in Nanotechnology Book Series
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational
Nanotechnology Vols. 1-10

Handbook of Semiconductor
Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vols. 1-5
Handbook of
Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in
Nanobiotechnology, Vols. 1-2

Polymeric Nanostructures and
Their Applications Vols. 1-2
Handbook of Organic-Inorganic
Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Vols. 1-2

Functional Nanomaterials

Molecular Nanoelectronics

Magnetic Nanostructures

Quantum Dots and Nanowires

Functionalization and Surface Treatment of

Nanoclusters and


Cancer Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical
2, Number 6 (December 2002) |
Nanoporous Materials
Sebastian Polarz and B. Smarsly [Abstract]
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DNA Directed Magnetic Network
Formations with Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles
H. Y. Lee, Y. Scaho, T. Kanki, H. Tanaka, H. Shirakawa, J.
W. Cheon, J. H. Yoon, N. J. Kang, J. I. Park, and T. Kawai
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Article] Novel Synthesis of Polymorphous
Nanocrystalline KNbO3 by a Low Temperature
Solution Method Jun-Feng Liu, Xiao-Lin, Li, and
Ya-Dong Li [Abstract]
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Raman-Active Modes of
Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Derived from the Gas-phase
Decompostion of CO (HiPco Process)
G. Chen, G.U. Sumanasekera, B.K. Pradhan, R. Gupta, P.C.
Eklund, M.J. Bronikowski, and R.E. Smalley [Abstract]
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Article] Fabrication of Ordered Arrays
of InP Microstrucures by Wet Chemical Etching with Au
Masks G.Su, Q. Guo, and R.E. Palmer [Abstract]
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Article] A Study of Polyyaniline-Carbon
Nanotube Composities S.R.C. Vivekehand, L.
Sudheendra, A. Govindaraj, and C.N.R. Rao [Abstract]
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Article] Nanofriction Behavior of
Cluster-Assembled Carbon Films A. Podesta, G.
Fantoni, P. Milani, M. Ragazzi, D. Donadio, and L. Colombo
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Article] Size-Dependent Absorption and
Defect States in CdSe Nanocrystals in Various Multilayer
Structures D. Nesheva, Z. Levi, Z. Aneva, I.
Zrinscak, C. Main, and S. Reynolds [Abstract]
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Article] Nanosensor for Vivo Measurement
of the Carcinogen Benzo [a] Pyrene in a single Cell
P. M. Kasili, B. M. Cullum, G. D. Griffin, and T. Vo-Dinh
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Article] The Effect of Substituents on
Molecular Electronic Junctions Nikita Matsunaga
and Karl Sohlberg [Abstract]
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Article] Stoichiometric Complexes
Between Cyclic Phenylazomethines and a Dialkyl Phosphate for
Molecular Tiling at the Air Water Interface Katsuhiko
Ariga, Ryutaro Tanaka, Jun-ichi Kikuchi, Masayoshi Higuchi,
and Kimihisa Yamamoto [Abstract]
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Article] Fabrication and Properties of
Spray Dried Nanostructured Spherical Ni(OH)2
Materials K. Konstantinov, S. Zhong, C. Y. Wang,
H. K. Liu, and S. X. Dou [Abstract]
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Article] Computational Engineering of
Metallic Nanostructures and Nanomachines M. Rieth
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Article] Molecular Dynamics Study of
Hypothetical Silicon Nanotubes Using Tersoff Potential
Jeong Wong Kang, Jae Jeong Seo, and Ho Jung Hwang
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Article] |
2, Number 5 (October 2002) |
pp.441-451 Inherently
Conducting Polymeric Nanostructures Gordon G.
Wallace and Peter C. Innis [Abstract]
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pp.453-456 A Simple Method for
Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanorods I. N.
Kholmanov, A. Kharlamov,E. Barborini, C. Lenardi, A. Li Bassi,
C. E. Bottani, C. Ducati, S. Maffi, N. V. Kirillov, and
P. Milani [Abstract]
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Article] pp.457-461 Functionalization of
Carbon Nanotubes with Bovine Serum Albumin in Homogeneous
Aqueous Solution Kefu Fu, Weijie Huang, Yi Lin,
Donghui Zhang, Timothy W. Hanks, Apparao M. Rao, and
Ya-Ping Sun [Abstract]
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Article] pp.463-465 Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance of Molecular Hydrogen Trapped in Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotube Bundles Masashi Shiraishi and
Masafumi Ata [Abstract]
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Article] pp.467-470 Possible Existence
of a Higher Coverage Quasi One-Dimensional Phase of Argon
Absorbed on Bundles of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
S. Talapatra, D. S. Rawat, and A. D. Migone [Abstract]
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Article] pp.471-473 Observation of
Assembly of Fluorescent Si Nanoparticles Under the Influence
of Electric Current A. Smith, S. Chaieb, A. Al
Aql, M. Alsalhi, and M. H. Nayfeh [Abstract]
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pp.475-480 Plasma Enhanced
Chemical Vapor Deposition of Multiwalled Carbon
Nanofibers Kristopher Matthews, Brett A. Cruden,
Bin Chen, M. Meyyappan, and Lance Delzeit [Abstract]
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Article] pp.481-484 High Yield of Pure
Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes From the Catalytic Decomposition
of Acetylene on in-situ formed Cobalt Nanoparticles
Sandrine Delpeux, Katarzyna Szostak, Elzbieta Frackowiak,
Sylvie Bonnamy, and François Béguin
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Article] pp.485-490 Mechanical and
Magnetic Properties of Nickel-Dispersed Tetragonal
Zirconia Nanocomposites H. Kondo, T. Sekino, Y. H.
Choa, T. Kusunose, T. Nakayama, M. Wada, T. Adachi, and
K. Niihara [Abstract]
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Article] pp.491-494 Application of
Ni:SiO2 Nanocomposite to Control Carbon Deposition
on the Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane N. L.
V. Carreno, E. R. Leite, E. Longo, P. N. Lisboa-Filho, A.
Valentini, L. F. D. Probst, and W. H. Schreiner
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Article] pp.495-498 A Raman Study of
CdSe and ZnSe Nanostructures Pallavi V.
Teredesai, F. Leonard Deepak, A. Govindarja, A. K. Sood, and
C. N. R. Rao [Abstract]
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Article] pp.499-502 Raman Studies of
Semiconducting Oxide Nanobelts K. Mcguire, Z. W.
Pan, Z. L. Wang, D. Milkie, J. Menendez, and A. M. Rao
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Article] pp.503-507 Bending Properties
of Carbon Nanotubes Encapsulating Solid Nanowires
D. Danailov, P. Keblinski, S. Nayak, and P. M. Ajayan
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Article] pp.509-515 Wet-Chemical
Synthesis and Properties of CoPt and CoPt3 Alloy
Nanoparticles Christoph Frommen, Harald Rösener,
and Dieter Fenske [Abstract]
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Article] pp.517-521 Mechanical Alignment
of Quasi One-Dimensional Nanoparticles M. D.
Frogley and H. D. Wagner [Abstract]
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Article] pp.523-534 Modeling of the
HiPco Process for Carbon Nanotube Production. I.
Chemical Kinetics Christopher E. Dateo, Tahir
Gokcen, and M. Meyyappan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.535-544 Modeling of the
HiPco Process for Carbon Nanotube Production. II.
Reactor-Scale Analysis Tahir Gokcen, Christopher
E. Dateo, and M. Meyyappan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.545-555 Electromagnetic
Fields on a Quantum Scale Dale M. Grimes and
Craig A. Grimes [Abstract]
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Article] pp.557-580 The Exact
Electromagnetic Field Description of Photon Emission,
Absorption, and Radiation Pattern Dale M. Grimes
and Craig A. Grimes [Abstract]
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Article] |
2, Number 3/4 (June/August 2002) |
Special Issue on
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pp.235-266 Issues of
Nanoelectronics: A Possible Roadmap Kang L. Wang
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Article] pp.267-279 Nanometer-scale
Organic Thin Film Transistors from Self-Assembled
Monolayers Dominique Vuillaume [Abstract]
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Article] pp.281-291 Magnetic
Nanostructures and Materials for Magnetic Random Access
Memory Jianbiao Dai, Jinke Tang, Sheng Teng Hsu,
and Wei Pan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.293-312 Nanostructured
Ceramics for Biomedical Implants Shane A.
Catledge, Marc D. Fries, Yogesh K. Vohra, William R.
Lacefield, Jack E. Lernons, Shanna Woodard, and Ramakrishna
Venugopalan [Abstract]
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pp.313-315 Lithographic
Fine-Tuning of VCSEL Pumped 2-D Photonic Crystal Lasers
J. R. Cao, Po-Tsung Lee, Sang-Jun Choi, John D. O'Brien,
and P. Daniel Dapkus [Abstract]
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Article] pp.317-320 Photostable
Luminescent Nanoparticles as Biological Label for Cell
Recognition of System Lupus Erythematosus Patients
Xiaoxiao He, Kemin Wang, Weihong Tan, Jun Li, Xiaohai
Yang, Shasheng Huang, Du Li, and Dan Xiao [Abstract]
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Article] pp.321-322 Fine-Pitched
Microgratings Encoded by Interference of UV Femtosecond Laser
Pulses Hayato Kamioka, Taisuke Miura, Ken-ichi
Kawamura, Masahiro Hirano, and Hideo Hosono [Abstract]
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pp.323-332 Performance of
AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors at Nanoscale Gate
Lengths J. W. Johnson, F. Ren, S. J. Pearton, A.
G. Baca, J. Han, A. M. Dabiran, and P. P. Chow [Abstract]
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Article] pp.333-342 A Majority-Logic
Nanodevice Using A Balanced Pair of Single-Electron Boxes
Takahide Oya, Tetsuya Asai, Takashi Fukui, and
Yoshihito Amemiya [Abstract]
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Article] pp.343-349 A Multi-Nano-Dot
Circuit and Structure Using Thermal-Noise Assisted Tunneling
for Stochastic Associative Processing Takashi
Morie, Tomohiro Matsuura, Makoto Nagata, and Atsushi Iwata
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Article] pp.351-355 A Two-Stage Shift
Register for Clocked Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata
Alexei O. Orlov, Ravi Kummamuru, R. Ramasubramaniam, Craig
S. Lent, Gary H. Bernstein, and Gregory L. Snider
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Article] pp.357-361 Spatial Patterning
of Colloidal Nanoparticle-Based Thin Film by A Combinative
Technique of Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly and Lithography
Feng Hua, Yuri Lvov, and Tianhong Cui [Abstract]
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Article] pp.363-368 Fundamental Device
Design Considerations in the Development of Disruptive
Nanoelectronics R. Singh, J. O. Poole, K. F.
Poole, and S. D. Vaidya [Abstract]
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Article] pp.369-373 Nanocantilever
Signal Transduction Using Electron Transfer P.
G. Datskos and T. G. Thundat [Abstract]
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Article] pp.375-381 Phage Display
Antibody-Based Proteomic Device Using Resonance-Enhanced
Detection Norbert Stich, Arminder Gandhum,
Viatcheslav Matyushin, Jos Raats, Christian Mayer, Yilmaz
Alguel, and Thomas Schalkhammer [Abstract]
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Article] pp.383-390 Operation Kinetics
of A DNA-Based Molecular Switch Friedrich C.
Simmel, Bernard Yurke, and Rishi J. Sanyal [Abstract]
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Article] pp.391-396 DNA Binding to
Fluorescent Ruthenium Species Released from Calcium Phosphate/
Nanoporous Silicon Structures Xin Li and Jeffery
L. Coffer [Abstract]
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Article] pp.397-404 Covalent Attachment
of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates Karen A.
Stevenson, G. Muralidharan, Leon Maya, Jack C. Wells, Jacob
Barhen, and Thomas Thundat [Abstract]
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Article] pp.405-409 Development of
Organic Dye-Doped Silica Nanoparticles for Bioanalysis and
Biosensors Rovelyn Tapec, Xiaojun Julia Zhao,
and Weihong Tan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.411-416 Polyelectrolyte
Microshells as Carriers for Fluorescent Sensors: Loading and
Sensing Properties of a Ruthenium-Based Oxygen Indicator
Michael J. McShane, J. Quincy Brown, Kyle B. Guice,
and Yuri M. Lvov [Abstract]
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Article] pp.417-420 Optical Spectra of
Nanowires of Cu and Zn Chalcogenides F. Leonard
Deepak, A. Govindaraj, and C. N. R. Rao [Abstract]
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Article] pp.421-426 InAs Quantum Dots
Capped with GaAs, In0.4Ga0.6As Dots
and In0.2Ga0.8As Well
Y. Fu, S. M. Wang, F. Ferdost, M. Sadeghi, and A. Larsson
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Article] pp.427-433 Effects of Nanometer
Thick Passivation Layers on the Mechanical Response of Thin
Gold Films Bart C. Prorok and Horacio D.
Espinosa [Abstract]
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pp.435-440 Engineering in
Nanocosm: Nanorobotics Moves Kilograms of Weight
V. Klocke [Abstract]
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Article] |
2, Number 2 (April2002) |
pp.113-123 Chemical
Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes Susan B.
Sinnott [Abstract]
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pp.125-128 Synthesis of SnO2
Nanoribbons by Carbothermal Reduction Process E.
R. Leite, J. W. Gomes, M. M. Oliveira, E. H. Lee, E. Longo, J.
A. Varela, C. A. Paskocimas, T. M. Boschi, F. Lanciotti Jr.,
P. S. Pizani, and P. C. Soares Jr. [Abstract]
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Article] pp.129-132 Nanoencapsulation of
[60]Fullerene by a Novel Sugar-based Polymer C.
N. Murthy, S. J. Choi, and K. E. Geckeler [Abstract]
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Article] pp.133-137 Surface Modification
of Titanium Carbide by Carbyne-Containing Nanocoatings
G.M. Demyashev, A.L. Taube, and E. Siores [Abstract]
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Article] pp.139-142 Variable-Temperature
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling
Spectroscopy Study of Copper Phthalocyanine Ultrathin Films on
Au(111) Surface M. S. Xu, J. B. Xu, K. Xue,
J. An, J. Z. He, and I. H. Wilson [Abstract]
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Article] pp.143-146 Self-Assembled
Nanocomposites of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid:
2,4-Dicholophenoxyacetate in Zn-Al Hydrotalcite-like Layers
Mohm Zobir bin Hussein, Junainah Bt. Mohd. Amin,
Zulkarnain Zainal, and Asmah Hj Yahaya [Abstract]
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Article] pp.147-150 Quasi-linear
Assemblies of Silver Nanoparticles by Highly Localized Anodic
Dissolution of Copper in Hydrosol Anand Gole,
Chandan Ganpule, Renu Pasrichal, and Murali Sastry [Abstract]
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pp.151-154 Light Emitting
Devices Based on Ruthenium (II) Bipyridine Complexes Coupled
with Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Xiong Gong,
Po King Ng, and Wai Kin Chan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.155-160 Effects of Hydrogen
on the Formation of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor
Deposition Lifeng Dong, Jun Jiao, Sean Foxley,
David W. Tuggle, Catherine L. Mosher, and Georg H.
Grathoff [Abstract]
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Article] pp.161-169 Grain Growth in
NanocrystallineYttrium-Stabilized-Zirconia Thin Films
Synthesized by Spin Coating of Polymeric Precursors
Junhang Dong, Michael Z. Hu, E. Andrew Payzant, Timothy R.
Armstrong, and Paul F. Becher [Abstract]
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Article] pp.171-176 New Poly(butylenes
succinate)/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites: Preparation and
Mechanical Properties Suprakas Sinha Ray,
Kazuaki Okamoto, Pralay Maiti, and Masami Okamoto [Abstract]
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Article] pp.177-181 Optical Properties
of Synthetic SiO2/CdS/Poly(styrene-co-maleic
anhydride) and SiO2/CdS/Poly(styrene-co-maleimide)
Nanocomposites Ana Catarina C. Esteves, Olinda
C. Monteiro, Ana M.V. Barros-Timmons, Claude Boemare, M. J.
Soares, Teresa Monteiro, and Tito Trindade [Abstract]
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Article] pp.183-187 Structural and
Magnetic Properties of Evaporated Nanostructured Fe/V
Multilayers N.H. Duc, L. Lechevallier, A.
Fnidiki, T.M. Danh, J. Teillet, P. Bencok, O. Heckmann, A.
Gibaud, S. Hazra, and K. Hricovini [Abstract]
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Article] pp.189-196 Nanocrystalline
Sensor-Grade Sn1-xInxO2 (0
< x < 0.2) K. I. Gnanasekar, X. Jiang,
J.C. Jiang, Deryn Chu, and B. Rambabu [Abstract]
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Article] pp.197-201 Bimetallic Catalyst
for Synthesizing Quasi-aligned Well Graphitized Multiwalled
Carbon Nanotube Bundles in Large Scale by Catalytic Chemical
Vapor Deposition Method Kingsuk Mukhopadhyay and
Gyanesh Narayan Mathur [Abstract]
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Article] pp.203-207 Fabrication and
Characterization of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on
Silicon Substrates Using Porous Alumina Nanotemplates
Wenchong Hu, Liming Yuan, Zhi Chen, Dawei Gong, and Kozo
Saito [Abstract]
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Article] pp.209-227 Transport Properties
of Nanosystems: Viscosity of Nanofluids Confined in Slit
Nanopores L. A. Pozhar, E. P. Kontar, and
Michael Z.-C. Hu [Abstract]
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Article] pp.229-234 Atomic Force
Microscopy Study of the Interaction of Fusarium solani pisi
Cutinase with Lipid Surfaces P. Fojan, T.
Rasmussen, C. O. Sunesen, and S. B. Petersen [Abstract]
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Article] |
2, Number 1 (February 2002) |
pp.1-24 Organic-Inorganic
Nanostructured Colloids E. Bourgeat-Lami
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pp.25-28 Preparation of
Graphitic Carbon Nanofibers Using Water-Soluble Supports
Eve S. Steigerwalt and C. M. Lukehart [Abstract]
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Article] pp.29-32 Layer-by-Layer
Nanostructured Hybrid Films of Polyaniline and Vanadium
Oxide Marystela Ferreira, Valtencir Zucolotto,
Fritz Huguenin, Roberto M. Torresi, and Osvaldo N.
Oliveira Jr. [Abstract]
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Article] pp.33-35 A Perfect Carbon
Nanotube with Two Closed Ends Xianboa Wang, Yunqi
Liu, and Daoben Zhu [Abstract]
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Article] pp.37-40 Atomic Force
Microscopic Observation of the Molecular Orientation in
Ultrathin Films of Alkanoic Acid-Derivatized Porphyrins on
Mica Surface Toyoko Imae, Tohru Niwa, and Zhijun
Zhang [Abstract]
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Article] pp.41-44 Molecular Recognition
by Wall-Assembling-Type Nanocavity in Aqueous Media
Katsuhiko Ariga, Daisuke Sakai, Toshiyuki Ogata, and
Jun-ichi Kikuchi [Abstract]
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Article] pp.45-46 Nanocrystalline
a-Ni(OH)2 Prepared by an Ultrasonic Precipitation
Method X. Xia, L. L. Shen, Z. P. Guo, H. K. Liu,
and G. Walter [Abstract]
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pp.47-53 Voltage Tunable
Electroluminescence of CdTe Nanoparticle Light Emitting
Diodes Wei Chen, Dennis Grouquist, and Joel
Roark [Abstract]
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Article] pp.55-59 Replication Molds
Having Nanometer-scale Shape Control Fabricated by Means of
Oxidation and Etching G. M. Kim, A. Kovalgin, J.
Holleman, and J. Brugger [Abstract]
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Article] pp.61-65 Nanoparticles of
Latexes From Commercial Polystyrene X. J. Xu, P.
Y. Chow, and L. M. Gan [Abstract]
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Article] pp.67-71 Synthesis and
Characterization of Lanthanum Carbide Nanotubes Kalpana
Awasthi, A. K. Singh, and O. N. Srivastava [Abstract]
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Article] pp.73-79 Nanoindentation
Behaviour of Clay/Poly(ethylene oxide) Nanocomposites
B. D. Beake, S. Chen, J. B. Hull, and F. Gao
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Article] pp.81-87 Synthesis and
Characterization of PtSn/Carbon and Pt3Sn/Carbon
Nanocomposites as Methanol Electrooxidation Catalysts
Frank E. Jones III, Stephen B. Milne, Bogdan Gurau,
Eugene S. Smotkin, Stuart R. Stock, and C. M. Lukehart
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Article] pp.89-94 Synthesis of
Mesoporous Silica with Embedded Nickel Nanoparticles for
Catalyst Applications E. R. Leite, N. L. V.
Carrerio, E. Longo, A. Valentini, and L. F. D. Probst
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Article] pp.95-100 Silica-Precipitating
Peptides Isolated from a Combinatorial Phage Display Peptide
Library Rajesh R. Naik, Lawrence Brott, Stephen
J. Clarson, and Morley O. Stone [Abstract]
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Article] pp.101-105 Observation of
Sulfur on the Surface of Giant Aurothiol Nanoclusters
C. Gutierrez-Wing, J. A. Ascencio, W. De la Cruz, L. Cota,
and M. Jose Yacaman [Abstract]
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Article] pp.107-111 Synthesis of
Nanoparticles of Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Oxide by a Modified
Combustion Process Asha M. John, R. Jose, R.
Divakar, and J. Koshy [Abstract]
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Article] |
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