan Parulekar, Amar
K. Mohanty, and Syed H. Imam J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 35803589 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Redox Protein Noncovalent
Functionalization of Double-Wall Carbon Nanotubes:
Electrochemical Binder-less Glucose Biosensor
Martin Pumera and Bretislav míd J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35903595 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Incorporating
Melatonin as New Model for Sustained Oral and Transdermal
Delivery Systems Lorenzo Priano, Daniele
Esposti, Roberto Esposti, Giovanna Castagna, Clotilde De
Medici, Franco Fraschini, Maria Rosa Gasco, and
Alessandro Mauro J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 35963601
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Shape-Dependent Catalytic Activity of
CuO/MgO Nanocatalysts Dingsheng Wang, Xun Wang,
Run Xu, and Yadong Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
36023606 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Highly Fluorescent Dendrimers Containing
Stilbene, and 4-Styrylstilbene with Resorcinarene Cores: Synthesis
and Optical Properties Irina Victorovna
Lijanova, Ivana Moggio, Eduardo Arias, Rosa Vazquez-Garcia,
and Marcos Martínez-García J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 36073614 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electron Beam Modification of Polymer
Nanospheres M. A. Agam and Q. Guo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36153619 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optical and Magnetic Properties of
Ni-Doped ZnO Nanocones Hui Pan, ZhenHua Ni,
Jiabao Yi, Xinyu Gao, Chuanjun Liu, Yuan Ping Feng, Jun Ding,
Jianyi Lin, Andrew Thye Shen Wee, and Zexiang Shen J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36203623 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Characterization of LnPO4
·nH2O (Ln = La, Ce, Gd, Tb, Dy)
Nanorods and Nanowires Weihua Di, Xiaojun Wang,
and Haifeng Zhao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36243628
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Thin Films Prepared by the Polymeric Precursor Method for
Integrated Optics Lauro J. Q. Maia, Alain
Ibanez, Jochen Fick, Nathalie Sanz, Antonio C. Hernandes, and
Valmor R. Mastelaro J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36293637
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Deposition Pressure on the
Morphology and Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized
by Hot-Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition C. J.
Arendse, G. F. Malgas, M. R. Scriba, F. R. Cummings, and D.
Knoesen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36383642
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Peroxidase Catalytic Cycle of
MCM-41-Entrapped Microperoxidase-11 as a Mechanism for Phenol
Oxidation Juliana C. Araujo, Tatiana Prieto,
Fernanda M. Prado, Fabiane J. Trindade, Gabriel L. C. Nunes,
Jean G. dos Santos, Paolo Di Mascio, Francisco L. Castro,
Glauber J. T. Fernandes, Valter J. Fernandes, Jr., Antônio
S. Araujo, Mário J. Politi, Sergio Brochsztain,
Otaciro R. Nascimento, and Iseli L. Nantes J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36433652 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Orthogonally-Oriented Nanotube Arrays:
Experiment I D. P. Sheehan, J. T. Webster, and
L. M. Baird J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36533661
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanoengineering of Surface Modified
Silica Particles to Form Core-Shell and Hollow Nanospheres of
Iron Oxide Neha Hebalkar, P. Radhika, B.
Sreedhar, and M. Lakshmi Kantam J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 36623669 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multicolor Luminescence from Transition
Metal Ion (Mn2+ and Cu2+) Doped ZnS
Nanoparticles Anuja Datta, Subhajit Biswas,
Soumitra Kar, and Subhadra Chaudhuri J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 36703676 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Optimization of the Synthesis of a-MoO3
Nanoribbons and Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) Catalyst Test
F. Paraguay-Delgado, M. A. Albiter, R. Huirache-Acuña,
Y. Verde, and G. Alonso-Nuñez J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 36773683 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Conductivity Relaxation in Iodomolybdate
Glass-Nanocomposites Embedded with ZnO Nanoparticles and
Nanocrystals S. Bhattacharya and A. Ghosh J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 36843688 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dissipation in Spintronic Devices: A General Perspective Journal
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, pp.168180
(2007) Supriyo Bandyopadhyay J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, (i) (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
7, Number 9 (September 2007) pp.
2949-3357 |
REVIEWS Diagnostic,
and Therapeutic Technologies for Nanoscale Medicine
Erik Pierstorff and Dean Ho J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 29492968 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Porphyrin Colorimetric Indicators in
Molecular and Nano-Architectures Yongshu Xie,
Jonathan P. Hill, Richard Charvet, and Katsuhiko Ariga J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29692993 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Polymer Stabilized Silver
and Gold Nanostructures S. K. Bajpai, Y. Murali
Mohan, M. Bajpai, Rasika Tankhiwale, and Varsha Thomas J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29943010 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Purification of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes Sreejarani K. Pillai, Suprakas Sinha
Ray, and Mathew Moodley J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
30113047 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanotechnology and Health Safety
Toxicity and Risk Assessments of Nanostructured Materials on
Human Health Surya Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 30483070 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
and Nanoribbons Formed by Methylphosphonic Acid B.
S. Archanjo, L. A. S. Carvalho, M. Rassa, D. R. Miquita, F. A.
C. de Oliveira, L. G. Cançado, U. Agero, F. Plentz,
L. A. Cury, J. C. Gonzalez, R. L. Moreira, R. Paniago, R.
Magalhães-Paniago, and B. R. A. Neves J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 30713080 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Non-Covalent Functionalization of
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Organic Aromatic Compounds
Tadeusz Lemek, Józef Mazurkiewicz, Leszek
Stobinski, Hong Ming Lin, and Piotr Tomasik J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 30813088 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Dispersity of Gold
Nanoparticles Modified by w-Carboxyl Alkanethiols Under the
Impact of Poly(ethylene glycol)s Dongxiang
Li, Qiang He, Haifeng Zhu, Cheng Tao, and Junbai Li J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 30893094 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Molecularly Imprinted Polypyrrole
Encapsulated Carbon Nanotubes in Stainless Steel Frit for
Micro Solid Phase Extraction of Estrogenic Compounds
Jorn C. C. Yu, Amy Hrdina, Christina Mancini, and Edward
P. C. Lai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 30953103
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Characterization of
Nitrogen-Doped Titanium Dioxide Hsu, Bao-Chrung;
Chen, Shiao-Shing; Su, Chaochin; Liu, Yu-Ting J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31043110 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
STM Investigation of Substitute Effect
on Oligothiophene Adlayer at Au(111) Substrate Wang,
Ling; Yan, Hui-Juan; Wan, Li-Jun J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 31113116 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Self-Assembly Directed Synthesis of
Poly(ortho-toluidine)-Metal(Gold and Palladium) Composite
Nanospheres Kakarla Raghava Reddy, Kwang-Pill
Lee, and Anantha Iyenger Gopalan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 31173125 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Study on Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis
Using Oleylamine as Both Reducing Agent and Protecting Ligand
Xiong Liu, Mark Atwater, Jinhai Wang, Qiu Dai,
Jianhua Zou, Joseph P. Brennan, and Qun Huo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31263133 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ferromagnetic Resonance in Nanomagnetic
Metal Core and Noble Metal Shell Systems Tanushree
Bala, T. Enoki, and B. L. V. Prasad J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 31343139 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanostructured Carbon-Doping Anodic TiO2
from TiC and Its Photoelectrochemical Properties
Xiaoli Cui, Haijie Gu, Jun Lu, Jie Shen, and Zhuangjian
Zhang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31403145
(2007) [Abstract]
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Surfactants-Aided Syntheses of Different
Sizes and Triangular Shape of Gold Nanoparticles Using Trisodium
Citrate in Environmentally Friendly and Photoinduced Methods
Yen Hsun Su, Wei Hao Lai, Shih-Hui Chang, and
Min Hsiung Hon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31463151
(2007) [Abstract]
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The Catalyst-Assisted Synthesis of High
Quality CdS Single-Crystal Nanowires Through an Epitaxy
Mechanism Zengtao Liu, Chen Li, Yanpeng Fu, and
Yong Yang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31523156
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis Method of Nanomaterials by
Pulsed Plasma in Liquid Emil Omurzak Uulu, Janar
Jasnakunov, Nazgul Mairykova, Alima Abdykerimova, Aigul
Maatkasymova, Saadat Sulaimankulova, Mitsuhiro Matsuda,
Minoru Nishida, Hirotaka Ihara, and Tsutomu Mashimo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31573159 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Clay Dispersion and Aspect Ratios in
Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites Alexandre Vermogen,
Karine Masenelli-Varlot, Gérard Vigier, Bruno Sixou,
Gilbert Thollet, and Jannick Duchet-Rumeau J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31603171 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Photoinduced Self-Assembly of AuAgHg
Trimetallic Nanoparticles During Their Synthesis from Gold
Seeds in Glycine Solution Yu-Fen Huang,
Kuan-Ming Huang, and Huan-Tsung Chang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 31723179 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanomaterials for Efficiently Lowering
the Freezing Point of Anti-Freeze Coolants Haiping
Hong, Yingsong Zheng, and Walter Roy J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 31803184 (2007) [Abstract]
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Dielectric Constants of Single-Wall
Carbon Nanotubes at Various Frequencies Yan-Huei
Li and Juh-Tzeng Lue J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31853188
(2007) [Abstract]
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Germanium Adsorption on Ag(111): An
AES-LEED and STM Study H. Oughaddou, A. Mayne,
B. Aufray, J. P. Bibérian, G. Le Lay, B. Ealet, G.
Dujardin, and A. Kara J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
31893192 (2007) [Abstract]
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Design of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide
Nanoparticle for Purification of Recombinant Proteins
Sasmita Mohapatra, Dibyarupa Pal, Sudip K. Ghosh, and
Panchanan Pramanik J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 31933199
(2007) [Abstract]
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Gold Nanoparticles Reinforced Poly(vinyl
alcohol) of Self-Standing Optical Films S. Ram,
P. Tripathy, and H.-J. Fecht J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 32003206 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Green Nanocomposites: Synthesis and
Characterization A. L. Laza, M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé,
H. Demais, H. Le Deit, L. Delmotte, and L. Vidal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32073213 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nano Crystalline Ceria-Neodymia Solid
Solutions by Combustion Route: Effect of Agglomeration on
Powder Properties Vinila. Bedekar and A. K.
Tyagi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32143220
(2007) [Abstract]
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Mixed Ni/Co Hydroxide Nanoparticles
Synthesized by Sonochemical Method Marcio
Vidotti, Renan P. Salvador, Eduardo A. Ponzio, and Susana I. Córdoba
de Torresi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32213226
(2007) [Abstract]
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Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube-Poly(vinyl
alcohol)-Glucose Oxidase Nanobiocomposites for Amperometric
Sensing Yu-Chen Tsai and Jing-Dae Huang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32273232 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Swirled
Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapour Deposition Method
A. S. Abdulkareem, A. S. Afolabi, S. E. Iyuke, and H. C.
Vz Pienaar J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32333238
(2007) [Abstract]
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Unusual Magnesium Crystalline Nanoblades
Grown by Oblique Angle Vapor Deposition F. Tang,
T. Parker, H.-F. Li, G.-C. Wang, and T.-M. Lu J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32393244 (2007) [Abstract]
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Application of Microarray-Based Method
for Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Polymorphisms
in the Risk of Gastric Carcinoma in East China Population
Song Li, Meiju Ji, Nongyue He, and Zuhong Lu
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32453249 (2007)
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Carboxyl Group Functionalization of
Mesoporous Carbon Nanocage through Reaction with Ammonium
Persulfate Pavuluri Srinivasu, Veerappan
Vaithilingam Balasubramanian, Loganathan Kumaresan, Dhanashri
Prakash Sawant, Xin Jin, Sher Alam, Katsuhiko Ariga,
Toshiyuki Mori, and Ajayan Vinu J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 32503256 (2007) [Abstract]
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Grouping of Ferritin and Gold
Nanoparticles Conjugated to pRNA of the Phage phi29
DNA-Packaging Motor Wulf-Dieter Moll and Peixuan
Guo J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32573267 (2007)
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Characterization of
Pyridine-Octanethiolated Gold Nanoparticles: Desorption
Kinetics by Thermal Analysis Mass Spectrometry
Teng-Yuan Dong, Chih-Hung Tu, Heng-Hsi Wu, Chienlin Huang,
Yuan-Sing Lin, and Ming-Cheng Lin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 32683276 (2007) [Abstract]
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Preparation, Characterization, and
Photocatalytic Activity of Gd3+ Doped TiO2
Nanoparticles M. Mahalakshmi, Banumathi
Arabindoo, M. Palanichamy, and V. Murugesan J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32773285 (2007) [Abstract]
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Stability of Nanocrystallites Dispersed
in Cu50Zr45Ti5 Metallic
Glass Under Electron Irradiation Guoqiang Xie,
Qingsheng Zhang, Dmitri V. Louzguine, Wei Zhang, and Akihisa
Inoue J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 32863293
(2007) [Abstract]
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Controlling the Synthetic Pathways of
TiO2-Derived Nanostructured Materials
San Hua Lim, Wei Ji, and Jianyi Lin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 32943300 (2007) [Abstract]
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Characterization and Field Emission
Performance of Electrochemically Synthesized FeOOH Nanowalls
Kok Chung Chin, Huifang Cui, Chorng Haur Sow,
Fwu Shan Sheu, Li Hui Van, Xingyu Gao, and Andrew Thye Shen
Wee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33013306 (2007)
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Structure of Polyphenylsilsesquioxane
Particles Prepared by Two-Step Acid-Base Catalyzed SolGel
Process and Formation of Hollow Particles Kenji
Takahashi, Kiyoharu Tadanaga, Akitoshi Hayashi, Atsunori
Matsuda, Kiyofumi Katagiri, and Masahiro Tatsumisago J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33073312 (2007) [Abstract]
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Annealing Effects on 5 nm Iron Oxide
Nanoparticles J. M. Vargas, E. Lima, Jr., L. M.
Socolovsky, M. Knobel, D. Zanchet, and R. D. Zysler J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33133317 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Purification of Boron Nitride
Multiwalled Nanotubes Sara M. C. Vieira and
David L. Carroll J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33183322
(2007) [Abstract]
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Spatial Distribution of Impurities in
ZnO Nanotubes Characterized by Cathodoluminescence
X. L. Yuan, B. Dierre, J. B. Wang, B. P. Zhang, and T.
Sekiguchi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33233327
(2007) [Abstract]
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Carbon Nanotubes/TiO2
Nanotubes Hybrid Supercapacitor Qiang Wang,
Zhenhai Wen, and Jinghong Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 33283331 (2007) [Abstract]
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b-MnO2 3D Nanostructures:
Mineralizer-Assisted Synthesis, Characterization, and Growth
Mechanism Fu Zhou, Xuemei Zhao, Cunguang Yuan,
and Hai Xu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33323335
(2007) [Abstract]
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Zinc Oxide Nanorod Growth on Gold
Islands Prepared by Microsphere Lithography on Silicon and
Quartz Charles W. Blackledge, Jodi M. Szarko,
Aurélie Dupont, George H. Chan, Elizabeth L. Read, and
Stephen R. Leone J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33363339
(2007) [Abstract]
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the Formation and Photoluminescence of Si1-xGex
Nanoparticles P.-J. Chen, M.-Y. Tsai, C. C. Chi,
and T.-P. Perng J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33403343
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanosurface-Confined Nucleation and
Patterned Growth of Pt and TiO2 Seung
H. Huh, Eun J. Jin, Doh H. Riu, Jinsub Choi, and Kwang Y. Cho
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33443347 (2007)
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NanoploughConstrictions on Thin
YBCO Films Made with Atomic Force Microscopy A.
A. O. Elkaseh, U. Büttner, M. Meincken, G. L. Hardie, V.
V. Srinivasu, and W. J. Perold J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 33483349 (2007) [Abstract]
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Single- and Few-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Grown at Temperatures as low as 450 oC: Electrical and Field
Emission Characterization A. Gohier, M. A.
Djouadi, M. Dubosc, A. Granier, T. M. Minea, L. Sirghi, F.
Rossi, P. Paredez, and F. Alvarez J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 33503353 (2007) [Abstract]
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Room Temperature Hydrogen Detection
Using 1-D Nanostructured Tin Oxide Sensor S.
Deshpande, A. Karakoti, G. Londe, H. J. Cho, and S. Seal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 33543357 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
7, Number 8 (August 2007) pp.
2549-2947 |
REVIEWS Assembly
of Nanomaterials Through Highly Ordered Self-Assembled
Monolayers and Peptide-Organic Hybrid Conjugates as
Templates Hong Ma, Melvin T. Zin, M. Hadi
Zareie, Mun-Sik Kang, Seok-Ho Kang, Kyoung-Soo Kim, Bryan
W. Reed, Candan Tamerler Behar, Mehmet Sarikaya, and Alex
K.-Y. Jen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25492566
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Semiconductor Quantum Dots for In
Vivo Imaging Zi-Bo Li, Weibo Cai, and
Xiaoyuan Chen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25672581
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Manipulations of Atoms and Molecules by
Scanning Probe Microscopy Ampere A. Tseng and
Zhuang Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25822595
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Polylactide Based Nanostructured
Biomaterials and Their Applications Surya Singh
and Suprakas Sinha Ray J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
25962615 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of Phi29 Spindle-Shaped Nano-Bar Anti-Receptor with
Glycosidase Domain Alexander J. DiMauro, Dawei
Lin, Songchuan Guo, Dale B. Karr, John J. Tanner, and Peixuan
Guo J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26162622 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Hydrogel-Based Protein Nanoarrays
I. Saaem, V. Papasotiropoulos, T. Wang, P. Soteropoulos,
and M. Libera J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26232632
(2007) [Abstract]
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Substantial Improvement of Nanotube
Processability by Freeze-Drying M. Maugey, W.
Neri, C. Zakri, A. Derré, A. Pénicaud, L. Noé,
M. Chorro, P. Launois, M. Monthioux, and P. Poulin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26332639 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Nanoporous
Titania Templates M. Misra, K. Paramguru, and S.
K. Mohapatra J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26402646
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Polymer Magnetic Microactuators
Fabricated with Hot Embossing and Layer-by-Layer Nano
Self-Assembly Wei Xue and Tianhong Cui J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26472653 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electrical Properties of a Novel
1,3-Bis-(p-Iminobenzoic Acid) Indane Langmuir-Blodgett Films
Containing ZnS Nanoparticles H. Sari, T.
Uzunoglu, R. Capan, N. Serin, T. Serin, C. Tarimci, A. K.
Hassan, H. Namli, and O. Turhan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 26542658 (2007) [Abstract]
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Influence of Ionic Interactions on the
Photoinduced Birefringence of Poly[1-[4-(3-Carboxy-4
Hydroxyphenylazo) Benzene Sulfonamido]-1,2-Ethanediyl, Sodium
Salt] Films Quirina Ferreira, Paulo J. Gomes,
Maria Raposo, J. A. Giacometti, Osvaldo N. Oliveira, Jr., and
Paulo A. Ribeiro J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26592666
(2007) [Abstract]
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Gas Flow-Assisted Alignment of Super
Long Electrospun Nanofibers Weiping Zhou, Zhifei
Li, Qiang Zhang, Yanping Liu, Fei Wei, and Guohua Luo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26672673 (2007) [Abstract]
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Amino Acid Catalyzed Biomimetic
Preparation of Tin Oxide-Germania Nanocomposites and
Their Characterization Kristina I. Fabijanic,
Maureen R. Regan, and Ipsita A. Banerjee J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 26742682 (2007) [Abstract]
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Controlled Aggregation of Gold
Nanoparticle Networks Induced by Alkali Metal Ions
Sudarsan Tamang, Srinivas Hotha, and B. L. V. Prasad J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 26832689 (2007) [Abstract]
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Concentrated Colloids of
Silica-Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles: Colloidal Stability,
Cytotoxicity, and X-ray Absorption Yeon-Su
Park, Atsuo Kasuya, Andriy Dmytruk, Noda Yasuto, Motohiro
Takeda, Noriaki Ohuchi, Yoshinori Sato, Kazuyuki Tohji,
Motohiro Uo, and Fumio Watari J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 26902695 (2007) [Abstract]
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Cyanobacteria as Bioreactors for the
Synthesis of Au, Ag, Pd, and Pt Nanoparticles via an
Enzyme-Mediated Route Roberta Brayner, Hélène
Barberousse, Miryana Hemadi, Chakib Djedjat, Claude Yéprémian,
Thibaud Coradin, Jacques Livage, Fernand Fiévet,
and Alain Couté J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
26962708 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Water-Soluble Hybrid Material of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with an Amphiphilic Poly(phenyleneethynylene):
Preparation, Characterization, and Photovoltaic Properties
Jie Mao, Qian Liu, Xin Lv, Zunfeng Liu, Yi
Huang, Yanfeng Ma, Yongsheng Chen, and Shougen Yin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27092718 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructured GaN Nucleation Layer for
Light-Emitting Diodes J. Narayan, P. Pant, W.
Wei, R. J. Narayan, and J. D. Budai J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 27192725 (2007) [Abstract]
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Solid-Phase Low Temperature
Steam-Assisted Synthesis of Thermal Stable Alumina Nanowires
S. C. Shen, W. K. Ng, Q. Chen, X. T. Zeng, M. Z.
Chew, and Reginald B. H. Tan J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 27262733 (2007) [Abstract]
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Phase Transformations and
Phase-Selective Syntheses of Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieves
Sung Hwa Jhung, Taihuan Jin, Jin-Soo Hwang, and
Jong-San Chang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27342740
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural Characterization of
Nanocrystalline Lanthanum Oxyfluoride Films Obtained by
Chemical Vapor Deposition Davide Barreca, Elza
Bontempi, Laura E. Depero, Cinzia Maragno, Eugenio Tondello,
and Paolo Zanola J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27412747
(2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Size-Controlled Polyimide
Nanoparticles M. Suzuki, H. Kasai, T. Ishizaka,
H. Miura, S. Okada, H. Oikawa, T. Nihira, H. Fukuro, and H.
Nakanishi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27482752
(2007) [Abstract]
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Large-Scale Synthesis, Size Control, and
Anisotropic Growth of Fe2O3
Nanoparticles: Organosols and Hydrosols V. K.
Tzitzios, A. Bakandritsos, V. Georgakilas, G. Basina, N.
Boukos, A. B. Bourlinos, D. Niarchos, and D. Petridis J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27532757 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Fluorescent Dendrimers with
an Oligo(phenylenevinylene) Core J. G.
Dominguez-Chávez, I. Lijanova, I. Moggio, E. Arias, R.
A. Vazquez-Garcia, I. Reyes-Valderrama Ma, T. Klimova, M.
Gutierrez-Nava, and M. Martínez-García J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27582766 (2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication, Characterization, and
Enzymatic Activity of Fungal ProteaseNanogold Membrane
Bioconjugate V. P. Vinod, S. Phadtare, H. M.
Joshi, Murali Sastry, and Mala Rao J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 27672773 (2007) [Abstract]
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Enhanced Field Emission from H2 Plasma
-Fe2O3 Nanowires Feng
Xu, Ke Yu, Qingyan Wang, Meirong Shi, Qiuxiang Zhang, Wei Bai,
Qiong Li, and Ziqiang Zhu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
27742777 (2007) [Abstract]
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Growth of ZnO Nanocrystals by a
Solvothermal Technique and Their Photoluminescence Properties
Apurba Dev, Soumitra Kar, and Subhadra Chaudhuri
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27782784 (2007)
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Hybrid White-Light Emitting-LED Based on
Luminescent Polyfluorene Polymer and Quantum Dots
Cheng-Hsuan Chou, Chung-He Yang, Chain-Shu Hsu, and
Teng-Ming Chen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27852789
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of LiYF4, BaYF5,
and NaLaF4 Optical Nanocrystals G. S.
Yi, W. B. Lee, and G. M. Chow J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 27902794 (2007) [Abstract]
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Modification of Multi-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes by Diels-Alder and Sandmeyer Reactions
A. Gergely, J. Telegdi, E. Mészáros, Z. Pászti,
G. Tárkányi, F. H. Kármán, and E.
Kálmán J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 27952807
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Gold Nanorods in Organic
Media S. Prathap Chandran, Renu Pasricha,
Umananda M. Bhatta, P. V. Satyam, and Murali Sastry J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28082817 (2007) [Abstract]
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Surface Chemistry of n-Octane Modified
Silicon Nanoparticles Analyzed by IR, 13C CPMAS
NMR, EELS, and TGA Jürgen Nelles, Dorota
Sendor, Marko Bertmer, André Ebbers, Frank-Martin
Petrat, and Ulrich Simon J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
28182822 (2007) [Abstract]
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Cellular and Molecular Responses of
Smooth Muscle Cells to Surface Nanotopography Kytai
Truong Nguyen, Kajal P. Shukla, Miriam Moctezuma, and Liping
Tang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28232832
(2007) [Abstract]
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Insulin-Loaded Nanoparticles are
Prepared by Alginate Ionotropic Pre-Gelation Followed by Chitosan
Polyelectrolyte Complexation B. Sarmento, A. J.
Ribeiro, F. Veiga, D. C. Ferreira, and R. J. Neufeld J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28332841 (2007) [Abstract]
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Controlled Nanoporous Structures of a
Marine Diatom Kazuo Umemura, Xing Liao, Shigeki
Mayama, and Mohammed Gad J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
28422846 (2007) [Abstract]
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Enhanced Pumping Energy Transfer Between
Si Nanocrystals and Erbium Ions in Si-rich SiOx
Sputtered Using Si/Er2O3
Encapsulated SiO Substrate Gong-Ru Lin,
Chun-Jung Lin, and Chia-Yang Chen J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 28472851 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of
4-Chlorophenoxyacetate-Zinc-Aluminium- Layered Double
Hydroxide Nanocomposite: Physico-Chemical and Controlled
Release Properties Mohd Zobir Bin Hussein, Siti
Halimah Sarijo, Asmah Hj. Yahaya, and Zulkarnain Zainal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28522862 (2007) [Abstract]
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Investigation of the Thermal Stability
of 2-D Patterns of Au Nanoparticles Ting-Yu
Shih, Aristides A. G. Requicha, Mark E. Thompson, and Bruce E.
Koel J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28632869
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanometer Sized Tridecylamine Capped
Rhodium Dispersed on High Surface Area Support: Catalytic
Investigations Trissa Joseph, Shashidhar
Shintri, Bhalchandra Kakade, Vijayamohanan Pillai, and S. B.
Halligudi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28702876
(2007) [Abstract]
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Immobilization of Prussian Blue
Nanoparticles onto Thiol SAM Modified Au Electrodes for Electroanalytical
or Biosensor Applications Yuqing Miao, Jianrong
Chen, Xiaohua Wu, Keming Fang, Aiping Jia, and Jiwei Liu J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28772882 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Microstructure of La-Doped
Ceria Nanoparticles Lili Liu, Jie Tang, Yuxiang
Li, Min Guo, Mei Zhang, and Xidong Wang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 28832888 (2007) [Abstract]
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Effect of Temperature on the Growth of
InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown on a Strained GaAs Layer
I. Ahmad, V. Avrutin, H. Morkoç, J. C. Moore, and
A. A. Baski J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 28892893
(2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Au/ZnO Schottky Nanodiode
Using Mesoporous Silica Film as Template Feifei
Gao, Sajo P. Naik, and Tatsuya Okubo J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 28942898 (2007) [Abstract]
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Growth and Optical Properties of
Sallow-Like Hierarchical SnO2 Nanostructures Feng
Xu, Ke Yu, Meirong Shi, Wei Bai, Qiuxiang Zhang, Qingyan Wang,
Qiong Li, and Ziqiang Zhu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
28992903 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructured La(Sr)CrO3 Through
Gel Combustion: Sintering and Electrical Behavior
Sathi R. Nair, R. D. Purohit, P. K. Sinha, and A. K. Tyagi
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29042908 (2007)
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Charge Influence and Growth Mechanism of
ZnO Nanorods Sun-Hong Park and Sang-Wook Han
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29092912 (2007)
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Novel Microporous Carbon Material with
Flower Like Structure Templated by MCM-22 Pavuluri
Srinivasu, Ajayan Vinu, Narasimhan Gokulakrishnan, Srinivasan
Anandan, Anjana Asthana, Toshiyuki Mori, and Katsuhiko
Ariga J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29132916
(2007) [Abstract]
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Accurate Length Measurements of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Kirk J. Ziegler, Urs Rauwald, Zhenning Gu, Feng
Liang, W. E. Billups, Robert H. Hauge, and Richard E. Smalley
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29172921 (2007)
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Synthesis and Field Emission
Characterization of Titanium Nitride Nanowires Yemin
Hu, Kaifu Huo, Yanwen Ma, Yinong Lü, Junqing Xu, Zheng
Hu, and Yi Chen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29222926
(2007) [Abstract]
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QCM Detection of Oligonucleotide by
Quiescent Mode and Flowing Mode Libo Nie, Yun
Yang, Song Li, Jiqing Wang, and Qinglin Hou J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29272929 (2007) [Abstract]
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The Fabrication of Hollow BSA
Micro/Nanocapsules Caihong Tao, Dairong Chen,
and Junyan Zhang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29302932
(2007) [Abstract]
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Tumour Cell Toxicity of Intracellular
Hyperthermia Mediated by Magnetic Nanoparticles Claire
Wilhelm, Jean-Paul Fortin, and Florence Gazeau J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29332937 (2007) [Abstract]
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Combined Electrochromic and Plasmonic
Optical Responses in Conducting Polymer/Metal Nanoparticle
Films Roberto Pacios, Rebeca Marcilla, Cristina
Pozo-Gonzalo, Jose A. Pomposo, Hans Grande, Javier
Aizpurua, and David Mecerreyes J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 29382941 (2007) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Controllable Biorecognition
Process of Doxorubicin Detected by Electrochemical
Contact Angle Measurement Jian Zhou, Renyun
Zhang, Xiaomao Li, Sebastian Gutmann, Gang Lv, and Xuemei Wang
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 29422947 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
7, Number 7 (July 2007) pp. 2211-2548 |
Special Section on Bionanotubes Guest Editors:
V. Renugopalakrishnan and Vikram Krishnamurthy J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, (iii) (2007) [Abstract]
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REVIEWS Biofunctionalization
and Capping of Template Synthesized Nanotubes Heather
Hillebrenner, Fatih Buyukserin, Jon D. Stewart, and Charles R.
Martin J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22112221
(2007) [Abstract]
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Development of Protein Nanotubes from a
Multi-Purpose Biological Structure Gerald F.
Audette and Bart Hazes J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
22222229 (2007) [Abstract]
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with Regular Enantiomeric Sequences: A Wide Class of Modular
Self-Assembling Architectures Pasquale De
Santis, Stefano Morosetti, and Anita Scipioni J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22302238 (2007) [Abstract]
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Biological and Chemical Decoration of
Peptide Nanostructures via BiotinAvidin Interactions
Meital Reches and Ehud Gazit J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22392245 (2007) [Abstract]
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Dynamic Behaviors of Lipid-Like
Self-Assembling Peptide A6D and A6K
Nanotubes Aki Nagai, Yusuke Nagai, Hongjing Qu,
and Shuguang Zhang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22462252
(2007) [Abstract]
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Looking Beyond Carbon Nanotubes:
Polypeptide Nanotubes as Alternatives? G.
Praveena, P. Kolandaivel, N. Santhanamoorthi, V.
Renugopalakrishnan, and Seeram Ramakrishna J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22532259 (2007) [Abstract]
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Generation and Characterization of
Inorganic and Organic Nanotubes on Bioengineered Flagella
of Mesophilic Bacteria Mudalige Thilak Kumara,
Subra Muralidharan, and Brian C. Tripp J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 22602272 (2007) [Abstract]
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Adaptive Brownian Dynamics for Shape
Estimation of Sodium Ion Channels Vikram
Krishnamurthy, Taira Vora, and Shin-Ho Chung J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22732282 (2007) [Abstract]
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Liposomes Form Nanotubules and Long
Range Networks in the Presence of Electric Field
Mark A. Hayes, Michele D. Pysher, and Kangping Chen J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22832286 (2007) [Abstract]
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Mineralization of Semiconductor
Nanocrystals on Peptide-Coated Bionanotubes and Their
pH-Dependent Morphology Changes Ipsita A.
Banerjee, Germaine Muniz, Sang-Yup Lee, and Hiroshi Matsui
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22872292 (2007)
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ARTICLES A Carbon Nanotube Needle Biosensor
YeoHeung Yun, Adam Bange, Vesselin N. Shanov,
William R. Heineman, H. Brian Halsall, Zhongyun Dong,
Abdul Jazieh, Yi Tu, Danny Wong, Sarah Pixley, Michael
Behbehani, and Mark J. Schulz J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 22932300 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Highly Luminescent ZnS/CdSe/ZnS
Nanocrystals-Tetrapeptide Biolabeling Agent Yang
Li, Jianghua Feng, Steve Daniels, Nigel L. Pickett, and Paul OBrien
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23012308 (2007)
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Reinforcing Mechanisms of Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composites Xiaodong
Li, Hongsheng Gao, Wally A. Scrivens, Dongling Fei, Xiaoyou
Xu, Michael A. Sutton, Anthony P. Reynolds, and Michael
L. Myrick J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23092317
(2007) [Abstract]
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Effect of Temperature on Rheological
Properties of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Dispersed in Propylene
Glycol and Water Mixture Devdatta P. Kulkarni,
Debendra K. Das, and Shirish L. Patil J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 23182322 (2007) [Abstract]
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Peptide-Nanoparticle Hybrid SERS Probes
for Optical Detection of Protease Activity Gang
L. Liu, Yazmin T. Rosa-Bauza, Cleo M. Salisbury, Charles
Craik, Jonathan A. Ellman, Fanqing Frank Chen, and Luke
P. Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23232330
(2007) [Abstract]
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A Wet Chemistry Method for the
Construction of Silver Nanosandwichs Using Laponite Clays
Horacio Carias, Manuel Marquez, and Florencio E. Hernandez
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23312334 (2007)
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The Generation of Domain Boundaries in
Catalytically-Grown Carbon Nanotubes Ludovico M.
DellAcqua-Bellavitis, Jake D. Ballard, Robert Vajtai,
Pulickel M. Ajayan, and Richard W. Siegel J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 23352342 (2007) [Abstract]
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Core/Shell/Shell Nanoparticles Ming-Qiang Zhu,
Jason J. Han, and Alexander D. Q. Li J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 23432348 (2007) [Abstract]
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Dispersion Characteristics and
Properties of Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Multi-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes Nanocomposites Sébastien
Vaudreuil, Asmae Labzour, Suprakas Sinha-Ray, Khalil El
Mabrouk, and Mosto Bousmina J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 23492355 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electron Beam Nanoprocessing of a Carbon
Nanotube Film Using a Variable Pressure Scanning Electron
Microscope Jun-ichi Niitsuma, Takashi Sekiguchi,
Xiao-Li Yuan, and Yuji Awano J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 23562360 (2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Polystyrene/Gold
Nanotubes and Nanostructure-Controlled Growth of Aluminate
Haifeng Zhu, Sufen Ai, Qiang He, Yue Cui, and
Junbai Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23612365
(2007) [Abstract]
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Spectroscopic Evidence and Molecular
Simulation Investigation of the xx
Interaction Between Pyrene Molecules and Carbon Nanotubes
Yan Zhang, Shiling Yuan, Weiwei Zhou, Junjian
Xu, and Yan Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23662375
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of CuW Nanocomposite by
High-Energy Ball Milling T. Venugopal, K. Prasad
Rao, and B. S. Murty J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23762381
(2007) [Abstract]
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Solid Phase Monofunctionalization of
Gold Nanoparticles Using Ionic Exchange Resin as Polymer
Support Jianhua Zou, Qiu Dai, Jinhai Wang, Xiong
Liu, and Qun Huo J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23822388
(2007) [Abstract]
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Multi-Functional Chitosan Nanoparticles
Encapsulating Quantum Dots and Gd-DTPA as Imaging Probes
for Bio-Applications Wee Beng Tan and Yong Zhang
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 23892393 (2007)
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Physicochemical Characterization of
Densely Packed Poly(ethylene glycol) Layer for Minimizing
Nonspecific Protein Adsorption Tomomi Satomi,
Yukio Nagasaki, Hisatoshi Kobayashi, Tetsuya Tateishi,
Kazunori Kataoka, and Hidenori Otsuka J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 23942399 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanocluster Formation and Stabilization
Fundamental Studies: Ranking the Nanocluster Stabilizing
Ability of Halides Lisa Starkey Ott, Morgan L.
Cline, and Richard G. Finke J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 24002410 (2007) [Abstract]
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Single Layer Polycrystalline ZnOAl2O3
Nanocomposite Thin Films: Optical and Electrical Properties
Soumen Das and Subhadra Chaudhuri J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 24112421 (2007) [Abstract]
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Transparent, Anatase-Free TiO2
Nanoparticle Dispersions René J.
Nussbaumer, Paul Smith, and Walter Caseri J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 24222432 (2007) [Abstract]
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Silica/Perfluoropolymer Nanocomposites
Fabricated by Direct Melt-Compounding: A Novel Method without
Surface Modification on Nano-Silica Mitsuru
Tanahashi, Masaki Hirose, Yusuke Watanabe, Jeong-Chang Lee,
and Kunihiko Takeda J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 24332442
(2007) [Abstract]
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Photocatalytic Activity of Neat and
Silicon-Doped Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanofibers Prepared by Combined
SolGel and Electrospinning Techniques Jeerapong
Watthanaarun, Pitt Supaphol, and Varong Pavarajarn J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 24432450 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Carbon NanostructuresIn-Situ
Study of Carbon Deposition Parameters Stratigoula
P. Mitri and Stratis V. Sotirchos J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 24512458 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electrical Conductivity and Optical
Properties of Polyaniline Intercalated Graphite Oxide
Nanocomposites Kousik Dutta and S. K. De J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 24592465 (2007) [Abstract]
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Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Induces
Oxidative Stress in Rat Lung Epithelial Cells Chidananda
S. Sharma, Shubhashish Sarkar, Adaikkappan Periyakaruppan,
Johnny Barr, Kimberly Wise, Renard Thomas, Bobby L.
Wilson, and Govindarajan T. Ramesh J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 24662472 (2007) [Abstract]
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Sonochemical Synthesis of Platinum
Nanowires and Their Applications as Electro-Chemical Actuators
Shaoxin Lu, Kousik Sivakumar, and Balaji
Panchapakesan J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 24732479
(2007) [Abstract]
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Structure and Optical Properties of
Silica-Supported AgAu Nanoparticles Davide
Barreca, Alberto Gasparotto, Cinzia Maragno, Eugenio Tondello,
and Stefano Gialanella J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
24802486 (2007) [Abstract]
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The Controllable Syntheses and
Electrochemical Study of 1-Dimensional Nanowires, 2-Dimensional
Nanoplatelets, and 3-Dimensional Nanotowers of MnO2
Dong-Wei Yan and Chun-Ru Wang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 24872493 (2007) [Abstract]
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Dielectric Properties of PMMA/Soot
Nanocomposites LaNetra M. Clayton, Martin Cinke,
M. Meyyappan, and Julie P. Harmon J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 24942499 (2007) [Abstract]
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Tellurium Nanotubes Synthesized with
Microwave-Assisted Monosaccharide Reduction Method
Tao Liu, Gang Zhang, Xu Su, Xingguo Chen, Dahai Wang, and
Jingui Qin J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25002505
(2007) [Abstract]
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Energy Shifts of Si Oxidation States in
the System of Si Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO2
Matrix T. P. Chen, Y. Liu, C. Q. Sun, Ampere A.
Tseng, and S. Fung J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25062510
(2007) [Abstract]
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Multistep Loading of Titania
Nanoparticles in the Mesopores of SBA-15 for Enhanced
Photocatalytic Activity K. De Witte, P. Cool, I.
De Witte, L. Ruys, J. Rao, G. Van Tendeloo, and E. F. Vansant
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25112515 (2007)
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Nanotubes of Mixed-Valence, Transition
Metal Compounds Synthesized by Solution Phase Approach
Tie Wang, Xiaoge Hu, and Shaojun Dong J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 25162520 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Microstructural
Characterization of Ce 1xTbxO2-
(0 x 1) Nano-Powders Fei Ye, Toshiyuki Mori,
Ding Rong Ou, Jin Zou, and John Drennan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 25212525 (2007) [Abstract]
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Charge Influence and Growth Mechanism of
ZnO Nanorods Sun-Hong Park and Sang-Wook Han
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25262529 (2007)
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Elevated Temperature Nanoindentation and
Viscoelastic Behaviour of Thin Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Films Ashley Gray and Ben D. Beake J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25302533 (2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Mesoporous Titanium Oxide
Nanotubes Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembly Sufen
Ai, Qiang He, Ying Tian, and Junbai Li J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 25342537 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructures of PbTiO3 Through Mesocrystal
Formation Guozhong Wang, Ragnhild Sæterli,
Per Martin Rørvik, Antonius van Helvoort, Randi
Holmestad, Tor Grande, and Mari-Ann Einarsrud J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25382541 (2007) [Abstract]
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Supercritical Fluid Processing of Drug
Nanoparticles in Stable Suspension Pankaj
Pathak, Mohammed J. Meziani, Tarang Desai, Charles Foster,
Julian A. Diaz, and Ya-Ping Sun J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 25422545 (2007) [Abstract]
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Mechanical Characterization of
Nanofiber-Reinforced Composite Adhesives L. Roy
Xu, Lang Li, Charles M. Lukehart, and Huacheng Kuai J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 25462548 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
7, Number 6 (June 2007) pp. 1689-2210 |
C. N. R. Rao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, (i)
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Special IssueSelected Peer-Reviewed Papers from
International Conference on Nano Science and Technology,
1618 March 2006 (ICONSAT 2006), New Delhi, India
Guest Editors: Bodh Raj Mehta and A. K. Sood J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, (ii) (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Inorganic Materials at the WaterToluene
Interface P. John Thomas, Dongbo Fan, and Paul OBrien
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16891694 (2007)
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Novel Vapor Phase Reactions for the
Synthesis and Modification of Carbon Nanotubes and
Inorganic Nanowires A. Govindaraj, S. R. C.
Vivekchand, and C. N. R. Rao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 16951702 (2007) [Abstract]
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Studying Nanoparticles In-Flight:
Applications of Size-Selected Free Nanoparticles F.
E. Kruis, A. Maisels, T. Weber, and E. Hontañón
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17031711 (2007)
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Understanding DNA Based Nanostructures
Prabal K. Maiti, Tod A. Pascal, Nagarajan
Vaidehi, and William A. Goddard III J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 17121720 (2007) [Abstract]
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Morphology and Composition of InAs/GaAs
Quantum Dots S. Heun, G. Biasiol, V. Grillo, E.
Carlino, L. Sorba, G. B. Golinelli, A. Locatelli, T. O.
Mentes, and F. Z. Guo J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
17211725 (2007) [Abstract]
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Growth of Semiconducting Nanocrystals of
CdS and ZnS Ranjani Viswanatha, Sameer Sapra,
Heinz Amenitsch, Barbara Sartori, and D. D. Sarma J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17261729 (2007) [Abstract]
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Stabilising Agent Specific Synthesis of
Multi-Branched and Spherical Au Nanoparticles by Reduction
of AuCl4- by Fe2+ Ions
A. Murugadoss and Arun Chattopadhyay J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17301735 (2007) [Abstract]
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Phase Transformation in Nanoscale IndiumTin
Alloy Particles Embedded in Metallic Matrices Victoria
Bhattacharya and Kamanio Chattopadhyay J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 17361743 (2007) [Abstract]
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Self-Organized Meso-Patterning of Soft
Solids by Controlled Adhesion: Elastic Contact Lithography
Ashutosh Sharma, Manoj Gonuguntla, Rabibrata
Mukherjee, Subash A. Subramanian, and Ravindra C. Pangule J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17441752 (2007) [Abstract]
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Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Under
Hydrostatic Pressure: Raman Experiments and Simulations
Vikram Gadagkar, Surajit Saha, D. V. S. Muthu, Prabal K.
Maiti, Yves Lansac, A. Jagota, Alexander Moravsky, R. O.
Loutfy, and A. K. Sood J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
17531759 (2007) [Abstract]
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Mimicking the Biomineralization of
Aragonite (Calcium Carbonate) Using Reverse-Micelles Under
Ambient Conditions Ashok K. Ganguli, Jahangeer
Ahmed, Sonalika Vaidya, and Tokeer Ahmad J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 17601767 (2007) [Abstract]
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Gadolinium Nanoparticle Based Switchable
Mirrors: Quenching of HydrogenationDehydrogenation
Hysteresis I. Aruna, B. R. Mehta, and L. K.
Malhotra J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17681774
(2007) [Abstract]
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Complete Melting of Charge
Order in Hydrothermally Grown Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3
Nanowires K. N. Anuradha, S. S. Rao, and S. V.
Bhat J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17751778
(2007) [Abstract]
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Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes:
An Atomistic Approach Roby Cherian and Priya
Mahadevan J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17791782
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanotetrapods
and Nanorods by Thermal Evaporation without Catalysis
Jai Singh, R. S. Tiwari, and O. N. Srivastava J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17831786 (2007) [Abstract]
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Vibrational Properties of Single-Wall
Carbon Nanotubes: A First-Principles Study Mousumi
Upadhyay Kahaly and Umesh V. Waghmare J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 17871792 (2007) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Characterization of
Polystyrene-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Fibers
by Electrospinning Bibekananda Sundaray, V.
Subramanian, and T. S. Natarajan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 17931795 (2007) [Abstract]
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Structure and Dynamics of Confined Water
Inside Narrow Carbon Nanotubes Biswaroop
Mukherjee, Prabal K. Maiti, Chandan Dasgupta, and A. K. Sood
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 17961799 (2007)
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Optically Driven Nanorotors: Experiments
and Model Calculations Manas Khan, A. K. Sood,
F. Leonard Deepak, and C. N. R. Rao J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18001803 (2007) [Abstract]
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Improved Critical Current Density of MgB2Carbon
Nanotubes Composite Chandra Shekhar, Rajiv Giri,
S. K. Malik, and O. N. Srivastava J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18041809 (2007) [Abstract]
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Irreversible Pressure-Induced
Transformation of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Surajit
Saha, Vikram Gadagkar, Prabal K. Maiti, D. V. S. Muthu, D.
Golberg, C. Tang, C. Zhi, Y. Bando, and A. K. Sood J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18101814 (2007) [Abstract]
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Formation and Microstructural
Characterization of Coaxial Carbon Cylinders Consisting of
Aligned Carbon Nanotube Stacks P. R.
Mishra, Kalpana Awasthi, and O. N. Srivastava J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18151819 (2007) [Abstract]
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FTIR Spectroscopy of Multiwalled Carbon
Nanotubes: A Simple Approach to Study the Nitrogen Doping
Abha Misra, Pawan K. Tyagi, Padmnabh Rai, and D. S. Misra
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18201823 (2007)
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Amperometric Determination of Hydrogen
Peroxide by Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Through
EDC/NHS Coupling Chemistry D. R. Shobha
Jeykumari and S. Sriman Narayanan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18241830 (2007) [Abstract]
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Stability of Metal Nanowires (d = 15 nm)
Against Electromigration Achyut Bora, Aveek Bid,
and A. K. Raychaudhuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
18311835 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic
Interactions Study of e-Fe3NCrN Nanorods N.
S. Gajbhiye, Sayan Bhattacharyya, S. M. Shivaprasad, and J.
Weissmüller J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18361840
(2007) [Abstract]
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Formation of 1D-Nanowires and 2D
Nanophases in Heteroepitaxy of Sb on High Index Si(5 5 12)
Surface Mahesh Kumar, Govind, V. K. Paliwal, A.
G. Vedeshwar, and S. M. Shivaprasad J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18411844 (2007) [Abstract]
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Development of Composites Incorporating
Carbon Nanofibers and Nanotubes L. M. Manocha,
Jignesh Valand, and S. Manocha J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18451850 (2007) [Abstract]
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Carbon Micro/Nano Spring Structures in
the Absence of Sulphurous Promoter by CCVD Method
Kingsuk Mukhopadhyay, D. Porwal, and K. U. Bhasker Rao
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18511854 (2007)
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Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Using Ni95Ti5
Nanocrystalline Film as a Catalyst Samina Khan,
Zishan H. Khan, K. N. Tripathi, and M. Husain J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18551859 (2007) [Abstract]
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SEM and Raman Spectroscopy of
Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Novel Technique of
Ash Supported Catalysts G. M. Bhalerao, S.
Waugh, Alka Ingale, A. K. Sinha, M. Babu, P. Tiwari, and R. V.
Nandedkar J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18601866
(2007) [Abstract]
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Debye Temperature of Metallic NanowiresAn
Experimental Determination from the Resistance of
Metallic Nanowires in the Temperature Range 4.2 K300 K
Aveek Bid, Achyut Bora, and A. K. Raychaudhuri
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18671870 (2007)
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Extraction of Chlorpyrifos and Malathion
from Water by Metal Nanoparticles A. Sreekumaran
Nair and T. Pradeep J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18711877
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of Gold
Nanorings Y. K. Mishra, D. Kabiraj, I. Sulania,
J. C. Pivin, and D. K. Avasthi J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18781881 (2007) [Abstract]
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Catalytic Activity of Gold Nanoparticles
Incorporated into Modified Zeolites E.
Smolentseva, N. Bogdanchikova, A. Simakov, A. Pestryakov, M.
Avalos, M. H. Farias, A. Tompos, and V. Gurin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18821886 (2007) [Abstract]
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In Situ Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles
in Polymer Matrix and Their Optical Limiting Applications
S. Porel, N. Venkatram, D. Narayana Rao, and T. P.
Radhakrishnan J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18871892
(2007) [Abstract]
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Functional Finishing of Cotton Fabrics
Using Silver Nanoparticles N. Vigneshwaran, A.
A. Kathe, P. V. Varadarajan, R. P. Nachane, and R. H.
Balasubramanya J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 18931897
(2007) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Properties of Iron
Nanoparticles Prepared by Exploding Wire Technique
Abdullah Alqudami, S. Annapoorni, Subhalakshmi Lamba, P.
C. Kothari, and R. K. Kotnala J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 18981903 (2007) [Abstract]
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Glutathione-Induced Aggregation of Gold
Nanoparticles: Electromagnetic Interactions in a Closely
Packed Assembly Soumen Basu and Tarasankar Pal
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19041910 (2007)
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Synthesis of Au Nanoparticles at all
pH by H2O2 Reduction of HAuCl4
Biswa Ranjan Panda and Arun Chattopadhyay
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19111915 (2007)
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Ultra-Thin Crystalline Films of CdSe and
CuSe Formed at the Organic-Aqueous Interface K.
P. Kalyanikutty, Ujjal K. Gautam, and C. N. R. Rao J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19161922 (2007) [Abstract]
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Ethanol and Hydrogen Sensors Based on
ZnO Nanoparticles and Nanowires Chandra Sekhar
Rout, A. R. Raju, A. Govindaraj, and C. N. R. Rao J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19231929 (2007) [Abstract]
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Size-Dependent Gas Sensing Properties of
Indium Oxide Nanoparticle Layers V. N. Singh, B.
R. Mehta, R. K. Joshi, and F. E. Kruis J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 19301934 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Properties
of Mn Doped ZnO Nanoparticles K. C. Barick and
D. Bahadur J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19351940
(2007) [Abstract]
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Effect of Variable Pressure on Growth
and Photoluminescence of ZnO Nanostructures A.
K. Srivastava, N. Gupta, K. Lal, K. N. Sood, and R. Kishore
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19411946 (2007)
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Photodecomposition of Volatile Organic
Compounds Using TiO2 Nanoparticles Ching-Song
Jwo, Ho Chang, Mu-Jnug Kao, and Chi-Hsiang Lin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19471952 (2007) [Abstract]
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Effect of Oxidation Induced Surface
State Formation on the Properties of Colloidal CdSe Quantum
Dots Himani Sharma, Shailesh N. Sharma, Gurmeet
Singh, and S. M. Shivaprasad J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 19531959 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of ZnSe Quantum Dots and ZnSeZnS
Core/Shell Nanostructures Moazzam Ali and D. D.
Sarma J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19601964
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Synthesis of CdSe Nanocrystals in a
Noncoordinating Solvent: Effect of Reaction Temperature
on Size and Optical Properties Angshuman Nag,
Sameer Sapra, S. Chakraborty, S. Basu, and D. D. Sarma J.
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Synthesis and Characterization of
Nanocrystals of the Oxide Metals, RuO2, IrO2, and ReO3
Kanishka Biswas and C. N. R. Rao J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 19691974 (2007) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Nanostructured PZT
Prepared by Chemical Routes N. S. Gajbhiye, P.
K. Pandey, Lyci George, and Abhishek Kumar J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19751979 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of AlZn/Al2O3
Nano-Powder Composites T. G. Durai, Karabi Das,
and Siddhartha Das J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19801984
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Hydrothermal Synthesis of Vanadium Oxide
Nanotubes from Oxide Precursors S. Sharma, J.
Thomas, A. Ramanan, M. Panthöfer, and M. Jansen J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19851989 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanocrystalline Cubic CuFe2O4:
Size Dependent Transition from Ferrimagnetic
toSuperparamagnetic Behaviour M. Banerjee and
Archana Rai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19901993
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Synthesis of AuAg Alloy
Nanoparticles with Au/Ag Compositional Control in SiO2
Film Matrix Sudipto Pal and Goutam De J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 19941999 (2007) [Abstract]
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Influence of Particle Size on Electrical
Transport Properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3
Manganite System G. Venkataiah, Y. Kalyana
Lakshmi, V. Prasad, and P. Venugopal Reddy J.
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Synthesis and Characterization of
Nanocrystalline Cr2O3 and ZrO2
Ceramic Materials A. K. Tyagi, G. Mangamma, M.
Kamruddin, S. Dash, and Baldev Raj J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 20052009 (2007) [Abstract]
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Large Dielectric Constant in Zirconia
Polypyrrole Hybrid Nanocomposites Ashis Dey and
S. K. De J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20102015
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Lattice Strain and Lattice Expansion of
Nanoparticles of MgAl2O4 as a Function
of Particle Size K. C. George, Siby Kurien, and
Jose Mathew J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20162019
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Effect of Size Reduction on Charge
Ordering in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3
Tapati Sarkar, Barnali Ghosh, and A. K.
Raychaudhuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20202024
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Preparation, Characterization, and
Magnetic Studies of Bi0.5X0.5(X = Ca,
Sr)MnO3 Nanoparticles S. S. Rao and
S. V. Bhat J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20252028
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Nanorods of Iron Oxalate Synthesized
Using Reverse Micelles: Facile Route for a-Fe2O3
and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Ashok
K. Ganguli and Tokeer Ahmad J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 20292035 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanocrystalline SnO2
Formation Using Energetic Ion Beam T. Mohanty,
Y. Batra, A. Tripathi, and D. Kanjilal J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 20362040 (2007) [Abstract]
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Thickness Dependent Structural, Magnetic
and Transport Properties of Nanostructured Cobalt Thin
Films A. Sharma, S. Tripathi, R. Brajpuriya, T.
Shripathi, and S. M. Chaudhari J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 20412045 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructuring of InP Surface by
Low-Energy Ion Beam Irradiation S. K. Mohanta,
R. K. Soni, S. Tripathy, S. J. Chua, and D. Kanjilal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20462050 (2007) [Abstract]
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Effect of Grain Boundaries on the Local
Electronic Transport in Nanostructured Films of Colossal
Magnetoresistive Manganites Sohini Kar, Jayanta
Sarkar, Barnali Ghosh, and A. K. Raychaudhuri J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20512054 (2007) [Abstract]
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RF Sputter Deposited Nanocrystalline
(110) Magnetite Thin Film from a-Fe2O3
Target Murtaza Bohra, N. Venkataramani, Shiva
Prasad, Naresh Kumar, D. S. Misra, S. C. Sahoo, and R.
Krishnan J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20552057
(2007) [Abstract]
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Piezoresistivity in Films of
Nanocrystalline Manganites Jayanta Sarkar and A.
K. Raychaudhuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20582062
(2007) [Abstract]
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Gold Nanostructuring on Si Substrate by
Selective Electroless Deposition T. Bhuvana and
G. U. Kulkarni J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20632068
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Meso-Patterning of Thin Polymer Films by
Controlled Dewetting: From Nano-Droplet Arrays to
Membranes Rabibrata Mukherjee, Manoj Gonuguntla,
and Ashutosh Sharma J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20692075
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Structure, Microstructure, and Giant
Magnetoresistance in Nanogranular FeAgNi Thin Films
Ajay Tiwari, S. Rout, P. B. Patil, and M. Senthil Kumar
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20762080 (2007)
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Investigation of Ti Layer Thickness
Dependent Structural, Magnetic, and Photoemission Study
of Nanometer Range Ti/Ni Multilayer Structures Pramod
Bhatt, Ram Prakash, S. M. Chaudhari, V. R. Reddy, and D. M.
Phase J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20812086
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Characterization, and
Assembly of b-In2S3 Nanoparticles B.
Vigneashwari, S. Dash, A. K. Tyagi, P. Parameswaran, V.
Ravichandran, and S. Austin Sunthathiraraj J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20872091 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Study of Polyaniline Deposited
Nanocrystalline Diamond Films for Glucose Detection
Zhenqing Xu, Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, and Ashok Kumar J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20922095 (2007) [Abstract]
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XPS and AFM Studies of Monodispersed
Pb/PbO CoreShell Nanostructures Manika
Khanuja, Shubhra Kala, B. R. Mehta, Himani Sharma, S. M.
Shivaprasad, B. Balamurgan, A. Maisels, and F. E. Kruis
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 20962100 (2007)
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Influence of Nanoparticles on Glass
Transition of Polymers Sunita Srivastava and
Joydeep Kumar Basu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21012104
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles by
Electrolysis of DNA Utilizing Copper as Sacrificial Anode
Dinesh Pratap Singh and Onkar Nath Srivastava J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21052109 (2007) [Abstract]
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Photochemical Synthesis of Biopolymer
Coated AucoreAgshell Type
Bimetallic Nanoparticles Anjali Pal and Kunio
Esumi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21102115
(2007) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical Investigations of
3-(3-Thienyl) Acrylic Acid Protected Nanoclusters and
Planar Gold Surfaces R. G. Nirmal, A. L.
Kavitha, Sheela Berchmans, and V. Yegnaraman J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21162124 (2007) [Abstract]
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Thermal Fluctuations in Histone During
Denaturation K. S. Nagapriya, A. K.
Raychaudhuri, and G. V. Shivashankar J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 21252128 (2007) [Abstract]
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Preparation of Nanosize Polyaniline and
Its Utilization for Microwave Absorber S. M.
Abbas, A. K. Dixit, R. Chatterjee, and T. C. Goel J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21292133 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electrical Readouts of Single and Few
Molecule Systems in Metal-Molecule-Metal Device Structures
Ajit K. Mahapatro and David B. Janes J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21342138 (2007) [Abstract]
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Role of Polyfunctional Organic Molecules
in the Synthesis and Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles
Jadab Sharma, Bhalchandra A. Kakade, Nirmalya K. Chaki, S.
Mahima, and Vijayamohanan K. Pillai J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 21392150 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Characterization and
Catalytic Application of Silver Nanoshell Coated Functionalized
Polystyrene Beads Subhra Jana and Tarasankar Pal
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21512156 (2007)
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A High Performance Lipase Preparation:
Characterization and Atomic Force Microscopy Shweta
Shah, Aparna Sharma, Deepak Varandani, BodhRaj Mehta, and
Munishwar N. Gupta J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21572160
(2007) [Abstract]
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A Study on the Effects of Temperature
and Volume Fraction on Thermal Conductivity of Copper
Oxide Nanofluid Ching-Song Jwo, Ho Chang,
Tun-Ping Teng, Mu-Jnug Kao, and Yu-Ting Guo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21612166 (2007) [Abstract]
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Effects of Nonlinear Forces on Dynamic
Mode Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy Soma
Das, P. A. Sreeram, and A. K. Raychaudhuri J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21672171 (2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Nanostructure on a
Polymer Film Using Atomic Force Microscope Subbiah
Jegadesan, Swaminathan Sindhu, and Suresh Valiyaveettil J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21722175 (2007) [Abstract]
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SPM Characterization of Pulsed Laser
Deposited Nanocrystalline CrN Hard Coatings G.
Mangamma, K. Mohan Kant, M. S. R. Rao, S. Kalavathy, M.
Kamruddin, S. Dash, and A. K. Tyagi J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 21762181 (2007) [Abstract]
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Microstructures of a Pt/Ni/C Multilayer
System: An X-ray Reflectivity and Ion Scattering Study
Sumalay Roy, S. Bera, and B. N. Dev J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 21822185 (2007) [Abstract]
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Micro Raman and Photoluminescence
Spectroscopy of Nano-Porous n and p Type GaN/Sapphire(0001)
Alka Ingale, Suparna Pal, V. K. Dixit, and
Pragya Tiwari J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21862191
(2007) [Abstract]
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Preferred Orientation in Ru Nanocolumns
Induced by Residual Oxygen J. P. Singh, T.
Karabacak, P. Morrow, S. Pimanpang, T.-M. Lu, and G.-C. Wang
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 21922196 (2007)
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Raman Scattering Studies of InP
Nanostructures Created by MeV Sb Ion Implantation
Dipak Paramanik and Shikha Varma J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 21972200 (2007) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Force Microscopy of Nano-Size
Magnetic Domain Ordering in Heavy Ion Irradiated Fullerene
Films Amit Kumar, D. K. Avasthi, J. C. Pivin, R.
M. Papaléo, A. Tripathi, F. Singh, and I. Sulania J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22012205 (2007) [Abstract]
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PEDOT-Au Nanocomposite Films for
Electrochemical Sensing of Dopamine and Uric Acid
J. Mathiyarasu, S. Senthilkumar, K. L. N. Phani, and V.
Yegnaraman J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 22062210
(2007) [Abstract]
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Article] |
7, Number 4/5 (April/May 2007) pp.
1085-1687 |
Special Issue on Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes
Shashadhar Samal, Guest Editor J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7 (2007) [Abstract]
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REVIEWS Modulation
of Structural and Electronic Properties of Fullerene and
Metallofullerenes by Surface Chemical Modifications
Jun Tang, Gengmei Xing, Feng Zhao, Hui Yuan, and Yuliang
Zhao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10851101
(2007) [Abstract]
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Modeling the Structure of Fulleranes and
Their Endohedral Complexes Involving Small Molecules with
Nontrivial Topological Properties Helena Dodziuk J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 11021110 (2007) [Abstract]
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Structure and Dynamics in Self-Organized
C60 Fullerenes Archita Patnaik J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 11111150 (2007) [Abstract]
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Ferromagnetism in C60
Polymers: Pure Carbon or Contamination with Metallic
Impurities? A. V. Talyzin and A. Dzwilewski J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 11511161 (2007) [Abstract]
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Radical Reactions of [60]Fullerene
Mediated by Manganese(III) Acetate Dihydrate Guan-Wu
Wang and Fa-Bao Li J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 11621175
(2007) [Abstract]
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Fullerene Containing Polymers: A Review
on Their Synthesis and Supramolecular Behavior in Solution
Palaniswamy Ravi, Sheng Dai, Chang Wang, and Kam
Chiu Tam J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 11761196
(2007) [Abstract]
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Studying Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Through Encapsulation: From Optical Methods Till Magnetic
Resonance Ferenc Simon J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 11971220 (2007) [Abstract]
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Hole-Doping of Fullerenes and Nanotubes
by Way of Intercalation Chemistry D. Claves J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 12211238 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electrical Properties and Applications
of Carbon Nanotube Structures Prabhakar R.
Bandaru J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 12391267
(2007) [Abstract]
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Carbon Nanotube-Based Functional
Materials for Optical Limiting Yu Chen, Ying
Lin, Ying Liu, James Doyle, Nan He, Xiaodong Zhuang, Jinrui
Bai, and Werner J. Blau J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
12681283 (2007) [Abstract]
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Biological Properties of Carbon
Nanotubes W. Wei, A. Sethuraman, C. Jin, N. A.
Monteiro-Riviere, and R. J. Narayan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 12841297 (2007) [Abstract]
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Advances and Prospects on Biomolecules
Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Daxiang Cui J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 12981314 (2007) [Abstract]
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of Buffer Gas and Vibration Temperature of Carbon Clusters on
Fullerene Formation in a Carbon Plasma A. S.
Fedorov, P. V. Novikov, Yu. S. Martinez, and G. N. Churilov
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13151320 (2007) [Abstract]
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Kekulé Structure Count in
Corazulenic Fullerenes Mircea V. Diudea and
Damir Vukicevic J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13211328
(2007) [Abstract]
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Structural Patterns in Fullerenes
Showing Adjacent Pentagons: C20 to C72
Manuel Alcamí, Goar Sánchez,
Sergio Díaz-Tendero, and Fernando Martín J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13291338 (2007) [Abstract]
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Calculations on Endohedral C74
Complexes Zdenek Slanina, Filip Uhlík,
Shyi-Long Lee, Ludwik Adamowicz, and Shigeru Nagase J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13391345 (2007) [Abstract]
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Structures and Electronic Properties of
M2C2@C78 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf):
A Density Functional Theory Study Xin Wu, Xin
Lu, Kai Tan, and Qianer Zhang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 13461352 (2007) [Abstract]
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Comparative Investigation of Derivatives
of C60 and Its Isomers Li-Hua Gan,
Ruo Yuan, and Chang-Yuan Tao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 13531356 (2007) [Abstract]
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Comparative Process Analysis of
Fullerene Production by the Arc and the Radio-Frequency
Discharge Methods Z. Markovic, B.
Todorovic-Markovic, I. Mohai, Z. Farkas, E. Kovats, J.
Szepvolgyi, D. Otaevic, P. Scheier, S. Feil, and N.
Romcevic J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13571369
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films
Deposited from C60 Monoenergetic Fullerene Ion
Beam V. E. Pukha, A. N. Stetsenko, S. N. Dub,
and J. K. Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13701376
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Allyl-Bearing Dendrimers
with a Resorcinarene Core and Their Supramolecular
Complexes with Fullerene C60 Domínguez
Chavez Jorge G., Gutiérrez Nava Manuel, Flores Maturano
Jacob, Klimova Tatiana, Klimova Elena, and Martínez
García Marcos J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13771385
(2007) [Abstract]
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Complexation of Higher Fullerenes by
Calix[5]arene-Based Host Molecules Takeharu
Haino, Chigusa Fukunaga, and Yoshimasa Fukazawa J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13861388 (2007) [Abstract]
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Can Apomyoglobin Form a Complex with a
Spherical Ligand? Interactions Between Apomyoglobin and
[C60] Fullerene Derivative Jenny
Kolsenik, Bogdan Belgorodsky, Ludmila Fadeev, and Michael
Gozin J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13891394
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Characterization, and
Electrochemical Properties of Mono-, Di-, and Tri-nuclear
Transition Metal [60]Fullerene Complexes Containing
Diphosphine Cis-Ph2PCH-CHPPh2 Ligand
Masahiro Okada and Tsutomu Furuzono J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13951400 (2007) [Abstract]
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AFM Analysis of C60 and a
Poly(amido amine) Dendrimer-C60 Nanoconjugate
Minghui Chai, Anton W. Jensen, Hosam G. Abdelhady, and
Donald A. Tomalia J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14011405
(2007) [Abstract]
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Neutron and X-ray Scattering on the
Monolayer Structure of a Lecithin Fullerene-Derivative
U-Ser Jeng, Tsang-Lang Lin, Kwanwoo Shin, Hsin-Yi Lee,
Chia-Hung Hsu, Zau-Ann Chi, Ming Chih Shih, and Naoya
Torikai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14061413
(2007) [Abstract]
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Phototransformation of C60
Thin Films by UV Pulsed Laser Irradiation: Comparative Photoacoustic,
AFM, and Raman Studies E. Alvarez-Zauco, E. V.
Basiuk (Golovataya-Dzhymbeeva), R.Castañeda-Guzmán,
R. Y. Sato-Berrú, J. M. Saniger-Blesa, M.
Villagrán-Muniz, and J. G. Bañuelos J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14141418 (2007) [Abstract]
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Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Hole
Migration Along Copolymer of Vinylbenzenepyrrolidinofullerene[60]
and N-Vinylcarbazole Takuro Midorikawa, Yasuyuki
Araki, Mamoru Fujitsuka, and Osamu Ito J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 14191426 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electronic Spectra of the Crystalline
Polymers of C60: Photoluminescence Study at High
Pressure K. P. Meletov and G. A. Kourouklis J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14271433 (2007) [Abstract]
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Conductance and Polarisability of C60
Films V. N. Popok, M. Jönsson, and E. E. B.
Campbell J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14341438
(2007) [Abstract]
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Ozone Reaction with Carbon
Nanostructures 1: Reaction Between Solid C60 and C70
Fullerenes and Ozone Franco Cataldo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14391445 (2007) [Abstract]
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Ozone Reaction with Carbon
Nanostructures 2: The Reaction of Ozone with Milled Graphite
and Different Carbon Black Grades Franco
Cataldo J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14461454
(2007) [Abstract]
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Self Assembling of Porphyrin-Fullerene
Dyads in the Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Formation
as well as Spectral, Electrochemical and Vectorial Electron
Transfer Studies Renata Marczak, Krzysztof
Noworyta, Robert Nowakowski, Wlodzimierz Kutner, Bernard
Desbat, Yasuyaki Araki, Osamu Ito, Suresh Gadde, Melvin
E. Zandler, and Francis DSouza J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 14551471 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Novel Building Block for DonorAcceptor
Conjugated Polymers Containing Perylene, Poly(p-phenylenevinylene),
and Fullerene Changshui Huang, Fushen Lu,
Yuliang Li, Haiyang Gan, Tonggang Jiu, Jinchong Xiao, Xinhe
Xu, Shuang Cui, Huibiao Liu, and Daoben Zhu J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14721478 (2007) [Abstract]
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Effects of Hydrated Forms of C60
Fullerene on Amyloid b-Peptide Fibrillization In Vitro
and Performance of the Cognitive Task I.
Ya. Podolski, Z. A. Podlubnaya, E. A. Kosenko, E. A.
Mugantseva, E. G. Makarova, L. G. Marsagishvili, M. D.
Shpagina, Yu. G. Kaminsky, G. V. Andrievsky, and V. K.
Klochkov J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14791485
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanoporous Hard Carbon Membranes for
Medical Applications Roger J. Narayan, Chunming
Jin, Nicola Menegazzo, Boris Mizaikoff, Rosario A. Gerhardt,
Melanie Andara, Arvind Agarwal, Chun-Che Shih, Chun-Ming
Shih, Shing-Jong Lin, and Yea-Yang Su J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 14861493 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Vapor-Liquid-Solid Model for Chemical
Vapor Deposition Growth of Carbon Nanotubes Kaili
Jiang, Chen Feng, Kai Liu, and Shoushan Fan J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 14941504 (2007) [Abstract]
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Application of Molecular Dynamics
Simulations for Structural Studies of Carbon Nanotubes
A. Bródka, J. Koloczek, and A. Burian J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15051511 (2007) [Abstract]
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The Oscillatory Characteristics of a 2C60/CNT
Oscillator System Xiaohong Wang, Hao Xin, Jon N.
Leonard, GuanHua Chen, Allen T. Chwang, and Qing Jiang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15121517 (2007) [Abstract]
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Investigation of the Influence of
Thermostat Configurations on the Mechanical Properties of
Carbon Nanotubes in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
SeongJun Heo and Susan B. Sinnott J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 15181524 (2007) [Abstract]
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Rapid Acid-Mediated Purification of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Homogenization of Bulk
Properties Junxin Li, Khalil Chajara, Jan
Lindgren, and Helena Grennberg J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 15251529 (2007) [Abstract]
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Noncovalent Functionalization of Carbon
Nanotubes with Porphyrins: meso-Tetraphenylporphine and
Its Transition Metal Complexes Elena V. Basiuk,
Vladimir A. Basiuk, Patricia Santiago, and Iván
Puente-Lee J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15301538
(2007) [Abstract]
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A Nanohybrid Material of SWNTs
Covalently Functionalized with Porphyrin for Light Harvesting
Antenna: Synthesis and Photophysical Properties
Dongmei Ren, Zhen Guo, Feng Du, Jianyu Zheng, and
Yongsheng Chen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15391545
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Organometallic Radical-Adducts of
Fullerenes C60, C70, and Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes Derived from
(Cyclopentadienyl)molybdenumtricarbonyl Dimer Rashid
G. Gasanov, Anatolii S. Lobach, Viatcheslav I. Sokolov,
Aleksei P. Demenjev, Konstantin I. Maslakov, and Elena D.
Obraztsova J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15461550
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes
via Dissolving Metal Reductions F. Borondics, E.
Jakab, and S. Pekker J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15511559
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Grafting Reactions of Living Macroanions
with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Durairaj
Baskaran, Georgios Sakellariou, Jimmy W. Mays, and Matthew S.
Bratcher J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15601567
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Comparative Study on SWCNT and DWCNT
Field-Effect Transistors X. L. Liang, S. Wang, X.
J. Duan, Z. Y. Zhang, Q. Chen, J. Zhang, and L.-M. Peng J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15681572 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multicomponent and Multidimensional
Carbon Nanotube Micropatterns by Dry Contact Transfer
Junbing Yang, Liangti Qu, Ye Zhao, Qiuhong Zhang, Liming
Dai, Jeffery W. Baur, Benji Maruyama, Rich A. Vaia,
Eunsung Shin, P. Terrence Murray, Hongxia Luo, and Zhi-Xin Guo
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15731580 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity
Characterization of Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites
T. Borca-Tasciuc, M. Mazumder, Y. Son, S. K.
Pal, L. S. Schadler, and P. M. Ajayan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 15811588 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surfactant Assisted Solid-State
Synthesis and Gas Sensor Application of a SWCNT/SnO2
Nanocomposite Material Jun Lu, Anson Ma, Shihe
Yang, and Ka Ming Ng J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 15891595
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Raman and Electrochemical Impedance
Studies of SolGel Titanium Oxide and Single Walled
Carbon Nanotubes Composite Films M. E. Rincón,
M. E. Trujillo-Camacho, M. Miranda-Hernández, A. K.
Cuentas-Gallegos, and G. Orozco J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 15961603 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Morphology and N2 Permeability of
Multi-Wall Carbon NanotubeTeflon Membranes
Rita Smajda, Ákos Kukovecz, Béla Hopp,
Melinda Mohl, Zoltán Kónya, and Imre Kiricsi
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16041610 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Multiwalled Carbon
Nanotubes-Platinum-Nafion-Glucose Oxidase Nanobiocomposite and
Its Application to Glucose Biosensor Yu-Chen
Tsai and Hui-Yu Chien J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
16111617 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrochemical Biosensor Based on
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Au Nanoparticles Synthesized
in Chitosan Xinhuang Kang, Zhibin Mai, Xiaoyong
Zou, Peixiang Cai, and Jinyuan Mo J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 16181624 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Based
Glucose/O2 Biofuel Cell with Glucose Oxidase and
Laccase as Biocatalysts Yiming Yan, Lei Su, and
Lanqun Mao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16251630
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Oxidation of Estrone at
Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Film Electrode: Direct Evidence
for the Advantage of Carbon Nanotubes Over Other
Carbonaceous Materials Jingjing Yu, Jia Zhao,
Chengguo Hu, and Shengshui Hu J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 16311638 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effects of Antisense-Myc-Conjugated
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on HL-60 Cells Daxiang
Cui, Furong Tian, Sean R. Coyer, Jicun Wang, Bifeng Pan, Feng
Gao, Rong He, and Yafei Zhang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 16391646 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Comparisons of Adsorbent Cost for the
Removal of Zinc (II) from Aqueous Solution by Carbon
Nanotubes and Activated Carbon Chungsying Lu,
Huantsung Chiu, and Hsunling Bai J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 16471652 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Algorithm for Constructing Various
Kinds of Nanojunctions Using Zig-Zag and Armchair Nanotubes
Emre Tasci and Sakir Erkoç J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16531661 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics
Study of Shrinking of Hot Giant Fullerenes
Guishan Zheng, Zhi Wang, Stephan Irle, and Keiji Morokuma
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16621669 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of
Polyamidoamine Dendrimer-Fullerene Conjugates: Generations
Zero Through Four Mark Kujawski, Leela Rakesh,
Kalpesh Gala, Anton Jensen, Bradley Fahlman, Zheng Rui Feng,
and Dillip K. Mohanty J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
16701674 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Stability of Enzymes Adsorbed
onto Nanoparticles Prashanth Asuri, Sandeep S.
Karajanagi, Alexey A. Vertegel, Jonathan S. Dordick, and Ravi
S. Kane J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16751678
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as
Cytocompatible Material for Enhanced Adhesion and Proliferation
of Osteoblast-Like Cells Suna Giannona, Izabela
Firkowska, José Rojas-Chapana, and Michael Giersig J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16791683 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Filler Geometry on Interfacial
Friction Damping in Polymer Nanocomposites J.
Suhr, A. Joshi, L. Schadler, R. S. Kane, and N. A. Koratkar
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 16841687 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
7, Number 3 (March 2007) pp. 721-1083 |
Special SectionSelected Peer-Reviewed Papers on Soft
Nanotechnology Guest Editors: Masatsugu
Shimomura, Kuniharu Ijiro, Masanori Kikuchi, and Junzo Tanaka
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Reconstitution of Hepatic Tissue Architectures with Neonatal
Mouse Liver Cells Using Three-Dimensional Culture
Ai Okamura, Yun-Wen Zheng, Rei Hirochika, Junzo Tanaka,
and Hideki Taniguchi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 721725
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
DNA Microstructure Based on
Self-Assembly of 4-Sticky-End Holiday Junctions in Aqueous
Solution Hiroaki Kii, Takuya Takagi, Akira
Sasaki, Takaharu Okajima, and Masataka Kinjo J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 726729 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves by
Bioabsorbable Polymer Tubes with Fibrin Gel Kazuya
Nakayama, Kazuo Takakuda, Yoshihisa Koyama, Soichiro Itoh, Wei
Wang, Noriaki Shirahama, and Tomokazu Mukai J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 730733 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Application of Oligonucleotide as a
Template for the Assembly of Nucleoamphiphile Bearing Azobenzene
at the AirWater Interface Osamu Haruta and
Kuniharu Ijiro J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 734737
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Material Design of Bioabsorbable
Inorganic/Organic Composites for Bone Regeneration
Kazuo Takakuda, Yoshihisa Koyama, Hiroko N. Matsumoto,
Noriaki Shirahama, Kazumi Akita, Daisuke Shoji, Tetsuro
Ogawa, Masanori Kikuchi, and Junzo Tanaka J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 738741 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Development of A Novel Glue Consisting
of Naturally-Derived Biomolecules: Citric Acid and Human
Serum Albumin Tetsushi Taguchi, Hirofumi Saito,
Masashi Iwasashi, Masataka Sakane, Sachiro Kakinoki, Naoyuki
Ochiai, and Junzo Tanaka J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
742747 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Attempt to Construct the Stroma of
Cornea Using Primary Cultured Corneal Cells Masabumi
Kato, Tetsushi Taguchi, and Hisatoshi Kobayashi J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 748751 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Detection of Influenza Virus
Hemagglutinin with Randomly Immobilized Anti-Hemagglutinin
Antibody on a Carbon Nanotube Sensor Seiji
Takeda, Hiroichi Ozaki, Satoshi Hattori, Atsushi Ishii,
Hiroshi Kida, and Koichi Mukasa J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 752756 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Teleost Fish Scales: A Unique Biological
Model for the Fabrication of Materials for Corneal Stroma
Regeneration Yasuaki Takagi and Kazuhiro Ura
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 757762 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Effect of Pore Size of Self-Organized
Honeycomb-Patterned Polymer Films on Spreading, Focal
Adhesion, Proliferation, and Function of Endothelial Cells
Masaru Tanaka, Aiko Takayama, Emiko Ito, Hiroshi
Sunami, Sadaaki Yamamoto, and Masatsugu Shimomura J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 763772 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Selective Cell Spreading, Proliferation,
and Orientation on Micropatterned Gel Surfaces Yong
Mei Chen, Kui Chuan Shen, Jian Ping Gong, and Yoshihito Osada
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 773779 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Integration of Hydrogels with Hard and
Soft Microstructures Ming Lei, Babak Ziaie, Eric
Nuxoll, Kristóf Iván, Zoltán Noszticzius,
and Ronald A. Siegel J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 780789
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Force Spectroscopy on Single Polymer
Incorporated into Polymer Gels Takaharu Okajima,
Xiang-Ming Tao, Hiroaki Azehara, and Hiroshi Tokumoto J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 790795 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Characterization of
Poly(N-isopropyl-acrylamide) Grafted Tissue Culture
Polystyrene by Electron Beam Irradiation, Using Atomic
Force Microscopy, and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Ai Kushida, Masayuki Yamato, Akihiko
Kikuchi, and Teruo Okano J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
796802 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Micro- and Nano-Patterned Substrates to
Manipulate Cell Adhesion Nathan D. Gallant,
Joseph L. Charest, William P. King, and Andrés J. García
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 803807 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Surface Structural Biomimetics and the
Osteoinduction of Calcium Phosphate Biomaterials
Hongsong Fan, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Junzo Tanaka, and Xingdong
Zhang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 808813 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Micro-Patterned Nanofibrous Biomaterials
Satoshi Igarashi, Junzo Tanaka, and Hisatoshi
Kobayashi J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 814817
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation and Characterization of
Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Nanocomposite Gel Shunji
Yunoki, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Akira Monkawa, Kazushi Ohta, and
Junzo Tanaka J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 818821
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Drug-Supported Microparticles of Calcium
Carbonate Nanocrystals and Its Covering with Hydroxyapatite
Toshiyuki Ikoma, Toru Tonegawa, Hajime Watanaba,
Guoping Chen, Junzo Tanaka, and Yutaka Mizushima J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 822827 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Lysozyme Adsorption onto Mesoporous
Materials: Effect of Pore Geometry and Stability of Adsorbents
Ajayan Vinu, Masahiko Miyahara, Kazi Zakir
Hossain, Motoi Takahashi, Veerappan Vaithilingam
Balasubramanian, Toshiyuki Mori, and Katsuhiko Ariga J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 828832 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Collagen Coating on Hydroxyapatite
Surfaces Modified with Organosilane by Chemical Vapor
Deposition Method Akira Monkawa, Toshiyuki
Ikoma, Shunji Yunoki, Kazushi Ohta, and Junzo Tanaka J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 833838 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal
Ions Containing Hydroxyapatite Microparticles with High
Specific Surface Area Toru Tonegawa, Toshiyuki
Ikoma, Guoping Chen, and Junzo Tanaka J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 839843 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Motility and Structural Polymorphism of
PolymerActin Complex Gel Hyuck Joon Kwon,
Kazuhiro Shikinaka, Akira Kakugo, Hidemitsu Furukawa,
Yoshihito Osada, and Jian Ping Gong J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 844847 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nano-Sized Ceramic Particles of
Hydroxyapatite Calcined with an Anti-Sintering Agent
Masahiro Okada and Tsutomu Furuzono J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 848851 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Preparation of Chitosan Nanofiber Tube
by Electrospinning Atsushi Matsuda, Go Kagata,
Rikako Kino, and Junzo Tanaka J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 852855 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Differences of Internal Structures
Between Amphiphilic and Hydrophobic Block-Copolymer
Nanoparticles Takeshi Higuchi, Hiroshi Yabu, and
Masatsugu Shimomura J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 856858
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Reconstruction of Bone Fenestration on
Mandiblar by the Guided Bone Regeneration Methods with
Membranes Yoshihisa Koyama, Masanori Kikuchi,
Kazuya Edamura, Katsuyoshi Nagaoka, Shigeo Tanaka, Junzo
Tanaka, and Kazuo Takakuda J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 859861 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
REVIEWS Biodegradable
Nanomats Produced by Electrospinning: Expanding
Multifunctionality and Potential for Tissue Engineering
N. Ashammakhi, A. Ndreu, A. M. Piras, L.
Nikkola, T. Sindelar, H. Ylikauppila, A. Harlin, M. E. Gomes,
N. M. Neves, E. Chiellini, F. Chiellini, V. Hasirci, H.
Redl, and R. L. Reis J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 862882
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
ARTICLES Effects of Carrier Gas Dynamics on
Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Chiral Distributions During Laser
Vaporization Synthesis Brian J. Landi and Ryne
P. Raffaelle J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 883890
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Carbon Nanotubes Grown on Stainless
Steel to form Plate and Probe Electrodes for
Chemical/Biological Sensing YeoHeung Yun, Ram
Gollapudi, Vesselin Shanov, Mark J. Schulz, Zhongyun Dong,
Abdul Jazieh, William R. Heineman, H. Brian Halsall,
Danny K. Y. Wong, Adam Bange, Yi Tu, and Srinivas Subramaniam
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 891897 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Thermal-Mechanical Properties of a
Graphitic-Nanofibers Reinforced Epoxy Amin
Salehi-Khojin, Soumen Jana, and Wei-Hong Zhong J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 898906 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Homogeneous Precipitation of Dy2O3
NanoparticlesEffects of Synthesis Parameters
Happy, A. I. Y Tok, L. T. Su, F. Y. C. Boey, and S. H. Ng
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 907915 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Lamellar Phase Supported Synthesis of
Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles, Nanoclusters, and Nanowires
Mandeep Singh Bakshi, Poonam Sharma, Tarlok Singh Banipal,
Gurinder Kaur, Kanjiro Torigoe, Nils O. Petersen, and
Fred Possmayer J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 916924
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Enhanced Delivery of Bioactive Molecules
to Intracellular Environments Utilizing a Cytosolically
Reducable Grafted Analog of Polyethylenimine A.
Braden, M. Roner, J. Ganter, and K. Nelson J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 925936 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Functionalized Nano-Magnetic Particles
for an In Vivo Delivery System Shinji Moritake,
Shu Taira, Yuko Ichiyanagi, Nobuhiro Morone, Si-Young Song,
Takahiro Hatanaka, Shigeki Yuasa, and Mitsutoshi Setou
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 937944 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electric Field Assisted Growth of SelfOrganized
CdS Films: Size Dependent Structural and Optical Properties
Shweta Chaure, N. B. Chaure, and R. K. Pandey
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 945951 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Microwave Assisted Semi-Solvothermal
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Barium Titanate Jong-Min
Lee, Dinesh P. Amalnerkar, Young Kyu Hwang, Sung Hwa Jhung,
Jin-Soo Hwang, and Jong-San Chang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 952959 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Formation of Self-Assembled Glycolipid
Nanotubes with Bilayer Sheets Kaname Yoshida,
Hiroyuki Minamikawa, Shoko Kamiya, Toshimi Shimizu, and Seiji
Isoda J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 960964 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Structural, Magnetic, and Electron
Transport Studies on Nanocrystalline Layered Manganite La1.2Ba1.8Mn2O7
System N. Sudhakar, R. S. Ningthoujam, K. P.
Rajeev, N. S. Gajbhiye, and J. Narayan J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 965969 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spectroscopic Characterization of
Nanocrystalline Chromium Nitride (CrN) G.
Mangamma, T. N. Sairam, S. Dash, M. Rajalakshmi, M. Kamruddin,
V. K. Mittal, S. V. Narasimhan, A. K. Arora, C. S.
Sundar, A. K. Tyagi, and Baldev Raj J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 970976 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Dip-Pen Lithography Using Pens of
Different Thicknesses Neena Susan John and G. U.
Kulkarni J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 977981
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis and Characterization of Mo6S4.5I4.5
Nanowires Daniel Vrbanic, Anton Meden,
Barbara Novosel, Stane Pejovnik, Polona Umek, Maja Ponikvar,
and Dragan Mihailovic J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 982985
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Study of Sago Starch-CdS Nanocomposite
Films: Fabrication, Structure, Optical and Thermal Properties
T. Radhakrishnan, M. K. Georges, P. Sreekumari
Nair, A.S. Luyt, and V. Djokovic J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 986993 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Polymeric Nanocomposites of
Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized in Supercritical
CO2 Baohua Yue, Yubing Wang, Chien-Yueh Huang,
Robert Pfeffer, and Zafar Iqbal J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 9941000 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
In Situ Reaction on Cu(OH)2
Nanoribbons for Controlling Growth of Nanorods Arrays of
Copper Oxalate Shuang Cui, Huibiao Liu, Li
Jiang, Zhifeng Zhong, Xiaoping Feng, Yulan Zhu, and Yuliang Li
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10011005 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Thermal, Structural, Optical, and
Dielectric Properties of (100-x)Li2B4O7x(BaO-Bi2O3-Nb2O5)
Glasses and Glass-Nanocrystal Composites C.
Karthik and K. B. R. Varma J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
10061013 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Characterization of Fine Grain Ba0.995Y0.005TiO3
Ceramics Obtained from GelPrecursor Nanopowder
Marin Cernea, Odile Monnereau, Philip Llewellyn, and
Eugeniu Vasile J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10141020
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication and Size-Dependent Optical
Properties of Copper/Lophine Core/Shell Nanocomposites
Yong Sheng Zhao, Fengqin Hu, Wensheng Yang, Ying Ma,
Hongbing Fu, and Jiannian Yao J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 10211027 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Release of Doxorubicin from Unstabilized
and Stabilized Micelles Under the Action of Ultrasound
Ghaleb A. Husseini, Mario A. Diaz de la Rosa, Tasneem
Gabuji, Yi Zeng, Douglas A. Christensen, and William G. Pitt
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10281033 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis of Beaded and Entwined Carbon
Nanofibers in Ni:Al Alloy Catalyst Debabrata
Pradhan, Maheshwar Sharon, Mukul Kumar, and Yoshinori Ando
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10341038 (2007)
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Nanocrystalline CaO as Adsorbent to
Remove COD from Paper Mill Effluent B. Nagappa
and G. T. Chandrappa J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10391042
(2007) [Abstract]
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Mean Magnetic Moment of Polydisperse
Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles: Correlation Between Grain
Size and Magnetic Moment Distributions J. S. Blázquez,
V. Franco, C. F. Conde, and A. Conde J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 10431051 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Templated Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
with Controlled Diameters Using Organic-Organometallic Block
Copolymers with Tailored Block Lengths Monique
Roerdink, Joris Pragt, Igor Korczagin, Mark A. Hempenius,
Thomas Stöckli, Yanki Keles, Helmut F. Knapp,
Christian Hinderling, and G. Julius Vancso J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10521058 (2007) [Abstract]
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Ellipsoidal CoreShell
Dielectric-Gold Nanostructure: Theoretical Study of the Tunable
Surface Plasmon Resonance Jian Zhu J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10591064 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of One-Dimensional Sodium
Titanate Nanostructures Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei
Qi, Masaki Ichihara, Itaru Honma, and Haoshen Zhou J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10651068 (2007) [Abstract]
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of Erythrocytes with Magnetic Nanoparticles Maria
A. G. Soler, Sônia N. Báo, Gustavo B. Alcântara,
Victor H. S. Tibúrcio, Giane R. Paludo, José
F. B. Santana, Maria H. Guedes, Emília C. D. Lima,
Zulmira G. M. Lacava, and Paulo C. Morais J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 10691071 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Direct Synthesis of
Polyoxometalates-Functionalized Mesoporous Hybrid Silicas
Rongfang Zhang and Chun Yang J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 10721075 (2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Crabwise ZnO Nanowires: Growth and Field
Emission Properties Ting-Jen Hsueh, Cheng-Liang
Hsu, Shoou-Jinn Chang, Chien-Yuan Lu, Yan-Ru Lin, and
I.-Cherng Chen J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10761079
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Field Emission of GaN-Filled Carbon
Nanotubes: High and Stable Emission Current L.
Liao, J. C. Li, C. Liu, Z. Xu, W. L. Wang, S. Liu, X. D. Bai,
and E. G. Wang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 10801083
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
7, Number 2 (February 2007) pp.
387-720 |
REVIEWS Engineering
Protein and Peptide Building Blocks for Nanotechnology
Scott Banta, Zaki Megeed, Monica Casali, Kaushal Rege, and
Martin L. Yarmush J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 387401
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
How to Assess the Risks of
Nanotechnology: Learning from Past Experience J.
Michael Davis J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 402409
(2007) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of Nanopatterns by a Combination of Electron Beam Lithography
and a Self-Assembled Monolayer for an Antibody Nanoarray
Guo-Jun Zhang, Takashi Tanii, Yuzo Kanari, and
Iwao Ohdomari J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 410417
(2007) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Different Sequences
of DNA on Si Substrate by Atomic Force Microscopy and
Gold Nanoparticle Labeling Rong Jin, Xiaoxiao
He, Kemin Wang, Liu Yang, Huimin Li, Yan Jin, and Weihong Tan
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 418423 (2007) [Abstract]
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Systematic Studies of a Self-Assembling
Peptide Nanofiber Scaffold with Other Scaffolds Fabrizio
Gelain, Andrea Lomander, Angelo L. Vescovi, and Shuguang Zhang
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 424434 (2007) [Abstract]
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Doxorubicin-CdS Nanoparticles: A
Potential Anticancer Agent for Enhancing the Drug Uptake of
Cancer Cells Jingyuan Li, Chunhui Wu, Yongyuan
Dai, Renyun Zhang, Xuemei Wang, Degang Fu, and Baoan Chen J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 435439 (2007) [Abstract]
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Interfacial Construction of Gold
Nanoshells on 3-Aminopropyl Triethoxysilane Modified ITO
Electrode Surface for Studying Cytochrome b562
Electrochemistry Aihua Jing, Yong Tan, Yi Wang,
Shaohua Ding, and Weiping Qian J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 440446 (2007) [Abstract]
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Preparation and Characterization of
Grafted Collagen-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Composites
Y. Cao, Y. M. Zhou, Y. Shan, H. X. Ju, and X. J. Xue J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 447451 (2007) [Abstract]
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Mechanical Characterization of
Cellulosic Thecal Plates in Dinoflagellates by Nanoindentation
Ringo K. L. Lau, Alvin C. M. Kwok, W. K. Chan,
T. Y. Zhang, and Joseph T. Y. Wong J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 452457 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2
Nanotube/Hydroquinone Hybrid Structure Yuanyuan
Jia, Alfred Kleinhammes, Harsha Kulkarni, Kristopher McGuire,
L. E. McNeil, and Yue Wu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
458462 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Single-Source Solid-Precursor Method
for Making Eco-Friendly Doped Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Emitting Multi-Color Luminescence K.
Manzoor, V. Aditya, S. R. Vadera, N. Kumar, and T. R. N. Kutty
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 463473 (2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication and Photoluminescent
Properties of Gd2O3:Eu3+
Nanowires in AAO Template Suwen Li, Hongwei
Song, Lixin Yu, Zhongxin Liu, Guohui Pan, Hongquan Yu, QiLin
Dai, Libo Fan, Yanqiang Lei, Tie Wang, Xinguang Ren,
Shaozhe Lu, and Haifeng Zhao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 474480 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis, Characterization, and Green
Luminescence in ZnO Nanocages Michael Snure and
Ashutosh Tiwari J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 481485
(2007) [Abstract]
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Optical Properties of Zigzag Twinned
Geometry of Zn2SnO4 Nanowires
Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, Manoj K. Singh, Ashok Kumar, and
M. Shamsuzzoha J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 486489
(2007) [Abstract]
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Preparation of Orpiment Nanoparticles
and Their Cytotoxic Effect on Cultured Leukemia K562 Cells
Mei Lin, Ziyu Wang, and Dongsheng Zhang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 490496 (2007) [Abstract]
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In Vitro and In Vivo Toxicity of CdTe
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Jing Liu, Guangping Chen, and Carey Pope J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 497503 (2007) [Abstract]
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Facile Fabrication of Magnetic
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with Nickel Nanoparticles Yulin Cao, Jieming
Cao, Mingbo Zheng, Jinsong Liu, Guangbin Ji, and Hongmei Ji J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 504509 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructured Films Employed as Sensing
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Curvelo, R. F. Aroca, A. Riul, Jr., and C. J. L. Constantino
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 510514 (2007) [Abstract]
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Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminum
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Forming T. Laha, Y. Liu, and A. Agarwal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 515524 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Chemical Solution Route to Rapid
Synthesis of Homogeneous Bi100-xSbx
Alloys Nanoparticles at Room Temperature Bo
Zhou and Jun-Jie Zhu J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 525529
(2007) [Abstract]
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Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Nanoparticles
Functionalization and Junction Fabrication Chunyi
Zhi, Yoshio Bando, Guozhen Shen, Chengchun Tang, and Dmitri
Golberg J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 530534
(2007) [Abstract]
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Adsorption of Avermectin on Porous
Hollow Silica Nanoparticles by Supercritical Technology
Zhu-Zhu Li, Jian-Feng Chen, Ying Li, and Li-Xiong Wen J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 535541 (2007) [Abstract]
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Spherical SiO2@GdPO4:Eu3+
CoreShell Phosphors: SolGel Synthesis and
Characterization Cuikun Lin, Bo Zhao, Zhenling
Wang, Min Yu, Huan Wang, Deyan Kong, and Jun Lin J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 542548 (2007) [Abstract]
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Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
Characteristics of Carbon Nanofiber-Polymer Composites
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W. Lawrence J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 549554
(2007) [Abstract]
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Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on
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Temperatures Elias Stathatos and Panagiotis
Lianos J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 555559 (2007) [Abstract]
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Enhanced Electrochemical Detection of
DNA Hybridization with Carbon Nanotube Modified Paste
Electrode Libo Nie, Huishi Guo, Quanguo He,
Jianrong Chen, and Yuqing Miao J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 560564 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructures of Bismuth Sulphide:
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Batabyal, C. Basu, A. R. Das, and G. S. Sanyal J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 565569 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of CarbonNitrogen
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Field Emission Properties Yang Doo Lee, V. D.
Blank, D. V. Batov, S. G. Buga, Yun-Hi Lee, Sahn Nahm, and
Byeong-Kwon Ju J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 570574
(2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Nanocrystalline (Co, Ni)Al2O4
Spinel Powder by Mechanical Milling of Quasicrystalline
Materials T. P. Yadav, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, R. S.
Tiwari, and O. N. Srivastava J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 575579 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Simple Route to Ultra Long SiC
Nanowires K. F. Cai, Q. Lei, and A. X. Zhang J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 580583 (2007) [Abstract]
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Analysis of Stress Responsive Genes
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Adaikkappan Periakaruppan, Olufisayo Jejelowo, Renard
Thomas, Enrique V. Barrera, Allison C. Rice-Ficht, Bobby L.
Wilson, and Govindarajan T. Ramesh J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 584592 (2007) [Abstract]
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Structure and Photoluminescent
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Nanocrystals Guohui Pan, Hongwei Song, Lixin Yu,
Zhongxin Liu, Xue Bai, Yanqiang Lei, Libo Fan, Shaozhe Lu, and
Xinguang Ren J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 593601
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanostructured CaWO4, CaWO4:Pb2+
and CaWO4:Tb3+ Particles:
Polyol-Mediated Synthesis and Luminescent Properties
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Xiaoming Liu, Min Yu, and Jun Lin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 602609 (2007) [Abstract]
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On the Effect of Nanocrystallization and
Disorder on the Magnetic Properties of Cu-Rich FeMnCu Alloys
S. J. Stewart, J. F. Marco, P. Crespo, J. J.
Romero, A. Martínez, A. Hernando, F. J. Palomares, and
J. M. González J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 610617
(2007) [Abstract]
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Growth Aspects of Photochemically
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C. R. Rocha and Daniela Zanchet J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 618625 (2007) [Abstract]
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Preparation of Poly(MAA-g-EG) Hydrogel
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He, Aigui Li, Qiuxia Yang, and Anjie Dong J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 626633 (2007) [Abstract]
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Millable Polyurethane/Organoclay
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M. Arroyo, A. Marcos, M. Khayet, and J. P. G. Villaluenga J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 634640 (2007) [Abstract]
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Sputter Deposition of Self-Organized
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Bose, and Pushan Ayyub J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
641646 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes
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Deliang Tao, and Jiqing Wang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
7, 647652 (2007) [Abstract]
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Influence of Surface Electrode on
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Electroluminescent Device Keisuke Sato and Kenji
Hirakuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 653657
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanoindentation Studies on Amorphous,
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Bhatt, S. K. Pabi, and B. S. Murty J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 658662 (2007) [Abstract]
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Aerosol OT Reverse Micelle Smritimoy Pramanik,
Debasmita Das, Kaushik Das, and Subhash Ch. Bhattacharya J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 663667 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of TiO2-Based
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Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 668672 (2007) [Abstract]
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A Template-Based Electrochemical Method
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and Jianhua Zheng J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 673676
(2007) [Abstract]
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Solvothermal Synthesis of CdS Nanorods:
Role of Basic Experimental Parameters Anuja
Datta, Soumitra Kar, Jay Ghatak, and Subhadra Chaudhuri J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 677688 (2007) [Abstract]
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Multipod ZnO Nanoforms: Low Temperature
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Soumitra Kar, Subhajit Biswas, Gautam Majumdar, and Subhadra
Chaudhuri J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 689695
(2007) [Abstract]
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Catalyst-Free Template-Synthesis of ZnO
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Jianyi Lin, Chuan Jun Liu, and Thye Shen Wee J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 696699 (2007) [Abstract]
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Doped ZnO Nanowires Obtained by Thermal
Annealing C. X. Shan, Z. Liu, C. C. Wong, and S.
K. Hark J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 700703
(2007) [Abstract]
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Pattern Formation in Nanoporous Titania
Templates C. Richter, Z. Wu, and L. Menon J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 704707 (2007) [Abstract]
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Sunlight-Driving Formation and
Characterization of Size-Controlled Gold Nanoparticles
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Nanotechnol. 7, 708711 (2007) [Abstract]
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Colorimetric Detection of Copper Ions Using L-Cysteine
Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Wenrong Yang,
J. Justin Gooding, Zhicong He, Qiong Li, and Guonan Chen J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 712716 (2007) [Abstract]
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Diffusion in SixGe1-x/Si
Nanowire Heterostructures Xi Zhang, Joseph Kulik,
and Elizabeth C. Dickey J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
717720 (2007) [Abstract]
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Article] |
7, Number 1 (January 2007) pp. 1-386 |
Special Issue on Nanotechnology for Information Storage
Guest Editors: Yihong Wu and Towchong Chong J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7 (2007) [Abstract]
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REVIEWS Tunneling
Magnetoresistive Heads for Magnetic Data Storage
Sining Mao J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 112
(2007) [Abstract]
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Exchange Coupling and Its Applications
in Magnetic Data Storage Kebin Li, Yihong Wu,
Zaibing Guo, Yuankai Zheng, Guchang Han, Jinjun Qiu, Ping
Luo, Lihua An, and Tiejun Zhou J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 1345 (2007) [Abstract]
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Advanced Modeling Techniques for
Micromagnetic Systems M. B. A. Jalil, S. G. Tan,
and X. Z. Cheng J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 4664
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanophase Change for Data Storage
Applications L. P. Shi and T. C. Chong J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 6593 (2007) [Abstract]
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Application of Femtosecond-Laser Induced
Nanostructures in Optical Memory Yasuhiko
Shimotsuma, Masaaki Sakakura, Kiyotaka Miura, Jiarong Qiu,
Peter G. Kazansky, Koji Fujita, and Kazuyuki Hirao J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 94104 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nanoscale Ferroelectric Information
Storage Based on Scanning Nonlinear Dielectric Microscopy
Yasuo Cho J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 105116
(2007) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM)
Yuankai Zheng, Yihong Wu, Kebin Li, Jinjun Qiu,
Guchang Han, Zaibing Guo, Ping Luo, Lihua An, Zhiyong
Liu, Li Wang, Seng Ghee Tan, Baoyu Zong, and Bo Liu J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 117137 (2007) [Abstract]
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Molecular Memory Based on NanowireMolecular
Wire Heterostructures Chao Li, Bo Lei, Wendy Fan,
Daihua Zhang, M. Meyyappan, and Chongwu Zhou J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 138150 (2007) [Abstract]
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Defect-Tolerant Architectures for
Nanoelectronic Crossbar Memories Dmitri B.
Strukov and Konstantin K. Likharev J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 151167 (2007) [Abstract]
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Power Dissipation in Spintronic Devices:
A General Perspective Supriyo Bandyopadhyay J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 168180 (2007) [Abstract]
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MEMS-Based Probe Recording Technology
Jiaping Yang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
181192 (2007) [Abstract]
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Silicon Nanocrystal Memories: A Status
Update Christian Monzio Compagnoni, Riccardo
Gusmeroli, Daniele Ielmini, Alessandro S. Spinelli, and
Andrea L. Lacaita J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 193205
(2007) [Abstract]
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FePt Nanocluster Films for High-Density
Magnetic Recording Y. F. Xu, M. L. Yan, and D.
J. Sellmyer J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 206224
(2007) [Abstract]
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Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Arrays
for Patterned Magnetic Recording Media Hirotaka
Sato and Takayuki Homma J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
225231 (2007) [Abstract]
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Optical Response of Photopolymer
Materials for Holographic Data Storage Applications
J. T. Sheridan, M. R. Gleeson, C. E. Close, and J. V.
Kelly J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 232242 (2007) [Abstract]
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Physics of Perpendicular Recording with
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Yazan Hijazi, Nissim Amos, Esnick Felissaint, Nikhil Joshi, R.
Ikkawi, Roman Chomko, and Dmitri Litvinov J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 243254 (2007) [Abstract]
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Morphology of Epitaxial Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
M. Mizuguchi, Y. Suzuki, T. Nagahama and S. Yuasa J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 255258 (2007) [Abstract]
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Manipulating Spin Current in the
Magnetic Nanopillar T. Yang, A. Hirohata, T.
Kimura, and Y. Otani J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 259264
(2007) [Abstract]
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Tuning the Exchange Bias in
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Mixtures Made with an Ion-Beam Deposition Technique
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Lierop J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 265271 (2007) [Abstract]
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Self-Organized Magnetic Nanowire Arrays
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Prida, K. R. Pirota, D. Navas, A. Asenjo, M. Hernández-Vélez,
and M.Vázquez J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 272285
(2007) [Abstract]
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Nanolubrication: Patterned Lubricating
Films Using Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation on Hard Disks
J. Zhang, S. M. Hsu, and Y. F. Liew J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 286292 (2007) [Abstract]
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Toward Understanding the Mechanism of
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Nano-Optical Memory Taek Sung Lee, Hyun Seok
Lee, Byung-ki Cheong, Jeung-hyun Jeong, Dae-Hwan Kang, Wu
Zhe, Won Mok Kim, Donghwan Kim, and Kyuman Cho J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 293297 (2007) [Abstract]
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Simulation-Based Comparison of Cell
Design Concepts for Phase Change Random Access Memory
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Heinrich Kurz J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 298305
(2007) [Abstract]
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Two-Dimensional Ultrahigh-Density X-ray
Optical Memory Hakob (Akop) P. Bezirganyan,
Siranush E. Bezirganyan, Hayk H. Bezirganyan Jr., and
Petros H. Bezirganyan, Jr. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7,
306315 (2007) [Abstract]
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Ge Quantum Dot Memory Structure with
Laterally Ordered Highly Dense Arrays of Ge Dots
A. G. Nassiopoulou, A. Olzierski, E. Tsoi, I. Berbezier,
and A. Karmous J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 316321
(2007) [Abstract]
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Experimental Study of Single-Electron
Phenomena in Silicon Nanocrystal Memories C.
Pace, F. Crupi, D. Corso, and S. Lombardo J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 322328 (2007) [Abstract]
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Performance of Silicon Nanocrystal
Non-Volatile Memory Devices Under Various Programming
Mechanisms C. Y. Ng, T. P. Chen, J. I. Wong, M.
Yang, T. S. Khor, C. L. New, C. M. Li, A. D. Trigg, and S. Li. J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 329334 (2007) [Abstract]
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Charge-Trapping Effects Caused by
Ammonia in Carbon Nanotubes Hong Li, Qing Zhang,
Ning Peng, Ningyi Liu, Yi Chau Lee, Ooi Kiang Tan, Nicola
Marazari, and Carl V. Thompson J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 335338 (2007) [Abstract]
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Nonvolatile Memory Devices with NiSi2/CoSi2
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Joo, Kuyoul Jung, and Kyung-Ho Shin J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 344349 (2007) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of
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Kang, Shifan Shi, G. X. Miao, Zhiyong Jia, David E. Nikles,
and J. W. Harrell J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 350355
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Iron Oxide Shell as the
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CoreShell Magnetic Nanoparticles Xiaowei
Teng and Hong Yang J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 356361
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Optical Features of Noble-Metal-Oxide
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Liu and Toshio Fukaya J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 362367
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Two-Silicon-Nanocrystal Layer Memory
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Near-Field Recording Yung-Chiun Her, Bou-Yin
Liao, Wei-Chih Hsu, and Song-Yeu Tsai J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 374380 (2007) [Abstract]
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Statistical Study of Effective
Anisotropy Field in Ordered Ferromagnetic Nanowire Arrays
S. Zhao, L. Clime, K. Chan, F. Normandin, H. Roberge, A.
Yelon, R. W. Cochrane, and T. Veres J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnol. 7, 381386 (2007) [Abstract]
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